예제 #1
		public virtual void UpdateAutoIncIdProperty(IObjectManager om, object obj, IClassMap classMap, object newId)
			IContext ctx = m_SqlEngineManager.Context;
			string prevId;
			string autoPropName;
			IPropertyMap autoProp;
			object autoID = null;
			prevId = om.GetObjectIdentity(obj);
			autoProp = classMap.GetAutoIncreasingIdentityPropertyMap();
			autoPropName = autoProp.Name;					
			PropertyInfo propInfo = obj.GetType().GetProperty(autoProp.Name);
			if (propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(System.Int64))
				autoID = Convert.ToInt64(newId);						
			else if (propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(System.Int16))
				autoID = Convert.ToInt16(newId);						
			else if (propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(System.Double))
				autoID = Convert.ToDouble(newId);						
			else if (propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(System.Decimal))
				autoID = Convert.ToDecimal(newId);						
				autoID = Convert.ToInt32(newId);						
			om.SetPropertyValue(obj, autoPropName, autoID);
			//om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, autoPropName, autoID);
			om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, autoPropName, false);
			ctx.IdentityMap.UpdateIdentity(obj, prevId);
        public override void InsertObject(object obj, IList stillDirty)
            IList        parameters    = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList    propertyNames = new ArrayList();
            IPropertyMap propertyMap;

            ArrayList             nonPrimaryPropertyMaps = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList             collectionPropertyMaps = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList             sqlStatements          = new ArrayList();
            int                   rowsAffected;
            object                autoID;
            IPropertyMap          autoProp;
            IColumnMap            autoPropCol;
            string                autoPropName;
            string                prevId;
            bool                  originalKeepOpen;
            IContext              ctx = SqlEngineManager.Context;
            ObjectCancelEventArgs e   = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);

            ctx.EventManager.OnInsertingObject(this, e);
            if (e.Cancel)
            IObjectManager om        = ctx.ObjectManager;
            IListManager   lm        = ctx.ListManager;
            IClassMap      classMap  = ctx.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
            string         sqlSelect = "";
            string         sql;

            if (classMap.HasSingleIdAutoIncreaser())
                sql = GetInsertStatement(obj, propertyNames, stillDirty, nonPrimaryPropertyMaps, collectionPropertyMaps, ref sqlSelect, parameters);
                sql = GetInsertStatement(obj, propertyNames, stillDirty, nonPrimaryPropertyMaps, collectionPropertyMaps, parameters);
            IDataSource ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj);

            if (classMap.HasSingleIdAutoIncreaser())
                originalKeepOpen      = ds.KeepConnectionOpen;
                ds.KeepConnectionOpen = true;
                rowsAffected          = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ds, parameters);
                if (!(rowsAffected == 1))
                    ds.KeepConnectionOpen = originalKeepOpen;
                    throw new NPersistException("An exception occurred when inserting the row for a new object into the data source. Exactly one row should have been affected by the insert operation. Instead " + rowsAffected + " rows were affected!");                     // do not localize
                object[,] result = (object[, ])ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteArray(sqlSelect, ds, parameters);
                if (Util.IsArray(result))
                    prevId       = om.GetObjectIdentity(obj);
                    autoProp     = classMap.GetAutoIncreasingIdentityPropertyMap();
                    autoPropName = autoProp.Name;
                    autoPropCol  = autoProp.GetColumnMap();
                    if (autoPropCol.DataType == DbType.Int64)
                        autoID = Convert.ToInt64(result[0, 0]);
                    else if (autoPropCol.DataType == DbType.Int16)
                        autoID = Convert.ToInt16(result[0, 0]);
                        autoID = Convert.ToInt32(result[0, 0]);
                    om.SetPropertyValue(obj, autoPropName, autoID);
                    //om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, autoPropName, autoID);
                    om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, autoPropName, false);
                    ctx.IdentityMap.UpdateIdentity(obj, prevId);
                    ds.KeepConnectionOpen = originalKeepOpen;
                    throw new FailedFetchingDbGeneratedValueException("Could not find auto-increasing ID for new object!");                     // do not localize
                ds.KeepConnectionOpen = originalKeepOpen;
                rowsAffected = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ds, parameters);
                if (!(rowsAffected == 1))
                    throw new RowNotInsertedException("A new row was not inserted in the data source for a new object.");                     // do not localize
//			foreach (string propName in propertyNames)
//			{
//				om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propName, om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propName));
//			}
            InsertNonPrimaryProperties(obj, nonPrimaryPropertyMaps, stillDirty);
            foreach (IPropertyMap iPpropertyMap in collectionPropertyMaps)
                propertyMap = iPpropertyMap;
                GetInsertCollectionPropertyStatements(obj, propertyMap, sqlStatements, stillDirty);
                ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                foreach (SqlStatementAndDbParameters sqlStatementAndDbParameters in sqlStatements)
                    sql          = sqlStatementAndDbParameters.SqlStatement;
                    rowsAffected = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ds, sqlStatementAndDbParameters.DbParameters);
                    if (!(rowsAffected == 1))
                        throw new RowNotInsertedException("A new row was not inserted in the data source for a collection property of a new object.");                         // do not localize
            ObjectEventArgs e2 = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);

            ctx.EventManager.OnInsertedObject(this, e2);