예제 #1
 public ConfigController(IConfigService service, FileUploadHelper fileUploadHelper, IConfigProvider configProvider, IConfigCollection configCollection)
     _service          = service;
     _fileUploadHelper = fileUploadHelper;
     _configProvider   = configProvider;
     _configCollection = configCollection;
예제 #2
        private IConfigCollection LoadCollection(string path, Type keyType, Type itemType, Type fieldType, IICIndex <IICConfigItemBuffer> index)
            IList <IICConfigItemBuffer> items = index.Find(path);

            string        lastKey = null;
            List <string> keys    = new List <string>();

            foreach (IICConfigItemBuffer buffer in items)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastKey) || buffer.Key != lastKey)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buffer.Key))
                        lastKey = buffer.Key;

            IConfigCollection collection = (IConfigCollection)Activator.CreateInstance(fieldType);

            foreach (string key in keys)
                object itemObj = LoadItem(path, key, itemType, index);
                object keyObj  = ObjectHelper.ConvertTo(key, keyType);
                collection.Add(keyObj, itemObj);
        public static void Load(DataSet ds, String configType, Selector sel)
            DataTable table = null;

            IConfigCollection coll = null;

            //IConfigItem item = null;

            // Make sure we have a table for this configType
            table = LoadSchema(ds, configType);

            // Read the data for the configType
            coll = (IConfigCollection)ConfigManager.Get(configType, sel);

            if (coll.Count > 0) // Did we find anything?
            // Add a row for each config item:
            // Initialize an array with one value for each property in the config items
                Object[] values = new Object[coll[0].Count];

                // Enumerate the config items
                foreach (IConfigItem item1 in (BaseConfigCollection)coll)
                    // Copy each property to the value array
                    int j = 0;
                    foreach (Object value in (BaseConfigItem)item1)
                        values[j] = value;
                    // Add a row with all the config item values
예제 #4
 public ConfigProvider(IConfigCollection configs, IConfigStorageProvider storageProvider, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IConfiguration cfg)
     _configs         = configs;
     _storageProvider = storageProvider;
     _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
     _cfg             = cfg;
예제 #5
 public ConfigProvider(RedisHelper redisHelper, IConfigCollection configs, IRedisSerializer redisSerializer, IConfigStorageProvider storageProvider, IConfiguration cfg)
     _redisHelper     = redisHelper;
     _configs         = configs;
     _redisSerializer = redisSerializer;
     _storageProvider = storageProvider;
     _cfg             = cfg;
예제 #6
 public KeeperEndpoint(string server, IConfigCollection <IServerConfiguration> storage)
     _storage      = storage;
     ClientVersion = DefaultClientVersion;
     DeviceName    = DefaultDeviceName;
     Locale        = DefaultLocale();
     Server        = server;
예제 #7
        private T LoadSection <T>(string sectionName, IICIndex <IICConfigItemBuffer> index) where T : IICConfigSection
            IICConfigSectionAttribute sectionAttr = AttributeHelper.GetAttribute <IICConfigSectionAttribute>(typeof(T));
            T section = Activator.CreateInstance <T>();

            foreach (FieldInfo field in typeof(T).GetFields())
                IICConfigFieldAttribute fieldAttr = AttributeHelper.TryGetAttribute <IICConfigFieldAttribute>(field);
                if (fieldAttr != null)
                    IICConfigItemBuffer item = index.TryFindOne(sectionAttr.SectionName, string.Empty, fieldAttr.FieldName);
                    if (item != null)
                        ObjectHelper.SetValue(field, section, item.Value, field.FieldType);
                        ObjectHelper.SetValue(field, section, fieldAttr.DefaultValue);

                IICConfigItemAttribute itemAttr = AttributeHelper.TryGetAttribute <IICConfigItemAttribute>(field);
                if (itemAttr != null)
                    object item = LoadItem(sectionName + "." + itemAttr.ItemName, string.Empty, field.FieldType, index);
                    field.SetValue(section, item);

                IICConfigItemCollectionAttribute colletionAttr = AttributeHelper.TryGetAttribute <IICConfigItemCollectionAttribute>(field);
                if (colletionAttr != null)
                    Type[]            types      = field.FieldType.GetGenericArguments();
                    Type              keyType    = types[0];
                    Type              itemType   = types[1];
                    IConfigCollection collection = LoadCollection(sectionName + "." + colletionAttr.ItemName, keyType, itemType, field.FieldType, index);
                    field.SetValue(section, collection);
예제 #8
        public CfgFileDialog(String selector, ConfigViewerSample parent)
            // Required for Win Form Designer support

            // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
            this.parent = parent;
            label1.Text = selector;

            try {
                IConfigCollection files = ConfigManager.Get(ConfigViewerSample.ctConfigFileHierarchy, selector);
                foreach (IConfigItem file in files)
            catch (Exception ex) {
예제 #9
 public ConfigController(IConfigService service, IConfigCollection configCollection, IFileStorageProvider fileStorageProvider)
     _service             = service;
     _configCollection    = configCollection;
     _fileStorageProvider = fileStorageProvider;
        public static void Save(DataSet ds, Selector sel)
            IConfigCollection Inserts = null;
            IConfigCollection Updates = null;
            IConfigCollection Deletes = null;

            // Obtain the changed rows in the DataSet
            DataSet changes = ds.GetChanges();

            if (null == changes)
            // enumerate all changed tables
            foreach (DataTable table in changes.Tables)
                // Create an empty configuration collection to hold the changed items
                Inserts          = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigCollection(table.TableName);
                Inserts.Selector = sel; // identify where the items are to be stored

                Updates          = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigCollection(table.TableName);
                Updates.Selector = sel; // identify where the items are to be stored

                Deletes          = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigCollection(table.TableName);
                Deletes.Selector = sel; // identify where the items are to be stored

                // enumerate all changed rows in this table
                foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                    if (DataRowState.Deleted == row.RowState)
                        // If the row has been deleted:

                        // Create an empty configuration item for this row
                        IConfigItem item = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigItem(table.TableName);

                        // Copy the original values from the row into the item
                        for (int i = 0; i < item.Count; i++)
                            item[i] = row[i, DataRowVersion.Original];

                        Trace.WriteLine("Deleted: " + item);
                    else if (DataRowState.Modified == row.RowState || DataRowState.New == row.RowState)
                        // If the row has been modified or added:

                        // Create an empty configuration item for this row
                        IConfigItem item = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigItem(table.TableName);

                        // Copy the values from the row into the item
                        for (int i = 0; i < item.Count; i++)
                            item[i] = row[i];

                        // Add the item to the proper collection
                        if (DataRowState.Modified == row.RowState)
                            // If the row has been modified, add it to the Updates collection
                            Trace.WriteLine("Updated: " + item);
                        else if (DataRowState.New == row.RowState)
                            // If the row has been created, add it to Inserts collection
                            Trace.WriteLine("Inserted: " + item);
                            // should never get here...
                            throw(new ApplicationException("internal error"));

                if (Deletes.Count > 0) // any deleted rows?
                    // Delete them from the store
                if (Inserts.Count > 0) // any inserted rows?
                    // Add them to the store
                    ConfigManager.Put(Inserts, PutFlags.CreateOnly);
                if (Updates.Count > 0) // any modified rows?
                    // Change them in the store
                    ConfigManager.Put(Updates, PutFlags.UpdateOnly);

                // Get ready for the next table/config type...
                Inserts = null;
                Updates = null;
                Deletes = null;
        public static DataTable LoadSchema(DataSet ds, String configType)
            DataTable table       = null;
            DataTable parentTable = null;

            DataColumn column = null;

            IConfigCollection parents = null;
            IConfigItem       parent  = null;

            // Do we already have a table for this configType?
            if (ds.Tables.Contains(configType))
                // Yes: use it.

            // Create a new table for this configType
            table           = new DataTable();
            table.TableName = configType;

            // Set the schema for the table
            ArrayList pk = new ArrayList();

            foreach (PropertySchema propertyschema in ConfigSchema.PropertySchemaCollection(configType))
                column = table.Columns.Add(propertyschema.PublicName, propertyschema.SystemType);
                if ((((int)propertyschema["MetaFlags"]) & 1) > 0)

            DataColumn[] pk1 = new DataColumn[pk.Count];
            table.Constraints.Add("PK", pk1, true);

            // Add the new table to the dataset

            // Set schema for any parent tables

            try {
                parents = ConfigManager.Get("RelationMeta", "", 0);
            catch {
                parents = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < parents.Count; i++)
                parent = parents[i];
                if (parent["ForeignTable"].Equals(ConfigSchema.ConfigTypeSchema(configType).InternalName))
                    parentTable = LoadSchema(ds, (String)parent["PrimaryTable"]);
                    // TODO: add DataSet relation info!
예제 #12
        public static int Main(String[] args)
            System.Configuration.Web.Assembly a = null;  // BUGBUG: need this so that System.Configuration.Objects.dll is found
            a = new System.Configuration.Web.Assembly(); // get rid of the warning...

            Boolean bFullPropertyMeta  = false;
            Boolean bShowPropertyNames = true;

            IConfigCollection props      = null;
            IConfigCollection collection = null;
            IConfigCollection propmeta   = null;

            String configtype = "AppDomain";
            String url        = "file://" + new LocalMachineSelector().Argument;

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                if (args[i].StartsWith("/") || args[i].StartsWith("-"))
                    String arg = args[i].Substring(1).ToLower();

                    if ("?" == arg)
                        Console.WriteLine("Usage: mtest [<configtype>] [<prefix>:<selector>] [/nometa] [/meta] [/?]");
                        Console.WriteLine("  <configtype>        - the config type for which data is to be shown. Default: AppDomain");
                        Console.WriteLine("  <prefix>:<selector> - a selector string, i.e. file://c:\\foo.cfg. Default: <machinecfgdir>\\config.cfg");
                        Console.WriteLine("  :                   - use no selector at all.");
                        Console.WriteLine("  /nometa             - don't show property names, only values");
                        Console.WriteLine("  /meta               - show all schema information for each property");
                    if ("meta" == arg)
                        bFullPropertyMeta = true;
                    if ("nometa" == arg)
                        bShowPropertyNames = false;
                        bFullPropertyMeta  = false;
                else if (args[i].IndexOf(':') < 0)
                    configtype = args[i];
                    if (args[i].Equals(":"))
                        url = "";
                        url = args[i];

 *  // strongly typed version...
 *              IISProcessModel pm = (IISProcessModel) ConfigManager.GetItem("iisprocessmodel", "file://c:\\urt\\config\\src\\test\\xsp\\config.web", 0);
 *              Console.WriteLine(pm.enable);
 *              Console.WriteLine(pm.timeout);
 *              Console.WriteLine(pm.idletimeout);
 *              Console.WriteLine(pm.shutdowntimeout);
 *              Console.WriteLine(pm.requestlimit);
 *              Console.WriteLine(pm.memorylimit);
 *              Console.WriteLine(pm.cpumask);
 *              Console.WriteLine(pm.usecpuaffinity);

            // Read the data
            collection = ConfigManager.Get(configtype, url, 0);

            if (bShowPropertyNames)
                // Read the schema: to be able to show the property names
                ConfigQuery q = new ConfigQuery("select * from Property where Table=" + ConfigSchema.ConfigTypeSchema(configtype).InternalName);

                props = ConfigManager.Get("Property", q, 0);

                // Read the meta schema for properties: to be able to show the names of the schema information
                if (bFullPropertyMeta)
                    ConfigQuery qmetameta = new ConfigQuery("select * from Property where Table=COLUMNMETA");
                    //qmetameta.Add(0, QueryCellOp.Equal, "COLUMNMETA");
                    propmeta = ConfigManager.Get("Property", qmetameta, 0);

            for (int k = 0; k < collection.Count; k++)
                IConfigItem item = collection[k];
                if (bFullPropertyMeta)
                    // Write the type of each item
                    Console.WriteLine("Type: " + item.ToString());
                for (int i = 0; i < item.Count; i++)
                    if (bShowPropertyNames)
                        // Write the property name
                        Console.Write(props[i]["PublicName"] + ": ");

                    // Write the property value

                    if (bFullPropertyMeta)
                        // Write the schema information for the property
                        for (int j = 0; j < props[i].Count; j++)
                            // Write the name of the meta property
                            Console.Write("    " + propmeta[j]["PublicName"]);

                            // Write the value of the meta property
                            Console.Write("=" + props[i][j]);

예제 #13
        public Object Read(String configType, Selector selector, int los, Object currentObject)
            Selector    url   = null;
            ConfigQuery query = null;
            Object      val   = null;

            IConfigCollection result = null;
            IConfigItem       node   = null;

            if (selector is ConfigQuery && ((ConfigQuery)selector).Count > 0)
                query = (ConfigQuery)selector;
                url   = query.Selector;
                if (selector is NullSelector)
                    url = null;
                    url = selector;
                query = null;
            if (url != null && !(url is HttpSelector) && !(url is WebServiceSelector))
                throw new ConfigException("Invalid Selector");
            switch (configType)
            case ctNodes:
                // LogicalName, PhysicalName, Parent, NodeType
                // Q by ParentName==NULL: "IISWebService" entry (LogicalName = ?)
                // Q by "IISWebService" LogicalName: all IIS web sites
                // Q by LogicalName: UNC from URL - site binding
                // NodeType: IIS6!
                // PhysicalName: UNC from URL (MB)

                if (query != null)
                    if (query.Count > 1)
                        throw new ConfigException("Can't query by more than one property");
                    val = query[0].Value;

                if ((query != null && query[0].PropertyIndex == 2) || url == null) // Query by Parent?
                    if (val == null || (val is String && ((String)val) == String.Empty))
                        // return IISWebService node
                        result = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigCollection(configType);
                        node   = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigItem(configType);
                        WebServiceSelector ws = new WebServiceSelector();
                        node["LogicalName"]  = ws.ToString();
                        node["PhysicalName"] = new WebServiceSelector().Argument;
                        node["Parent"]       = "";
                        node["RelativeName"] = ".NET Web Service";
                        node["NodeType"]     = nodetypeWebService;
                    if (val is String)
                        if ((String)val == new WebServiceSelector().ToString())
                            // return all sites
                            result = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigCollection(configType);
                            node   = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigItem(configType);
                            // BUGBUG really enumerate the metabase
                            node["LogicalName"]  = "http://localhost";
                            node["PhysicalName"] = IISAdminHelper.GetPathForUrl((String)node["LogicalName"]);
                            node["Parent"]       = new WebServiceSelector().ToString();
                            node["RelativeName"] = node["LogicalName"];
                            node["NodeType"]     = nodetypeWebServer;
                        // read children from metabase
                        String[] children = IISAdminHelper.GetChildrenForUrl((String)val);

                        result = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigCollection(configType);
                        foreach (String child in children)
                            node = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigItem(configType);
                            // BUGBUG really enumerate the metabase
                            node["Parent"]       = (String)val;
                            node["LogicalName"]  = ((String)val) + "/" + child;
                            node["PhysicalName"] = IISAdminHelper.GetPathForUrl((String)node["LogicalName"]);
                            node["RelativeName"] = child;
                            node["NodeType"]     = nodetypeWebDirectory;
                    throw new ConfigException("Invalid query for UINavigationNodes.Parent!");

                if ((query == null && url != null) || (query != null && query[0].PropertyIndex == 0)) // Query by LogicalName?
                    if (query == null)
                        val = url.ToString();
                    if (!(val is String) || ((String)val) == String.Empty)
                        throw new ConfigException("Invalid Query for UINavigationNode.LogicalName!");

                    WebServiceSelector ws = new WebServiceSelector();
                    if ((String)val == ws.ToString())
                        // return IISWebService node
                        result = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigCollection(configType);
                        node   = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigItem(configType);
                        node["LogicalName"]  = ws.ToString();
                        node["PhysicalName"] = ws.Argument.Substring(0, ws.Argument.LastIndexOf('\\'));
                        node["Parent"]       = "";
                        node["RelativeName"] = "";
                        node["NodeType"]     = nodetypeWebService;

                    result = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigCollection(configType);
                    node   = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigItem(configType);
                    node["LogicalName"]  = (String)val;
                    node["PhysicalName"] = IISAdminHelper.GetPathForUrl((String)val);
                    // BUGBUG compute only the immediate parent!
                    String[] parents = IISAdminHelper.GetParentUrlsForUrl((String)val);
                    if (parents.Length >= 2)
                        node["Parent"]       = parents[parents.Length - 2];
                        node["RelativeName"] = ((String)val).Substring(((String)val).LastIndexOf('/'));
                        node["Parent"]       = new WebServiceSelector().ToString();
                        node["RelativeName"] = node["LogicalName"];
                    node["NodeType"] = nodetypeWebDirectory;
                throw new ConfigException("Invalid Query for UINavigationNode.LogicalName!");

// *******************************************************************************************************
            case ctConfigFileHierarchy:
                // LogicalName, ConfigFilePath, Location
                // Q by LogicalName=all config file for this node and it's parents

                if (query == null || query.Count == 0)
                    if (url == null)
                        throw new ConfigException("Can't enumerate all nodes!");
                if (query != null)
                    if (query.Count > 1)
                        throw new ConfigException("Can't query by more than one property");
                    val = query[0].Value;

                if ((query != null && query[0].PropertyIndex == 0) || (query == null && url != null)) // Query by LogicalName?
                    if (query == null)
                        val = url.ToString();

                    if (val == null || (val is String && ((String)val) == String.Empty))
                        throw new ConfigException("Can't query for all root nodes.");
                    if (val is String)
                        result = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigCollection(configType);

                        node = ConfigManager.GetItem(ctNodes, url);
                            IConfigCollection files = ConfigManager.Get(ctFileLocation, (String)node["LogicalName"]);
                            foreach (IConfigItem file in files)
                                IConfigItem hierarchyfile = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigItem(configType);

                                hierarchyfile["LogicalName"]    = file["LogicalName"];
                                hierarchyfile["ConfigFilePath"] = file["ConfigFilePath"];
                                hierarchyfile["Location"]       = "";
                            if (node["Parent"] != "")
                                node = ConfigManager.GetItem(ctNodes, (String)node["Parent"]);
                        } while (true);

                    throw new ConfigException("Invalid query for " + ctConfigFileHierarchy + ".LogicalName!");
                throw new ConfigException("Invalid Query for " + ctHierarchy + ".");

            case ctFileLocation:
                // LogicalName, ConfigFilePath, Description
                IConfigCollection nodes = (IConfigCollection)Read(ctNodes, selector, los, currentObject);
                if (nodes.Count > 1)
                    throw new ConfigException("More than one node for this URL!");

                result = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigCollection(configType);
                if (nodes.Count == 1)
                    node = ConfigManager.GetEmptyConfigItem(configType);
                    node["LogicalName"]    = nodes[0]["LogicalName"];
                    node["ConfigFilePath"] = ((String)nodes[0]["PhysicalName"]) + "\\config.web";
                    node["Description"]    = "";

                throw new ConfigException("Invalid ConfigType");