예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Turns the argument into its formatted representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// This method turns the argument into its formatted representation.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Method <see cref="ICustomFormatter.Format(String, Object, IFormatProvider)"/>
        /// is called if the argument is derived from <see cref="ICustomFormatter"/>.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Method <see cref="IFormattable.ToString(String, IFormatProvider)"/> is called
        /// if the argument is derived from <see cref="IFormattable"/>.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Method <see cref="Object.ToString()"/> is called in any other case..
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="token">
        /// The token to be processed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="options">
        /// The options to be used.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="argument">
        /// The argument to be formatted.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The argument in its formatted representation.
        /// </returns>
        private static String ToFormattedValue(this BaseToken token, Options options, Object argument)
            if (token.Format.Length < 1)

            ICustomFormatter custom = null;

            if (options.Provider != null)
                custom = options.Provider.GetFormat(typeof(ICustomFormatter)) as ICustomFormatter;

            if (custom != null)
                return(custom.Format(token.Format, argument, options.Provider));
            else if (argument is IFormattable helper)
                return(helper.ToString(token.Format, options.Provider));
예제 #2
파일: RqlTimeSpan.cs 프로젝트: ximbor/Rql
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            if (formatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter formatter = formatProvider.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;

                if (formatter != null)
                    return(formatter.Format(format, this, formatProvider));

            if (format == null)
                format = "G";

            switch (format)
            case "n":

            case "~":
            case "G":
                return("~" + this.timeSpan.ToString(FormatPattern));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>G prints something like "System.Void Smokey.Foo() instructions".
        /// F prints the instructions.</summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown if the format string is invalid.</exception>
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider)
            if (provider != null)
                ICustomFormatter formatter = provider.GetFormat(GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (formatter != null)
                    return(formatter.Format(format, this, provider));

            string result;

            switch (format)
            case "F":
                result = DoGetFlatString();

            case "":
            case "G":
            case null:
                result = string.Format("{0} Instructions", m_method);

                throw new ArgumentException(format + " isn't a valid TypedInstructionCollection format string");

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// The ToString implementation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">The format specifier to use,
        /// e.g. <b>Console.WriteLine(rule.ToString("n"));</b></param>
        /// <param name="provider">Allow clients to format output for their own types using
        /// [ICustomFormatter](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.icustomformatter.aspx).</param>
        /// <returns>The formatted string.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="FormatException">thrown if an invalid format string is specified.</exception>
        /// \par Format specifiers:
        /// \arg \c G Default when not using a format specifier.
        /// \arg \c N Name - User's AccuRev principal name.
        /// \arg \c H Host - IP address of the host machine.
        /// \arg \c D Duration - Length of time the user has been logged on.
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider)
            if (provider != null)
                ICustomFormatter fmt = provider.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (fmt != null)
                    return(fmt.Format(format, this, provider));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(format))
                format = "G";

            switch (format.ToUpperInvariant())
            case "G":     // default when not using a format specifier
                return($"{Name}, {Host}, {Duration}");

            case "N":     // user's AccuRev principal name

            case "H":     // IP address of the host machine

            case "D":     // length of time user has been logged on

                throw new FormatException($"The {format} format string is not supported.");
예제 #5
파일: Color.cs 프로젝트: ynkbt/moon
        string IFormattable.ToString(string value, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            if (value == null)

            if (formatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter cp = (ICustomFormatter)formatProvider.GetFormat(typeof(ICustomFormatter));
                if (cp != null)
                    return(String.Format("sc#{0}{1} {2}{3} {4}{5} {6}",
                                         cp.Format(value, A, formatProvider), cp.Format(value, ',', formatProvider),
                                         cp.Format(value, R, formatProvider), cp.Format(value, ',', formatProvider),
                                         cp.Format(value, G, formatProvider), cp.Format(value, ',', formatProvider),
                                         cp.Format(value, B, formatProvider)));

            return(String.Format("sc#{0}{1} {2}{3} {4}{5} {6}",
                                 A.ToString(value, formatProvider), ','.ToString(formatProvider),
                                 R.ToString(value, formatProvider), ','.ToString(formatProvider),
                                 G.ToString(value, formatProvider), ','.ToString(formatProvider),
                                 B.ToString(value, formatProvider)));
예제 #6
        string ICustomFormatter.Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            Func <string, object, IFormatProvider, string> formatter = null;

            if (arg != null)
                for (Type type = arg.GetType(); type != null; type = type.BaseType)
                    if (_formatters.TryGetValue(type, out formatter))
            if (formatter != null)
                return(formatter(format, arg, _formatProvider));

            ICustomFormatter customFormatter = _formatProvider != null ? (ICustomFormatter)_formatProvider.GetFormat(typeof(ICustomFormatter)) : null;

            if (customFormatter != null)
                return(customFormatter.Format(format, arg, _formatProvider));

            IFormattable formattable = arg as IFormattable;

            if (formattable != null)
                return(formattable.ToString(format, _formatProvider));

            return(arg != null?arg.ToString() : string.Empty);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// The actual implementation of the \e ToString method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">The format specifier to use, e.g. <b>Console.WriteLine(stream.ToString("lv"));</b></param>
        /// <param name="provider">Allow clients to format output for their own types using [ICustomFormatter](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.icustomformatter.aspx).</param>
        /// <returns>The formatted string.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="FormatException">thrown if an invalid format string is specified.</exception>
        /// \par Format specifiers:
        /// \arg \c G Stream name. Default when not using a format specifier.
        /// \arg \c LV Long version (verbose).
        /// \arg \c I Stream ID number.
        /// \arg \c T [Stream type](@ref AcUtils#StreamType): \e unknown, \e normal, \e dynamic, \e regular, \e workspace, \e snapshot, \e passthru, \e passthrough, \e gated or \e staging.
        /// \arg \c BT Stream's basis time: snapshot stream creation or dynamic stream time basis.
        /// \arg \c C Time the stream was created.
        /// \arg \c BN Basis stream name.
        /// \arg \c BI Basis stream ID number.
        /// \arg \c D Depot name.
        /// \arg \c DY \e True if dynamic, \e False in the case of workspace, snapshot or passthrough.
        /// \arg \c H \e True if stream is hidden, \e False otherwise.
        /// \arg \c DG \e True if stream has a default group, \e False otherwise.
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider)
            if (provider != null)
                ICustomFormatter fmt = provider.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (fmt != null)
                    return(fmt.Format(format, this, provider));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(format))
                format = "G";

            switch (format.ToUpperInvariant())
            case "G":         // stream name; default when not using a format specifier
                return(Name); // general format should be short since it can be called by anything

            case "LV":        // long version (verbose)
                return($"{Name} ({ID}) {{{Type}}} {Time}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                       $"Basis: {BasisName} ({BasisID}){Environment.NewLine}" +
                       $"Depot: {Depot}, Hidden: {Hidden}{(Hidden ? String.Empty : ", HasDefaultGroup: " + HasDefaultGroup)}");

            case "I":     // stream's ID number

            case "T":     // type of stream: unknown, normal, dynamic, regular, workspace, snapshot, passthru, passthrough, gated, staging

            case "BT":     // stream's time basis

            case "C":     // stream's creation time or last time its name, time basis or state (remove, reactivate, reparent) changed

            case "BN":     // basis stream name

            case "BI":     // basis stream ID number

            case "D":     // depot name

            case "DY":     // true if dynamic, false in the case of workspace, snapshot or passthrough

            case "H":     // True if stream is hidden, False otherwise

            case "DG":     // True if stream has a default group, False otherwise

                throw new FormatException($"The {format} format string is not supported.");
예제 #8
        /// <summary>Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format.</summary>
        /// <returns>The value of the current instance in the specified format.</returns>
        /// <param name="format">The format to use.-or- A null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) to use the default format defined for the type of the <see cref="T:System.IFormattable" /> implementation. </param>
        /// <param name="formatProvider">The provider to use to format the value.-or- A null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) to obtain the numeric format information from the current locale setting of the operating system. </param>
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            //Supported formats: C - compact, F - full, I - only id, J - json
            if (format == null)
                format = "G";
            format = format.ToLower();

            ICustomFormatter formatter = formatProvider?.GetFormat(GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;

            if (formatter != null)
                return(formatter.Format(format, this, formatProvider));

            switch (format)
            case "c":

            case "f":

            case "j":

            //case "i":
            //case "g":
예제 #9
        public string Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            if (formatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter fmt = formatProvider.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (fmt != null)
                    return(fmt.Format(format, this, formatProvider));

            Question question = null;

            if (arg is Question)
                question = arg as Question;
                var questions = arg as Question[];
                question = questions.First(e => e.Key == format);

            if (question.Value != null)

            return(string.Format(format, "{0}", arg));
        private static void _GetDefaultOutput(object sender, ExtendFormatEventArgs e)
            CustomFormatInfo info = e.FormatInfo;

            //  Let's see if there are nested items:
            if (info.HasNested)

            //  Let's do the default formatting:
            //  We will try using IFormatProvider, IFormattable, and if all else fails, ToString.
            //  (This code was adapted from the built-in String.Format code)
            if (info.Provider != null)
                //  Use the provider to see if a CustomFormatter is available:
                ICustomFormatter formatter = info.Provider.GetFormat(typeof(ICustomFormatter)) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (formatter != null)
                    info.Write(formatter.Format(info.Format, info.Current, info.Provider));

            //  Now try to format the object, using its own built-in formatting if possible:
            if (info.Current is IFormattable)
                info.Write(((IFormattable)info.Current).ToString(info.Format, info.Provider));
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Formulate string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx"></param>
        /// <param name="argument"></param>
        /// <param name="format">string that contains the formatting, e.g. "X8"</param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool TryEvaluate(ref FunctionEvaluationContext ctx, object argument, object format, out object result)
            if (argument == null)
                result = null; return(false);
            string formatStr = format?.ToString();

            // Try custom format provider
            if (ctx.FormatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter customFormatter__ = ctx.FormatProvider.GetFormat(typeof(ICustomFormatter)) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (customFormatter__ != null)
                    string custom_formatter_result = customFormatter__.Format(formatStr, argument, ctx.Culture);
                    if (custom_formatter_result != null)
                        result = custom_formatter_result; return(true);

            if (argument is Enum @enum)
                string separator = null;
                if (formatStr == null || formatStr == "" || formatStr == "g" || formatStr == "G" || formatStr == "f" || formatStr == "F")
                    separator = ", ";
                else if (formatStr == "|")
                    separator = formatStr;
                else if (formatStr == " |")
                    separator = " | ";

                if (separator != null)
                    LineString enum_string = ctx.EvaluateEnum(@enum, separator);
                    if (enum_string.Value != null)
                        result = enum_string.Value; return(true);

            if (formatStr != null && argument is IFormattable formattable)
                result = formattable.ToString(formatStr, ctx.Culture); return(true);
            if (ctx.Culture.GetFormat(typeof(ICustomFormatter)) is ICustomFormatter customFormatter_)
                result = customFormatter_.Format(formatStr, argument, ctx.Culture); return(true);
            result = ctx.Culture == null?String.Format("{0:" + formatStr + "}", argument) : String.Format(ctx.Culture, "{0:" + formatStr + "}", argument);

예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Supports fml (First Middle Last), lfm (Last, First Middle)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format"></param>
        /// <param name="formatProvider"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null)
            if (formatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter fmt = formatProvider.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (fmt != null)
                    return(fmt.Format(format, this, formatProvider));
            switch (format)
            case "lfm": return(String.Format("{0}, {1} {2}", this.LastName, this.FirstName, this.MiddleName));

            case "lfMI": return(String.Format("{0}, {1} {2}.", this.LastName, this.FirstName, this.MiddleName.SubstringSafe(0, 1)));

            case "fMIl": return(String.Format("{0} {1}. {2}", this.FirstName, this.MiddleName.SubstringSafe(0, 1), this.LastName));

            case "fl": return(String.Format("{0} {1}", this.FirstName, this.LastName));

            case "fml":
            case "G":
            default: return(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", this.FirstName, this.MiddleName, this.LastName));
예제 #13
        public string ToString(string aFormat, IFormatProvider aFormatProvider)
            if (aFormatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter formatter = aFormatProvider.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (formatter != null)
                    return(formatter.Format(aFormat, this, aFormatProvider));

            string ret    = string.Empty;
            string format = aFormat != null ? aFormat : "full";

            switch (format)
            case "full":
                ret = string.Format("0x{0} [{1}]", Hex, Binary);

                ret = iValue.ToString(aFormat, aFormatProvider);
예제 #14
        public static string ToString(object target, string formatName)
            if (target == null)

            if (!HasFormatterSpecified(target))
                Func <object, string> customFormatter = ChoGlobalObjectFormatters.GetObjectFormatHandler(target.GetType(), formatName);
                if (customFormatter != null)
                    ICustomFormatter formatter = ChoFormatProvider.Instance.GetFormat(target.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;

                    if (formatter != null)
                        return(formatter.Format(formatName, target, null));
예제 #15
        public string ToString(string formato, IFormatProvider proveedor)
            if (proveedor != null)
                ICustomFormatter formatter = proveedor.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (formatter != null)
                    return(formatter.Format(formato, this, proveedor));

            /*PropertiesMap map = new PropertiesMap();
             * map.Add(FOCO, this.Focus, "", proveedor);
             * map.Add(POSICION, this.Position, "F3", proveedor);
             * map.Add(DIRECCION, this.Direction, "F3", proveedor);
             * map.Add(AMBIENTE, this.Ambient, "F3", proveedor);
             * map.Add(DIFUSO, this.Diffuse, "F3", proveedor);
             * map.Add(specular, this.specular, "F3", proveedor);
             * map.Add(ATENUACION_CONSTANTE, this.ConstantAttenuation, "F3", proveedor);
             * map.Add(ATENUACION_LINEAR, this.LinearAttenuation, "F3", proveedor);
             * map.Add(ATENUACION_CUADRATICA, this.QuadraticAttenuation, "F3", proveedor);
             * map.Add(CORTE_FOCO, this.SpotCutoff, "F3", proveedor);
             * map.Add(EXPONENTE_FOCO, this.SpotExponent, "F3", proveedor);
             * return map.ToString();*/
예제 #16
        private string Format(object argument, string format)
            if (argument == null)

            ICustomFormatter formatter = formatProvider == null
                                ? null
                                : formatProvider.GetFormat(typeof(ICustomFormatter)) as

            if (formatter != null)
                return(formatter.Format(format, argument, formatProvider));

            var formattable = argument as IFormattable;

            if (formattable != null)
                return(formattable.ToString(format, formatProvider));

예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a string representation of the unit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The format string can be either 'UN' (Unit Name) or 'US' (Unit Symbol).
        /// </remarks>
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            if (format == null)
                format = "US";

            if (formatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter formatter = formatProvider.GetFormat(GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (formatter != null)
                    return(formatter.Format(format, this, formatProvider));

            switch (format)
            case "UN":

            case "US":
예제 #18
파일: Matrix.cs 프로젝트: ynkbt/moon
        string IFormattable.ToString(string value, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            if (IsIdentity)

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                value = null;

            if (formatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter cp = (ICustomFormatter)formatProvider.GetFormat(typeof(ICustomFormatter));
                if (cp != null)
                                         cp.Format(value, m_11, formatProvider), cp.Format(null, ',', formatProvider),
                                         cp.Format(value, m_12, formatProvider), cp.Format(null, ',', formatProvider),
                                         cp.Format(value, m_21, formatProvider), cp.Format(null, ',', formatProvider),
                                         cp.Format(value, m_22, formatProvider), cp.Format(null, ',', formatProvider),
                                         cp.Format(value, offset_x, formatProvider), cp.Format(null, ',', formatProvider),
                                         cp.Format(value, offset_y, formatProvider)));

                                 m_11.ToString(value, formatProvider), m_12.ToString(value, formatProvider),
                                 m_21.ToString(value, formatProvider), m_22.ToString(value, formatProvider),
                                 offset_x.ToString(value, formatProvider), offset_y.ToString(value, formatProvider)));
예제 #19
        string IFormattable.ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            if (formatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter fmt = formatProvider.GetFormat(GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (fmt != null)
                    return(fmt.Format(format, this, formatProvider));
            switch (format)
            case "Na":

            case "Nu":

            case "Ad":

                return("Name=" + Name + ",Number=" + Number.ToString() + ",Address=" + Address);
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">
        /// "n" production name or type name
        /// "r" uses render method, otherwise ToString() is returned
        /// "p" for path
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="formatProvider"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null)
            if (formatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter formatter = formatProvider.GetFormat(this.GetType())
                                             as ICustomFormatter;

                if (formatter != null)
                    return(formatter.Format(format, this, formatProvider));

            switch (format)
            case "n":
                return(this.ProductionName ?? string.Format("({0})", this.GetType().Name + ")"));

            case "r":

            case "p":
                                     this.ProductionName ?? string.Format("({0})", this.GetType().Name)));

예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Formatea este vector segun el proveedor indicado.
        /// Busca en <c>IFormatProvider</c> los formatos:
        /// <c>ICustomFormatter</c>: delega el formateo en este objeto.
        /// <c>VectorFormatInfo</c>: Obtiene la informacion de formato.
        /// </summary>
        public string ToString(string formato, IFormatProvider proveedor)
            if (proveedor != null)
                ICustomFormatter formatter = proveedor.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (formatter != null)
                    return(formatter.Format(formato, this, proveedor));

            char f = 'G';

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formato))
                formato = formato.ToUpper();
                f       = char.ToUpper(formato[0]);

            switch (f)
            case 'G':
                return(new StringBuilder()
                       .AppendFormat("W: ").AppendLine(this.W.ToString("F3"))
                       .AppendFormat("X: ").AppendLine(this.X.ToString("F3"))
                       .AppendFormat("Y: ").AppendLine(this.Y.ToString("F3"))
                       .AppendFormat("Z: ").AppendLine(this.Z.ToString("F3"))
예제 #22
 public SupportTextComparerAdapter(ISupportTextComparer supportTextComparer, ICustomFormatter customFormatter, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string formatString, string defaultEmptyText)
     this.SupportTextComparer = supportTextComparer;
     this.CustomFormatter     = customFormatter;
     this.FormatProvider      = formatProvider;
     this.FormatString        = formatString;
     this.DefaultEmptyText    = defaultEmptyText;
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows a string representation of the amount, formatted according to the passed format string,
        /// using the given format provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Valid format strings are 'GG', 'GN', 'GL', 'NG', 'NN', 'NL' (where the first letter represents
        /// the value formatting (General, Numeric), and the second letter represents the unit formatting
        /// (General, Name, Label)), or a custom number format with 'UG', 'UN' or 'UL' (UnitGeneral,
        /// UnitName or UnitLabel) representing the unit (i.e. "#,##0.00 UL").
        /// </remarks>
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            if (format == null)
                format = "GG";

            if (formatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter formatter = formatProvider.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (formatter != null)
                    return(formatter.Format(format, this, formatProvider));

            String[] formats = format.Split('|');
            Amount   amount  = this;

            if (formats.Length >= 2)
                if (formats[1] == "?")
                    amount = amount.ConvertedTo(UnitManager.ResolveToNamedUnit(amount.Unit, true));
                    amount = amount.ConvertedTo(formats[1]);

            switch (formats[0])
            case "GG":
                return(String.Format(formatProvider, "{0:G} {1:G}", amount.Value, amount.Unit).TrimEnd(null));

            case "GN":
                return(String.Format(formatProvider, "{0:G} {1:N}", amount.Value, amount.Unit).TrimEnd(null));

            case "GL":
                return(String.Format(formatProvider, "{0:G} {1:L}", amount.Value, amount.Unit).TrimEnd(null));

            case "NG":
                return(String.Format(formatProvider, "{0:N} {1:G}", amount.Value, amount.Unit).TrimEnd(null));

            case "NN":
                return(String.Format(formatProvider, "{0:N} {1:N}", amount.Value, amount.Unit).TrimEnd(null));

            case "NL":
                return(String.Format(formatProvider, "{0:N} {1:L}", amount.Value, amount.Unit).TrimEnd(null));

                formats[0] = formats[0].Replace("UG", "\"" + amount.Unit.ToString("G", formatProvider) + "\"");
                formats[0] = formats[0].Replace("UN", "\"" + amount.Unit.ToString("N", formatProvider) + "\"");
                formats[0] = formats[0].Replace("UL", "\"" + amount.Unit.ToString("L", formatProvider) + "\"");
                return(amount.Value.ToString(formats[0], formatProvider).TrimEnd(null));
        /// <summary>
        /// The ToString implementation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">The format specifier to use, e.g. <b>Console.WriteLine(rule.ToString("k"));</b></param>
        /// <param name="provider">Allow clients to format output for their own types using [ICustomFormatter](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.icustomformatter.aspx).</param>
        /// <returns>The formatted string.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="FormatException">thrown if an invalid format string is specified.</exception>
        /// \par Format specifiers:
        /// \arg \c G Long version and default when not using a format specifier.
        /// \arg \c K [RuleKind](@ref AcUtils#RuleKind) - Kind of rule in use.
        /// \arg \c T [ElementType](@ref AcUtils#ElementType) - Type of element the rule was placed on: \e dir, \e text, \e binary, \e ptext, \e elink, or \e slink.
        /// \arg \c L Location - Depot-relative path of the element the rule affects.
        /// \arg \c S SetInStream - Stream or workspace the rule is applied to.
        /// \arg \c X XlinkToStream - If cross-link the basis stream for the SetInStream.
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider)
            if (provider != null)
                ICustomFormatter fmt = provider.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (fmt != null)
                    return(fmt.Format(format, this, provider));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(format))
                format = "G";

            switch (format.ToUpperInvariant())
            case "G":
                string text;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_xlinkToStream))
                    text = $"SetInStream: {SetInStream}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                           $"Cross-link (basis): {XlinkToStream}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                           $"Location: {Location}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                           $"Rule kind: {Kind}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                           $"Element type: {Type}{Environment.NewLine}";
                    text = $"SetInStream: {SetInStream}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                           $"Location: {Location}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                           $"Rule kind: {Kind}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                           $"Element type: {Type}{Environment.NewLine}";

            case "K":     // kind of rule in use

            case "T":     // type of element the rule was placed on

            case "L":     // depot-relative path of the element the rule affects

            case "S":     // stream or workspace the rule is applied to

            case "X":     // if cross-link the basis stream for the SetInStream

                throw new FormatException($"The {format} format string is not supported.");
예제 #25
        /** Creates a new report
        public Report()
            // Send all output to the Appendable object sb
            StringBuilder    sb        = new StringBuilder();
            ICustomFormatter formatter = new ICustomFormatter(sb);

            // Add a heading
            addHeading("Chocoholics Anonymous");
        }//default constructor
        /// <summary>
        /// The ToString implementation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">The format specifier to use, e.g. <b>Console.WriteLine(elem.ToString("fs"));</b></param>
        /// <param name="provider">Allow clients to format output for their own types 
        /// using [ICustomFormatter](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.icustomformatter.aspx).</param>
        /// <returns>The formatted string.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="FormatException">thrown if an invalid format string is specified.</exception>
        /// \par Format specifiers:
        /// \arg \c LV Long version (verbose).
        /// \arg \c G Location, the depot-relative path of the element (default when not using a format specifier).
        /// \arg \c F \e True if the element is a folder, \e False otherwise.
        /// \arg \c E \e True if the executable bit is set, \e False if cleared. UNIX/Linux systems only.
        /// \arg \c I Element ID.
        /// \arg \c T The element's type: \e dir, \e text, \e binary, \e ptext, \e elink, or \e slink.
        /// \arg \c FS File size in bytes.
        /// \arg \c MT Element's modification time.
        /// \arg \c H "Hierarchy type" of the element, one of two possible values: \e parallel or \e serial.
        /// \arg \c V Virtual stream\\version number format, e.g. \c 5\12
        /// \arg \c R Real stream\\version number format.
        /// \arg \c N The named stream-name\\version-number designation, e.g. \c MARS_STAGE\7 or \c MARS_STAGE_barnyrd\24
        /// \arg \c L Stream where the element is located when it has (\e underlap)(\e member) or (\e overlap)(\e member) status.
        /// \arg \c TB Name of first time-based stream found when <tt>stat -s \<stream\> -o -B -fox</tt> is used to retrieve elements with (\e overlap) and/or (\e underlap) status.
        /// \arg \c S The version's status, e.g. (\e kept)(\e member)
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider)
            if (provider != null)
                ICustomFormatter fmt = provider.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (fmt != null)
                    return fmt.Format(format, this, provider);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(format))
                format = "G";

            switch (format.ToUpperInvariant())
                case "LV": // long version (verbose)
                    if (_modTime != null)
                        return $"{Location}, {Status}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                $"\tEID: {EID} {{{ElementType}}}, Size: {Size}, ModTime: {ModTime},{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                $"\t{NamedVersion}, Virtual: {VirStreamNumber}\\{VirVersionNumber}, Real: {RealStreamNumber}\\{RealVersionNumber}";
                        return $"{Location}, {Status}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                $"\tEID: {EID} {{{ElementType}}}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                $"\t{NamedVersion}, Virtual: {VirStreamNumber}\\{VirVersionNumber}, Real: {RealStreamNumber}\\{RealVersionNumber}";
                case "G":  // location, the depot-relative path of the element (default when not using a format specifier)
                    return Location;
                case "F":  // True if the element is a folder, False otherwise
                    return Folder.ToString();
                case "E":  // UNIX/Linux systems only: True if the executable bit is set, False if cleared
                    return Executable.ToString();
                case "I":  // element ID
                    return EID.ToString();
                case "T":  // element's type: dir, text, binary, ptext, elink, or slink
                    return ElementType.ToString();
                case "FS": // file size in bytes
                    return (Size == null) ? String.Empty : Size.ToString();
                case "MT": // element's modification time
                    return ModTime.ToString();
                case "H": // hierarchy type: parallel or serial
                    return HierType;
                case "V": // virtual stream\\version number designation, e.g. 5\12
                    return $"{VirStreamNumber}\\{VirVersionNumber}";
                case "R": // real stream\\version number designation, e.g. 5\12
                    return $"{RealStreamNumber}\\{RealVersionNumber}";
                case "N": // named stream\version number format, e.g. MARS_STAGE\7 or MARS_STAGE_barnyrd\24
                    return NamedVersion;
                case "L": // stream where element is located when it has (\e underlap)(\e member) or (\e overlap)(\e member) status
                    return LapStream;
                case "TB": // first time-based stream found when 'stat -s stream -o -B -fox' is used to retrieve elements with (overlap) and/or (underlap) status
                    return TimeBasedStream;
                case "S": // version's status, e.g. (kept)(member)
                    return Status;
                    throw new FormatException($"The {format} format string is not supported.");
예제 #27
        public void Add(Type formatType, ICustomFormatter formatter)
            ChoGuard.ArgumentNotNull(formatType, "FormatType");

            lock (_padLock)
                _formatProviders.AddOrUpdate(formatType, formatter);
예제 #28
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            if (formatProvider != null)
                ICustomFormatter fmt = formatProvider.GetFormat(this.GetType()) as ICustomFormatter;
                if (fmt != null)
                    return(fmt.Format(format, this, formatProvider));

            switch (format)
            case "X":
                if (PrivateCreator != null)
                    return(String.Format("({0:x4},xx{1:x2}:{2})", Group, Element & 0xff, PrivateCreator.Creator));
                    return(String.Format("({0:x4},{1:x4})", Group, Element));

            case "g":
                if (PrivateCreator != null)
                    return(String.Format("{0:x4},{1:x4}:{2}", Group, Element, PrivateCreator.Creator));
                    return(String.Format("{0:x4},{1:x4}", Group, Element));

            case "J":
                return(String.Format("{0:X4}{1:X4}", Group, Element));

            case "G":
                if (PrivateCreator != null)
                    return(String.Format("({0:x4},{1:x4}:{2})", Group, Element, PrivateCreator.Creator));
                    return(String.Format("({0:x4},{1:x4})", Group, Element));
예제 #29
파일: Person.cs 프로젝트: Cl393/Xuexi
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            ICustomFormatter customFormatter = formatProvider as ICustomFormatter;

            if (customFormatter == null)
            return(customFormatter.Format(format, this, null));
 public static string ToString(this TimeSpan timeSpan, string format, ICustomFormatter formatter)
     if (formatter == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException();
     TimeSpanFormatter tsFormatter = (TimeSpanFormatter)formatter;
     format = Regex.Replace(format, CustomFormatsRegex, new MatchEvaluator(m => MatchReplacer(m, timeSpan, tsFormatter)));
     return timeSpan.ToString(format);
 public DependsOnISomeFactory(ISomeFactory dep)
     created = dep.CreateOne();
예제 #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Enumerable"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fallbackProvider">The <see cref="IFormatProvider"/> to fall back on; or <c>null</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="fallbackFormatter">The <see cref="ICustomFormatter"/> to fall back on; or <c>null</c>.</param>
 protected Enumerable( IFormatProvider fallbackProvider = null, ICustomFormatter fallbackFormatter = null )
     : base(fallbackProvider, fallbackFormatter)
예제 #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FallbackBase"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fallbackProvider">The <see cref="IFormatProvider"/> to fall back on; or <c>null</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="fallbackFormatter">The <see cref="ICustomFormatter"/> to fall back on; or <c>null</c>.</param>
 protected FallbackBase( IFormatProvider fallbackProvider = null, ICustomFormatter fallbackFormatter = null )
     this.fallbackProvider = fallbackProvider;
     this.fallbackFormatter = fallbackFormatter;