public LinkSteamCommand(IConstants constants, IBarebonesSteamOpenId openId, EfDatabaseContextFactory databaseContextFactory) { _constants = constants; _openId = openId; _databaseContextFactory = databaseContextFactory; }
public StatusCommand(IArkContext context, IConfig config, IConstants constants, ArkContextManager contextManager) { _context = context; _config = config; _constants = constants; _contextManager = contextManager; }
public DockLayoutViewModel(ILayoutViewModel parent, IConstants constants, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) { this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("eventAggregator"); this.layoutParent = parent; this.layoutFilename = constants.LayoutFileName; }
public AuthenticationController(IUserService userService, IConstants constants, ITokenService tokenService) : base(userService) { _constants = constants; _tokenService = tokenService; }
public MediaResourcePackageManager(IBaseModule module, IConstants constants) { this.lesson = module as Lesson; this.constants = constants; this.BuildPackageVersionName(); }
public override void processEvent(Event @event) { Video video = (Video); IAdContext adContext = (IAdContext); IConstants adConstants = adContext.Constants; // This overrides what the plugin does by default for setVideoAsset() which is to pass in currentVideo.getId(). adContext.setVideoAsset("3pqa_video", video.Duration / 1000, null, adConstants.VIDEO_ASSET_AUTO_PLAY_TYPE_ATTENDED(), (int)Math.Floor(new Random(1).NextDouble() * int.MaxValue), 0, adConstants.ID_TYPE_CUSTOM(), 0, adConstants.VIDEO_ASSET_DURATION_TYPE_EXACT()); // duration type - fallback ID - type of video ID passed (customer created or FW issued) - setting networkId for 0 as it's the default value for this method - a random number - auto play type - location - FW uses their duration as seconds; Android is in milliseconds - video ID adContext.addSiteSectionNonTemporalSlot("300x250slot", null, 300, 250, null, true, null, null); // Add preroll Log.v(outerInstance.TAG, "Adding temporal slot for prerolls"); adContext.addTemporalSlot("larry", "PREROLL", 0, null, 0, 0, null, null, 0); // Add midroll Log.v(outerInstance.TAG, "Adding temporal slot for midrolls"); int midrollCount = 1; int segmentLength = (video.Duration / 1000) / (midrollCount + 1); for (int i = 0; i < midrollCount; i++) { adContext.addTemporalSlot("moe" + i, "MIDROLL", segmentLength * (i + 1), null, 0, 0, null, null, 0); } // Add postroll Log.v(outerInstance.TAG, "Adding temporal slot for postrolls"); adContext.addTemporalSlot("curly", "POSTROLL", video.Duration / 1000, null, 0, 0, null, null, 0); // Add overlay Log.v(outerInstance.TAG, "Adding temporal slot for overlays"); adContext.addTemporalSlot("shemp", "OVERLAY", 8, null, 0, 0, null, null, 0); }
public ContentResourcePackageManager(IBaseModule module, IConstants constants) { this.level = module as Level; this.constants = constants; this.BuildPackageVersionName(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a Protocol object. /// </summary> /// <param name="treeView">TreeViewEx object which holds the contact list for the application</param> /// <param name="taskbarNotify">TaskbarNotify object which pops up on certain events</param> /// <param name="fileName">Filename of the plugin assembly</param> /// <param name="mainStorage">IStorage instance where the application's settings are stored</param> public Protocol(TreeViewEx treeView, TaskbarNotifier taskbarNotify, string fileName, IStorage mainStorage) { this.treeView = treeView; this.taskbarNotify = taskbarNotify; this.classFactory = new ClassFactory(fileName); // create plugin constants class IConstants constants = classFactory.CreateConstants(); this.localStorage = mainStorage.CreateSubSection(constants.Name); // create registry key for this protocol to store the settings this.settings = classFactory.CreateSettings(constants, this.localStorage, this.optionsList); this.settings.Load(); // create protocol control and register this class to be an event listener this.protocolServer = new ProtocolServer(); this.protocolServer.AddListener(this); this.protocolControl = new ProtocolControl(this.protocolServer); this.reporter = new NBM.Diagnostics.ProtocolReporter(this); }
public LinkSteamCommand(IConstants constants, IBarebonesSteamOpenId openId, IUrlShortenerService urlShortenerService, EfDatabaseContextFactory databaseContextFactory) { _constants = constants; _openId = openId; _urlShortenerService = urlShortenerService; _databaseContextFactory = databaseContextFactory; }
public SelectedBrushCreator(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IConstants constants, ScrollModel scrollModel) { this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("eventAggregator is null"); this.constants = constants ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("constants is null"); this.ScrollModel = scrollModel; }
public void Dispose() { _shipFactory = null; _boardFactory = null; _logger = null; _constants = null; }
private static SystemVersion _registerVersion(string browserVersion, IConstants constants, string loaderName, string[] payloadVersions) { var ret = new SystemVersion(browserVersion, constants, loaderName, payloadVersions); Versions.Add(ret); return(ret); }
public SystemVersion(string browserVersion, IConstants constants, string loaderName, string[] payloadVersions) { BrowserVersion = browserVersion; Constants = constants; LoaderName = loaderName; PayloadVersions = payloadVersions; }
public ArkDiscordBot( DiscordSocketClient discord, CommandService commands, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IConfig config, IConstants constants, EfDatabaseContextFactory databaseContextFactory, ILifetimeScope scope, ArkContextManager contextManager) { _discord = discord; _commands = commands; _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _config = config; _constants = constants; _databaseContextFactory = databaseContextFactory; _scope = scope; _contextManager = contextManager; _discord.GuildAvailable += DiscordOnGuildAvailable; _discord.MessageReceived += HandleCommandAsync; var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (args != null && args.Contains("/restart", StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { _wasRestarted = true; } }
public HomeController(ICategoryRepository categoryRepository, IProductRepository productRepository, IConstants constants) { _categoryRepository = categoryRepository; _productRepository = productRepository; _constants = constants; }
public ProcessorManager(IDispatcher dispatcher, IConstants constants) { this.Constants = constants; this.Clients = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<StebsHub>().Clients; this.Dispatcher = dispatcher; this.Dispatcher.StateChanged += StateChanged; this.Dispatcher.FinishedStep += FinishedStep; }
public StartNodeCreator([NotNull] IConstants constants , [NotNull] IThreadQuadTreeNodeCreatorFactory threadNodeFactory , [NotNull] IQuadTreeNodeMerger quadTreeNodeMerger) { mConstants = constants; mThreadQuadTreeNodeCreatorFactory = threadNodeFactory; mQuadTreeNodeMerger = quadTreeNodeMerger; }
public StartUpNodeInitializer([NotNull] IPlanetFactoryCreator planetFactoryCreator , [NotNull] IConstants constants , [NotNull] IArrayBackgroundWorker backgroundWorker) { mPlanetFactoryCreator = planetFactoryCreator; mConstants = constants; mBackgroundWorker = backgroundWorker; }
public StebsHub(IConstants constants, IMpm mpm, IProcessorManager manager, IFileManager fileManager, IPluginManager pluginManager) { this.Constants = constants; this.Mpm = mpm; this.Manager = manager; this.FileManager = fileManager; this.PluginManager = pluginManager; }
public ItemEditorCreator(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IConstants constants, IAmeSession session, TilesetModel tilesetModel, ScrollModel scrollModel) { this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("eventAggregator is null"); this.constants = constants ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("constants is null"); this.session = session ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("session is null"); this.TilesetModel = tilesetModel; this.ScrollModel = scrollModel; }
// Support Lesson media package now. public MediaMapfileManager(IBaseModule baseModule, IConstants constants) { this.baseModule = baseModule; this.constants = constants; this.Mapfile = new Mapfile(); this.filePath = this.constants.LocalMediaPath + string.Format(@"lesson_{0}.json", this.baseModule.Id); }
// Support Lesson media package now. public ContentMapfileManager(IBaseModule baseModule, IConstants constants) { this.baseModule = baseModule; this.constants = constants; this.Mapfile = new Mapfile(); this.filePath = this.constants.LocalContentPath + string.Format(@"level_{0}_{1}.json", this.baseModule.Id, this.constants.CultureCode); }
public Protocol( IConstants constants, IHttp http) { Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(constants, nameof(constants)); Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(http, nameof(http)); this.constants = constants; this.http = http; }
public ProtocolClient( IConstants constants, IHttpClient client) { Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(constants, nameof(constants)); Ensure.Argument.IsNotNull(client, nameof(client)); this.constants = constants; this.client = client; }
public ArkServerService(IConstants constants, IConfig config, ArkContextManager contextManager) { _signaller = new Signaller <Tuple <ArkServerContext, bool, SavegameBackupResult> >(); _constants = constants; _config = config; _contextManager = contextManager; contextManager.BackupCompleted += ContextManager_BackupCompleted; }
public PlayerSpawner(IConstants constants) { float spawnWidth = constants.HalfGameWidth / 2.0f; float spawnHeight = constants.HalfGameHeight / 2.0f; _topLeftSpawn = new Vector3(-spawnWidth, spawnHeight, 0.0f); _topRightSpawn = new Vector3(spawnWidth, spawnHeight, 0.0f); _bottomLeftSpawn = new Vector3(-spawnWidth, -spawnHeight, 0.0f); _bottomRightSpawn = new Vector3(spawnWidth, -spawnHeight, 0.0f); }
private void Start() { _constants = (IConstants)NullChecker .TryFind <Constants>(Tags.Constants, gameObject); _gameController = (IGameController)NullChecker .TryFind <GameController>(Tags.GameController, gameObject); _scoreController = _gameController.ScoreController; }
public MapEditorCreator(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IConstants constants, IAmeSession session, Map map, ScrollModel scrollModel) { this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("eventAggregator is null"); this.constants = constants ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("constants is null"); this.session = session ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("session is null"); this.ScrollModel = scrollModel; string mapTitle = string.Format("Map #{0}", session.MapCount); this.Map = map ?? new Map(mapTitle); }
public BoardManager(IBoardFactory boardFactory, IConstants constants) { _boardFactory = boardFactory; _constants = constants; ShipTypes = new Dictionary <ShipType, int> { { ShipType.Battleship, _constants.NumberOfBattleships }, { ShipType.Destroyer, _constants.NumberOfDestroyers } }; GameBoard = _boardFactory.InitialiseBoard(ShipTypes); }
public VisiblePlanetDataProvider([NotNull] INodeVisitor nodeVisitor , [NotNull] IRootNodeProvider rootNodeProvider , [NotNull] IPlayer player , [NotNull] IConstants constants) { mNodeVisitor = nodeVisitor; mRootNodeProvider = rootNodeProvider; mPlayer = player; mConstants = constants; mVisiblePlanets = new List <PlanetData>(mConstants.GetPlanetsToVisualize()); }
//private readonly Uri fullContentLink; public CourseContentResourceService(IDownloadService downloadService, IConstants constants) { this.ModuleId = constants.CourseId; this.downloadService = downloadService; this.constants = constants; // Get all course content. var fullContentLink = new Uri(this.constants.ServicePrefix + string.Format(courseLink, this.ModuleId, this.constants.SiteVersion, this.constants.CultureCode, this.constants.PartnerCode)); // Download activity content. this.Content = downloadService.DownloadFromPath(fullContentLink); }
public UnitContentResourceService(IDownloadService downloadService, int unitId, IConstants constants) { this.downloadService = downloadService; this.ModuleId = unitId; this.constants = constants; // Get all course content. this.fullContentLink = new Uri(constants.ServicePrefix + string.Format(unitLink, this.ModuleId, this.constants.CultureCode, this.constants.SiteVersion, this.constants.PartnerCode)); // Download unit content. this.Content = downloadService.DownloadFromPath(this.fullContentLink); }
public LevelContentResourceService(IDownloadService downloadService, int levelId, IConstants constants) { this.downloadService = downloadService; this.ModuleId = levelId; // Get all course content. this.fullContentLink = new Uri(constants.ServicePrefix + string.Format(levelLink, this.ModuleId, constants.CultureCode, constants.SiteVersion, constants.PartnerCode)); // Download activity content. this.Content = downloadService.DownloadFromPath(this.fullContentLink); }
/// <summary> /// Load all assemblies which are found in the plugin folder. /// </summary> private void LoadPluginAssemblies(IConstants constants) { if (!Directory.Exists(constants.PluginsAbsolutePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(constants.PluginsAbsolutePath); } foreach(var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(constants.PluginsAbsolutePath, "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { try { Assembly.LoadFrom(file); } catch (Exception) { } //TODO: Log warning } }
private void Start() { _getAxisService = this; _constants = (IConstants)NullChecker .TryFind <Constants>(Tags.Constants, gameObject); _gameController = (IGameController)NullChecker .TryFind <GameController>(Tags.GameController, gameObject); _speed = _constants.HalfGameWidth; _playerSpawner = new PlayerSpawner(_constants); _playerSpawner.SetSpawnPosition(_rb); }
// public LevelContentResourceDownloadManager(IDownloadService downloadService, IBaseModule module, IContentResourceServcie resourceService, IConstants constants) { this.downloadService = downloadService; this.levelContentResourceService = resourceService; this.constants = constants; this.Level = module as Level; var filePath = string.Format(@"level_{0}\{1}\Level_{2}.json", this.Level.Id, this.constants.CultureCode, this.Level.Id); this.savePath = this.constants.LocalContentPath + filePath; this.ResourceList = new List<MapfileItem>(); MapfileItem f = new MapfileItem(); f.FileName = filePath; this.ResourceList.Add(f); }
// public UnitContentResourceDownloadManager(IDownloadService downloadService, IBaseModule unit, IContentResourceServcie unitContentService, IConstants constants) { this.downloadService = downloadService; this.constants = constants; this.unitContentService = unitContentService; this.Unit = unit as Unit; var originalContent = unitContentService.Content; // Replace swf to jpg, flv to mp4 ContentHelper.ReplaceUrlFileFormat(ref originalContent); ContentHelper.ReplaceUrlToLocalResourcePath(ref originalContent); this.updatedContent = originalContent; this.ResourceList = new List<MapfileItem>(); this.BuildDownloadResource(); }
public MediaResourceDownloadManager(IDownloadService downloadService, IBaseModule module, IContentResourceServcie activityContentResourceService, IConstants constants) { this.downloadService = downloadService; this.baseModule = module; this.constants = constants; this.activityContentResourceService = activityContentResourceService; string oriContent = this.activityContentResourceService.Content; mediaList = ContentHelper.GetMediaResources(ref oriContent); this.ResourceList = new List<MapfileItem>(); // Build ResourceList for Mapfile. foreach (var m in mediaList) { MapfileItem f = new MapfileItem(); f.FileName = m; ResourceList.Add(f); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of the plugin-implemented ProtocolSettings class. /// </summary> /// <param name="constants"></param> /// <param name="storage"></param> /// <param name="optionsList"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ProtocolSettings CreateSettings(IConstants constants, IStorage storage, ArrayList optionsList) { ProtocolSettings settings = null; try { settings = (ProtocolSettings)this.assembly.CreateInstance(Config.Constants.SettingsClassName, true, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, new object[] { constants, storage, optionsList }, null, null); } catch {} finally { if (settings == null) settings = new ProtocolSettings(constants, storage, optionsList); } return settings; }
// public ActivityContentResourceDownloadManager(IDownloadService downloadService, IBaseModule activity, IContentResourceServcie resourceService, IConstants constants) { this.downloadService = downloadService; this.constants = constants; this.activityContentResourceService = resourceService; ResourceList = new List<MapfileItem>(); this.Activity = activity as Activity; string oriContent = activityContentResourceService.Content; // Replace swf to jpg, flv to mp4 ContentHelper.ReplaceUrlFileFormat(ref oriContent); ContentHelper.ReplaceUrlToLocalResourcePath(ref oriContent); this.updatedContent = oriContent; BuildDownloadResource(); }
public RefreshController(IProductSearcher searcher, IAutoupdateRefresher autoupdateRefresher, IConstants constants) { _searcher = searcher; _autoupdateRefresher = autoupdateRefresher; _constants = constants; }
public RefreshController(ISuggestionSearcher searcher, IConstants constants) { _searcher = searcher; _constants = constants; }
public CourseStructureManager(IDownloadService ds, IContentResourceServcie resource, IConstants constants) { this.downloadService = ds; this.constants = constants; this.courseContentResourceService = resource; }
public Settings(IConstants constants, IStorage storage, ArrayList optionsList) : base(constants, storage, optionsList) { }
/// <summary> /// Adds a constant to the context. /// </summary> /// <param name="name"> /// The name of the constant. /// </param> /// <param name="constant"> /// The class instance of the constant. /// </param> /// <returns>The current context.</returns> public ParseContext AddConstant(String name, IConstants constant) { _constants[name] = constant; return this; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a ProtocolSettings /// </summary> /// <param name="constants"></param> /// <param name="storage"></param> /// <param name="optionsList"></param> public ProtocolSettings(IConstants constants, IStorage storage, ArrayList optionsList) { = storage; this.constants = constants; }
public SearchResultsController(IProductSearcher searcher, IConstants constants) { _searcher = searcher; _constants = constants; }