//Gets all the posts comments, postId sent to proxy method, API call made to get all comments with the postId from db public async void GetCommentsInfo(string postId) { var temp = await _commentsProxy.GetCommentsByPost(postId); //Makes the API call in the proxy if (temp != null) { if (temp.Count >= 1) { foreach (var item in temp) //Foreach loop used to put each item from temp (List) into ObservableCollection { CommentsList.Add(item); } } else { return; //If temp is null, exit the method } } }
} = new List <Comments>(); //The List for where we will store the data from api public async void GetCommentsInfo(int id) //this code is where the data from the api will be added to the list { var temp = await _commentsProxy.GetCommentsByPost(id); if (temp != null) { if (temp.Count > 1) { foreach (var item in temp) { CommentsList.Add(item); } } else { return; } } }