public HttpResponseMessage EPTRangeDetails(GetReqParam temp) { try { eptVM = eptService.GetEPTRequestDetails(Convert.ToInt32(temp.RequestID), Convert.ToInt32(temp.Copy)); if (temp.Copy != null && temp.Copy != "0") { i = 1; int ret = cmbService.GetNumberofDays("EPT-Copy"); dtdateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(ret); eptVM.MTOShow = false; DisableCopy(temp.Copy); } else { int ret = cmbService.GetNumberofDays("EPT"); dtdateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(ret); eptVM.MTOShow = true; DisableCopy(temp.Copy); eptVM.disableCopy = true; } int iIsParent = Convert.IsDBNull(eptVM.EPTRangeReq.parent) ? 0 : eptVM.EPTRangeReq.parent; if (iIsParent == 1) { i = 1; eptVM.disableCopy = true; eptVM.CommentsSectionShow = false; eptVM.TypeHereAI = false; DisableCopy(temp.Copy); } //Call presenter function and sets the value of the table on the screen eptVM.GetCopyRequestNos = eptService.GetCopyRequestDetails(Convert.ToInt32(temp.RequestID)); string strOther = string.IsNullOrEmpty(eptVM.EPTRangeReq.OtherData) ? string.Empty : eptVM.EPTRangeReq.OtherData; if (strOther != string.Empty) { if (strOther.Split(',')[0].ToString() != string.Empty) { if (Convert.ToInt32(strOther.Split(',')[0]) == 1) { eptVM.disableCopy = false; } //For disabling the page if request is already submitted if (base.PageDisable("EPT", Convert.ToInt32(strOther.Split(',')[0])) == 1) { DisableControls(); } //commented by Jayashree else if (base.PageDisable("EPT", Convert.ToInt32(strOther.Split(',')[0])) == 2) //&& Request.QueryString["Copy"] == null) { eptVM.SubmitEnableEPT = true; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { NameValueCollection additionalInfo = new NameValueCollection(); additionalInfo.Add("PageName", "Get EPT Range details"); ExceptionManager.Publish(ex, additionalInfo); errEntity.ErrorNumber = 420; errEntity.ErrorMess = "Error in Get EPT Range details"; eptVM.ErrorBE = errEntity; } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, eptVM)); }
public HttpResponseMessage GetNewPackDetails(GetReqParam temp) { NewPackReqService = new NewPackRequestService(); npReqVM = new NewPackRequestViewModel(); cmbService = new CombiPackRequestService(); DateTime dtFirstSaleCheck = new DateTime(); //npReqVM = NewPackReqService.GetNewRequestDetails(Convert.ToInt32(reqID), Convert.ToInt32(reqType)); try { if (temp.RequestID != string.Empty) { npReqVM = NewPackReqService.GetNewRequestDetails(Convert.ToInt32(temp.RequestID), Convert.ToInt32(temp.ReqType)); } else { npReqVM = NewPackReqService.GetNewRequestDetails(0, Convert.ToInt32(temp.ReqType)); } if (npReqVM.NewPackRequest != null && npReqVM.NewPackRequest.GetReactivation_Request == "1") { HttpContext.Current.Session["ifshow"] = "Yes"; } else { HttpContext.Current.Session["ifshow"] = "No"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(temp.ReqType) == 2) { int ret = cmbService.GetNumberofDays("New Pack"); dtFirstSaleCheck = DateTime.Now.AddDays(ret); npReqVM.NPCAPresonSynBrandPack = true; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(temp.ReqType) == 3) { int ret = cmbService.GetNumberofDays("Country Add"); dtFirstSaleCheck = DateTime.Now.AddDays(ret); npReqVM.NPCAPresonSynBrandPack = false; } //SOCB - LRMS change - Added Procurement Manager npReqVM.ProcurementManager = HttpContext.Current.Session[Constants.USER_REGION].ToString().Equals(Constants.REGION_LATAM) ? true : false; //EOCB - LRMS change - Added Procurement Manager DisplayTypeSpecificFields(Convert.ToInt32(temp.ReqType), 0); if (npReqVM.NewPackRequest != null) { isChild = Convert.IsDBNull(npReqVM.NewPackRequest.GetIsChild) ? 0 : npReqVM.NewPackRequest.GetIsChild; if (Convert.ToInt32(temp.ReqType) == 2 && isChild != 1) { //check with team } DisplayTypeSpecificFields(Convert.ToInt32(temp.ReqType), isChild); string strOther = string.IsNullOrEmpty(npReqVM.NewPackRequest.GetOtherData) ? string.Empty : npReqVM.NewPackRequest.GetOtherData; if (strOther != string.Empty) { if (strOther.Split(',')[0] != string.Empty) { if (Convert.ToInt32(temp.ReqType) == 3) { if (base.PageDisable("CA", Convert.ToInt32(strOther.Split(',')[0])) == 1) { DisableControls(); } else if (base.PageDisable("CA", Convert.ToInt32(strOther.Split(',')[0])) == 2) { npReqVM.SubmitEnabledNPR = true; } } else if (Convert.ToInt32(temp.ReqType) == 2) { if (base.PageDisable("NP", Convert.ToInt32(strOther.Split(',')[0])) == 1) { DisableControls(); } else if (base.PageDisable("NP", Convert.ToInt32(strOther.Split(',')[0])) == 2) { npReqVM.SubmitEnabledNPR = true; } } } } } npReqVM.Region = HttpContext.Current.Session["Region"] != null ? HttpContext.Current.Session["Region"].ToString() : string.Empty; return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, npReqVM)); } catch (Exception ex) { NameValueCollection additionalInfo = new NameValueCollection(); additionalInfo.Add("PageName", "NewPackRequest"); ExceptionManager.Publish(ex, additionalInfo); //Message = errMessages.GetString("Error in loading Other Range request data from Controller"); errEntity.ErrorNumber = 420; errEntity.ErrorMess = "Error in GetNewPackDetails method of NewPackRequest controller." + ex.InnerException; npReqVM.ErrorBE = errEntity; return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, npReqVM)); } }
public HttpResponseMessage GetNewPackDetails(int requestID) { cprVM = new CombiPackRequestViewModel(); try { CombiReqService = new CombiPackRequestService(); cprVM = CombiReqService.GetCombiDetails(requestID); if (cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack1 != null && cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack2 != null) { if (cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack1.Trim().ToLower() == "yes" || cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack2.Trim().ToLower() == "yes") { cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack = "Yes"; } else if (cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack3 != null) { if (cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack3.Trim().ToLower() == "yes") { cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack = "Yes"; } else if (cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack4 != null) { if (cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack4.Trim().ToLower() == "yes") { cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack = "Yes"; } else { cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack = "No"; } } else { cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack = "No"; } } else { cprVM.CombiPackRequest.IsSynBrdPack = "No"; } } DateTime dtFirstSaleCheck = new DateTime(); int ret = CombiReqService.GetNumberofDays("Combi Pack"); dtFirstSaleCheck = DateTime.Now.AddDays(ret); int iIsPresent = 0; if (cprVM.CombiPackRequest != null) { iIsPresent = Convert.IsDBNull(cprVM.CombiPackRequest.isSucess) ? 0 : cprVM.CombiPackRequest.isSucess; } if (iIsPresent == 3 || iIsPresent == 1) { if (cprVM.CombiPackRequest.SourceLocally) { cprVM.CPSourceLocallyDetailsEnable = false; } else { cprVM.CPSourceLocallyDetailsEnable = true; } } string strOther = string.Empty; if (cprVM.CombiPackRequest != null) { strOther = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cprVM.CombiPackRequest.OtherData) ? string.Empty : cprVM.CombiPackRequest.OtherData; } if (strOther != string.Empty) { if (base.PageDisable("CMBI", Convert.ToInt32(strOther.Split(',')[0])) == 1) { DisableControls(); } else if (base.PageDisable("CMBI", Convert.ToInt32(strOther.Split(',')[0])) == 2) { cprVM.SubmitEnableCP = false; } } cprVM.Region = HttpContext.Current.Session[Constants.USER_REGION] != null ? HttpContext.Current.Session[Constants.USER_REGION].ToString() : string.Empty; return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, cprVM)); } catch (Exception ex) { NameValueCollection additionalInfo = new NameValueCollection(); additionalInfo.Add("PageName", "CombiPackFormD"); ExceptionManager.Publish(ex, additionalInfo); //Message = errMessages.GetString("Admin - To get new pack details"); errEntity.ErrorNumber = 420; errEntity.ErrorMess = "Error in GetNewPackDetails method of combipackformD controller"; cprVM.ErrorBE = errEntity; return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, cprVM)); } }