예제 #1
 private void TaskDataIntegrityProcess(ICancelableForm fw) // Task when process button is pressed
     catch (Exception e)
         FormCustomConsole.Write("Exception at process data integrity \r\n" + e.ToString() + "\r\n\r\n");
예제 #2
        // Update selected rows in slow way while keeping results on other rows
        private void UpdateValuesFromDB(ICancelableForm fw)
            string oracleDateStart;
            string oracleDateStartOffset;
            string oracleDateEnd;
            string oracleDateEndOffset;

            string dateStringTimestamp = "";
            string querryStart;
            string querryEnd;
            string resStart = "";
            string resEnd   = "";

            bool startValid = false;
            bool endValid   = false;

            // If row is enabled, process it
            foreach (DataGridViewRow item in dataGridView1.Rows)
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(item.Cells[0].Value) == true)
                    // Selected element is enabled
                    // First intialize time
                    TimeFormatterClass tf = new TimeFormatterClass();
                        // Form querry string for time
                            dateStringTimestamp   = GetStartYear() + "/" + GetStartMonth() + "/" + tf.GetDay() + " " + tf.GetHour() + ":" + tf.GetMin() + "-" + GetEndYear() + "/" + GetEndMonth() + "/" + tf.GetDay() + " " + tf.GetHour() + ":" + tf.GetMin();
                            oracleDateStart       = HelperClass.ConvertToOracleTime(GetStartYear(), GetStartMonth(), tf.GetDay(), tf.GetHour(), tf.GetMin());
                            oracleDateStartOffset = HelperClass.ConvertToOracleTime(GetStartYear(), GetStartMonth(), tf.GetDay(), tf.GetHour(), (Convert.ToInt32(tf.GetMin()) + 1).ToString());

                            oracleDateEnd       = HelperClass.ConvertToOracleTime(GetEndYear(), GetEndMonth(), tf.GetDay(), tf.GetHour(), tf.GetMin());
                            oracleDateEndOffset = HelperClass.ConvertToOracleTime(GetEndYear(), GetEndMonth(), tf.GetDay(), tf.GetHour(), (Convert.ToInt32(tf.GetMin()) + 1).ToString());
                        catch (Exception)
                            break; // This means all time periods are tried, abort this

                        querryStart = "SELECT EPTC,EQTC FROM DATA_HISTORY WHERE DEVICE_ID=" + item.Cells[1].Value + " AND READ_TIME >= " + oracleDateStart + " AND READ_TIME <= " + oracleDateStartOffset + "AND ROWNUM <= 1";
                        querryEnd   = "SELECT EPTC,EQTC FROM DATA_HISTORY WHERE DEVICE_ID=" + item.Cells[1].Value + " AND READ_TIME >= " + oracleDateEnd + " AND READ_TIME <= " + oracleDateEndOffset + "AND ROWNUM <= 1";
                        char delim = '|';
                            resStart = DatabaseControllerClass.FetchValuesFromDatabase(DatabaseSettingsClass.ReadConnectionString(), querryStart, delim);
                            resEnd   = DatabaseControllerClass.FetchValuesFromDatabase(DatabaseSettingsClass.ReadConnectionString(), querryEnd, delim);
                        catch (Exception)
                            Task.Run(() => MessageBox.Show("Timeout for device ID:" + item.Cells[1].Value));
                        // Now we should have a results, but we must check for validity
                        startValid = HelperClass.CheckDataValidity(resStart);
                        endValid   = HelperClass.CheckDataValidity(resEnd);

                        if (!(startValid && endValid)) // If one of each is  not valid calculate next time
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(tf.GetDay()) == ConfigClass.other.daysToCheck) // If we reached maximum days
                    } while (!(startValid && endValid)); // Will run until both values are valid or unitl end is reached

                    // Update percentage bar and check if aborted
                    if (fw.AlreadyClosed)
                    fw.ProgresStep(); // Update progress bar

                    // Result have active and reactive component
                    if (startValid && endValid == true)
                        // We have both values, lets process them
                        bool     warning; // will warn if negative active power
                        string   valueRes = FormatEnergyValues(resStart, resEnd, out warning);
                        string[] temp     = valueRes.Split('/');
                        item.Cells[4].Value = temp[0].Trim();
                        item.Cells[5].Value = temp[1].Trim();
                        string[] tempTime = dateStringTimestamp.Split('-');
                        item.Cells[6].Value = tempTime[0].Trim();
                        item.Cells[7].Value = tempTime[1].Trim();
                        if (warning == true)
                            item.Cells[4].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                            item.Cells[5].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                            item.Cells[6].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                            item.Cells[7].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                            item.Cells[4].Style.BackColor = Color.White;
                            item.Cells[5].Style.BackColor = Color.White;
                            item.Cells[6].Style.BackColor = Color.White;
                            item.Cells[7].Style.BackColor = Color.White;
                        item.Cells[4].Value           = VALUE_MISSING;
                        item.Cells[4].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                        item.Cells[5].Value           = VALUE_MISSING;
                        item.Cells[5].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                        item.Cells[6].Value           = VALUE_MISSING;
                        item.Cells[6].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                        item.Cells[7].Value           = VALUE_MISSING;
                        item.Cells[7].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                else // Cell is not selected, erase value
                    // Nothing i just want to update
예제 #3
 private void TaskUpdate(ICancelableForm fw) // Task when update button is pressed
예제 #4
 private void TaskSlow(ICancelableForm fw) // Task to fetch slow from database
예제 #5
 private void TaskFast(ICancelableForm fw) // Task to fetch fast from database
예제 #6
        private void ProcessDataIntegrity(ICancelableForm fw)
            string sysFormat   = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern;
            string sysUIFormat = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern;

            FormCustomConsole.WriteLine("CurrentCulture: " + sysFormat);
            FormCustomConsole.WriteLine("CurrentUICulture: " + sysUIFormat);

            DateTime dateStart = GetDateFiltered(dateTimePickerStartDataIntegrity);
            DateTime dateEnd   = GetDateFiltered(dateTimePickerEndDataIntegrity);

            // Check if day selection is valid
            TimeSpan dayDiff = dateEnd.Subtract(dateStart); // It will hold days difference

            if (dayDiff.Days <= 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Select valid time!");

            string oracleDateStart;
            string oracleDateEnd;

            string querryCommand;
            string result     = "";
            int    currentRow = -1;

            // If row is enabled, process it
            foreach (DataGridViewRow item in dataGridView2.Rows)
                currentRow++; // Start from -1 so it is 0 at first iteration

                if (Convert.ToBoolean(item.Cells[0].Value) == true)
                    // Selected element is enabled

                    // Create oracle time selection string
                    oracleDateStart = HelperClass.ConvertToOracleTime(dateStart);
                    oracleDateEnd   = HelperClass.ConvertToOracleTime(dateEnd);

                    // Create command
                    querryCommand = "SELECT VALID,IPAA,IPBA,IPCA,VABA,VBCA,VCAA, READ_TIME, ID FROM DATA_HISTORY WHERE DEVICE_ID=" + item.Cells[1].Value + " AND READ_TIME >= " + oracleDateStart + " AND READ_TIME < " + oracleDateEnd + "AND ROWNUM <= " + ConfigClass.MAX_ROWS_GET.ToString();
                    char delim = '|';
                        result = DatabaseControllerClass.FetchValuesFromDatabase(DatabaseSettingsClass.ReadConnectionString(), querryCommand, delim);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Task.Run(() => MessageBox.Show("Timeout for device ID:" + item.Cells[1].Value));
                    // Instantiate dataclass for current row
                    allData[currentRow] = new DataClass(dayDiff.Days, currentRow, dateStart, dateEnd);
                    // Fill it with values from database
                    allData[currentRow].FillDataRow(result, Convert.ToInt32(item.Cells[1].Value), delim);
                    // Process data row for: null values, zero values, duplicate values and generaly some way of corrupted data

                    allData[currentRow].RunAnalysis(); // This will calculate all needed info
                    string   tempSummary = allData[currentRow].GenerateSummary();
                    string[] summary     = tempSummary.Split(delim);
                    // Fill cells
                    item.Cells[4].Value           = summary[0]; // valid
                    item.Cells[5].Value           = summary[1]; // flag status
                    item.Cells[6].Value           = dateStart.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    item.Cells[7].Value           = dateEnd.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    item.Cells[8].Value           = "Ready";
                    item.Cells[8].Style.BackColor = Color.Lavender;

                    // Update percentage bar and check if aborted
                    fw.ProgresStep(); // Update progress bar
                    if (fw.AlreadyClosed)
                else // Cell is not selected
예제 #7
 public HelperInterruptibleWorker(ICancelableAsync _client, ICancelableForm _f)
     client = _client;
     f      = _f;