예제 #1
        public IFileSystem Connect(Window owner)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Provider))
                throw new Exception("Empty provider supplied");

            Dictionary <string, object> auth = AuthInstance.AuthorizationProvider.Get(Provider);

            if (auth == null)
                throw new Exception("Application Authorization Not Found");
            _plugin = CloudFileSystemPluginFactory.Instance.List.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == Provider);
            if (_plugin == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find cloud provider '" + Provider + "'");
            Icon = _plugin.CreateIconImage();
            FileSystemResult <IFileSystem> res = _plugin.Init(Name, new AuthProvider(owner), auth, ConnectionString);

            if (!res.IsOk)
                throw new Exception("Unable to connect to '" + Provider + "'");
            string userauth = res.Result.GetUserAuthorization();

            if (ConnectionString != userauth)
                NeedSave         = true;
                ConnectionString = userauth;
예제 #2
        public IFileSystem Connect()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Provider))
                throw new Exception("Empty provider supplied");

            Dictionary <string, object> auth = AuthInstance.AuthorizationProvider.Get(Provider);

            if (auth == null)
                throw new Exception("Application Authorization Not Found");
            _plugin = CloudFileSystemPluginFactory.Instance.List.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.EqualsInvariantIgnoreCase(Provider));
            if (_plugin == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find cloud provider '" + Provider + "'");
            FileSystemResult <IFileSystem> res = _plugin.Init(Name, ShokoServer.Instance.OAuthProvider, auth, ConnectionString);

            if (res == null || !res.IsOk)
                throw new Exception("Unable to connect to '" + Provider + "'");
            string userauth = res.Result.GetUserAuthorization();

            if (ConnectionString != userauth)
                NeedSave         = true;
                ConnectionString = userauth;
예제 #3
        public IFileSystem Connect(string code, string uri)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Provider))
                throw new Exception("Empty provider supplied");

            Dictionary <string, object> auth = default;//AuthInstance.AuthorizationProvider.Get(Provider);

            if (auth == null)
                throw new Exception("Application Authorization Not Found");
            _plugin = CloudFileSystemPluginFactory.Instance.List.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == Provider);
            if (_plugin == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find cloud provider '" + Provider + "'");

            LocalUserSettings userSettings = new LocalUserSettings();

            if (ConnectionString != string.Empty)
                userSettings = new LocalUserSettingWithCode();
                ((LocalUserSettingWithCode)userSettings).Code = code;
                ((LocalUserSettingWithCode)userSettings).OriginalRedirectUri = uri;
            if (auth.ContainsKey("ClientId"))
                userSettings.ClientId = (string)auth["ClientId"];
            if (auth.ContainsKey("ClientSecret"))
                userSettings.ClientSecret = (string)auth["ClientSecret"];
            if (auth.ContainsKey("Scopes"))
                userSettings.Scopes = (List <string>)auth["Scopes"];
            if (auth.ContainsKey("UserAgent"))
                userSettings.UserAgent = (string)auth["UserAgent"];
            if (auth.ContainsKey("AcknowledgeAbuse"))
                userSettings.AcknowledgeAbuse = (bool)auth["AcknowledgeAbuse"];
            if (auth.ContainsKey("ClientAppFriendlyName"))
                userSettings.ClientAppFriendlyName = (string)auth["ClientAppFriendlyName"];
            IFileSystem res = _plugin.Init(Name, userSettings, ConnectionString);

            if (res.Status == Status.Ok)
                string userauth = res.GetUserAuthorization();
                if (ConnectionString != userauth)
                    NeedSave         = true;
                    ConnectionString = userauth;
