public ExplicitHashCredentials HashCredentials(ICredentials credentials) { if (credentials is ExplicitHashCredentials hashCred) { return(hashCred); } else if (credentials is ExplicitCredentials passCred) { return(new ExplicitHashCredentials(passCred.Database, passCred.Username, ElementFactory.Local.CalcMd5(passCred.Password))); } else { throw new NotSupportedException($"Credentials of type {credentials.GetType().Name} are not supported"); } }
public static CompliancePolicySyncNotificationClient Create(IConfigurationSession configurationSession, WriteVerboseDelegate writeVerboseDelegate) { ArgumentValidator.ThrowIfNull("configurationSession", configurationSession); OrganizationId organizationId = configurationSession.GetOrgContainer().OrganizationId; return(ProvisioningCache.Instance.TryAddAndGetOrganizationDictionaryValue <CompliancePolicySyncNotificationClient, Workload>(CannedProvisioningCacheKeys.OrganizationUnifiedPolicyNotificationClients, organizationId, Workload.SharePoint, delegate() { if (writeVerboseDelegate != null) { writeVerboseDelegate(Strings.VerboseCreateNotificationClient(Workload.SharePoint.ToString())); } Uri syncSvrUrlFromCache = CompliancePolicySyncNotificationClient.GetSyncSvrUrlFromCache(SyncSvcEndPointType.RestOAuth); ICredentials credentials = UnifiedPolicyConfiguration.GetInstance().GetCredentials(configurationSession, null); Uri uri = null; Uri uri2 = null; UnifiedPolicyConfiguration.GetInstance().GetTenantSharePointUrls(configurationSession, out uri, out uri2); if (uri == null || uri2 == null || syncSvrUrlFromCache == null) { throw new CompliancePolicySyncNotificationClientException(Strings.ErrorCannotInitializeNotificationClientToSharePoint(uri, uri2, syncSvrUrlFromCache)); } SpCompliancePolicySyncNotificationClient result = new SpCompliancePolicySyncNotificationClient(uri, uri2, credentials, syncSvrUrlFromCache); if (writeVerboseDelegate != null) { writeVerboseDelegate(Strings.VerboseSpNotificationClientInfo(uri, syncSvrUrlFromCache, credentials.GetType().Name)); } return result; })); }
public IPromise<string> Login(ICredentials credentials, bool async) { var result = new Promise<string>(); _lastCredentials = credentials; var database = string.Empty; var tokenCred = credentials as TokenCredentials; IPromise<IHttpResponse> loginPromise; if (tokenCred != null) { database = tokenCred.Database; loginPromise = PolicyToken(PolicyTokenType.connection, null, null, true) .Continue(p => { return RenewSession(tokenCred.Content, p, true); }); } else { var tokenPromise = (_lastLoginToken == null || _lastLoginToken.Expiration > DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(-5)) ? Query(null, null, null, this.SessionPolicy, null, async) .Convert<IHttpResponse, InitializeSessionToken>((r, p) => { p.Reject(new Exception("Unauthorized error expected")); }, (ex, p) => { var httpEx = ex as HttpException; if (httpEx != null && httpEx.Response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { var header = AuthenticationScheme.Parse(httpEx.Response.Headers["WWW-Authenticate"]); var auth = header.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "bearer"); if (auth == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); var ssoAuth = header.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "winsso"); _lastLoginToken = new InitializeSessionToken(auth.Parameters["token"] , auth.Parameters["nonce"], auth.Parameters["public_key"]); _lastLoginToken.SsoUrl = ssoAuth.Parameters["uri"]; p.Resolve(_lastLoginToken); } else { p.Reject(ex); } }) : Promises.Resolved(_lastLoginToken); loginPromise = Promises.All(tokenPromise , PolicyToken(PolicyTokenType.connection, null, null, async)) .Continue(r => { var winCred = credentials as WindowsCredentials; if (winCred == null) { SecureToken password = null; var username = string.Empty; var explicitCred = credentials as ExplicitCredentials; if (explicitCred != null) { database = explicitCred.Database; password = explicitCred.Password; username = explicitCred.Username; } else { var anon = credentials as AnonymousCredentials; if (anon != null) { database = anon.Database; } else { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Login credentials must be one of the built-in types, {0} is not supported" , credentials == null, "NULL", credentials.GetType()), "credentials"); } } string encodedData; var usernameLength = (username == null ? 0 : username.Length); var passwordLength = (password == null ? 0 : password.Length); var buffer = new byte[3 + 2 * (r.Result1.Nonce.Length + database.Length + usernameLength + passwordLength)]; try { var i = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(r.Result1.Nonce, 0, r.Result1.Nonce.Length, buffer, 0); buffer[i++] = (byte)'|'; i += Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(database, 0, database.Length, buffer, i); buffer[i++] = (byte)'|'; if (usernameLength > 0) i += Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(username, 0, username.Length, buffer, i); buffer[i++] = (byte)'|'; if (passwordLength > 0) password.UseBytes<bool>((ref byte[] b) => { for (var j = 0; j < b.Length; j++) { buffer[j + i] = b[j]; } i += b.Length; return false; }); encodedData = Convert.ToBase64String(r.Result1.Encryptor.Encrypt(buffer, 0, i)); } finally { for (var j = 0; j < buffer.Length; j++) { buffer[j] = 0; } } return Query(r.Result1.Content + " " + encodedData, "ValidateUser", "<Item/>" , this.SessionPolicy , r.Result2, async); } else { // Windows authentication return Query(r.Result1.SsoUrl, r.Result1.Content, "ValidateUser", "<Item/>" , this.SessionPolicy, r.Result2, winCred.Credentials, async , req => req.SetHeader("DATABASE", winCred.Database)); } }); } loginPromise.Progress((p, m) => result.Notify(p, m)) .Done(r => { _database = database; var data = r.AsXml().DescendantsAndSelf("Result").FirstOrDefault(); _userId = data.Element("id").Value; var auth = data.Element("Authorization"); _renewalToken = new TokenCredentials(auth.Element("refresh_token").Value); _renewalToken.Database = database; SetSessionToken(auth.Element("access_token").Value , int.Parse(auth.Element("expires_in").Value)); var i18n = data.Element("i18nsessioncontext"); var context = new ServerContext(); context.DefaultLanguageCode = i18n.Element("default_language_code").Value; context.DefaultLanguageSuffix = i18n.Element("default_language_suffix").Value; context.LanguageCode = i18n.Element("language_code").Value; context.LanguageSuffix = i18n.Element("language_suffix").Value; context.Locale = i18n.Element("locale").Value; context.TimeZone = i18n.Element("time_zone").Value; _factory = new ElementFactory(context); var upload = data.Element("WriteVault") == null ? null : data.Element("WriteVault").Element("Item"); if (upload == null) { var strategy = new DefaultVaultStrategy(); strategy.Initialize(this); _writeVault = strategy.WritePriority(true).Convert(v => v.First()); } else { _writeVault = Promises.Resolved(Vault.GetVault( (IReadOnlyItem)_factory.FromXml(upload.ToString()))); } result.Resolve(_userId); }).Fail(ex => { var httpEx = ex as HttpException; if (httpEx != null && httpEx.Response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { var auth = AuthenticationScheme.Parse(httpEx.Response.Headers["WWW-Authenticate"]) .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "bearer"); string msg; if (auth != null && auth.Parameters.TryGetValue("error_description", out msg)) { result.Reject(new Exception("Error logging in: " + msg)); } else { result.Reject(new Exception("Unanticipated error logging in.")); } } else { result.Reject(ex); } }); result.CancelTarget(loginPromise); return result; }
/// <summary> /// Build an HttpClientHandler instance with proxy settings, if necessary. Proxy used is System.Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy /// </summary> /// <param name="proxyUri"></param> /// <param name="credentials">The credentials to use for an authenticated proxy. null if none.</param> /// <param name="enableDefaultSystemAuthentication">if True ==> call HttpClientHandler.UseDefaultCredentials = true</param> /// <returns>The HtpClientHandler.</returns> internal static HttpClientHandler Build(string proxyUri, ICredentials credentials, bool enableDefaultSystemAuthentication) { Debug("httpClientHandler.UseDefaultCredentials: " + enableDefaultSystemAuthentication); Proxy proxy = null; // Used to test if have Proxy defined in IE String proxyUriToUse = null; // Test if used the default Web Proxy or the one passed in connection string: if (proxyUri == null) { proxyUriToUse = System.Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.GetProxy(new Uri("")).ToString(); } else { proxy = new Proxy(proxyUri); proxyUriToUse = proxy.GetProxy(new Uri("")).ToString(); } Debug("uriProxy: " + proxyUriToUse); if (credentials != null && credentials.GetType() == typeof(NetworkCredential)) { Debug("credentials: " + ((NetworkCredential)credentials).UserName + "/" + ((NetworkCredential)credentials).Password); } if (proxyUriToUse.Contains("")) { Debug("System.Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy is default"); HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler(); if (enableDefaultSystemAuthentication) { httpClientHandler.UseDefaultCredentials = true; } return(httpClientHandler); } else { HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler { UseProxy = true, UseDefaultCredentials = false }; if (proxy == null) { httpClientHandler.Proxy = System.Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy; } else { httpClientHandler.Proxy = proxy; } httpClientHandler.Proxy.Credentials = credentials; httpClientHandler.PreAuthenticate = true; if (enableDefaultSystemAuthentication) { httpClientHandler.UseDefaultCredentials = true; } return(httpClientHandler); } }