예제 #1
        private void CommandTestInit()
            ICommand command = m_Device.CreateCommand("CommandTest", "Test command description");

            command.AddParameter(m_CommandTest_Param_1_Int, "Integer > 0", m_DDK.CreateInt(0, 1000));
            command.AddParameter(m_CommandTest_Param_2_Double, "Double Percent [0, 100]", Property.CreatePercentType(m_DDK, 0, 100, 2));
            command.AddParameter(m_CommandTest_Param_3_Bool, "Bool", Property.CreateBoolType(m_DDK));
            command.AddParameter(m_CommandTest_Param_4_String, "String 1 to 20 characters", m_DDK.CreateString(20));
            command.OnPreflightCommand += OnCommandTestPreflight;
            command.OnCommand          += OnCommandTest;
예제 #2
 public static void AddParametersToCommand(ICommand command, Uri uri)
         NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);
         foreach (string key in nameValueCollection.Keys)
             if (key == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
                 object[] str = new object[1];
                 str[0] = uri.ToString();
                 throw new DataServiceException(0x190, ExceptionHelpers.GetDataServiceExceptionMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Resources.InvalidQueryParameterMessage, str));
                 string[] values = nameValueCollection.GetValues(key);
                 if ((int)values.Length == 1)
                     string str1 = values[0];
                     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str1))
                         string str2 = key.Trim();
                         if (str2.StartsWith("$", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                             command.AddParameter(str2, str1.Trim(), true);
                         catch (ArgumentException argumentException1)
                             ArgumentException argumentException = argumentException1;
                             object[]          objArray          = new object[1];
                             objArray[0] = uri.ToString();
                             throw new DataServiceException(0x190, string.Empty, ExceptionHelpers.GetDataServiceExceptionMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Resources.InvalidQueryParameterMessage, objArray), string.Empty, argumentException);
                         object[] objArray1 = new object[1];
                         objArray1[0] = uri.ToString();
                         throw new DataServiceException(0x190, ExceptionHelpers.GetExceptionMessage(Resources.InvalidQueryParameterMessage, objArray1));
                     object[] objArray2 = new object[1];
                     objArray2[0] = uri.ToString();
                     throw new DataServiceException(0x190, ExceptionHelpers.GetDataServiceExceptionMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Resources.InvalidQueryParameterMessage, objArray2));
     catch (Exception exception)
예제 #3
		public static void AddParametersToCommand(ICommand command, Uri uri)
				NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);
				foreach (string key in nameValueCollection.Keys)
					if (key == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
						object[] str = new object[1];
						str[0] = uri.ToString();
						throw new DataServiceException(0x190, ExceptionHelpers.GetDataServiceExceptionMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Resources.InvalidQueryParameterMessage, str));
						string[] values = nameValueCollection.GetValues(key);
						if ((int)values.Length == 1)
							string str1 = values[0];
							if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str1))
								string str2 = key.Trim();
								if (str2.StartsWith("$", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
									command.AddParameter(str2, str1.Trim(), true);
								catch (ArgumentException argumentException1)
									ArgumentException argumentException = argumentException1;
									object[] objArray = new object[1];
									objArray[0] = uri.ToString();
									throw new DataServiceException(0x190, string.Empty, ExceptionHelpers.GetDataServiceExceptionMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Resources.InvalidQueryParameterMessage, objArray), string.Empty, argumentException);
								object[] objArray1 = new object[1];
								objArray1[0] = uri.ToString();
								throw new DataServiceException(0x190, ExceptionHelpers.GetExceptionMessage(Resources.InvalidQueryParameterMessage, objArray1));
							object[] objArray2 = new object[1];
							objArray2[0] = uri.ToString();
							throw new DataServiceException(0x190, ExceptionHelpers.GetDataServiceExceptionMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Resources.InvalidQueryParameterMessage, objArray2));
			catch (Exception exception)
예제 #4
        // private const string m_CommandTest_Param_1_Int = "Param_1_Int";
        private void CommandTransferData()
            ICommand command = m_Device.CreateCommand("CommandTest1", "Test command description");

            command.AddParameter("CommandTest1", "Test command description nice", m_DDK.CreateDouble(0, 1000, 3));
            command.OnPreflightCommand += OnCommandTestPreflight;
            //command.OnCommand += O
예제 #5
        public MyPage(IContextFactory sqlContextFactory, ICommandFactory sqlCommandFactory, IMapper sqlMapper)
            _sqlContextFactory = sqlContextFactory;
            _sqlCommandFactory = sqlCommandFactory;
            _sqlMapper         = sqlMapper;

            if (_command == null)
                _command            = _sqlCommandFactory.CreateStoredProcedure("getProfileById");
                _profileIdParameter = _command.AddParameter("id", System.Data.SqlDbType.BigInt);
예제 #6
        static void AddParameter(this ICommand command, object parameters, PropertyInfo property)
            var dbType = DbTypeResolvers.Instance.TryResolve(property.PropertyType);

            if (!dbType.HasValue)
                // this will ignore all types we do not know :(
                // maybe it's better to let package user to define will it be ignored or not
                // TODO if configured to allow unknown types and treat them as Object

            command.AddParameter(parameters, property, dbType);
예제 #7
        public static void AddParameters(this ICommand command, object parameters)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(command));

            if (parameters != null)
                var properties = parameters.GetType().GetProperties();
                foreach (var property in properties)
                    command.AddParameter(parameters, property);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create our Dionex.Chromeleon.Symbols.IDevice and our Properties and Commands
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmDDK">The DDK instance</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name for our device</param>
        /// <returns>our IDevice object</returns>
        internal IDevice Create(IDDK cmDDK, string name)
            m_MyCmDDK = cmDDK;

            // Create the Dionex.Chromeleon.Symbols.IDevice
            m_MyCmDevice = cmDDK.CreateDevice(name, "This is an example device.");

            // create a few example properties

            // A Data type for a flow ranging from 0.000 - 10.000
            ITypeDouble tFlow = cmDDK.CreateDouble(0, 10, 3);

            tFlow.Unit = "ml/min";

            // Create our flow handler. The flow handler creates a Flow.Nominal,
            // a Flow.Value and 2 eluent component properties for us.
            m_FlowHandler = m_MyCmDevice.CreateFlowHandler(tFlow, 2, 2);

            // initialize the flow

            // initialize the components

            // All properties support ramps
            m_FlowHandler.FlowNominalProperty.RampSyntax    = true;
            m_FlowHandler.ComponentProperties[0].RampSyntax = true;
            m_FlowHandler.ComponentProperties[1].RampSyntax = true;

            // Attach various handlers
            m_FlowHandler.FlowNominalProperty.OnSetProperty    += new SetPropertyEventHandler(m_RampedFlowProperty_OnSetProperty);
            m_FlowHandler.ComponentProperties[1].OnSetProperty += new SetPropertyEventHandler(m_RampedPercentageProperty_OnSetProperty);

            m_FlowHandler.FlowNominalProperty.OnSetRamp    += new SetRampEventHandler(m_RampedFlowProperty_OnSetRamp);
            m_FlowHandler.ComponentProperties[1].OnSetRamp += new SetRampEventHandler(m_RampedPercentageProperty_OnSetRamp);

            m_FlowHandler.FlowNominalProperty.OnPreflightSetProperty    += new SetPropertyEventHandler(m_RampedFlowProperty_OnPreflightSetProperty);
            m_FlowHandler.ComponentProperties[1].OnPreflightSetProperty += new SetPropertyEventHandler(m_RampedPercentageProperty_OnPreflightSetProperty);

            m_FlowHandler.FlowNominalProperty.OnPreflightSetRamp    += new SetRampEventHandler(m_RampedFlowProperty_OnPreflightSetRamp);
            m_FlowHandler.ComponentProperties[1].OnPreflightSetRamp += new SetRampEventHandler(m_RampedPercentageProperty_OnPreflightSetRamp);

            m_MyCmDevice.OnSetTimeTable          += new SetTimeTableEventHandler(m_MyCmDevice_OnSetTimeTable);
            m_MyCmDevice.OnPreflightSetTimeTable += new SetTimeTableEventHandler(m_MyCmDevice_OnPreflightSetTimeTable);

            // now create the properties and command for valve simulation
            ITypeInt valvePropType = cmDDK.CreateInt(1, 2);

            valvePropType.LegalValues = new[] { 1, 2 };
            m_ValveState = m_MyCmDevice.CreateProperty("ValveState", "The state of the simulated valve, can be '1' or '2'.", valvePropType);
            m_ValveState.OnSetProperty          += new SetPropertyEventHandler(m_ValveState_OnSetProperty);
            m_ValveState.OnPreflightSetProperty += new SetPropertyEventHandler(m_ValveState_OnPreflightSetProperty);

            m_ValveCommandTo1                     = m_MyCmDevice.CreateCommand("SwitchValveTo1", "Switch the simulated valve to '1' state.");
            m_ValveCommandTo1.OnCommand          += new CommandEventHandler(m_ValveCommandTo1_OnCommand);
            m_ValveCommandTo1.OnPreflightCommand += new CommandEventHandler(m_ValveCommandTo1_OnPreflightCommand);

            m_ValveCommandTo2                     = m_MyCmDevice.CreateCommand("SwitchValveTo2", "Switch the simulated valve to '2' state.");
            m_ValveCommandTo2.OnCommand          += new CommandEventHandler(m_ValveCommandTo2_OnCommand);
            m_ValveCommandTo2.OnPreflightCommand += new CommandEventHandler(m_ValveCommandTo2_OnPreflightCommand);

            m_ValveCommandWithPar                     = m_MyCmDevice.CreateCommand("SwitchValve", "Switch the simulated valve according to parameters.");
            m_ValveStateParameter                     = m_ValveCommandWithPar.AddParameter("NewState", "The new state of the simulated valve, can be '1' or '2'.", valvePropType);
            m_ValveStateParameter.Required            = true;
            m_ValveLogParameter                       = m_ValveCommandWithPar.AddParameter("Message", "A message to be written when executing the command.", m_MyCmDDK.CreateString(64));
            m_ValveLogParameter.Required              = false;
            m_ValveCommandWithPar.OnCommand          += new CommandEventHandler(m_ValveCommandWithPar_OnCommand);
            m_ValveCommandWithPar.OnPreflightCommand += new CommandEventHandler(m_ValveCommandWithPar_OnPreflightCommand);

        /// Create our Dionex.Chromeleon.Symbols.IDevice and our Properties
        internal IDevice Create(IDDK cmDDK, string name)
            // Create a device for temperature control
            m_Device = cmDDK.CreateDevice(name, "Example for a temperature control device");

            // Create a type for a temperature logging command
            ITypeInt tyTempLogParam = cmDDK.CreateInt(0, 2);

            tyTempLogParam.AddNamedValue("Start", 0);
            tyTempLogParam.AddNamedValue("Stop", 1);
            tyTempLogParam.AddNamedValue("Pause", 2);

            // Create a temperature logging command
            ICommand logTemperature = m_Device.CreateCommand("LogTemperature", "Switches temperature logging on / off");

            // Add a parameter for the tewmperature logging command
            logTemperature.AddParameter("LogParameter", "Starts, stops or pauses temperature logging", tyTempLogParam);

            // Create a boolean property to signal if the device is ready for an inject operation.
            ITypeInt tyReady = cmDDK.CreateInt(0, 1);

            tyReady.AddNamedValue("False", 0);
            tyReady.AddNamedValue("True", 1);
            IProperty readyProp = m_Device.CreateStandardProperty(StandardPropertyID.Ready, tyReady);

            // Create a data type that represent the activation state of the temperature control.
            ITypeInt tOnOff = cmDDK.CreateInt((int)TempCtrlState.Off, (int)TempCtrlState.On);

            tOnOff.AddNamedValue("Off", (int)TempCtrlState.Off);
            tOnOff.AddNamedValue("On", (int)TempCtrlState.On);

            // Create a property to activate / deactivate temperature control
            // This property must be writable
            m_TempCtrlProperty           = m_Device.CreateProperty("TemperatureControl", "Activates /deactivates temperature control", tOnOff);
            m_TempCtrlProperty.Writeable = true;

            // Create a struct that holds standard properties for temperature and temperature limits
            m_TempCtrlStruct = m_Device.CreateStruct("Temperature", "Temperature of Column Oven.");

            // Create a data type that applies to all temperature properties
            ITypeDouble tTemperature = cmDDK.CreateDouble(0, 100, 1);

            tTemperature.Unit = "°C";

            // Create a property that holds the current temperature
            // This property is read-only
            m_CurrentTempProperty = m_TempCtrlStruct.CreateStandardProperty(StandardPropertyID.Value, tTemperature);

            // Create a property that holds the nominal temperature
            // This property must be writeable
            m_NominalTempProperty = m_TempCtrlStruct.CreateStandardProperty(StandardPropertyID.Nominal, tTemperature);
            m_NominalTempProperty.Update(30.0); //set default value
            m_NominalTempProperty.OnSetProperty += new SetPropertyEventHandler(OnSetTemperature);

            // Create a property that holds the minimal temperature
            // This property must be writeable
            m_MinTempProperty = m_TempCtrlStruct.CreateStandardProperty(StandardPropertyID.LowerLimit, tTemperature);
            m_MinTempProperty.Update(15.0); //set default value
            m_MinTempProperty.Writeable = true;

            // Create a property that holds the maximal temperature
            // This property must be writeable
            m_MaxTempProperty = m_TempCtrlStruct.CreateStandardProperty(StandardPropertyID.UpperLimit, tTemperature);
            m_MaxTempProperty.Update(110.0);//set default value
            m_MaxTempProperty.Writeable = true;

            // Set the default read and write properties for the struct
            m_TempCtrlStruct.DefaultSetProperty = m_NominalTempProperty;
            m_TempCtrlStruct.DefaultGetProperty = m_CurrentTempProperty;

            // Update property values. They must be readable before the device has been connected.
            // The device may not be connected when UI-Modules read the default values.
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Create our Dionex.Chromeleon.Symbols.IDevice and our Properties and Commands
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmDDK">The DDK instance</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name for our device</param>
        /// <returns>our IDevice object</returns>
        internal IDevice Create(IDDK cmDDK, string name)
            // Create the Dionex.Chromeleon.Symbols.IDevice
            m_MyCmDevice = cmDDK.CreateDevice(name, "This is an example device.");

            // create a few example properties

            // A Data type for seconds ranging from 0 - 59
            ITypeInt tSeconds = cmDDK.CreateInt(0, 59);

            tSeconds.Unit = "s";

            // Create the "Clock" property
            m_ClockProperty = m_MyCmDevice.CreateProperty("Clock",
                                                          "This is a second counter",

            // Attach the OnSetClockProperty handler to the "Clock" property
            m_ClockProperty.OnSetProperty += new SetPropertyEventHandler(OnSetClockProperty);

            // we will use a timer to update the clock property each second
            // Attach the OnTimedEvent handler to the timer.
            m_clockTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent);

            // A Data type with two values 0 and 1
            ITypeInt tEnable = cmDDK.CreateInt(0, 1);

            tEnable.AddNamedValue("false", 0);
            tEnable.AddNamedValue("true", 1);

            // Create the "EnableClock" property
            m_EnableClockProperty = m_MyCmDevice.CreateProperty("EnableClock",
                                                                "Enable / disable the clock",

            // Attach the OnEnableClock handler to the "EnableClock" property
            m_EnableClockProperty.OnSetProperty += new SetPropertyEventHandler(OnEnableClock);

            // A Data type for a percentage ranging from 0.0 - 100.0
            ITypeDouble tPercent = cmDDK.CreateDouble(0, 100, 2);

            tPercent.Unit = "%";

            // Create the "Percentage" property
            m_PercentageProperty = m_MyCmDevice.CreateProperty("Percentage",
                                                               "This is a percentage property",

            // Attach the OnSetProperty handler to the "Percentage" property
            m_PercentageProperty.OnSetProperty += new SetPropertyEventHandler(OnSetProperty);

            // A Data type for a time constant ranging from 1.0 - 10.0
            ITypeDouble tTimeConstant = cmDDK.CreateDouble(1.0, 10.0, 1);

            tTimeConstant.AddNamedValue("Off", 0.0);
            tTimeConstant.Unit = "s";

            // Create the "Percentage" property
            m_FilterTimeConstantProperty = m_MyCmDevice.CreateProperty("FilterTimeConstant",
                                                                       "This is a numeric property with one special named value.",

            // Attach the OnSetProperty handler to the "FilterTimeConstant" property
            m_FilterTimeConstantProperty.OnSetProperty += new SetPropertyEventHandler(OnSetProperty);

            // A Data type for the measurement range property
            ITypeDouble tMeasurementRange = cmDDK.CreateDouble(0.01, 100.0, 2);

            tMeasurementRange.LegalValues        = new double[] { 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0 };
            tMeasurementRange.EnforceLegalValues = true;
            tMeasurementRange.Unit = "V";

            // Create the "Percentage" property
            m_MeasurementRangeProperty = m_MyCmDevice.CreateProperty("MeasurementRange",
                                                                     "This is a numeric property with 5 legal (valid) values.",

            // Attach the OnSetProperty handler to the "FilterTimeConstant" property
            m_MeasurementRangeProperty.OnSetProperty += new SetPropertyEventHandler(OnSetProperty);

            // A Data type for a string with 20 characters at most
            ITypeString tString = cmDDK.CreateString(20);

            // Create the "AnyText" property
            m_AnyTextProperty = m_MyCmDevice.CreateProperty("AnyText",
                                                            "This is a string property",

            // Attach the OnSetProperty handler to the "AnyText" property
            m_AnyTextProperty.OnSetProperty += new SetPropertyEventHandler(OnSetProperty);

            // Create the "ToggleEnableClock" example command
            m_Command = m_MyCmDevice.CreateCommand("ToggleEnableClock", "This is a simple command that toggles the EnableClock property.");

            // Attach the OnToggleEnableClock handler to the "ToggleEnableClock" command
            m_Command.OnCommand += new CommandEventHandler(OnToggleEnableClock);

            // Create the "SetEnableClock" command which uses a parameter.
            m_SetEnableClockCommand = m_MyCmDevice.CreateCommand("SetEnableClock", "This is a command with one required parameter. Set true or false to enable/disable the clock.");

            // Add the "Enable" parameter to the "SetEnableClock" command
            IParameter parameter = m_SetEnableClockCommand.AddParameter("Enable", "Set true or false to enable/disable the clock", tEnable);

            // This is a required parameter.
            parameter.Required = true;

            // Attach the OnSetEnableClock handler to the "SetEnableClock" command
            m_SetEnableClockCommand.OnCommand += new CommandEventHandler(OnSetEnableClock);

            // Create the "SetPercentage" command which uses a parameter.
            m_SetPercentageCommand = m_MyCmDevice.CreateCommand("SetPercentage", "This is a command with one required parameter to set the \"Percentage\" property.");

            // Add the "Value" parameter to the "SetPercentage" command
            parameter = m_SetPercentageCommand.AddParameter("Value", "Set to 0.00 - 100.00", tPercent);

            // This is a required parameter.
            parameter.Required = true;

            // Attach the OnSetPercentage handler to the "SetPercentage" command
            m_SetPercentageCommand.OnCommand += new CommandEventHandler(OnSetPercentage);

            // Create the "CommandWith4Parameters" command which uses 4 optional parameters.
            m_CommandWith4Parameters = m_MyCmDevice.CreateCommand("CommandWith4Parameters", "This is a command with four optional parameters.");

            // Add the parameters to the "CommandWith4Parameters" command
            m_CommandWith4Parameters.AddParameter("Param1", "Set true or false", tEnable);
            m_CommandWith4Parameters.AddParameter("Param2", "Set to 0.00 - 100.00", tPercent);
            m_CommandWith4Parameters.AddParameter("Param3", "Set true or false", tEnable);
            m_CommandWith4Parameters.AddParameter("Param4", "A string with 20 characters", tString);

            // Attach the OnCommandWith4Parameters handler to the "CommandWith4Parameters" command
            m_CommandWith4Parameters.OnCommand += new CommandEventHandler(OnCommandWith4Parameters);
