public ReactionDiffusion(int width, int height, float diffusionRateA, float diffusionRateB, float killRate, float feed)
            CurrentCells = new CellGrid(width, height);
            NextCells    = new CellGrid(width, height);

            DiffusionRateA = diffusionRateA;
            DiffusionRateB = diffusionRateB;
            KillRate       = killRate;
            Feed           = feed;

        public BitmapSource Diffuse()
            for (int x = 0; x < CurrentCells.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < CurrentCells.Height; y++)
                    if (x != 0 && y != 0 && x != CurrentCells.Width - 1 && y != CurrentCells.Height - 1)
                        NextCells.Grid[x, y] = DiffuseCell(CurrentCells.Grid[x, y], x, y);

                    SetColor(x, y, NextCells.Grid[x, y]);

            CurrentCells = NextCells;

            return(BitmapSource.Create(CurrentCells.Width, CurrentCells.Height, 96, 96, BitmapPixelFormat, null, RawImage, Stride));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Lights up cells visible from the current position.  Clear all lighting before calling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid">The cell grid definition.</param>
        /// <param name="gridPosnX">The player's X-position within the grid.</param>
        /// <param name="gridPosnY">The player's Y-position within the grid.</param>
        /// <param name="viewRadius">Maximum view distance; can be a fractional value.</param>
        public static void ComputeVisibility(ICellGrid grid, int gridPosnX, int gridPosnY, IViewer viewer)
            //Debug.Assert(gridPosn.x >= 0 && gridPosn.x < grid.xDim);
            //Debug.Assert(gridPosn.y >= 0 && gridPosn.y < grid.yDim);

            // Viewer's cell is always visible.
            grid.SetLight(gridPosnX, gridPosnY, 0.0f, viewer);

            // Cast light into cells for each of 8 octants.
            // The left/right inverse slope values are initially 1 and 0, indicating a diagonal
            // and a horizontal line.  These aren't strictly correct, as the view area is supposed
            // to be based on corners, not center points.  We only really care about one side of the
            // wall at the edges of the octant though.
            // NOTE: depending on the compiler, it's possible that passing the octant transform
            // values as four integers rather than an object reference would speed things up.
            // It's much tidier this way though.
            for (int txidx = 0; txidx < s_octantTransform.Length; txidx++)
                CastLight(grid, gridPosnX, gridPosnY, viewer, 1, 1.0f, 0.0f, s_octantTransform[txidx]);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively casts light into cells.  Operates on a single octant.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid">The cell grid definition.</param>
        /// <param name="gridPosnX">The player's X-position within the grid.</param>
        /// <param name="gridPosnY">The player's Y-position within the grid.</param>
        /// <param name="viewRadius">The view radius; can be a fractional value.</param>
        /// <param name="startColumn">Current column; pass 1 as initial value.</param>
        /// <param name="leftViewSlope">Slope of the left (upper) view edge; pass 1.0 as
        ///   the initial value.</param>
        /// <param name="rightViewSlope">Slope of the right (lower) view edge; pass 0.0 as
        ///   the initial value.</param>
        /// <param name="txfrm">Coordinate multipliers for the octant transform.</param>
        /// Maximum recursion depth is (Ceiling(viewRadius)).
        private static void CastLight(ICellGrid grid, int gridPosnX, int gridPosnY, IViewer viewer,
                                      int startColumn, float leftViewSlope, float rightViewSlope, OctantTransform txfrm)
            //Debug.Assert(leftViewSlope >= rightViewSlope);

            // Used for distance test.
            float viewRadiusSq = viewer.ViewDistance * viewer.ViewDistance;

            int viewCeiling = (int)Math.Ceiling(viewer.ViewDistance);

            // Set true if the previous cell we encountered was blocked.
            bool prevWasBlocked = false;

            // As an optimization, when scanning past a block we keep track of the
            // rightmost corner (bottom-right) of the last one seen.  If the next cell
            // is empty, we can use this instead of having to compute the top-right corner
            // of the empty cell.
            float savedRightSlope = -1;

            int xDim = grid.xDim;
            int yDim = grid.yDim;

            // Outer loop: walk across each column, stopping when we reach the visibility limit.
            for (int currentCol = startColumn; currentCol <= viewCeiling; currentCol++)
                int xc = currentCol;

                // Inner loop: walk down the current column.  We start at the top, where X==Y.
                // TODO: we waste time walking across the entire column when the view area
                //   is narrow.  Experiment with computing the possible range of cells from
                //   the slopes, and iterate over that instead.
                for (int yc = currentCol; yc >= 0; yc--)
                    // Translate local coordinates to grid coordinates.  For the various octants
                    // we need to invert one or both values, or swap X for Y.
                    int gridX = gridPosnX + xc * txfrm.xx + yc * txfrm.xy;
                    int gridY = gridPosnY + xc * txfrm.yx + yc * txfrm.yy;

                    // Range-check the values.  This lets us avoid the slope division for blocks
                    // that are outside the grid.
                    // Note that, while we will stop at a solid column of blocks, we do always
                    // start at the top of the column, which may be outside the grid if we're (say)
                    // checking the first octant while positioned at the north edge of the map.
                    if (gridX < 0 || gridX >= xDim || gridY < 0 || gridY >= yDim)

                    // Compute slopes to corners of current block.  We use the top-left and
                    // bottom-right corners.  If we were iterating through a quadrant, rather than
                    // an octant, we'd need to flip the corners we used when we hit the midpoint.
                    // Note these values will be outside the view angles for the blocks at the
                    // ends -- left value > 1, right value < 0.
                    float leftBlockSlope  = (yc + 0.5f) / (xc - 0.5f);
                    float rightBlockSlope = (yc - 0.5f) / (xc + 0.5f);

                    // Check to see if the block is outside our view area.  Note that we allow
                    // a "corner hit" to make the block visible.  Changing the tests to >= / <=
                    // will reduce the number of cells visible through a corner (from a 3-wide
                    // swath to a single diagonal line), and affect how far you can see past a block
                    // as you approach it.  This is mostly a matter of personal preference.
                    if (rightBlockSlope >= leftViewSlope)
                        // Block is above the left edge of our view area; skip.
                    else if (leftBlockSlope <= rightViewSlope)
                        // Block is below the right edge of our view area; we're done.

                    // This cell is visible, given infinite vision range.  If it's also within
                    // our finite vision range, light it up.
                    // To avoid having a single lit cell poking out N/S/E/W, use a fractional
                    // viewRadius, e.g. 8.5.
                    // TODO: we're testing the middle of the cell for visibility.  If we tested
                    //  the bottom-left corner, we could say definitively that no part of the
                    //  cell is visible, and reduce the view area as if it were a wall.  This
                    //  could reduce iteration at the corners.
                    float distanceSquared = xc * xc + yc * yc;
                    if (distanceSquared <= viewRadiusSq)
                        grid.SetLight(gridX, gridY, distanceSquared, viewer);

                    bool curBlocked = grid.IsWall(gridX, gridY);

                    if (prevWasBlocked)
                        if (curBlocked)
                            // Still traversing a column of walls.
                            savedRightSlope = rightBlockSlope;
                            // Found the end of the column of walls.  Set the left edge of our
                            // view area to the right corner of the last wall we saw.
                            prevWasBlocked = false;
                            leftViewSlope  = savedRightSlope;
                        if (curBlocked)
                            // Found a wall.  Split the view area, recursively pursuing the
                            // part to the left.  The leftmost corner of the wall we just found
                            // becomes the right boundary of the view area.
                            // If this is the first block in the column, the slope of the top-left
                            // corner will be greater than the initial view slope (1.0).  Handle
                            // that here.
                            if (leftBlockSlope <= leftViewSlope)
                                CastLight(grid, gridPosnX, gridPosnY, viewer, currentCol + 1,
                                          leftViewSlope, leftBlockSlope, txfrm);

                            // Once that's done, we keep searching to the right (down the column),
                            // looking for another opening.
                            prevWasBlocked  = true;
                            savedRightSlope = rightBlockSlope;

                // Open areas are handled recursively, with the function continuing to search to
                // the right (down the column).  If we reach the bottom of the column without
                // finding an open cell, then the area defined by our view area is completely
                // obstructed, and we can stop working.
                if (prevWasBlocked)