public IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO AddRichiestaRIS(IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO data) { Stopwatch tw = new Stopwatch(); tw.Start(); log.Info(string.Format("Starting ...")); IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO toReturn = null; try { data.presidid = null; IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO data_ = RichiestaRISMapper.RichMapper(data); log.Info(string.Format("{0} {1} mapped to {2}", LibString.ItemsNumber(data_), LibString.TypeName(data), LibString.TypeName(data_))); IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO stored = dal.NewRichiesta(data_); log.Info(string.Format("{0} {1} items added and got back!", LibString.ItemsNumber(stored), LibString.TypeName(stored))); toReturn = RichiestaRISMapper.RichMapper(stored); log.Info(string.Format("{0} {1} mapped to {2}", LibString.ItemsNumber(toReturn), LibString.TypeName(stored), LibString.TypeName(toReturn))); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = "An Error occured! Exception detected!"; log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg + "\n" + ex.Message); } tw.Stop(); log.Info(string.Format("Completed! Elapsed time {0}", LibString.TimeSpanToTimeHmsms(tw.Elapsed))); return(toReturn); }
public IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO GetRichiestaRISById(string richidid) { Stopwatch tw = new Stopwatch(); tw.Start(); IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO rich = null; try { IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO dalRes = this.dal.GetRichiestaById(richidid); rich = RichiestaRISMapper.RichMapper(dalRes); log.Info(string.Format("1 VO mapped to {0}", rich.GetType().ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = "An Error occured! Exception detected!"; log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg + "\n" + ex.Message); } tw.Stop(); log.Info(string.Format("Completed! Elapsed time {0}", LibString.TimeSpanToTimeHmsms(tw.Elapsed))); return(rich); }
public IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO GetRichiestaById(string richidid) { Stopwatch tw = new Stopwatch(); tw.Start(); IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO rich = null; try { hlt_ricradiologica rich_ = hltCC.hlt_ricradiologica.Single(t => t.objectid == richidid); log.Info(string.Format("Entity Framework Query Executed! Retrieved 1 record!")); rich = RichiestaRISMapper.RichMapper(rich_); log.Info(string.Format("Record mapped to {0}", rich.GetType().ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Info(string.Format("Entity Framework Query Executed! Retrieved 0 record!")); string msg = "An Error occured! Exception detected!"; log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg + "\n" + ex.Message); } tw.Stop(); log.Info(string.Format("Completed! Elapsed time {0}", LibString.TimeSpanToTimeHmsms(tw.Elapsed))); return(rich); }
public IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO GetRichiestaRISById(string richidid) { Stopwatch tw = new Stopwatch(); tw.Start(); log.Info(string.Format("Starting ...")); IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO rich = null; try { IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO rich_ = this.dal.GetRichiestaById(richidid); rich = RichiestaRISMapper.RichMapper(rich_); log.Info(string.Format("{0} {1} mapped to {2}", LibString.ItemsNumber(rich), LibString.TypeName(rich_), LibString.TypeName(rich))); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = "An Error occured! Exception detected!"; log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg + "\n" + ex.Message); } tw.Stop(); log.Info(string.Format("Completed! Elapsed time {0}", LibString.TimeSpanToTimeHmsms(tw.Elapsed))); return(rich); }
public static IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO RichMapper(DataRow row) { IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO esam = new IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO(); = row["data"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["data"].ToString() : null; esam.data_creazione = row["data_creazione"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["data_creazione"].ToString() : null; esam.data_modifica = row["data_modifica"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["data_modifica"].ToString() : null; esam.dimprotetta = row["dimprotetta"] != DBNull.Value ? (bool)row["dimprotetta"] : false; esam.esami = row["esami"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["esami"] : null; esam.idepisodio = row["idepisodio"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["idepisodio"] : null; = row["locker"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["locker"] : null; esam.motivo = row["motivo"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["motivo"] : null; esam.nomeesami = row["nomeesami"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["nomeesami"] : null; esam.nomeutente_creazione = row["nomeutente_creazione"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["nomeutente_creazione"] : null; esam.nomeutente_modifica = row["nomeutente_modifica"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["nomeutente_modifica"] : null; esam.objectid = row["objectid"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["objectid"] : null; esam.ora = row["ora"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["ora"] : null; esam.pdfcreato = row["pdfcreato"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["pdfcreato"] : null; esam.quesitoclinico = row["quesitoclinico"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["quesitoclinico"] : null; esam.seriale = row["seriale"] != DBNull.Value ? (long)row["seriale"] : 0; esam.statopaziente = row["statopaziente"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["statopaziente"] : null; esam.urgente = row["urgente"] != DBNull.Value ? (bool)row["urgente"] : false; esam.versione = row["versione"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["versione"] : null; return(esam);; }
public IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO GetRichiestaById(string presidid) { Stopwatch tw = new Stopwatch(); tw.Start(); log.Info(string.Format("Starting ...")); IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO rich = null; try { string connectionString = this.GRConnectionString; string table = this.RichiestaRISTabName; Dictionary <string, DBSQL.QueryCondition> conditions = new Dictionary <string, DBSQL.QueryCondition>() { { "id", new DBSQL.QueryCondition() { Key = "presidid", Op = DBSQL.Op.Equal, Value = presidid, Conj = DBSQL.Conj.None } } }; DataTable data = DBSQL.SelectOperation(connectionString, table, conditions); log.Info(string.Format("DBSQL Query Executed! Retrieved {0} record!", LibString.ItemsNumber(data))); if (data != null) { if (data.Rows.Count == 1) { rich = RichiestaRISMapper.RichMapper(data.Rows[0]); log.Info(string.Format("{0} Records mapped to {1}", LibString.ItemsNumber(rich), LibString.TypeName(rich))); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Info(string.Format("DBSQL Query Executed! Retrieved 0 record!")); string msg = "An Error occured! Exception detected!"; log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg + "\n" + ex.Message); } tw.Stop(); log.Info(string.Format("Completed! Elapsed time {0}", LibString.TimeSpanToTimeHmsms(tw.Elapsed))); return(rich); }
public IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO NewRichiesta(IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO data) { IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO result = null; Stopwatch tw = new Stopwatch(); tw.Start(); log.Info(string.Format("Starting ...")); string table = this.RichiestaRISTabName; try { string connectionString = this.GRConnectionString; List <string> pk = new List <string>() { "PRESIDID" }; List <string> autoincrement = new List <string>() { "pReSIdiD" }; // INSERT NUOVA DataTable res = DBSQL.InsertBackOperation(connectionString, table, data, pk, autoincrement); if (res != null) { if (res.Rows.Count > 0) { result = RichiestaRISMapper.RichMapper(res.Rows[0]); log.Info(string.Format("Inserted new record with ID: {0}!", result.presidid)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = "An Error occured! Exception detected!"; log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg + "\n" + ex.Message); } tw.Stop(); log.Info(string.Format("Completed! Elapsed time {0}", LibString.TimeSpanToTimeHmsms(tw.Elapsed))); return(result); }
public static IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO RichMapper(IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO raw) { IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO rich = null; try { Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO, IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO>()); Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); rich = Mapper.Map <IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO>(raw); } catch (AutoMapperConfigurationException ex) { log.Error(string.Format("AutoMapper Configuration Error!\n{0}", ex.Message)); } catch (AutoMapperMappingException ex) { log.Error(string.Format("AutoMapper Mapping Error!\n{0}", ex.Message)); } return(rich); }
public static IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO RichMapper(hlt_ricradiologica data) { IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO rich = null; try { Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <hlt_ricradiologica, IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO>()); Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); rich = Mapper.Map <IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO>(data); } catch (AutoMapperConfigurationException ex) { log.Error(string.Format("AutoMapper Configuration Error!\n{0}", ex.Message)); } catch (AutoMapperMappingException ex) { log.Error(string.Format("AutoMapper Mapping Error!\n{0}", ex.Message)); } return(rich); }
public int UpdateRichiestaByPk(IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO data, string richidid) { Stopwatch tw = new Stopwatch(); tw.Start(); int result = 0; try { hlt_ricradiologica rich = hltCC.hlt_ricradiologica.First(t => t.objectid == richidid); hlt_ricradiologica data_ = RichiestaRISMapper.RichMapper(data); foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop in data_.GetType().GetProperties()) { if (rich.GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name) != null) { object val = prop.GetValue(data_, null); rich.GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name).SetValue(rich, Convert.ChangeType(val, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(prop.PropertyType) ?? prop.PropertyType), null); } } result = hltCC.SaveChanges(); log.Info(string.Format("Query Executed! Updated {0} record!", result)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Info(string.Format("Query Executed! Updated 0 record!")); string msg = "An Error occured! Exception detected!"; log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg + "\n" + ex.Message); } tw.Stop(); log.Info(string.Format("Completed! Elapsed time {0}", LibString.TimeSpanToTimeHmsms(tw.Elapsed))); return(result); }
public static IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO RichMapper(DataRow row) { IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO rich = new IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO(); rich.presidid = row["presidid"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["presidid"] : (int?)null; rich.preseven = row["preseven"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["preseven"] : (int?)null; rich.presques = row["presques"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["presques"] : null; rich.prescons = row["prescons"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["prescons"] : null; rich.presstat = row["presstat"] != DBNull.Value ? (short)row["presstat"] : (short?)null; rich.prestipo = row["prestipo"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["prestipo"] : (int?)null; rich.presurge = row["presurge"] != DBNull.Value ? (bool)row["presurge"] : (bool?)null; rich.prespren = row["prespren"] != DBNull.Value ? (DateTime)row["prespren"] : (DateTime?)null; rich.presrico = row["presrico"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["presrico"] : (int?)null; rich.presesec = row["presesec"] != DBNull.Value ? (DateTime)row["presesec"] : (DateTime?)null; rich.presflcc = row["presflcc"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["presflcc"] : (int?)null; rich.presconf = row["presconf"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["presconf"] : (int?)null; rich.presdmod = row["presdmod"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["presdmod"] : null; rich.presnote = row["presnote"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["presnote"] : null; rich.presdtri = row["presdtri"] != DBNull.Value ? (DateTime)row["presdtri"] : (DateTime?)null; rich.presdtco = row["presdtco"] != DBNull.Value ? (DateTime)row["presdtco"] : (DateTime?)null; rich.prespers = row["prespers"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["prespers"] : null; rich.preserog = row["preserog"] != DBNull.Value ? (short)row["preserog"] : (short?)null; rich.prespren2 = row["prespren2"] != DBNull.Value ? (DateTime)row["prespren2"] : (DateTime?)null; rich.presdimi = row["presdimi"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["presdimi"] : (int?)null; rich.presecocardio = row["presecocardio"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["presecocardio"] : (int?)null; rich.presvisicardio = row["presvisicardio"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["presvisicardio"] : (int?)null; rich.presappu = row["presappu"] != DBNull.Value ? (long)row["presappu"] : (long?)null; rich.presannu = row["presannu"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["presannu"] : (int?)null; rich.hl7_stato = row["hl7_stato"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["hl7_stato"] : null; rich.hl7_msg = row["hl7_msg"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["hl7_msg"] : null; rich.prespadre = row["prespadre"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["prespadre"] : (int?)null; rich.presconscardio = row["presconscardio"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["presconscardio"] : (int?)null; rich.prespagatipo = row["prespagatipo"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["prespagatipo"] : (int?)null; rich.prespagastat = row["prespagastat"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["prespagastat"] : (int?)null; rich.prespagadata = row["prespagadata"] != DBNull.Value ? (DateTime)row["prespagadata"] : (DateTime?)null; rich.prespagauser = row["prespagauser"] != DBNull.Value ? (int)row["prespagauser"] : (int?)null; rich.prescdc = row["prescdc"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["prescdc"] : null; return(rich); }
public IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO UpdateRichiestaRIS(IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO data) { Stopwatch tw = new Stopwatch(); tw.Start(); log.Info(string.Format("Starting ...")); int stored = 0; IBLL.DTO.RichiestaRISDTO toReturn = null; string id = data.presidid.ToString(); try { if (id == null || GetRichiestaRISById(id) == null) { string msg = string.Format("No record found with the id {0}! Updating is impossible!", id); log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg); return(null); } IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO data_ = RichiestaRISMapper.RichMapper(data); log.Info(string.Format("{0} {1} mapped to {2}", LibString.ItemsNumber(data_), LibString.TypeName(data), LibString.TypeName(data_))); stored = dal.SetRichiesta(data_); toReturn = GetRichiestaRISById(id); log.Info(string.Format("{0} {1} items added and {2} {3} retrieved back!", stored, LibString.TypeName(data_), LibString.ItemsNumber(toReturn), LibString.TypeName(toReturn))); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = "An Error occured! Exception detected!"; log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg + "\n" + ex.Message); } tw.Stop(); log.Info(string.Format("Completed! Elapsed time {0}", LibString.TimeSpanToTimeHmsms(tw.Elapsed))); return(toReturn); }
public int SetRichiesta(IDAL.VO.RichiestaRISVO data) { int result = 0; Stopwatch tw = new Stopwatch(); tw.Start(); log.Info(string.Format("Starting ...")); string table = this.RichiestaRISTabName; try { string connectionString = this.GRConnectionString; string presidid = data.presidid.HasValue ? data.presidid.Value.ToString() : null; List <string> autoincrement = new List <string>() { "presidid" }; if (presidid == null) { // INSERT NUOVA result = DBSQL.InsertOperation(connectionString, table, data, autoincrement); log.Info(string.Format("Inserted {0} new records!", result)); } else { // UPDATE Dictionary <string, DBSQL.QueryCondition> conditions = new Dictionary <string, DBSQL.QueryCondition>() { { "id", new DBSQL.QueryCondition() { Key = "presidid", Value = presidid, Op = DBSQL.Op.Equal, Conj = DBSQL.Conj.None, } }, }; result = DBSQL.UpdateOperation(connectionString, table, data, conditions, new List <string>() { "esamidid" }); log.Info(string.Format("Updated {0} records!", result)); } } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = "An Error occured! Exception detected!"; log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg + "\n" + ex.Message); } tw.Stop(); log.Info(string.Format("Completed! Elapsed time {0}", LibString.TimeSpanToTimeHmsms(tw.Elapsed))); return(result); }