public override void Update() { m_JumpTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (m_CurrentState != null) { if (Input.GetJoystickNames().Length > 0) { m_CurrentState.m_HorizontalAxis = Input.GetAxis("L_XAxis_1") + Input.GetAxis("DPad_XAxis_1"); m_CurrentState.m_VerticalAxis = Input.GetAxis("L_YAxis_1") + Input.GetAxis("DPad_YAxis_1"); m_CurrentState.m_JumpButton = Input.GetButton("A_1"); m_CurrentState.m_LightAttackButton = Input.GetButton("X_1"); m_CurrentState.m_HeavyAttackButton = Input.GetButton("Y_1"); m_CurrentState.m_BlockButton = Input.GetButton("B_1"); m_CurrentState.m_BlockButtonUp = Input.GetButtonUp("B_1"); m_CurrentState.m_PlaneShiftButton = Input.GetAxis("TriggersL_1"); if (Input.GetAxis("TriggersR_1") > 0.0f && m_Trigger != null) { m_Trigger.StartCoroutine("ActivateSwitch"); } } else { m_CurrentState.m_HorizontalAxis = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); m_CurrentState.m_VerticalAxis = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); m_CurrentState.m_JumpButton = Input.GetButton("Jump"); m_CurrentState.m_LightAttackButton = Input.GetButton("LightAttack"); m_CurrentState.m_HeavyAttackButton = Input.GetButton("HeavyAttack"); m_CurrentState.m_PlaneShiftButton = Input.GetAxis("PlaneShift"); m_CurrentState.m_BlockButton = Input.GetButton("B_1"); m_CurrentState.m_BlockButtonUp = Input.GetButtonUp("B_1"); if (Input.GetAxis("ActivateSwitch") > 0.0f && m_Trigger != null) { m_Trigger.StartCoroutine("ActivateSwitch"); } } if (m_CurrentState.m_JumpButton && m_JumpTimer > 0.5f) { m_JumpTimer = 0.0f; m_CurrentState.m_JumpButton = true; } else { m_CurrentState.m_JumpButton = false; } m_CurrentState.Update(); m_CurrentState = m_CurrentState.GetNextState(); } if (m_ComboState != null) { m_ComboState.Update(); m_ComboState = m_ComboState.GetNextState(); } base.Update(); m_Center =; m_Height = collider.bounds.size.y; m_Width = collider.bounds.size.x; Vector3 leftPoint = new Vector3(collider.bounds.min.x, m_Center.y, transform.position.z); Vector3 rightPoint = new Vector3(collider.bounds.max.x, m_Center.y, transform.position.z); Vector3 leftRaycastOrigin = Vector3.Lerp(leftPoint, rightPoint, 0.2f); Vector3 rightRaycastOrigin = Vector3.Lerp(leftPoint, rightPoint, 0.8f); Ray rayLeft = new Ray(leftRaycastOrigin, -transform.up); Ray rayRight = new Ray(rightRaycastOrigin, -transform.up); Ray rayMiddle = new Ray(m_Center, -transform.up); //Debug.DrawRay(leftRaycastOrigin, -transform.up,; //Debug.DrawRay(rightRaycastOrigin, -transform.up,; if (Physics.Raycast(rayLeft, out GroundHitInfo, m_Height / 2, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain")) || Physics.Raycast(rayRight, out GroundHitInfo, m_Height / 2, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain")) || Physics.Raycast(rayMiddle, out GroundHitInfo, m_Height / 2, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain"))) { groundHit = true; } else { groundHit = false; } if (!(m_CurrentState is MovementClimb) && !(m_CurrentState is MovementGrabTop) && !(m_CurrentState is MovementPlaneTransition) && !m_IsDead && m_ApplyForce) { SnapFloor(); } //check if ground is slope slopeVector = Vector3.Cross(GroundHitInfo.normal, transform.forward); if ((m_CurrentState is IAirborne) && groundHit) { (m_CurrentState as IAirborne).Land(); } Vector3 topPoint = new Vector3(m_Center.x, collider.bounds.max.y, transform.position.z); Vector3 bottomPoint = new Vector3(m_Center.x, collider.bounds.min.y, transform.position.z); Vector3 topRaycastOrigin = Vector3.Lerp(topPoint, bottomPoint, 0.2f); Vector3 bottomRaycastOrigin = Vector3.Lerp(topPoint, bottomPoint, 0.6f); Ray rayTop = new Ray(topRaycastOrigin, m_TotalForce.normalized); Ray rayBottom = new Ray(bottomRaycastOrigin, m_TotalForce.normalized); Ray rayMid = new Ray(m_Center, m_TotalForce.normalized); //Debug.DrawRay(leftRaycastOrigin, -transform.up,; //Debug.DrawRay(rightRaycastOrigin, -transform.up,; bool wallHit = false; if (Physics.Raycast(rayTop, out m_WallHitInfo, m_Width, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain")) || Physics.Raycast(rayBottom, out m_WallHitInfo, m_Width, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain")) || Physics.Raycast(rayMid, out m_WallHitInfo, m_Width, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain"))) { wallHit = true; } else { wallHit = false; } //wall detection //bool wallHit = Physics.Linecast(m_Center, m_Center + (m_TotalForce.normalized * m_Width), out m_WallHitInfo, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain")); bool enemyHit = Physics.Linecast(m_Center, m_Center + (m_TotalForce.normalized * m_Width * 2.15f), out m_EnemyHitInfo, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Character")); if (wallHit) { m_TotalForce.x = 0.0f; } if (enemyHit) { if (m_EnemyHitInfo.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyCharacterController>() != null && !(m_CurrentState is BattleDashThrough)) { m_TotalForce.x = 0.0f; } } //perform linecasts to check if character clipped through wall RaycastHit WallHitRightInfo; RaycastHit WallHitLeftInfo; bool clippedWallHitRight = Physics.Linecast(m_Center, m_Center + (transform.right * (m_Width / 2)), out WallHitRightInfo, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain")); bool clippedWallHitLeft = Physics.Linecast(m_Center, m_Center + (-transform.right * (m_Width / 2)), out WallHitLeftInfo, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain")); Debug.DrawLine(m_Center, m_Center + (m_TotalForce.normalized * (m_Width / 2))); if (clippedWallHitRight) { transform.position += (Vector3)(WallHitRightInfo.point - (m_Center + transform.right * (m_Width / 2))); } else if (clippedWallHitLeft) { Debug.Log("Clipped"); transform.position += (Vector3)(WallHitLeftInfo.point - (m_Center + -transform.right * (m_Width / 2))); } if (!(m_CurrentState is IAirborne) && groundHit) { m_TotalForce.y = 0.0f; transform.position.Set(transform.position.x, GroundHitInfo.point.y + m_Height / 2 - m_MaxFallSpeed, m_BaseZLevel); } else if (m_CurrentState is MovementWalk && !groundHit) { (m_CurrentState as MovementWalk).Drop(); } else if (m_CurrentState is MovementIdle && !groundHit) { (m_CurrentState as MovementIdle).Drop(); } else if (m_CurrentState is BattleWalk && !groundHit) { (m_CurrentState as BattleWalk).Drop(); } else if (m_CurrentState is BattleIdle && !groundHit) { (m_CurrentState as BattleIdle).Drop(); } if (m_Opponent != null) { if (Root.Instance != null) { Root.Instance.SetBattleMusic(); } Animator a = GetComponent <Animator>(); if (a != null) { a.SetFloat("BattleState", 1.0f); } } else { if (Root.Instance != null) { Root.Instance.SetNormalMusic(); } Animator a = GetComponent <Animator>(); if (a != null) { a.SetFloat("BattleState", 0.0f); } } }
public override void Update() { if (!m_IsDead) { base.Update(); retreatTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (m_CurrentState != null) { m_CurrentState.Update(); m_CurrentState = m_CurrentState.GetNextState(); } if (m_ComboState != null) { m_ComboState.Update(); m_ComboState = m_ComboState.GetNextState(); } m_Center =; m_Height = collider.bounds.size.y; m_Width = collider.bounds.size.x; //ground detection groundHit = Physics.Linecast(m_Center, m_Center + (-transform.up * m_Height), out GroundHitInfo, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain")); SnapFloor(); if ((m_CurrentState is IAirborne) && groundHit) { (m_CurrentState as IAirborne).Land(); } //wall detection bool wallHit = Physics.Linecast(m_Center, m_Center + (m_TotalForce.normalized * m_Width), out m_WallHitInfo, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain")); bool enemyHit = Physics.Linecast(m_Center, m_Center + (m_TotalForce.normalized * m_Width * 2.5f), out m_EnemyHitInfo, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Character")); if (wallHit) { m_TotalForce.x = 0.0f; } if (enemyHit) { if (m_EnemyHitInfo.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerCharacterController>() != null) { m_TotalForce.x = 0.0f; } } //perform linecasts to check if character clipped through wall RaycastHit WallHitRightInfo; RaycastHit WallHitLeftInfo; bool clippedWallHitRight = Physics.Linecast(m_Center, m_Center + (transform.right * (m_Width / 2)), out WallHitRightInfo, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain")); bool clippedWallHitLeft = Physics.Linecast(m_Center, m_Center + (-transform.right * (m_Width / 2)), out WallHitLeftInfo, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain")); if (clippedWallHitRight) { Debug.Log("Clipped"); transform.position += (Vector3)(WallHitRightInfo.point - (m_Center + transform.right * (m_Width / 2))); //m_TotalForce = (Vector3)(clippedWallHit.point - (m_Center + (Vector2)transform.right * (m_Width / 2))); } else if (clippedWallHitLeft) { transform.position += (Vector3)(WallHitLeftInfo.point - (m_Center + -transform.right * (m_Width / 2))); } if (!(m_CurrentState is IAirborne) && groundHit) { m_TotalForce.y = 0.0f; transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, GroundHitInfo.point.y + m_Height / 2 - m_MaxFallSpeed, 0.0f); } else if (m_CurrentState is AIMovementPatrol && !groundHit) { (m_CurrentState as AIMovementPatrol).Drop(); } else if (m_CurrentState is IAirborne) { if (m_TotalForce.y + m_GravityForce > m_MaxFallSpeed) { m_TotalForce.y += m_GravityForce; } else { m_TotalForce.y = m_MaxFallSpeed; } } //GetComponent<Animator>().speed = Math.Abs(m_TotalForce.x / m_MaxSpeed); } transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, m_BaseZLevel); }