예제 #1
        public void DirEventsQuery(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID queryID,
                                   string queryText, uint queryFlags, int queryStart)
            Hashtable ReqHash = new Hashtable();

            ReqHash["text"]        = queryText;
            ReqHash["flags"]       = queryFlags.ToString();
            ReqHash["query_start"] = queryStart.ToString();

            Hashtable result = GenericXMLRPCRequest(ReqHash,

            if (!Convert.ToBoolean(result["success"]))
                    result["errorMessage"].ToString(), false);

            ArrayList dataArray = (ArrayList)result["data"];

            int count = dataArray.Count;

            if (count > 100)
                count = 101;

            DirEventsReplyData[] data = new DirEventsReplyData[count];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (Object o in dataArray)
                Hashtable d = (Hashtable)o;

                data[i]            = new DirEventsReplyData();
                data[i].ownerID    = new UUID(d["owner_id"].ToString());
                data[i].name       = d["name"].ToString();
                data[i].eventID    = Convert.ToUInt32(d["event_id"]);
                data[i].date       = d["date"].ToString();
                data[i].unixTime   = Convert.ToUInt32(d["unix_time"]);
                data[i].eventFlags = Convert.ToUInt32(d["event_flags"]);
                if (i >= count)

            remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, data);
예제 #2
        public void DirEventsQuery(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID queryID,
                                   string queryText, uint queryFlags, int queryStart)
            DirEventsReplyData[] ReturnValues = directoryService.FindEvents(queryText, queryFlags.ToString(), queryStart);

            //Split into sets of 10 packets
            if (ReturnValues.Length > 10)
                DirEventsReplyData[] data = new DirEventsReplyData[10];
                int i = 0;

                foreach (DirEventsReplyData d in ReturnValues)
                    data[i] = d;
                    if (i == 10)
                        remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, data);
                        i = 0;
                        if (data.Length - i < 10)
                            data = new DirEventsReplyData[data.Length - i];
                            data = new DirEventsReplyData[10];
                //Send the remaining packets
                if(data.Length != 0)
                    remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, data);
            else //Send the remaining as they are under 10
                remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, ReturnValues);
        public void DirEventsQuery(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID queryID,
                string queryText, uint queryFlags, int queryStart)
            Hashtable ReqHash = new Hashtable();
            ReqHash["text"] = queryText;
            ReqHash["flags"] = queryFlags.ToString();
            ReqHash["query_start"] = queryStart.ToString();

            Hashtable result = GenericXMLRPCRequest(ReqHash,

            if (!Convert.ToBoolean(result["success"]))
                        result["errorMessage"].ToString(), false);

            ArrayList dataArray = (ArrayList)result["data"];

            int count = dataArray.Count;
            if (count > 100)
                count = 101;

            DirEventsReplyData[] data = new DirEventsReplyData[count];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (Object o in dataArray)
                Hashtable d = (Hashtable)o;

                data[i] = new DirEventsReplyData();
                data[i].ownerID = new UUID(d["owner_id"].ToString());
                data[i].name = d["name"].ToString();
                data[i].eventID = Convert.ToUInt32(d["event_id"]);
                data[i].date = d["date"].ToString();
                data[i].unixTime = Convert.ToUInt32(d["unix_time"]);
                data[i].eventFlags = Convert.ToUInt32(d["event_flags"]);

                if (++i >= count)

            remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, data);
        public void DirEventsQuery(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID queryID, string queryText, uint queryFlags, int queryStart)
            // Flags are going to be 0 or 32 for Mature
            // We also know text comes in 3 segments X|Y|Text where X is the day difference from 
            // the current day, Y is the category to search, Text is the user input for search string
            // so let's 'split up the queryText to get our values we need first off
            string eventTime = String.Empty;
            string eventCategory = String.Empty;
            string userText = String.Empty;

            queryText = queryText.Trim();   // newer viewers sometimes append a space

            string[] querySplode = queryText.Split(new Char[] { '|' });
            if (querySplode.Length > 0)
                eventTime = querySplode[0];
            if (querySplode.Length > 1)
                eventCategory = querySplode[1];
            if (querySplode.Length > 0)
                userText = querySplode[2];
                userText = userText.Trim();   // newer viewers sometimes append a space

            // Ok we have values, now we need to do something with all this lovely information
            string query = String.Empty;
            string searchStart = Convert.ToString(queryStart);
            int count = 100;
            DirEventsReplyData[] data = new DirEventsReplyData[count];
            string searchEnd = Convert.ToString(queryStart + count);
            int i = 0;
            int unixEventUpcomingEndDateToCheck = 0;

            int eventTimeAmt = 0;
            int unixEventDateToCheckMidnight = 0;
            int unixEventEndDateToCheckMidnight = 0;

            string sqlAddTerms = String.Empty;

            DateTime saveNow = DateTime.Now;
            int startDateCheck;

            // Quick catch to see if the eventTime is set to "u" for In Progress & Upcoming Radio button
            if (eventTime == "u")
                DateTime eventUpcomingEndDateToCheck = saveNow.AddDays(+7);
                DateTime eventUpcomingEndDateToCheckMidnight = new DateTime(eventUpcomingEndDateToCheck.Year, eventUpcomingEndDateToCheck.Month, eventUpcomingEndDateToCheck.Day);
                unixEventUpcomingEndDateToCheck = Util.ToUnixTime(eventUpcomingEndDateToCheckMidnight);

                // for "in progress" events, show everything that has started within the last three hours (arbitrary)
                startDateCheck = Util.ToUnixTime(saveNow.AddHours(-3.0));
                sqlAddTerms = " where (dateUTC>=?startDateCheck AND dateUTC<=?unixEventUpcomingEndDateToCheck)";
                // we need the current date, in order to subtract/add the days to view, or see the week upcoming.
                // this will probably be some really ugly code :)
                startDateCheck = Util.ToUnixTime(saveNow);
                eventTimeAmt = Convert.ToInt16(eventTime);
                DateTime eventDateToCheck = saveNow.AddDays(Convert.ToInt16(eventTime));
                DateTime eventEndDateToCheck = new DateTime();
                if (eventTime == "0")
                    eventEndDateToCheck = saveNow.AddDays(+2);
                    eventEndDateToCheck = saveNow.AddDays(eventTimeAmt  + 1);
                // now truncate the information so we get the midnight value (and yes David, I'm sure there's an 
                // easier way to do this, but this will work for now :)  )
                DateTime eventDateToCheckMidnight = new DateTime(eventDateToCheck.Year, eventDateToCheck.Month, eventDateToCheck.Day);
                DateTime eventEndDateToCheckMidnight = new DateTime(eventEndDateToCheck.Year, eventEndDateToCheck.Month, eventEndDateToCheck.Day);

                // this is the start unix timestamp to look for, we still need the end which is the next day, plus
                // we need the week end unix timestamp for the In Progress & upcoming radio button
                unixEventDateToCheckMidnight = Util.ToUnixTime(eventDateToCheckMidnight);
                unixEventEndDateToCheckMidnight = Util.ToUnixTime(eventEndDateToCheckMidnight);

                sqlAddTerms = " where (dateUTC>=?unixEventDateToCheck AND dateUTC<=?unixEventEndDateToCheckMidnight)";

            if ((queryFlags & ((uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeAdult|(uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeAdult|(uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeAdult)) == 0)
                // don't just give them an empty list...
                remoteClient.SendAlertMessage("You must included at least one maturity rating.");
                remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, data);

            // Event DB storage does not currently support adult events, so if someone asks for adult, search mature for now.
            if ((queryFlags & (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeAdult) != 0)
                queryFlags |= (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeMature;

            if ((queryFlags & (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeMature) != 0)
                // they included mature and possibly others
                if ((queryFlags & (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludePG) == 0)
                    sqlAddTerms += " AND mature='true'";   // exclude PG
            if ((queryFlags & (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludePG) != 0)
                // they included PG and possibly others
                if ((queryFlags & (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeMature) == 0)
                    sqlAddTerms += " AND mature='false'";  // exclude mature

            if (eventCategory != "0")
                sqlAddTerms += " AND category=?category";

                sqlAddTerms += " AND (description LIKE ?userText OR name LIKE ?userText)";

            // Events results should come back sorted by date
            sqlAddTerms += " order by dateUTC ASC";

             query = "select owneruuid, name, eventid, dateUTC, eventflags from events" + sqlAddTerms + " limit " + searchStart + ", " + searchEnd + String.Empty;

             Dictionary<string, object> parms = new Dictionary<string, object>();
             parms.Add("?startDateCheck", Convert.ToString(startDateCheck));
             parms.Add("?unixEventUpcomingEndDateToCheck", Convert.ToString(unixEventUpcomingEndDateToCheck));
             parms.Add("?unixEventDateToCheck", Convert.ToString(unixEventDateToCheckMidnight));
             parms.Add("?unixEventEndDateToCheckMidnight", Convert.ToString(unixEventEndDateToCheckMidnight));
             parms.Add("?category", eventCategory);
             parms.Add("?userText", "%" + Convert.ToString(userText) + "%");

             using (ISimpleDB db = _connFactory.GetConnection())
                List<Dictionary<string, string>> results = db.QueryWithResults(query, parms);
                foreach (Dictionary<string, string> row in results)
                    data[i] = new DirEventsReplyData();
                    data[i].ownerID = new UUID(row["owneruuid"].ToString());
                    data[i].name = row["name"].ToString();
                    data[i].eventID = Convert.ToUInt32(row["eventid"]);

                    // need to convert the unix timestamp we get into legible date for viewer
                    DateTime localViewerEventTime = Util.UnixToLocalDateTime(Convert.ToInt32(row["dateUTC"]));
                    string newSendingDate = String.Format("{0:MM/dd hh:mm tt}", localViewerEventTime);

                    data[i].date = newSendingDate;
                    data[i].unixTime = Convert.ToUInt32(row["dateUTC"]);
                    data[i].eventFlags = Convert.ToUInt32(row["eventflags"]);
                    if (i >= count)
            remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, data);
예제 #5
        public void DirEventsQuery(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID queryID,
                                   string queryText, uint queryFlags, int queryStart)
            DirEventsReplyData[] ReturnValues = DSC.FindEvents(queryText, queryFlags.ToString(), queryStart);

            if (ReturnValues.Length > 10)
                DirEventsReplyData[] data = new DirEventsReplyData[10];
                int i = 0;

                foreach (DirEventsReplyData d in ReturnValues)
                    data[i] = d;
                    if (i == 10)
                        remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, data);
                        i = 0;
                        if (data.Length - i < 10)
                            data = new DirEventsReplyData[data.Length - i];
                            data = new DirEventsReplyData[10];
                remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, data);
                remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, ReturnValues);
예제 #6
        public void DirEventsQuery(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID queryID, string queryText, uint queryFlags, int queryStart)
            // Flags are going to be 0 or 32 for Mature
            // We also know text comes in 3 segments X|Y|Text where X is the day difference from
            // the current day, Y is the category to search, Text is the user input for search string
            // so let's 'split up the queryText to get our values we need first off
            string eventTime     = "";
            string eventCategory = "";
            string userText      = "";

            queryText = queryText.Trim();   // newer viewers sometimes append a space

            string[] querySplode = queryText.Split(new Char[] { '|' });
            if (querySplode.Length > 0)
                eventTime = querySplode[0];
            if (querySplode.Length > 1)
                eventCategory = querySplode[1];
            if (querySplode.Length > 0)
                userText = querySplode[2];
                userText = userText.Trim();   // newer viewers sometimes append a space

            // Ok we have values, now we need to do something with all this lovely information
            string query       = "";
            string searchStart = Convert.ToString(queryStart);
            int    count       = 100;

            DirEventsReplyData[] data = new DirEventsReplyData[count];
            string searchEnd          = Convert.ToString(queryStart + count);
            int    i = 0;
            int    unixEventUpcomingEndDateToCheck = 0;

            int eventTimeAmt = 0;
            int unixEventDateToCheckMidnight    = 0;
            int unixEventEndDateToCheckMidnight = 0;

            string sqlAddTerms = "";

            DateTime saveNow = DateTime.Now;
            int      startDateCheck;

            // Quick catch to see if the eventTime is set to "u" for In Progress & Upcoming Radio button
            if (eventTime == "u")
                DateTime eventUpcomingEndDateToCheck         = saveNow.AddDays(+7);
                DateTime eventUpcomingEndDateToCheckMidnight = new DateTime(eventUpcomingEndDateToCheck.Year, eventUpcomingEndDateToCheck.Month, eventUpcomingEndDateToCheck.Day);
                unixEventUpcomingEndDateToCheck = Util.ToUnixTime(eventUpcomingEndDateToCheckMidnight);

                // for "in progress" events, show everything that has started within the last three hours (arbitrary)
                startDateCheck = Util.ToUnixTime(saveNow.AddHours(-3.0));
                sqlAddTerms    = " where (dateUTC>=?startDateCheck AND dateUTC<=?unixEventUpcomingEndDateToCheck)";
                // we need the current date, in order to subtract/add the days to view, or see the week upcoming.
                // this will probably be some really ugly code :)
                startDateCheck = Util.ToUnixTime(saveNow);
                eventTimeAmt   = Convert.ToInt16(eventTime);
                DateTime eventDateToCheck    = saveNow.AddDays(Convert.ToInt16(eventTime));
                DateTime eventEndDateToCheck = new DateTime();
                if (eventTime == "0")
                    eventEndDateToCheck = saveNow.AddDays(+2);
                    eventEndDateToCheck = saveNow.AddDays(eventTimeAmt + 1);
                // now truncate the information so we get the midnight value (and yes David, I'm sure there's an
                // easier way to do this, but this will work for now :)  )
                DateTime eventDateToCheckMidnight    = new DateTime(eventDateToCheck.Year, eventDateToCheck.Month, eventDateToCheck.Day);
                DateTime eventEndDateToCheckMidnight = new DateTime(eventEndDateToCheck.Year, eventEndDateToCheck.Month, eventEndDateToCheck.Day);

                // this is the start unix timestamp to look for, we still need the end which is the next day, plus
                // we need the week end unix timestamp for the In Progress & upcoming radio button
                unixEventDateToCheckMidnight    = Util.ToUnixTime(eventDateToCheckMidnight);
                unixEventEndDateToCheckMidnight = Util.ToUnixTime(eventEndDateToCheckMidnight);

                sqlAddTerms = " where (dateUTC>=?unixEventDateToCheck AND dateUTC<=?unixEventEndDateToCheckMidnight)";

            if ((queryFlags & ((uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeAdult | (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeAdult | (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeAdult)) == 0)
                // don't just give them an empty list...
                remoteClient.SendAlertMessage("You must included at least one maturity rating.");
                remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, data);

            // Event DB storage does not currently support adult events, so if someone asks for adult, search mature for now.
            if ((queryFlags & (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeAdult) != 0)
                queryFlags |= (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeMature;

            if ((queryFlags & (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeMature) != 0)
                // they included mature and possibly others
                if ((queryFlags & (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludePG) == 0)
                    sqlAddTerms += " AND mature='true'";   // exclude PG
            if ((queryFlags & (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludePG) != 0)
                // they included PG and possibly others
                if ((queryFlags & (uint)DirFindFlags.IncludeMature) == 0)
                    sqlAddTerms += " AND mature='false'";  // exclude mature

            if (eventCategory != "0")
                sqlAddTerms += " AND category=?category";

            if (userText != "")
                sqlAddTerms += " AND (description LIKE ?userText OR name LIKE ?userText)";

            // Events results should come back sorted by date
            sqlAddTerms += " order by dateUTC ASC";

            query = "select owneruuid, name, eventid, dateUTC, eventflags from events" + sqlAddTerms + " limit " + searchStart + ", " + searchEnd + "";

            Dictionary <string, object> parms = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            parms.Add("?startDateCheck", Convert.ToString(startDateCheck));
            parms.Add("?unixEventUpcomingEndDateToCheck", Convert.ToString(unixEventUpcomingEndDateToCheck));
            parms.Add("?unixEventDateToCheck", Convert.ToString(unixEventDateToCheckMidnight));
            parms.Add("?unixEventEndDateToCheckMidnight", Convert.ToString(unixEventEndDateToCheckMidnight));
            parms.Add("?category", eventCategory);
            parms.Add("?userText", "%" + Convert.ToString(userText) + "%");

            using (ISimpleDB db = _connFactory.GetConnection())
                List <Dictionary <string, string> > results = db.QueryWithResults(query, parms);
                foreach (Dictionary <string, string> row in results)
                    data[i]         = new DirEventsReplyData();
                    data[i].ownerID = new UUID(row["owneruuid"].ToString());
                    data[i].name    = row["name"].ToString();
                    data[i].eventID = Convert.ToUInt32(row["eventid"]);

                    // need to convert the unix timestamp we get into legible date for viewer
                    DateTime localViewerEventTime = Util.UnixToLocalDateTime(Convert.ToInt32(row["dateUTC"]));
                    string   newSendingDate       = String.Format("{0:MM/dd hh:mm tt}", localViewerEventTime);

                    data[i].date       = newSendingDate;
                    data[i].unixTime   = Convert.ToUInt32(row["dateUTC"]);
                    data[i].eventFlags = Convert.ToUInt32(row["eventflags"]);
                    if (i >= count)
            remoteClient.SendDirEventsReply(queryID, data);