public PackageProcessor(IActionExecutor actionExecutor, IConsoleWriter writer, INuGetProcess nugetProcess, RunContext runContext) { _actionExecutor = actionExecutor; _writer = writer; _nugetProcess = nugetProcess; _runContext = runContext; }
public CommandLineRunner(IConsoleWriter writer, IPackageProcessor packageProcessor, IActionExecutor actionExecutor, RunContext runContext) { _writer = writer; _packageProcessor = packageProcessor; _actionExecutor = actionExecutor; _runContext = runContext; }
public ConsoleJSLintProvider(Func<IJSLintContext> jsLintFactory, IFileSystemWrapper fileSystemWrapper, ISettingsRepository settingRepository, IConsoleWriter consoleWriter, IViewFactory viewFactory) { this.jsLintFactory = jsLintFactory; this.fileSystemWrapper = fileSystemWrapper; this.settingRepository = settingRepository; this.consoleWriter = consoleWriter; this.viewFactory = viewFactory; }
/// <summary> /// A method which knows how exactly to render error messages. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">Message that needs to be printed.</param> /// <param name="consoleWriter">Console context for rendering the message.</param> public static void DisplayInputErrorMessage(string message, IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { ClearConsoleLine(consoleWriter); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; consoleWriter.WriteLine(message); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Thread.Sleep(500); ClearConsoleLine(consoleWriter); }
public TestService() { CommandLogWriter = new BasicConsoleWriter("command-log"); RegisterConsoleWriter(CommandLogWriter); RegisterCommand(new EchoCommand()); RegisterCommand(new LoggingCommand("ambig-foo")); RegisterCommand(new LoggingCommand("ambig-foobar")); RegisterCommand(new LoggingCommand("ambig-bar")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (Array.Exists(args, s => s == "/debug") && Environment.UserInteractive) { Debugger.Break(); } AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomainOnUnhandledException; LogManager.Adapter = Log4NetFactoryAdapter.Load(); _logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof (Program)); _logger.InfoFormat("Logging configured"); Services.Config.EnableServiceMode(); _writer = ConsoleWriter.Get<Program>(); Config.ConsoleMode.Enabled = true; Config.ConsoleMode.CommandPromptText = "console"; Config.ConsoleMode.HistorySize = 5; Config.ConsoleMode.AppName = "example_console"; Config.ConsoleMode.OnBeginRunCommand += cmd => _writer.WriteLine(cmd.Dump()); Config.ShowViewArgsCommand = true; Config.WriteRunTimeToConsole = true; //Config.DefaultCommand = typeof (RepeatConsoleCommand); Config.Help.GetCategoryDelegate = (name, type) => { if (name.EndsWith("-service")) { return " - service -"; } if (type.Assembly == typeof (Program).Assembly) { return " - example -"; } return ""; }; Config.Help.GetAddlHelpDelegate = (s, type) => new[] { type.FullName }; Services.Config.Defaults.CommandLine = "ping / /i=10"; try { new Engine(new[] { typeof(Program).Assembly, typeof(InstallServiceCommand).Assembly }).Run(args); } catch (Exception e) { _writer.WriteLine(e.Dump()); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string message = "Hello World"; try { var whereToWriteMessage = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WriteMessageTo"]; Enum.TryParse <WhereToWrite>(whereToWriteMessage, out var parsedValue); IConsoleWriter _consoleWriter = Factory.Create <ConsoleWriter>(); WriteMessage(_consoleWriter, message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error Occurred while Writing Message: {ex.Message}"); } }
public KeyHandler(IConsole console, IConsoleWriter writer, IPromptProvider promptProvider, IHistoryNavigator historyNavigator, ICompletionNavigator completionNavigator, ICompletionWriter completionWriter) { _console = console; _writer = writer; _promptProvider = promptProvider; _historyNavigator = historyNavigator; _completionNavigator = completionNavigator; _completionWriter = completionWriter; AddHandler(_writer.MoveCursorLeft, Seqs.ControlB, Seqs.LeftArrow); AddHandler(_writer.MoveCursorRight, Seqs.ControlF, Seqs.RightArrow); AddHandler(_writer.MoveCursorHome, Seqs.ControlA, Seqs.Home); AddHandler(_writer.MoveCursorEnd, Seqs.ControlE, Seqs.End); AddHandler(Backspace, Seqs.ControlH, Seqs.Backspace); AddHandler(ClearScreen, Seqs.ControlL); AddHandler(PreviousHistory, Seqs.ControlP, Seqs.UpArrow); AddHandler(NextHistory, Seqs.ControlN, Seqs.DownArrow); AddHandler(BreakProcess, Seqs.ControlC); AddHandler(NextAutoComplete, Seqs.Tab); AddHandler(PrevAutoComplete, Seqs.ShiftTab); // Cmder specific features //AddHandler(TraverseUpDirectory, Seqs.ControlAltU); // Gnu Readline //AddHandler(DeleteNextChar, Seqs.ControlD); //AddHandler(SearchHistoryUp, Seqs.ControlR); //AddHandler(SearchHistoryDown, Seqs.ControlS); // Undo //AddHandler(Undo, Seqs.ControlUnderscore, Seqs.ControlXControlU); //_handlers.Add(BuildKey(ConsoleKey.Underscore, Console.Control), Undo); }
public GameContext(IPlayer player, IConsoleWriter consoleWriter, IConsoleReader consoleReader, IDirective[] directives, IRoom[] rooms, ISpecialEventManager specialEventManager, IRoomStateManager roomStateManager) { _player = player; _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; _consoleReader = consoleReader; _directives = directives; _rooms = rooms; _specialEventManager = specialEventManager; _roomStateManager = roomStateManager; _isGameOver = false; }
public ColorConsoleWriter(IConsoleWriter writer, ConsoleColor backgroundColor, ConsoleColor foregroundColor) { if (writer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer)); } if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ConsoleColor), backgroundColor)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(backgroundColor)); } if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ConsoleColor), foregroundColor)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(foregroundColor)); } _writer = writer; _backgroundColor = backgroundColor; _foregroundColor = foregroundColor; }
public TextSummaryOutputWriter( IConsoleWriter consoleWriter, IList <IValidationDescription> validationDescriptions) { this._consoleWriter = consoleWriter; this._validationErrorsHistogram = new Dictionary <ValidationType, long>(); this._systemValidationResults = new List <IValidationResult>(); this._systemValidationTypes = new HashSet <ValidationType>(validationDescriptions .Where(o => o.ValidationKind == ValidationKind.SystemValidation) .Select(o => o.ValidationType)); this._validationTypeDescriptions = new Dictionary <ValidationType, string>(); foreach (IValidationDescription validationDescription in validationDescriptions) { this._validationTypeDescriptions[validationDescription.ValidationType] = validationDescription.DisplayName; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ApplicationEnvironment env = PlatformServices.Default.Application; CommandLineApplication app = new CommandLineApplication() { Name = "AttachDebuggerByPort", FullName = "Attach Debugger By Port" }; app.ShowHelp(); ServiceProvider serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection() .AddSingleton <IConsoleWriter, ConsoleWriter>() .AddSingleton <ILowerLevelOpertationsService, LowerLevelOpertationsService>() .AddSingleton <IApplicationManager, ApplicationManager>() .BuildServiceProvider(); CommandOption helpOption = app.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); app.VersionOption("--version", () => env.ApplicationVersion); CommandOption portOption = app.Option("-p|--port", "Port", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); CommandOption filterOption = app.Option("-f|--filter", "VS instance filter", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); app.OnExecute(() => { IConsoleWriter consoleWriter = serviceProvider.GetService <IConsoleWriter>(); IApplicationManager applicationManager = serviceProvider.GetService <IApplicationManager>(); if (!portOption.HasValue()) { consoleWriter.PrintPortNumberNotAcceptableError(); return(-1); } return(applicationManager.AttachDebugger( portOption.Value().Split(",").ToList(), filterOption.Value() ?? string.Empty)); }); int exitCode = app.Execute(args); }
public LiteServerImpl(IKernel kernel, InternalConfiguration configuration) { if (kernel == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(kernel)); } _kernel = kernel; _console = kernel.Resolve <IConsoleWriter>(); _configuration = configuration; Output("Starting"); Execute(_configuration.OnStartup); _houseKeeping = new HouseKeeping(kernel, configuration, Output); Output("Started"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { data = new Dictionary <string, string>(); InvocationHandlerManager invocationManager = new InvocationHandlerManager(); invocationManager.OnMethodInvoked += new MethodInvocationHandler(MethodCalled); invocationManager.OnPropertyInvoked += InvocationManager_OnPropertyInvoked; IConsoleWriter writer = Proxy.Get <IConsoleWriter>(invocationManager, typeof(IConsoleWriter)); Proxy.SaveGeneratedProxies("SharpProxyContainer.dll"); writer.Value = "Michael"; writer.Write("Hello, {0}!"); writer.Write("Hello, {0}!"); }
public NativeProjectsPluginGenerator( IConsoleWriter consoleWriter, IFileGenerator fileGenerator, IFileManipulator fileManipulator, IUserInputProvider userInputProvider, IVariableProvider variableProvider, IProjectInformation projectInformation, ITfsPaths tfsPaths, ITools tools) { _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; _fileGenerator = fileGenerator; _fileManipulator = fileManipulator; _userInputProvider = userInputProvider; _variableProvider = variableProvider; _projectInformation = projectInformation; _tfsPaths = tfsPaths; _tools = tools; }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Задаем количество строк, которые будут выведены на экран. var count = 25; // Задаем задержку между выводом сообщений на консоль. var delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); // Создаем коллекцию из конкретных реализаций стратегии. // Обратите внимание, что мы используем тип IConsoleWriter, // что позволяет разместить в эту коллекцию любой класс, // который реализует данный интерфейс стратегии. var writers = new IConsoleWriter[] { new RedConsoleWriter(), new BlueConsoleWriter(), new GreenConsoleWriter() }; // Простой цикл, чтобы вывести на консоль текст заданное количество раз. for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Получаем индекс элемента из коллекции остатком от деления // текущего номера итерации на общее количество элементов в коллекции. var index = i % writers.Length; // Получаем конкретную реализацию стратегии. var writer = writers[index]; // Подготавливаем случайный текст, который будет выведен на экран. var text = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Выводим текст конкретной реализацией стратегии. writer.WriteText(text); // Ждем заданный промежуток времени, чтобы выполнялось не слишком быстро. Thread.Sleep(delay); } // Ждем завершения. Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { WindsorContainerWrapper containerWrapper = new WindsorContainerWrapper(new WindsorContainer(), new MainAssemblyProvider(), new PluginRegistration()); containerWrapper.RegistrationLogger = new ConsoleLogger(); containerWrapper.Install(); IWindsorContainer container = containerWrapper.WindsorContainer; do { Console.Write("Customer Key: "); Console.ReadLine(); //ContextUtilities.ContextValidationString = Console.ReadLine(); ICustomerInformation customerInformation = container.Resolve <ICustomerInformation>(); IConsoleWriter consoleWriter = container.Resolve <IConsoleWriter>(); consoleWriter.WriteCustomerInformation(customerInformation); } while (Console.ReadLine() != "exit".ToLower()); }
// OnExecute will be called every interval specified in IntervalBetweenExecution property public override void OnExecute(IConsoleWriter writer, TimeSpan elapsed) { // Generate random value double value = rnd.NextDouble(); // Check value to succes margin if (value > successMargin) { // If error write a message and increment fail count writer.Error("Error from: {0} with value {1}", Name, value); Failures++; } else { // If success write a message and increment success count writer.Success("Success from: {0} with value {1}", Name, value); Successes++; } writer.NewLine(); }
private void WriteBatch(IList <LogEventInfo> batch, IConsoleWriter writer) { var settings = batch[0].Settings; if (settings.ColorsEnabled && consoleFeaturesDetector.AreColorsSupported) { if (!settings.ColorMapping.TryGetValue(batch[0].Event.Level, out var color)) { color = ConsoleColor.Gray; } using (writer.ChangeColor(color)) { WriteBatchInternal(batch, writer); } } else { WriteBatchInternal(batch, writer); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConsoleMio"/> class. /// Creates a new ConsoleMio helper using the provided writer and reader /// and invokes the <see cref="Setup"/> method /// </summary> /// <param name="writer">An <see cref="IConsoleWriter"/> implementation</param> /// <param name="reader">An <see cref="IConsoleReader"/> implementation</param> /// <param name="hombre">An <see cref="IConsoleHombre"/> implementation</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Throws an exception if some of the provided parameters is null /// </exception> public ConsoleMio(IConsoleWriter writer, IConsoleReader reader, IConsoleHombre hombre) { if (writer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer)); } if (reader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(reader)); } if (hombre == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hombre)); } this.reader = reader; this.writer = writer; this.hombre = hombre; }
static void WriteFolder(IConsoleWriter writer) { // Create support collection List <FileInfo> infos = new List <FileInfo>(); // Read files and directories string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(actualFolder); string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(actualFolder); // Write each dir in collection infos.AddRange(dirs.Select(dir => new FileInfo(dir))); // Write each file in collection infos.AddRange(files.Select(file => new FileInfo(file))); // Sort collection infos.Sort(new FileInfoComparer()); // Cicle every item foreach (FileInfo info in infos) { // Check if item is a directory bool isDirectory = info.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory); // Write item in correct format if (isDirectory) { writer.Warning(LineRenderer(info)); } else { writer.Text(LineRenderer(info)); } // New line writer.NewLine(); } // New line for separation writer.NewLine(); }
public static void Generate( CliDefinitionList cliDefinition, string outputPath, bool overwriteFiles, bool verbose, IConsoleWriter console) { ParsedDefinitionList parsedDefinitionSet; try { parsedDefinitionSet = ParsedDefinitionList.Parse(cliDefinition, console); } catch (Exception exc) { console.WriteError($"ERROR: Could not parse the definition."); console.WriteError(exc.Message); return; } try { var generator = new CliGenerator(); generator.Generate(parsedDefinitionSet, new GeneratorSettings() { OverwriteFiles = overwriteFiles, Verbose = verbose, OutputPath = outputPath }, console); } catch (Exception exc) { console.WriteError($"ERROR: Could not generate command line classes."); console.WriteError(exc.Message); return; } }
private static IGameWorld CreateWorld(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { var gameObjectLocator = new GameObjectLocator(); var lineIntersectionResolver = new LianBarskyIntersectionResolver(); var geometryMathService = new GeometryMathService(lineIntersectionResolver); var serializedGameObjectDataProvider = new SerializedGameObjectDataProvider(); var enemyData = serializedGameObjectDataProvider.GetEnemyData(); var playerData = serializedGameObjectDataProvider.GetPlayerData(); var stoneData = serializedGameObjectDataProvider.GetStoneData(); var shellData = serializedGameObjectDataProvider.GetShellData(); var shellInputComponent = new ShellInputComponent(); var shellPhysicComponent = new PhysicComponent(shellData.Speed); var shellLogicComponent = new ShellLogicComponent(); var shellGraphicComponent = new CharGraphicComponent(shellData.DisplayChar, consoleWriter); var shell = new GameObject(shellInputComponent, shellPhysicComponent, shellLogicComponent, shellGraphicComponent); shell.Width = shellData.Width; shell.Height = shellData.Height; var fireCommand = new FireCommand(shell); var serializedGameObjectBuilders = new List <ISerializedGameObjectBuilder>() { new StoneBuilder(consoleWriter, stoneData), new PlayerBuilder(consoleWriter, geometryMathService, fireCommand, playerData), new EnemyBuilder(consoleWriter, gameObjectLocator, geometryMathService, fireCommand, enemyData), new WinPlatformBuilder(consoleWriter, gameObjectLocator, geometryMathService) }; var gameObjectBuilder = new GameObjectBuilder(serializedGameObjectBuilders, gameObjectLocator); var worldProvider = new WorldProvider(gameObjectBuilder, geometryMathService, consoleWriter); var world = worldProvider.GetWorld(1); return(world); }
private static void Run(IDedoxConfig config) { IConsoleWriter writer = GetConsoleWriter(config); config.Writer = writer; writer.Debug("Verbose? " + config.Verbose); writer.Debug("Output dir? " + config.OutputDirectory); writer.Debug("Levenshtein? " + config.LevenshteinLimit); writer.Debug("Metrics? " + config.Metrics); writer.Debug(); var metrics = new DedoxMetrics(); var inputFiles = config.GetInputFiles(); if (inputFiles.Any()) { foreach (var inputFile in config.GetInputFiles()) { ProcessInputFile(inputFile, config, metrics); } } else { var sampleOutput = new Dedoxifier(config, metrics).Run(GetSampleProgram()); Console.WriteLine(sampleOutput); } if (config.Metrics) { // Always write to console, even in non-verbose mode. Console.WriteLine("Code elements (all): " + metrics.AllCodeElements); Console.WriteLine("Code elements (included): " + metrics.CodeElements); Console.WriteLine("Code elements (documented): " + metrics.CodeElementsWithDocumentation); Console.WriteLine("Code elements (generated): " + metrics.CodeElementsWithGeneratedDocumentation); } }
public static void RunTaskWithSpinner(IConsoleWriter writer, string message, Action action) { _c = '/'; var bgw = new BackgroundWorker(); bgw.RunWorkerCompleted += Bgw_RunWorkerCompleted; bgw.DoWork += delegate { action?.Invoke(); }; IsRunning = true; bgw.RunWorkerAsync(); while (IsRunning) { switch (_c) { case '/': _c = '-'; break; case '-': _c = '\\'; break; case '\\': _c = '|'; break; case '|': _c = '/'; break; } writer.Write($"\r{message}{_c}"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } }
static void WriteMenu(IConsoleWriter writer) { // Clear console and write the static part of menu writer.Clear(); writer.Info("Use number to select an option").NewLine().NewLine(); writer.Text("01 - Create Console").NewLine(); writer.Text("02 - Reset").NewLine(); writer.Text("03 - Quit").NewLine(); writer.NewLine(); // Cicle through console and write a menu item for each int index = 4; foreach (IConsole console in ConsoleAsync.EnumerateConsoles()) { if (console.Name != systemConsoleName) { writer.Text("{0:00} - Delete console '{1}'", index++, console.Name).NewLine(); } } writer.NewLine().NewLine(); }
public GiveMeDirective(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter, IEnumerable <IBarItem> barItems, IEnumerable <IBasementItem> basementItems, IEnumerable <ICellItem> cellItems, IEnumerable <ICorridorItem> corridorItems, IEnumerable <IGardenItem> gardenItems, IEnumerable <IGardenShedItem> gardenShedItems, IEnumerable <ILoungeItem> loungeItems, IEnumerable <IStairsItem> stairsItems, IEnumerable <IItem> otherItems) { _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; _allItems = new List <IItem>(); _allItems.AddRange(barItems); _allItems.AddRange(basementItems); _allItems.AddRange(cellItems); _allItems.AddRange(corridorItems); _allItems.AddRange(gardenItems); _allItems.AddRange(gardenShedItems); _allItems.AddRange(loungeItems); _allItems.AddRange(stairsItems); _allItems.AddRange(otherItems); }
public static bool FireWeapon(this Player thisPlayer, Player otherPlayer, IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { if (!thisPlayer.IsVictor) { consoleWriter.ClearScreen(); PrintEnemyBattlefield(otherPlayer, consoleWriter); var coordinates = consoleWriter.ReadCoordinates(); var avatar = otherPlayer.Battlefield[coordinates.PosX, coordinates.PosY]; if (string.Equals(avatar, Constants.OCEAN_AVATAR) || string.Equals(avatar, Constants.DEBRIS) || string.Equals(avatar, Constants.HIT_ALREADY)) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine($"{thisPlayer.Name} : It's a Miss."); Console.ResetColor(); otherPlayer.MaskedBattlefield[coordinates.PosX, coordinates.PosY] = Constants.HIT_ALREADY; } else { otherPlayer.Battlefield[coordinates.PosX, coordinates.PosY] = Constants.DEBRIS; otherPlayer.MaskedBattlefield[coordinates.PosX, coordinates.PosY] = Constants.DEBRIS; otherPlayer.BattlefieldAnalyzer[avatar] -= 1; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine($"{thisPlayer.Name} : It's a Hit!"); Console.ResetColor(); } var gameOn = AnalyzeBattlefield(otherPlayer); thisPlayer.IsVictor = gameOn ? false : true; Thread.Sleep(1000); return(gameOn); } return(false); }
public HelpWriter([NotNull] IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { if (consoleWriter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(consoleWriter)); } _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; _consoleInputToPreferenceConverter = new ConsoleInputToPreferenceConverter(); try { int width = Console.WindowWidth; _width = width - 20; if (_width < 20) { _width = 20; } } catch (Exception) { // probably not actually running in a console window _width = 50; } }
public NuGetProcess(IConsoleWriter writer) { _writer = writer; }
public void WriteToConsole(IConsoleWriter writer) { writer.WriteString(this); }
public ConsoleFormatter(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; }
public UserStatus(IConsoleWriter writer) { this.writer = writer; }
public TimeKeeper(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; _measurements = new List <TimeMeasurements>(); }
public LookDirective(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; }
public ConsoleWriterActor() { _writer = new ConsoleWriter(); this.Initialize(); }
public Scope(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; _consoleWriter.Indent(1); }
protected void RegisterConsoleWriter(IConsoleWriter writer) { if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer"); writer.LineWritten += ProxyLineWritten; IConsoleWriter oldWriter; using (ConsoleWriterMapLock.UpgradeableRead()) { if (ConsoleWriterMap.ContainsKey(writer.Name) && (writer.Name == "normal" || writer.Name == "error")) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot replace the normal or error console writers.", "writer"); using (ConsoleWriterMapLock.Write()) { oldWriter = ConsoleWriterMap.GetOrDefault(writer.Name); ConsoleWriterMap[writer.Name] = writer; } } if (oldWriter != null) oldWriter.LineWritten -= ProxyLineWritten; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConsoleRenderer"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="consoleWriter">Concrete console context.</param> public ConsoleRenderer(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { this.consoleWriter = consoleWriter; }
public AttributeWriter(IConsoleWriter _console) { console = _console; }
public ActionExecutor(IConsoleWriter writer, RunContext runContext) { _writer = writer; _runContext = runContext; }
public void BeginExecutePipeline() { _writer = _writerProvider.ConsoleWriter; sb = new StringBuilder(); }
public void InitConsole(IConsoleWriter writer) { mConsoleWriter = writer; }
/// <summary> /// Clears the exact line the cursor is. /// </summary> /// <param name="consoleWriter">Console context.</param> private static void ClearConsoleLine(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { var currentLine = 1; if (Console.CursorTop < 2) { currentLine = Console.CursorTop; } else { currentLine = Console.CursorTop - 1; } Console.SetCursorPosition(0, currentLine); consoleWriter.Write(new string(' ', Console.WindowWidth)); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, currentLine); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConsoleInputHandler"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="consoleWriter">Console context for writing.</param> /// <param name="consoleReader">Console context for reading.</param> public ConsoleInputHandler(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter, IConsoleReader consoleReader) { this.consoleWriter = consoleWriter; this.consoleReader = consoleReader; }
public TextWriter(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; }
public ConsoleProxy() { this.writer = new ConsoleWriter(); }
public CompletionWriter(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; }
public CheckoutBootStrap(IEnumerable<string> cartData, IEnumerable<string> productCatalogData, IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { _cartData = cartData; _productCatalogData = productCatalogData; _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; }
public PluginsCommand(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter, IPluginLoader pluginLoader) { _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; _pluginLoader = pluginLoader; }
public PricingConsole(IBasketBuilder basketBuilder, IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { _basketBuilder = basketBuilder; _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; }
public ProgramLoop(IMenu mainMenu, IConsoleWriter consoleWriter) { _menu = mainMenu; _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; }
public static void InitConsole(IConsoleWriter writer) { runner.InitConsole(writer); }
public IdentifyCommand(IConsoleWriter consoleWriter, IFileTypeFinder fileTypeFinder, IFilePathExtractor filePathExtractor) { _consoleWriter = consoleWriter; _fileTypeFinder = fileTypeFinder; _filePathExtractor = filePathExtractor; }
public LineWrittenEventArgs(string line, IConsoleWriter writer) { Line = line; ConsoleWriter = writer; }