예제 #1
        // Business function which processes the input provided by the user and saves the data after validation
        public bool SaveSellerCatalogue(List <CsvInput> input)
            bool result = false;

            if (input != null && input.Any())
                int sellerId = input.FirstOrDefault().SellerId;                       //Gets seller id from input csv file

                int versionId = _catalogueRepo.GetSellersLastActiveVersion(sellerId); // Gets current active version for seller

                if (versionId == -1 && !_catalogueRepo.SaveNewSeller(sellerId))       // Saves seller if version is invalid and checks if seller was saved properly if not return false and ends flow

                input = RemoveDuplicates(input); // Private function called which takes decision on input and removes duplicates based on business function

                if (versionId > 0)               // Gets remaiing products only when the seller has an active catalogue
                    string          remainingProdIds = string.Join(',', input.Select(x => x.SellerProdId));
                    List <CsvInput> remainingProds   = _catalogueRepo.GetRemainingProducts(remainingProdIds, sellerId, versionId);

                int  newversionId = versionId == -1 ? 1 : versionId + 1;
                bool entriesSaved = _catalogueRepo.SaveNewCatalogueData(input, newversionId); // Saves the catalogue

                if (entriesSaved)                                                             // On successfully saving the catalogue, the active version for the seller is updated
                    result = _catalogueRepo.UpdateActiveVersion(sellerId, newversionId);
