예제 #1
        public AbstractAriesServer(AbstractAriesServerConfig config, IKernel kernel)
            _Sessions      = new Sessions(this);
            this.Kernel    = kernel;
            this.DAFactory = Kernel.Get <IDAFactory>();
            this.Config    = config;

            if (config.Public_Host == null || config.Internal_Host == null ||
                config.Call_Sign == null || config.Binding == null)
                throw new Exception("Server configuration missing required fields");

            Kernel.Bind <IAriesPacketRouter>().ToConstant(_Router);
            Kernel.Bind <ISessions>().ToConstant(this._Sessions);
예제 #2
        public LotContainer(IDAFactory da, LotContext context, ILotHost host, IKernel kernel, LotServerConfiguration config, IRealestateDomain realestate)
            VM.UseWorld = false;
            DAFactory   = da;
            Host        = host;
            Context     = context;
            Kernel      = kernel;
            Config      = config;

            JobLot = (context.Id & 0x40000000) > 0;
            if (JobLot)
                var jobPacked = Context.DbId - 0x200;
                var jobLevel  = (short)((jobPacked - 1) & 0xF);
                var jobType   = (short)((jobPacked - 1) / 0xF);
                LotPersist = new DbLot
                    lot_id     = Context.DbId,
                    location   = Context.Id,
                    category   = LotCategory.money,
                    name       = "{job:" + jobType + ":" + jobLevel + "}",
                    admit_mode = 4
                LotAdj       = new List <DbLot>();
                LotRoommates = new List <DbRoommate>();
                Terrain      = new VMTSOSurroundingTerrain();

                for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                        Terrain.Roads[x, y] = 0xF; //crossroads everywhere
                using (var db = DAFactory.Get())
                    LotPersist   = db.Lots.Get(context.DbId);
                    LotAdj       = db.Lots.GetAdjToLocation(context.ShardId, LotPersist.location);
                    LotRoommates = db.Roommates.GetLotRoommates(context.DbId);
                Realestate = realestate.GetByShard(LotPersist.shard_id);
예제 #3
파일: CityServer.cs 프로젝트: fourks/FreeSO
        protected override void Bootstrap()
            var shards = Kernel.Get <IShardsDomain>();
            var shard  = shards.GetById(Config.ID);

            if (shard == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to find a shard with id " + Config.ID + ", check it exists in the database");

            LOG.Info("City identified as " + shard.Name);

            var context = new CityServerContext();

            context.ShardId = shard.Id;
            context.Config  = Config;
            Kernel.Bind <CityServerContext>().ToConstant(context);
            Kernel.Bind <int>().ToConstant(shard.Id).Named("ShardId");
            Kernel.Bind <CityServerConfiguration>().ToConstant(Config);
            Kernel.Bind <LotServerPicker>().To <LotServerPicker>().InSingletonScope();
            Kernel.Bind <LotAllocations>().To <LotAllocations>().InSingletonScope();

            IDAFactory da = Kernel.Get <IDAFactory>();

            using (var db = da.Get()){
                var version = ServerVersion.Get();
                db.Shards.UpdateVersion(shard.Id, version.Name, version.Number);

                var oldClaims = db.LotClaims.GetAllByOwner(context.Config.Call_Sign).ToList();
                if (oldClaims.Count > 0)
                    LOG.Warn("Detected " + oldClaims.Count + " previously allocated lot claims, perhaps the server did not shut down cleanly. Lot consistency may be affected.");

                var oldAvatarClaims = db.AvatarClaims.GetAllByOwner(context.Config.Call_Sign).ToList();
                if (oldAvatarClaims.Count > 0)
                    LOG.Warn("Detected " + oldAvatarClaims.Count + " avatar claims, perhaps the server did not shut down cleanly. Avatar consistency may be affected.");

예제 #4
        public AdminHostsController(IDAFactory daFactory, JWTFactory jwt, IGluonHostPool hostPool) : base("/admin")
            JWTTokenAuthentication.Enable(this, jwt);

            this.Get["/hosts"] = _ =>
                var hosts = hostPool.GetAll();

                return(Response.AsJson(hosts.Select(x => new {
                    role = x.Role,
                    call_sign = x.CallSign,
                    internal_host = x.InternalHost,
                    public_host = x.PublicHost,
                    connected = x.Connected,
                    time_boot = x.BootTime
        public AdminShardOpController(IDAFactory daFactory, JWTFactory jwt, ApiServer server) : base("/admin/shards")
            JWTTokenAuthentication.Enable(this, jwt);

            DAFactory = daFactory;
            Server    = server;

            After.AddItemToEndOfPipeline(x =>
                x.Response.WithHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

            Post["/shutdown"] = _ =>
                var shutdown = this.Bind <ShutdownModel>();

                var type = ShutdownType.SHUTDOWN;
                if (shutdown.update)
                    type = ShutdownType.UPDATE;
                else if (shutdown.restart)
                    type = ShutdownType.RESTART;

                //JWTUserIdentity user = (JWTUserIdentity)this.Context.CurrentUser;
                Server.RequestShutdown((uint)shutdown.timeout, type);


            Post["/announce"] = _ =>
                var announce = this.Bind <AnnouncementModel>();

                Server.BroadcastMessage(announce.sender, announce.subject, announce.message);

예제 #6
        public ServerLotProvider([Named("ShardId")] int shardId, IRealestateDomain realestate, IDAFactory daFactory, IServerNFSProvider nfs)
            OnMissingLazyLoad    = true;
            OnLazyLoadCacheValue = false;

            ShardId          = shardId;
            GlobalRealestate = realestate;
            Realestate       = realestate.GetByShard(shardId);
            DAFactory        = daFactory;
            NFS = nfs;
            CityRepresentation = new City()
                City_NeighborhoodsVec          = ImmutableList.Create <uint>(),
                City_OnlineLotVector           = ImmutableList.Create <bool>(),
                City_ReservedLotVector         = ImmutableList.Create <bool>(),
                City_ReservedLotInfo           = ImmutableDictionary.Create <uint, bool>(),
                City_SpotlightsVector          = ImmutableList.Create <uint>(),
                City_Top100ListIDs             = ImmutableList.Create <uint>(),
                City_TopTenNeighborhoodsVector = ImmutableList.Create <uint>()
예제 #7
        public void Init(NameValueCollection appSettings)
            Config = new ApiConfig();
            Config.Maintainance       = bool.Parse(appSettings["maintainance"]);
            Config.AuthTicketDuration = int.Parse(appSettings["authTicketDuration"]);
            Config.Regkey             = appSettings["regkey"];
            Config.Secret             = appSettings["secret"];
            Config.UpdateUrl          = appSettings["updateUrl"];
            Config.CDNUrl             = appSettings["cdnUrl"];
            Config.NFSdir             = appSettings["nfsdir"];
            Config.UseProxy           = bool.Parse(appSettings["useProxy"]);
            Config.UpdateID           = (appSettings["updateID"] == "") ? (int?)null : int.Parse(appSettings["updateID"]);
            Config.BranchName         = appSettings["branchName"] ?? "beta";

            // new smtp config vars
            if (appSettings["smtpHost"] != null &&
                appSettings["smtpUser"] != null &&
                appSettings["smtpPassword"] != null &&
                appSettings["smtpPort"] != null)
                Config.SmtpEnabled  = true;
                Config.SmtpHost     = appSettings["smtpHost"];
                Config.SmtpUser     = appSettings["smtpUser"];
                Config.SmtpPassword = appSettings["smtpPassword"];
                Config.SmtpPort     = int.Parse(appSettings["smtpPort"]);

            JWT = new JWTFactory(new JWTConfiguration()
                Key = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Config.Secret)

            DAFactory = new MySqlDAFactory(new Database.DatabaseConfiguration()
                ConnectionString = appSettings["connectionString"]

            Shards = new Shards(DAFactory);
예제 #8
        public RegistrationHandler(CityServerContext context, IDAFactory daFactory, GameContent content)
            Context   = context;
            DAFactory = daFactory;
            Content   = content;

            .Select(x => content.AvatarPurchasables.Get(x.PurchasableOutfitId)).ToList()
            .ForEach(x => ValidFemaleOutfits.Add((uint)(x.OutfitID >> 32), x));

            .Select(x => content.AvatarPurchasables.Get(x.PurchasableOutfitId)).ToList()
            .ForEach(x => ValidFemaleOutfits.Add((uint)(x.OutfitID >> 32), x));

            .Select(x => content.AvatarPurchasables.Get(x.PurchasableOutfitId)).ToList()
            .ForEach(x => ValidMaleOutfits.Add((uint)(x.OutfitID >> 32), x));

            .Select(x => content.AvatarPurchasables.Get(x.PurchasableOutfitId)).ToList()
            .ForEach(x => ValidMaleOutfits.Add((uint)(x.OutfitID >> 32), x));
예제 #9
파일: Api.cs 프로젝트: fourks/FreeSO
        public void Init(NameValueCollection appSettings)
            Config = new ApiConfig();
            Config.Maintainance       = bool.Parse(appSettings["maintainance"]);
            Config.AuthTicketDuration = int.Parse(appSettings["authTicketDuration"]);
            Config.Regkey             = appSettings["regkey"];
            Config.Secret             = appSettings["secret"];
            Config.UpdateUrl          = appSettings["updateUrl"];
            Config.NFSdir             = appSettings["nfsdir"];

            JWT = new JWTFactory(new JWTConfiguration()
                Key = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Config.Secret)

            DAFactory = new MySqlDAFactory(new Database.DatabaseConfiguration()
                ConnectionString = appSettings["connectionString"]

            Shards = new Shards(DAFactory);
예제 #10
 public Shards(IDAFactory factory)
     _DbFactory = factory;
예제 #11
 public VoltronConnectionLifecycleHandler(LotHost lots, IDAFactory da)
     Lots      = lots;
     DAFactory = da;
예제 #12
        public AdminUsersController(IDAFactory daFactory, JWTFactory jwt) : base("/admin")
            JWTTokenAuthentication.Enable(this, jwt);

            this.DAFactory = daFactory;

            this.After.AddItemToEndOfPipeline(x =>
                x.Response.WithHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

            //Get information about me, useful for the admin user interface to disable UI based on who you login as
            this.Get["/users/current"] = _ =>
                JWTUserIdentity user = (JWTUserIdentity)this.Context.CurrentUser;

                using (var da = daFactory.Get())
                    var userModel = da.Users.GetById(user.UserID);
                    if (userModel == null)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to find user");
                    return(Response.AsJson <User>(userModel));

            //Get the attributes of a specific user
            this.Get["/users/{id}"] = parameters =>

                using (var da = daFactory.Get())
                    var userModel = da.Users.GetById((uint)parameters.id);
                    if (userModel == null)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to find user");
                    return(Response.AsJson <User>(userModel));

            //List users
            this.Get["/users"] = _ =>
                using (var da = daFactory.Get())
                    var offset = this.Request.Query["offset"];
                    var limit  = this.Request.Query["limit"];

                    if (offset == null)
                        offset = 0;
                    if (limit == null)
                        limit = 20;

                    if (limit > 100)
                        limit = 100;

                    var result = da.Users.All((int)offset, (int)limit);
                    return(Response.AsPagedList <User>(result));

            //Create a new user
            this.Post["/users"] = x =>
                var user = this.Bind <UserCreateModel>();

                if (user.is_admin)
                    //I need admin claim to do this

                using (var da = daFactory.Get())
                    var userModel = new User();
                    userModel.username      = user.username;
                    userModel.email         = user.email;
                    userModel.is_admin      = user.is_admin;
                    userModel.is_moderator  = user.is_moderator;
                    userModel.user_state    = UserState.valid;
                    userModel.register_date = Epoch.Now;
                    userModel.is_banned     = false;

                    var userId = da.Users.Create(userModel);

                    userModel = da.Users.GetById(userId);
                    if (userModel == null)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to find user");
                    return(Response.AsJson <User>(userModel));

예제 #13
        public AdminOAuthController(IDAFactory daFactory, JWTFactory jwt) : base("/admin/oauth")
            Post["/token"] = _ =>
                var grant_type = Request.Form["grant_type"];

                if (grant_type == "password")
                    var username = Request.Form["username"];
                    var password = Request.Form["password"];

                    using (var da = daFactory.Get)
                        var user = da.Users.GetByUsername(username);
                        if (user == null || user.is_banned || !(user.is_admin || user.is_moderator))
                            return(Response.AsJson(new OAuthError
                                error = "unauthorized_client",
                                error_description = "user_credentials_invalid"

                        var authSettings      = da.Users.GetAuthenticationSettings(user.user_id);
                        var isPasswordCorrect = PasswordHasher.Verify(password, new PasswordHash
                            data   = authSettings.data,
                            scheme = authSettings.scheme_class

                        if (!isPasswordCorrect)
                            return(Response.AsJson(new OAuthError
                                error = "unauthorized_client",
                                error_description = "user_credentials_invalid"

                        var identity = new JWTUserIdentity
                            UserName = user.username
                        var claims = new List <string>();
                        if (user.is_admin || user.is_moderator)
                        if (user.is_admin)

                        identity.Claims = claims;
                        identity.UserID = user.user_id;

                        var token = jwt.CreateToken(identity);
                        return(Response.AsJson(new OAuthSuccess
                            access_token = token.Token,
                            expires_in = token.ExpiresIn

                return(Response.AsJson(new OAuthError
                    error = "invalid_request",
                    error_description = "unknown grant_type"
예제 #14
 public PurchaseLotHandler(CityServerContext context, IRealestateDomain realestate, IDAFactory da, IDataService dataService)
     Context          = context;
     GlobalRealestate = realestate;
     Realestate       = realestate.GetByShard(context.ShardId);
     DA          = da;
     DataService = dataService;
 public VoltronConnectionLifecycleHandler(ISessions sessions, IDataService dataService, IDAFactory da, CityServerContext context, LotServerPicker lotServers, CityLivenessEngine engine,
                                          EventSystem events, Neighborhoods neigh)
     this.VoltronSessions = sessions.GetOrCreateGroup(Groups.VOLTRON);
     this.Sessions        = sessions;
     this.DataService     = dataService;
     this.DAFactory       = da;
     this.Context         = context;
     this.LotServers      = lotServers;
     this.Liveness        = engine;
     this.Events          = events;
     this.Neigh           = neigh;
예제 #16
 public ServerAvatarProvider([Named("ShardId")] int shardId, IDAFactory factory)
     ShardId   = shardId;
     DAFactory = factory;
예제 #17
        public AuthController(IDAFactory daFactory, ApiServerConfiguration config)
            this.DAFactory         = daFactory;
            Config                 = config;
            this.Get["/AuthLogin"] = _ =>
                var username = this.Request.Query["username"];
                var password = this.Request.Query["password"];
                var version  = this.Request.Query["version"];
                var clientid = (string)this.Request.Query["clientid"];

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                    return(Response.AsText(printError(ERROR_020_CODE, ERROR_020_MSG)));

                AuthTicket ticket = null;

                using (var db = DAFactory.Get())
                    var user = db.Users.GetByUsername(username);
                    if (user == null || user.is_banned)
                        return(Response.AsText(printError(ERROR_110_CODE, ERROR_110_MSG)));

                    if (config.Maintainance && !(user.is_admin || user.is_moderator))
                        return(Response.AsText(printError(ERROR_160_CODE, ERROR_160_MSG)));

                    var authSettings      = db.Users.GetAuthenticationSettings(user.user_id);
                    var isPasswordCorrect = PasswordHasher.Verify(password, new PasswordHash
                        data   = authSettings.data,
                        scheme = authSettings.scheme_class

                    if (!isPasswordCorrect)
                        return(Response.AsText(printError(ERROR_110_CODE, ERROR_110_MSG)));

                    var tryIP = Request.Headers["X-Forwarded-For"].FirstOrDefault();
                    if (tryIP != null)
                        tryIP = tryIP.Substring(tryIP.LastIndexOf(',') + 1).Trim();
                    var ip = tryIP ?? this.Request.UserHostAddress;

                    var ban = db.Bans.GetByIP(ip);
                    if (ban != null)
                        return(Response.AsText(printError(ERROR_110_CODE, ERROR_110_MSG)));

                    db.Users.UpdateClientID(user.user_id, clientid ?? "0");

                    /** Make a ticket **/
                    ticket           = new AuthTicket();
                    ticket.ticket_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
                    ticket.user_id   = user.user_id;
                    ticket.date      = Epoch.Now;
                    ticket.ip        = ip;


                return(Response.AsText("Valid=TRUE\r\nTicket=" + ticket.ticket_id.ToString() + "\r\n"));
예제 #18
 public BirthdayGiftTask(IDAFactory DAFactory, TaskTuning tuning, IGluonHostPool hostPool)
     this.DAFactory = DAFactory;
     this.Tuning    = tuning;
     this.HostPool  = hostPool;
예제 #19
 public PruneDatabaseTask(IDAFactory DAFactory)
     this.DAFactory = DAFactory;
예제 #20
 public ServerTop100Domain(IDAFactory DAFactory, CityServerContext context, MemoryCache cache)
     Cache          = cache;
     this.DAFactory = DAFactory;
     this.Context   = context;
        public RegistrationController(IDAFactory daFactory, JWTFactory jwt, ApiServerConfiguration config) : base("/userapi/registration")
            JWTTokenAuthentication.Enable(this, jwt);

            DAFactory = daFactory;

            After.AddItemToEndOfPipeline(x =>
                x.Response.WithHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

            //Create a new user
            Post["/"] = x =>
                var user  = this.Bind <RegistrationModel>();
                var tryIP = Request.Headers["X-Forwarded-For"].FirstOrDefault();
                if (tryIP != null)
                    tryIP = tryIP.Substring(tryIP.LastIndexOf(',') + 1).Trim();
                var ip = tryIP ?? Request.UserHostAddress;

                user.username = user.username ?? "";
                user.username = user.username.ToLowerInvariant();
                user.email    = user.email ?? "";
                user.key      = user.key ?? "";
                string failReason = null;
                if (user.username.Length < 3)
                    failReason = "user_short";
                else if (user.username.Length > 24)
                    failReason = "user_long";
                else if (!USERNAME_VALIDATION.IsMatch(user.username ?? ""))
                    failReason = "user_invalid";
                else if ((user.password?.Length ?? 0) == 0)
                    failReason = "pass_required";

                if (failReason != null)
                    return(Response.AsJson(new RegistrationError()
                        error = "bad_request",
                        error_description = failReason

                bool isAdmin = false;
                if (config.Regkey != null && config.Regkey != user.key)
                    return(Response.AsJson(new RegistrationError()
                        error = "key_wrong",
                        error_description = failReason

                var passhash = PasswordHasher.Hash(user.password);

                using (var da = daFactory.Get)
                    //has this ip been banned?
                    var ban = da.Bans.GetByIP(ip);
                    if (ban != null)
                        return(Response.AsJson(new RegistrationError()
                            error = "registration_failed",
                            error_description = "ip_banned"

                    //has this user registered a new account too soon after their last?
                    var now  = Epoch.Now;
                    var prev = da.Users.GetByRegisterIP(ip);
                    if (now - (prev.FirstOrDefault()?.register_date ?? 0) < REGISTER_THROTTLE_SECS)
                        //cannot create a new account this soon.
                        return(Response.AsJson(new RegistrationError()
                            error = "registration_failed",
                            error_description = "registrations_too_frequent"

                    //TODO: is this ip banned?

                    var userModel = new User
                        username      = user.username,
                        email         = user.email,
                        is_admin      = isAdmin,
                        is_moderator  = isAdmin,
                        user_state    = UserState.valid,
                        register_date = now,
                        is_banned     = false,
                        register_ip   = ip,
                        last_ip       = ip

                    var authSettings = new UserAuthenticate
                        scheme_class = passhash.scheme,
                        data         = passhash.data

                        var userId = da.Users.Create(userModel);
                        authSettings.user_id = userId;

                        userModel = da.Users.GetById(userId);
                        if (userModel == null)
                            throw new Exception("Unable to find user");
                    } catch (Exception)
                        return(Response.AsJson(new RegistrationError()
                            error = "registration_failed",
                            error_description = "user_exists"
        public ServerNeighborhoodProvider([Named("ShardId")] int shardId, IRealestateDomain realestate, IDAFactory daFactory, IServerNFSProvider nfs)
            OnMissingLazyLoad    = true;
            OnLazyLoadCacheValue = false;

            ShardId          = shardId;
            GlobalRealestate = realestate;
            Realestate       = realestate.GetByShard(shardId);
            DAFactory        = daFactory;
            NFS = nfs;
예제 #23
 public BonusTask(IDAFactory DAFactory, TaskTuning tuning)
     this.DAFactory = DAFactory;
     this.Tuning    = tuning;
예제 #24
 public ServerMayorRatingProvider([Named("ShardId")] int shardId, IDAFactory factory)
     this.ShardId   = shardId;
     this.DAFactory = factory;
예제 #25
 public LotAllocation(IDAFactory da, CityServerContext context)
     Context   = context;
     DAFactory = da;
예제 #26
 public ToolInitDatabase(DatabaseInitOptions options, IDAFactory factory)
     this.DAFactory = factory;
예제 #27
 public VoltronConnectionLifecycleHandler(ISessions sessions, IDataService dataService, IDAFactory da, CityServerContext context, LotServerPicker lotServers, CityLivenessEngine engine,
                                          EventSystem events)
     VoltronSessions = sessions.GetOrCreateGroup(Groups.VOLTRON);
     Sessions        = sessions;
     DataService     = dataService;
     DAFactory       = da;
     Context         = context;
     LotServers      = lotServers;
     Liveness        = engine;
     Events          = events;
예제 #28
 public MailHandler(ISessions sessions, IDataService dataService, IDAFactory da)
     this.Sessions    = sessions;
     this.DataService = dataService;
     this.DA          = da;
예제 #29
 public VoltronConnectionLifecycleHandler(ISessions sessions, IDataService dataService, IDAFactory da, CityServerContext context, LotServerPicker lotServers)
     this.VoltronSessions = sessions.GetOrCreateGroup(Groups.VOLTRON);
     this.DataService     = dataService;
     this.DAFactory       = da;
     this.Context         = context;
     this.LotServers      = lotServers;
예제 #30
 public LotServerClosedownHandler(LotAllocations lots, IDAFactory daFactory)
     this.Lots      = lots;
     this.DAFactory = daFactory;