/// <summary> /// Implementation of <see cref="OnChatMessage"/> that recieves messages from all channels of all connected <see cref="ChatProviders"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="ChatProvider">The <see cref="IChatProvider"/> that heard the <paramref name="message"/></param> /// <param name="speaker">The user who wrote the <paramref name="message"/></param> /// <param name="channel">The channel the <paramref name="message"/> is from</param> /// <param name="message">The recieved message</param> /// <param name="isAdmin"><see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="speaker"/> is considered a chat admin, <see langword="false"/> otherwise</param> /// <param name="isAdminChannel"><see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="channel"/> is an admin channel, <see langword="false"/> otherwise</param> private void ChatProvider_OnChatMessage(IChatProvider ChatProvider, string speaker, string channel, string message, bool isAdmin, bool isAdminChannel) { var splits = message.Trim().Split(' '); if (splits.Length == 1 && splits[0] == "") { ChatProvider.SendMessageDirect("Hi!", channel); return; } var asList = new List <string>(splits); Command.OutputProcVar.Value = (m) => ChatProvider.SendMessageDirect(m, channel); ChatCommand.CommandInfo.Value = new CommandInfo() { IsAdmin = isAdmin, IsAdminChannel = isAdminChannel, Speaker = speaker, Server = this, }; WriteInfo(String.Format("Chat Command from {0} ({2}): {1}", speaker, String.Join(" ", asList), channel), EventID.ChatCommand); if (ServerChatCommands == null) { LoadServerChatCommands(); } new RootChatCommand(ServerChatCommands).DoRun(asList); }
public MainHub(IAuthService authService, IChatService chatService, IChatProvider provider, IChatConnectionsStore connectionsStore) { _authService = authService; _chatService = chatService; _provider = provider; _connectionsStore = connectionsStore; }
public PrivateMessageActions(IHudControlProvider hudControlProvider, IChatProvider chatProvider, IChatTypeCalculator chatTypeCalculator) { _hudControlProvider = hudControlProvider; _chatProvider = chatProvider; _chatTypeCalculator = chatTypeCalculator; }
public DownloadButton(DataLink link, IChatProvider server) { InitializeComponent(); _server = server; this.FileNameLable.Content = link.FileName; SetReadableSize(link.Length); _fileAdress = link.Adress; FileName = link.FileName; }
private async void Connect_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.UserNameBox.Text != String.Empty && (this.AdressBox.SelectedItem != null || this.AdressBox.Text != String.Empty)) { _name = this.UserNameBox.Text; } else { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Some fields are empty"); return; } string local_machine = (this.AdressBox.SelectedItem != null)? this.AdressBox.SelectedItem.ToString(): this.AdressBox.Text; if (local_machine != null) { try { this.ConnectionLabel.Content = String.Format("Connecting to {0}", local_machine); InstanceContext context = new InstanceContext(this); chat_service = new ChatProviderClient(context, "NetTcpBinding_IChatProvider", String.Format("net.tcp://{0}:8733/ChatProvider/", local_machine)); await chat_service.RegisterNewUserAsync(_name); this.UserNameLabel.Content = _name + ":"; this.ConnectionLabel.Content = "Getting users list"; var users = await chat_service.GetUsersListAsync(); users.ForEach(user => this.UsersList.Items.Add(user)); this.ConnectionLabel.Content = String.Format("Connected to {0}", local_machine); } catch (EndpointNotFoundException) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(string.Format("It seems that {0} doesn't host ChatServer", local_machine)); chat_service = null; this.ConnectionLabel.Content = "Disconnected"; } catch (FaultException <ExceptionType> fault) { chat_service = null; var error_type = fault.Detail; if (error_type == ExceptionType.UserAlreadyRegisterd) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(String.Format("User with name {0} already registered.\nTry Another name", _name)); } this.ConnectionLabel.Content = "Disconnected"; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); chat_service = null; this.ConnectionLabel.Content = "Disconnected"; } } }
private void ConnectButton_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (networkListbox.SelectedItem != null) { NetworkInformation information = (NetworkInformation)networkListbox.SelectedItem; NetworkForm networkForm = new NetworkForm(information.Name); networkForm.MdiParent = BirchMainForm.Instance; networkForm.Show(); IChatProvider proto = information.DoConnect(networkForm); Close(); } }
protected override void Initiate(out LevelInfo info, out IChatProvider chatProvider) { info = new LevelInfo(); chatProvider = Client; _initiated = true; Client.WorldReceiver = WorldReceiver; WorldReceiver?.UpdatePlayerPosition(new API.Utils.PlayerLocation( new Vector3(Client.CurrentLocation.X, Client.CurrentLocation.Y, Client.CurrentLocation.Z), Client.CurrentLocation.HeadYaw, Client.CurrentLocation.Yaw, Client.CurrentLocation.Pitch)); _gameTickTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(GameTick, null, 50, 50); }
public void Connected (IChatProvider provider) { chatProvider = provider; Invoke (new MethodInvoker (() => { statusControl = new ChatControl (chatProvider, null); statusControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; TabPage statusPage = new TabPage (); statusPage.Text = "Status"; statusPage.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; statusPage.Controls.Add (statusControl); tabControl.TabPages.Add (statusPage); statusControl.ShowNames = false; Controls.Add (tabControl); })); }
public void ShutdownHandler() { if (Playlist != null) { Playlist.ShutdownHandler(); Playlist = null; } if (_chat != null) { _chat.ShutdownHandler(); _chat = null; } }
public void Connected(IChatProvider provider) { chatProvider = provider; Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { statusControl = new ChatControl(chatProvider, null); statusControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; TabPage statusPage = new TabPage(); statusPage.Text = "Status"; statusPage.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; statusPage.Controls.Add(statusControl); tabControl.TabPages.Add(statusPage); statusControl.ShowNames = false; Controls.Add(tabControl); })); }
public HudPanelFactory(INativeGraphicsManager nativeGraphicsManager, IContentManagerProvider contentManagerProvider, IHudControlProvider hudControlProvider, INewsProvider newsProvider, IChatProvider chatProvider, ICharacterProvider characterProvider, ICharacterInventoryProvider characterInventoryProvider, IExperienceTableProvider experienceTableProvider, IEOMessageBoxFactory messageBoxFactory, ITrainingController trainingController) { _nativeGraphicsManager = nativeGraphicsManager; _contentManagerProvider = contentManagerProvider; _hudControlProvider = hudControlProvider; _newsProvider = newsProvider; _chatProvider = chatProvider; _characterProvider = characterProvider; _characterInventoryProvider = characterInventoryProvider; _experienceTableProvider = experienceTableProvider; _messageBoxFactory = messageBoxFactory; _trainingController = trainingController; }
protected override void Initiate(out LevelInfo info, out IChatProvider chatProvider) { info = _generator.GetInfo(); chatProvider = null; /*lock (genLock) * { * while (_preGeneratedChunks.TryDequeue(out ChunkColumn chunk)) * { * if (chunk != null) * { * base.LoadChunk(chunk, chunk.X, chunk.Z, false); * LoadEntities(chunk); * } * } * * _preGeneratedChunks = null; * }*/ UpdateThread = new Thread(RunThread) { IsBackground = true }; UpdateThread.Start(); if (WorldReceiver is World world) { world.Player.CanFly = true; world.Player.IsFlying = true; world.Player.Controller.IsFreeCam = true; } WorldReceiver?.UpdatePlayerPosition(new PlayerLocation(GetSpawnPoint())); Log.Info($"World {info.LevelName} loaded!"); }
public void Subscribe() { Playlist.Subscribe(this); _chat = _chatProviderFactory.CreateChatProvider(thisChannel); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AlfredPage" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="container">The container.</param> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="chatHandler">The input handler</param> internal ChatPage([NotNull] IObjectContainer container, [NotNull] string name, [NotNull] IChatProvider chatHandler) : base(container, name, "Chat") { _chatHandler = chatHandler; }
/// <summary> /// Registers the user statement handler as the framework's user statement handler. /// </summary> /// <param name="chatProvider">The user statement handler.</param> public void Register(IChatProvider chatProvider) { ChatProvider = chatProvider; }
public ChatControl (IChatProvider provider, string chan) { channel = chan; chatProvider = provider; InitializeComponent (); }
public ChatControl(IChatProvider provider, string chan) { channel = chan; chatProvider = provider; InitializeComponent(); }
public ChatService(IChatProvider chatProvider) { _chatProvider = chatProvider; }
public ChatPanel(INativeGraphicsManager nativeGraphicsManager, IChatRenderableGenerator chatRenderableGenerator, IChatProvider chatProvider, IHudControlProvider hudControlProvider, SpriteFont chatFont) { _nativeGraphicsManager = nativeGraphicsManager; _chatRenderableGenerator = chatRenderableGenerator; _chatProvider = chatProvider; _hudControlProvider = hudControlProvider; _chatFont = chatFont; //abs coordiantes: 568 309 _scrollBar = new ScrollBar(new Vector2(467, 2), new Vector2(16, 97), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed, _nativeGraphicsManager) { LinesToRender = 7, Visible = true }; _chatRenderables = new List <IChatRenderable>(); _state = new ChatPanelStateCache(); CurrentTab = ChatTab.Local; var tabTexture = _nativeGraphicsManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 35); _smallSelected = new SpriteSheet(tabTexture, new Rectangle(307, 16, 43, 16)); _smallUnselected = new SpriteSheet(tabTexture, new Rectangle(264, 16, 43, 16)); _largeSelected = new SpriteSheet(tabTexture, new Rectangle(132, 16, 132, 16)); _largeUnselected = new SpriteSheet(tabTexture, new Rectangle(0, 16, 132, 16)); BackgroundImage = _nativeGraphicsManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 28); DrawArea = new Rectangle(102, 330, BackgroundImage.Width, BackgroundImage.Height); _tabLabels = new Dictionary <ChatTab, IXNALabel> { { ChatTab.Local, new XNALabel(Constants.FontSize08) { Text = "scr", ForeColor = Color.White } }, { ChatTab.Global, new XNALabel(Constants.FontSize08) { Text = "glb" } }, { ChatTab.Group, new XNALabel(Constants.FontSize08) { Text = "grp" } }, { ChatTab.System, new XNALabel(Constants.FontSize08) { Text = "sys" } }, { ChatTab.Private1, new XNALabel(Constants.FontSize08) { Text = "[priv 1]", Visible = false } }, { ChatTab.Private2, new XNALabel(Constants.FontSize08) { Text = "[priv 2]", Visible = false } } }; _tabLabelClickableAreas = new Dictionary <ChatTab, Rectangle> { { ChatTab.Local, new Rectangle(0, 0, 43, 16).WithPosition(GetDestinationVectorForTab(ChatTab.Local)) }, { ChatTab.Global, new Rectangle(0, 0, 43, 16).WithPosition(GetDestinationVectorForTab(ChatTab.Global)) }, { ChatTab.Group, new Rectangle(0, 0, 43, 16).WithPosition(GetDestinationVectorForTab(ChatTab.Group)) }, { ChatTab.System, new Rectangle(0, 0, 43, 16).WithPosition(GetDestinationVectorForTab(ChatTab.System)) }, { ChatTab.Private1, new Rectangle(0, 0, 132, 16).WithPosition(GetDestinationVectorForTab(ChatTab.Private1)) }, { ChatTab.Private2, new Rectangle(0, 0, 132, 16).WithPosition(GetDestinationVectorForTab(ChatTab.Private2)) }, }; foreach (var kvp in _tabLabels) { var startPos = GetDestinationVectorForTab(kvp.Key); kvp.Value.DrawPosition = startPos + new Vector2(14, 2); //note: these must be manually drawn so they appear on top of the tab graphics if (Game.Components.Contains(kvp.Value)) { Game.Components.Remove(kvp.Value); } } _closeButtonAreaForTab1 = new Rectangle(3, 3, 11, 11).WithPosition(GetDestinationVectorForTab(ChatTab.Private1)); _closeButtonAreaForTab2 = new Rectangle(3, 3, 11, 11).WithPosition(GetDestinationVectorForTab(ChatTab.Private2)); }
public void Disconnect() { this.ConnectionLabel.Content = "Disconnected"; this.UsersList.Items.Clear(); chat_service = null; }
protected abstract void Initiate(out LevelInfo info, out IChatProvider chatProvider);
public ChatService(IAuthService authService, IChatProvider chatProvider, ApplicationDbContext context, IMapper mapper) : base(context, mapper) { _authService = authService; _chatProvider = chatProvider; }
public void Init(IWorldReceiver worldReceiver, IChatReceiver chat, out LevelInfo info, out IChatProvider chatProvider) { WorldReceiver = worldReceiver; ChatReceiver = chat; Initiate(out info, out chatProvider); }