예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patch"></param>
        /// <param name="atLeastOnePatchIsPasted">Or-s the value with True if the patch is pasted</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        bool PasteToSelectedPatch(IPatch patch, ref bool atLeastOnePatchIsPasted)
            if ((patch.IsEmptyOrInit || (PcgClipBoard.PastePcgMemory == SelectedPcgMemory)) &&
                IClipBoardPatches clipBoardPatches = null;
                var overwriteAllowed = CheckOverwriteallowedForPatches(patch, ref clipBoardPatches);

                IClipBoardPatch clipBoardPatchToPaste = null;
                if (clipBoardPatches != null) // Can happen when not allowed to overwrite
                    clipBoardPatchToPaste = PcgClipBoard.GetFirstPatchToPaste(clipBoardPatches.CopiedPatches);

                if (clipBoardPatchToPaste == null)
                    if (overwriteAllowed)
                        return(false); // Finished pasting (this kind of patches)
                    atLeastOnePatchIsPasted = true;
                    PcgClipBoard.PastePatch(clipBoardPatchToPaste, patch);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 3b. Search for a like named patch if Like Named Patches is selected, on same location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clipBoardPatch"></param>
        /// <param name="bank"></param>
        /// <param name="sameLocationPatch"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool SearchLikeNamedPatch(IClipBoardPatch clipBoardPatch, IBank bank, IPatch sameLocationPatch)
            if (Settings.Default.CopyPaste_PatchDuplicationName == (int)CopyPaste.PatchDuplication.LikeNamedNames)
                if (sameLocationPatch != null)
                    if (sameLocationPatch.IsNameLike(clipBoardPatch.OriginalLocation.Name))
                        clipBoardPatch.PasteDestination = sameLocationPatch;

                // 2b. Search for an identical name patch, on first occurence.
                foreach (var patch in bank.Patches.Where(
                             patch => patch.IsNameLike(clipBoardPatch.OriginalLocation.Name)))
                    clipBoardPatch.PasteDestination = patch;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clipBoardPatches"></param>
        private void FixPasteProgramReferencesInCombis(IEnumerable <IClipBoardPatch> clipBoardPatches)
            foreach (IClipBoardPatch program in clipBoardPatches)
                foreach (IClipBoardPatch clipBoardPatch in Combis.CopiedPatches)
                    IClipBoardCombi combi = (IClipBoardCombi)clipBoardPatch;
                    for (int timbreIndex = 0; timbreIndex < combi.References.CopiedPatches.Count; timbreIndex++)
                        IClipBoardPatch timbre = combi.References.CopiedPatches[timbreIndex];
                        if (timbre != program)

                        // Program used by timbre in combi.
                        if ((program.PasteDestination != null) && (combi.PasteDestination != null))
                            // When pasting to the same file, then it is not wanted to fix references,
                            // because a duplicate program/combi can exist before the original reference
                            // so it will be changed unnecessarily.
                            if (program.OriginalLocation.Root != PastePcgMemory)
                                ((ICombi)(combi.PasteDestination)).Timbres.TimbresCollection[timbreIndex].UsedProgram =
                            combi.References.CopiedPatches[timbreIndex] = null; // Prevent fixing it again
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 1 First search for bytewise duplicate patch, if found -> don't paste.
        /// 2 Than and if 'Equally Named Patches' is selected, search for an equally named patch and reference to that.
        /// 3 Otherwise, if 'Like-Named Pathces' is selected, remove the ignore characters and find a like-named patch and
        ///   reference to that.
        /// For all searches above, if a patch is found on the same location (a), prefer that, otherwise find the first occurence (b).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clipBoardPatch"></param>
        /// <param name="bank"></param>
        /// <returns>True if a duplicate is found.</returns>
        private bool CheckForDuplicate(IClipBoardPatch clipBoardPatch, IBank bank)
            Debug.Assert(!(clipBoardPatch is IClipBoardSetListSlot));

            // If the source patch is present in the source PCG file, check if it is present in the target PCG.
            if (clipBoardPatch.Data.Length != 0)
                IPatch sameLocationPatch;
                if (SearchByteWiseEqualPatchSameLocation(clipBoardPatch, bank, out sameLocationPatch))

                if (SearchByteWiseEqualPatchFirstOccurence(clipBoardPatch, bank))

                if (SearchIdenticalNamePatch(clipBoardPatch, bank, sameLocationPatch))

                if (SearchLikeNamedPatch(clipBoardPatch, bank, sameLocationPatch))

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherPatch"></param>
        /// <param name="includingName"></param>
        /// <param name="maxDiffs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual int CalcByteDifferences(IClipBoardPatch otherPatch, bool includingName, int maxDiffs)
            var patchSize = ByteLength;

            Debug.Assert(patchSize == otherPatch.Data.Length);

            var diffs      = 0;
            var startIndex = includingName ? 0 : MaxNameLength;

            for (var index = startIndex; index < patchSize; index++)
                if (UseIndexForDifferencing(index))
                    if (PcgRoot.Content[ByteOffset + index] != otherPatch.Data[index])

                    if (diffs > maxDiffs)

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes all references of the original location of patch to program.
        /// Only used for cut/paste.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patch"></param>
        /// <param name="program"></param>
        static void FixReferencesToProgram(IClipBoardPatch patch, IProgram program)
            var memory = patch.OriginalLocation.Root as IPcgMemory;

            Debug.Assert(memory != null);

            FixProgramReferencesToCombi(patch, program, memory);
            FixProgramReferencesToSetLists(patch, program, memory);
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// 1b. Search for a bytewise equal patch, on first occurence.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clipBoardPatch"></param>
 /// <param name="bank"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private bool SearchByteWiseEqualPatchFirstOccurence(IClipBoardPatch clipBoardPatch, IBank bank)
     foreach (var patch in bank.Patches.Where(patch => patch.CalcByteDifferences(clipBoardPatch, true, 1) == 0))
         clipBoardPatch.PasteDestination = patch;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherPatch"></param>
        /// <param name="includingName"></param>
        /// <param name="maxDiffs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int CalcByteDifferences(IClipBoardPatch otherPatch, bool includingName, int maxDiffs)
            ClipBoardProgram otherProgram = otherPatch as ClipBoardProgram;

            Debug.Assert(otherProgram != null);

            int diffs = base.CalcByteDifferences(otherPatch, includingName, maxDiffs);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherPatch"></param>
        /// <param name="includingName"></param>
        /// <param name="maxDiffs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int CalcByteDifferences(IClipBoardPatch otherPatch, bool includingName, int maxDiffs)
            ClipBoardSetListSlot otherSetListSlot = otherPatch as ClipBoardSetListSlot;

            Debug.Assert(otherSetListSlot != null);

            int diffs = base.CalcByteDifferences(otherPatch, includingName, maxDiffs);

예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the patch on the same location (if existing).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clipBoardPatch"></param>
        /// <param name="bank"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static IPatch GetPatchOnSameLocation(IClipBoardPatch clipBoardPatch, IBank bank)
            // Check if banks are equal.
            if (((IBank)(clipBoardPatch.OriginalLocation.Parent)).Id != (bank).Id)

            // Get same index.
            var index = clipBoardPatch.OriginalLocation.Index;

            return(bank.Patches.Count > index ? bank[index] : null);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="programToFind"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IClipBoardPatch FindProgram(IPatch programToFind)
            for (int index = 0; index < (int)ProgramBank.SynthesisType.Last; index++)
                IClipBoardPatch program = FindProgram(Programs[index].CopiedPatches, programToFind);
                if (program != null)

예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patchToPaste"></param>
        /// <param name="patch"></param>
        public override void CopyPatch(IClipBoardPatch patchToPaste, IPatch patch)
            // Copy PRG1 content.
            base.CopyPatch(patchToPaste, patch);

            if (Model.OsVersion == Models.EOsVersion.Kronos15_16)
                if (patch is KronosProgram)
                    // Copy PRG2 content.
                    ClipBoardProgram programToPaste = (ClipBoardProgram)patchToPaste;
                    for (int parameter = 0; parameter < programToPaste.KronosOs1516Content.Length; parameter++)
                        int patchParameterOffset = ((KronosProgramBank)(patch.Parent)).GetParameterOffsetInPbk2(
                            patch.Index, parameter);
                        Debug.Assert(patchParameterOffset >= 4); // Don't overwrite KORG header
                        Root.Content[patchParameterOffset] = programToPaste.KronosOs1516Content[parameter];
                else if (patch is KronosCombi)
                    // Copy CBK2 content.
                    ClipBoardCombi combiToPaste = (ClipBoardCombi)patchToPaste;

                    for (int parameter = 0; parameter < KronosCombiBanks.ParametersInCbk2Chunk; parameter++)
                        for (int timbre = 0; timbre < KronosTimbres.TimbresPerCombiConstant; timbre++)
                            int patchParameterOffset = ((KronosCombiBank)(patch.Parent)).GetParameterOffsetInCbk2(
                                patch.Index, timbre, parameter);
                            Debug.Assert(patchParameterOffset >= 4); // Don't overwrite KORG header
                            Root.Content[patchParameterOffset] = combiToPaste.KronosOs1516Content[
                                parameter + (timbre * KronosCombiBanks.ParametersInCbk2Chunk)];
                    KronosSetListSlot slot = patch as KronosSetListSlot;
                    if (slot != null)
                        Util.SetInt(this, Content, slot.Stl2BankOffset, 1,
                        Util.SetInt(this, Content, slot.Stl2PatchOffset, 1,

                patch.RaisePropertyChanged(string.Empty, false);
예제 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// 1a. Search for a bytewise equal patch, on same location.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clipBoardPatch"></param>
 /// <param name="bank"></param>
 /// <param name="sameLocationPatch"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private bool SearchByteWiseEqualPatchSameLocation(IClipBoardPatch clipBoardPatch, IBank bank,
                                                   out IPatch sameLocationPatch)
     sameLocationPatch = GetPatchOnSameLocation(clipBoardPatch, bank);
     if (sameLocationPatch != null)
         if (sameLocationPatch.CalcByteDifferences(clipBoardPatch, true, 1) == 0)
             clipBoardPatch.PasteDestination = sameLocationPatch;
예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="patch"></param>
 /// <param name="program"></param>
 /// <param name="memory"></param>
 private static void FixProgramReferencesToSetLists(IClipBoardPatch patch, IProgram program, IPcgMemory memory)
     // Change set list slots (only which are present in the current file).
     if (memory.SetLists != null)
         foreach (var slot in memory.SetLists.BankCollection.Where(
                      bank => bank.IsWritable && !bank.IsFromMasterFile).
                  SelectMany(list => list.Patches, (list, patch1) => (ISetListSlot)patch1).
                  Where(slot => (slot.SelectedPatchType == SetListSlot.PatchType.Program) &&
                        (slot.UsedPatch == patch.OriginalLocation)))
             slot.UsedPatch = program;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Fix drum pattern references in programs (clipBoardPatches).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drumPattern"></param>
        private void FixPasteDrumPatternReferencesInPrograms(IClipBoardPatch drumPattern)


             * for (var index = 0; index < (int)ProgramBank.SynthesisType.Last; index++)
             * {
             *  foreach (var clipBoardPatch in Programs[index].CopiedPatches)
             *  {
             *      var program = (IClipBoardProgram)clipBoardPatch;
             *      //TODOfor (var drumPatternIndex = 0; drumPatternIndex < program.ReferencedDrumPatterns.CopiedPatches.Count;
             *      //TODO    drumPatternIndex++)
             *      {
             *          //TODOvar usedDrumPattern = program.ReferencedDrumPatterns.CopiedPatches[drumPatternIndex];
             *          //TODOif (usedDrumPattern != drumPattern)
             *          {
             *              continue;
             *          }
             *          // DrumPattern used by usedDrumPattern in program.
             *          if ((drumPattern.PasteDestination != null) && (program.PasteDestination != null))
             *          {
             *              // When pasting to the same file, then it is not wanted to fix references,
             *              // because a duplicate drumPattern/program can exist before the original reference
             *              // so it will be changed unnecessarily.
             *              if (drumPattern.OriginalLocation.Root != PastePcgMemory)
             *              {
             *                  var changes = new Dictionary<IDrumPattern, IDrumPattern>
             *                  {
             *                      {
             *                          ((IProgram) (program.PasteDestination)).UsedDrumPatterns[drumPatternIndex],
             *                          (IDrumPattern) drumPattern.PasteDestination
             *                      }
             *                  };
             *                  ((IProgram)(program.PasteDestination)).ReplaceDrumPattern(changes);
             *              }
             *              //TODOprogram.ReferencedDrumPatterns.CopiedPatches[drumPatternIndex] = null; // Prevent fixing it again
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drumKits"></param>
        /// <param name="drumKitToFind"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static IClipBoardDrumKit FindDrumKit(IEnumerable <IClipBoardPatch> drumKits, IPatch drumKitToFind)
            IClipBoardPatch patch = null;

            foreach (var drumKit in drumKits)
                Debug.Assert(drumKitToFind.ByteLength == drumKit.Data.Length);
                if (Util.ByteCompareEqual(
                        drumKitToFind.PcgRoot.Content, drumKitToFind.ByteOffset, drumKit.Data, drumKitToFind.ByteLength))
                    patch = drumKit;

            return(patch as IClipBoardDrumKit);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="programs"></param>
        /// <param name="programToFind"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static IClipBoardPatch FindProgram(IEnumerable <IClipBoardPatch> programs, IPatch programToFind)
            IClipBoardPatch patch = null;

            foreach (var program in programs)
                Debug.Assert(programToFind.ByteLength == program.Data.Length);
                if (Util.ByteCompareEqual(
                        programToFind.PcgRoot.Content, programToFind.ByteOffset, program.Data, programToFind.ByteLength))
                    patch = program;

예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="patch"></param>
 /// <param name="program"></param>
 /// <param name="memory"></param>
 private static void FixProgramReferencesToCombi(IClipBoardPatch patch, IProgram program, IPcgMemory memory)
     // Change combis (only which are present in the current file).
     if (memory.CombiBanks != null)
         foreach (var timbre in from bank in memory.CombiBanks.BankCollection.Where(
                      bank => bank.IsWritable && !bank.IsFromMasterFile)
                  from patch1 in bank.Patches
                  select(ICombi) patch1
                  into combi
                  from timbre in combi.Timbres.TimbresCollection
                  where timbre.UsedProgram == patch.OriginalLocation
                  select timbre)
             timbre.UsedProgram = program;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherPatch"></param>
        /// <param name="includingName"></param>
        /// <param name="maxDiffs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int CalcByteDifferences(IClipBoardPatch otherPatch, bool includingName, int maxDiffs)
            ClipBoardSetListSlot otherSetListSlot = otherPatch as ClipBoardSetListSlot;

            Debug.Assert(otherSetListSlot != null);

            int diffs = base.CalcByteDifferences(otherPatch, includingName, maxDiffs);

            // Take SLS2 differences into account.
            if (PcgRoot.Model.OsVersion == Models.EOsVersion.Kronos15_16)
                diffs += (Util.GetInt(PcgRoot.Content, Stl2BankOffset, 1) !=
                          otherSetListSlot.KronosOs1516Bank) ? 1 : 0;
                diffs += (Util.GetInt(PcgRoot.Content, Stl2PatchOffset, 1) !=
                          otherSetListSlot.KronosOs1516Patch) ? 1 : 0;

예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes all references of the original location of patch to combi.
        /// Only used for cut/paste.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patch"></param>
        /// <param name="combi"></param>
        static void FixReferencesToCombi(IClipBoardPatch patch, ICombi combi)
            var memory = patch.OriginalLocation.Root as IPcgMemory;

            Debug.Assert(memory != null);

            // Change set list slots (if present and not from master file).
            if (memory.SetLists != null)
                foreach (var slot in memory.SetLists.BankCollection.Where(
                             bank => bank.IsWritable && !bank.IsFromMasterFile).SelectMany(
                             list => list.Patches, (list, patch1) => (ISetListSlot)patch1).Where(
                             slot => (slot.SelectedPatchType == SetListSlot.PatchType.Combi) &&
                             (slot.UsedPatch == patch.OriginalLocation)))
                    slot.UsedPatch = combi;
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drumPatterns"></param>
        /// <param name="drumPatternToFind"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static IClipBoardDrumPattern FindDrumPattern(IEnumerable <IClipBoardPatch> drumPatterns,
                                                             IPatch drumPatternToFind)
            IClipBoardPatch patch = null;

            foreach (IClipBoardPatch drumPattern in drumPatterns)
                Debug.Assert(drumPatternToFind.ByteLength == drumPattern.Data.Length);
                if (Util.ByteCompareEqual(
                        drumPatternToFind.PcgRoot.Content, drumPatternToFind.ByteOffset, drumPattern.Data,
                    patch = drumPattern;

            return(patch as IClipBoardDrumPattern);
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patchToPaste"></param>
        /// <param name="patch"></param>
        public void PastePatch(IClipBoardPatch patchToPaste, IPatch patch)
            // Copy patch from clipboard to PCG.
            patch.PcgRoot.CopyPatch(patchToPaste, patch);
            patchToPaste.PasteDestination = patch;

            if (CutPasteSelected)
                var program = patch as IProgram;
                if (program != null)
                    FixReferencesToProgram(patchToPaste, program);
                    var combi = patch as ICombi;
                    if (combi != null)
                        FixReferencesToCombi(patchToPaste, combi);
                        var drumKit = patch as IDrumKit;
                        if (drumKit != null)
                            FixReferencesToDrumKit(patchToPaste, drumKit);
                            var drumPattern = patch as IDrumPattern;
                            if (drumPattern != null)
                                FixReferencesToDrumPattern(patchToPaste, drumPattern);
                // If it is a set list slot do nothing.
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Fix drum kit references in programs (clipBoardPatches).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drumKit"></param>
        private void FixPasteDrumKitReferencesInPrograms(IClipBoardPatch drumKit)
            for (var index = 0; index < (int)ProgramBank.SynthesisType.Last; index++)
                foreach (var clipBoardPatch in Programs[index].CopiedPatches)
                    var program = (IClipBoardProgram)clipBoardPatch;
                    for (var drumKitIndex = 0; drumKitIndex < program.ReferencedDrumKits.CopiedPatches.Count;
                        var usedDrumKit = program.ReferencedDrumKits.CopiedPatches[drumKitIndex];
                        if (usedDrumKit != drumKit)

                        // DrumKit used by usedDrumKit in program.
                        if ((drumKit.PasteDestination != null) && (program.PasteDestination != null))
                            // When pasting to the same file, then it is not wanted to fix references,
                            // because a duplicate drumkit/program can exist before the original reference
                            // so it will be changed unnecessarily.
                            if (drumKit.OriginalLocation.Root != PastePcgMemory)
                                var changes = new Dictionary <IDrumKit, IDrumKit>

                            program.ReferencedDrumKits.CopiedPatches[drumKitIndex] = null; // Prevent fixing it again
예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherPatch"></param>
        /// <param name="includingName"></param>
        /// <param name="maxDiffs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int CalcByteDifferences(IClipBoardPatch otherPatch, bool includingName, int maxDiffs)
            ClipBoardCombi otherCombi = otherPatch as ClipBoardCombi;

            Debug.Assert(otherCombi != null);

            int diffs = base.CalcByteDifferences(otherPatch, includingName, maxDiffs);

            // Take CBK2 differences into account.
            if (((KronosCombiBank)(Parent)).Cbk2PcgOffset != 0)
                for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < KronosCombiBanks.ParametersInCbk2Chunk; parameterIndex++)
                    for (int timbre = 0; timbre < Timbres.TimbresCollection.Count; timbre++)
                        int patchIndex = ((KronosCombiBank)Parent).GetParameterOffsetInCbk2(Index, timbre, parameterIndex);
                        diffs += (Util.GetInt(PcgRoot.Content, patchIndex, 1) != otherCombi.KronosOs1516Content[parameterIndex]) ? 1 : 0;
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes all references of the original location of patch to drum pattern.
        /// Only used for cut/paste.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patchToPaste"></param>
        /// <param name="drumPattern"></param>
        private static void FixReferencesToDrumPattern(IClipBoardPatch patchToPaste, IDrumPattern drumPattern)
            var memory = patchToPaste.OriginalLocation.Root as IPcgMemory;

            Debug.Assert(memory != null);

            // Change programs (if present and not from master file).
            if (memory.ProgramBanks != null)
                foreach (var programBank in memory.ProgramBanks.BankCollection.Where(
                             bank => bank.IsWritable && !bank.IsFromMasterFile))
                    foreach (var program in programBank.Patches)
                        var changes = new Dictionary <IDrumPattern, IDrumPattern>
                            { (IDrumPattern)(patchToPaste.OriginalLocation), drumPattern }
                        // TODO ((IProgram)program).ReplaceDrumPattern(changes);
예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherPatch"></param>
        /// <param name="includingName"></param>
        /// <param name="maxDiffs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int CalcByteDifferences(IClipBoardPatch otherPatch, bool includingName, int maxDiffs)
            var otherProgram = otherPatch as ClipBoardProgram;

            Debug.Assert(otherProgram != null);

            var diffs = base.CalcByteDifferences(otherPatch, includingName, maxDiffs);

            // Take PBK2 differences into account.
            if (((KronosProgramBank)(Parent)).Pbk2PcgOffset != 0)
                for (var parameterIndex = 0;
                     parameterIndex < KronosProgramBanks.ParametersInPbk2Chunk;
                    var patchIndex = ((KronosProgramBank)Parent).GetParameterOffsetInPbk2(Index, parameterIndex);
                    diffs += (Util.GetInt(PcgRoot.Content, patchIndex, 1) !=
                        ? 1
                        : 0;
예제 #27
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Fix drum kit references in programs (clipBoardPatches).
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="clipBoardPatches"></param>
         * private void FixPasteDrumKitReferencesInPrograms(IEnumerable<IClipBoardPatch> clipBoardPatches)
         * {
         *  foreach (var clipBoardPatch in clipBoardPatches)
         *  {
         *      var program = (IClipBoardProgram) clipBoardPatch;
         *      foreach (var clipBoardDrumKit in DrumKits.CopiedPatches)
         *      {
         *          var drumKits = program.ReferencedDrumKits;
         *          for (var drumKitIndex = 0; drumKitIndex < drumKits.CopiedPatches.Count(); drumKitIndex++)
         *          {
         *              var drumKit = program.ReferencedDrumKits.CopiedPatches[drumKitIndex];
         *              if (drumKit != clipBoardDrumKit)
         *              {
         *                  continue;
         *              }
         *              if ((drumKit.PasteDestination != null) && (program.PasteDestination != null))
         *              {
         *                  // When pasting to the same file, then it is not wanted to fix references,
         *                  // because a duplicate drumkit/program can exist before the original reference
         *                  // so it will be changed unnecessarily.
         *                  if (drumKit.OriginalLocation.Root != PastePcgMemory)
         *                  {
         *                      var changes = new Dictionary<IDrumKit, IDrumKit>
         *                      {
         *                      //xxx
         *                      {(IDrumKit) (drumKit.OriginalLocation),
         *                              (IDrumKit) (drumKit.PasteDestination)}
         *                      };
         *                      ((IProgram) (program.PasteDestination)).ReplaceDrumKit(changes);
         *                  }
         *                  program.ReferencedDrumKits.CopiedPatches[drumKitIndex] = null; // Prevent fixing it again
         *              }
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         * }

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void FixPastePatchInSetListSlotsReferences()
            foreach (IClipBoardPatch clipBoardPatch in SetListSlots.CopiedPatches)
                IClipBoardSetListSlot clipBoardSetListSlot = (IClipBoardSetListSlot)clipBoardPatch;
                ISetListSlot          setListSlot          = (ISetListSlot)(clipBoardSetListSlot.PasteDestination);
                if ((setListSlot != null) && (clipBoardSetListSlot.Reference != null))
                    // Fix reference to program/combi.
                    IClipBoardPatch clipBoardReference = clipBoardSetListSlot.Reference;

                    // When pasting to the same file (second condition below), then it is not wanted to fix references,
                    // because a duplicate program/combi can exist before the original reference so it will be changed
                    // unnecessarily.
                    if ((clipBoardReference.PasteDestination != null) &&
                        (clipBoardSetListSlot.Reference.OriginalLocation.Root != PastePcgMemory))
                        if (clipBoardReference.PasteDestination is IProgram)
                            IProgram program = (IProgram)(clipBoardReference.PasteDestination);
                            setListSlot.UsedPatch = program;
                        else if (clipBoardReference.PasteDestination is ICombi)
                            ICombi combi = (ICombi)(clipBoardReference.PasteDestination);
                            setListSlot.UsedPatch = combi;
                            throw new ApplicationException("Illegal clip board reference");
                        setListSlot.RaisePropertyChanged(string.Empty, false);
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy a patch to the clipboard.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="patchToPaste"></param>
 /// <param name="patch"></param>
 public virtual void CopyPatch(IClipBoardPatch patchToPaste, IPatch patch)
     Util.CopyBytes(this, patchToPaste.Data, patch.Root.Content, patch.ByteOffset, patch.ByteLength);
     patch.RaisePropertyChanged(string.Empty, false);