internal void UserLoop() { string message = null; string[] options; string inputMain = null; string inputName = null; string inputValue = null; string inputConfirm = null; string plainVal = null; string encVal = null; string optionString = null; string input = null; string _encValPrefix = _prefix; Start: while (true) { message = "\n-- Enter [E] to Encrypt a configuration setting\n" + "-- Enter [D] to Secrypt a configuration setting\n" + "-- Enter [X] to Exit\n\n"; options = new string[] { "E", "D", "X" }; inputMain = GetUserChoice(message, options).ToUpper(); if (inputMain == "X") { return; } // if we are still here, then we wil either encrypt or decrypt a value string settingKey = ""; string settingValue = ""; // Ask the user to confirm the name of the setting if (inputMain == "E") { optionString = "ENCRYPT"; } if (inputMain == "D") { optionString = "DECRYPT"; } if (_crypto != null) { message = $"Enter the full key of the setting to be {optionString}ED"; //Get User Confirmation inputName = GetUserInput(message); message = $"Enter the value to be {optionString}ED"; inputValue = GetUserInput(message); try { if (optionString == "ENCRYPT") { encVal = _crypto.Protect(inputName, inputValue, _encValPrefix); message = $"\nOperation Success!\n\nSettingName: {inputName}\nDecrypted Value:{inputValue}\nEncrypted Value:\n{encVal}"; } if (optionString == "DECRYPT") { plainVal = _crypto.Unprotect(inputName, inputValue, _encValPrefix); message = $"\nOperation Success.\nSettingName: '{inputName}'\nEncrypted Value:'\n{inputValue}'\nDecrypted Value: '{plainVal}'"; } } catch (Exception e) { message = e.Message; } Console.WriteLine(message); } else { throw new Exception("Cryptography services not initialized. Check configuration section 'ConfigOptions:Cryptography'"); } goto Start; } }