private static void Connect_Minolta_0() { m_ICa200 = new Ca200(); if (m_ICa200 == null) { MessageBox.Show("Не установлен драйвер для Minolta CA-210.\nБаланс белого не будет доступен.", "Driver Minolta CA210 not found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); isConnectedMinolta = false; return; } //write_info("Подключение к Minolta. Ожидайте..."); try { m_ICa200.AutoConnect(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Ошибка! Не удалось подключиться к Минолте по USB.\nПроверьте USB соединение с Минолтой.\n\n\n\n\n\n" + ex, "Не удается подключить к Минолте по USB", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); //this.buttonConnectUSB.Enabled = true; isConnectedMinolta = false; return; } Thread.Sleep(50); isConnectedMinolta = true; m_ICas = (ICas)m_ICa200.Cas; m_ICa = (ICa)m_ICas.get_ItemOfNumber(1); m_IProbe = (IProbe)m_ICa.SingleProbe; m_IMemory = (IMemory)m_ICa.Memory; Thread.Sleep(50); loopInit_CA210(); //write_info("Подключение Minolta завершенно."); }
private SystemsRelationships(string npps, string systems, ICa eca) { this.eca = eca; this.npps = npps; = systems; this.GenerateItems(); }
public CreateFromEnoviaCorrectionActionBehavior(UpdateContext client, ICa enoviaCorrectionAction) { behavior = new CreateFromEcaItemsBehavior(client, new List <ICa>() { enoviaCorrectionAction }); }
private static void Connect_Minolta_0() { if (PublicData.m_ICa200 == null) { MessageBox.Show("Не установлен драйвер для Minolta CA-210.\nБаланс белого не будет доступен.", "Driver Minolta CA210 not found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); isConnectedMinolta = false; return; } PublicData.write_info("Подключение к Minolta. Ожидайте..."); try { m_ICa200.AutoConnect(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error! Check USB connection please.\n" + ex.Info(), "Can't connect USB CA210", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); //this.buttonConnectUSB.Enabled = true; isConnectedMinolta = false; return; } Thread.Sleep(50); uPowerStatus = true; isConnectedMinolta = true; m_ICas = (ICas)m_ICa200.Cas; m_ICa = (ICa)m_ICas.get_ItemOfNumber(1); m_IProbe = (IProbe)m_ICa.SingleProbe; m_IMemory = (IMemory)m_ICa.Memory; Thread.Sleep(50); loopInit_CA210(); PublicData.write_info("Подключение Minolta завершенно."); }
//var attrName = "A_Obj_Ref_Tbl"; //var table = tdmsObject.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AttributeDefName.Equals(attrName)); //table.Rows.RemoveAll(); //var nppsGuids = tdmsCorrectionAction.Npps.ToList(); //foreach (var nppGuid in nppsGuids) { // var nppFromTdms = app.GetObjectByGUID(nppGuid); // if (nppFromTdms == null) continue; // var nppCode = nppFromTdms.Attributes["A_Object_Code"]; // var nppDescription = nppFromTdms.Attributes["A_Desc_ObjPJ"]; // var newRow = table.Rows.Create(); // newRow.Attributes["A_Object_Code"].Value = nppCode; // newRow.Attributes["A_Desc_ObjPJ"].Value = nppDescription; // newRow.Attributes["A_Object_Ref"].Value = nppFromTdms; //} //} private void FillTableWithAllNpps(TDMSAttribute table, ICa tca) { if (table == null) { return; } var npps = app.GetObjectsByGUIDs(tca.Npps.ToList()); table.Rows.RemoveAll(); AddRows(table, npps); }
internal IdMapItemFamily(ICa restoredTdmsCorrectionAction, ICa tdmsCorrectionAction) { this.oldItem = restoredTdmsCorrectionAction; this.youthItem = tdmsCorrectionAction; oldSystems = oldItem.Systems.ToList(); youthSystems = youthItem.Systems.ToList(); intersectSystems = oldSystems.Intersect(youthSystems).ToList(); lengthOldSystems = oldSystems.Count; lengthYouthSystems = youthSystems.Count; lengthIntersectSystems = intersectSystems.Count; }
public static void Disconnect_CA210() { try { m_ICa.RemoteMode = 0; m_ICa = null; m_ICa200 = null; m_IProbe = null; m_ICas = null; m_IProbe = null; } catch { } }
public Ca(ICa correctionAction) { this.Buildings = correctionAction.Buildings; this.Description = correctionAction.Description; this.Export = correctionAction.Export; this.Id = correctionAction.Id; this.LongDescription = correctionAction.LongDescription; this.Modified = correctionAction.Modified; this.Name = correctionAction.Name; this.Npps = correctionAction.Npps; this.RelationShip3 = correctionAction.RelationShip3; this.Systems = correctionAction.Systems; this.Type = correctionAction.Type; this.HasFiles = correctionAction.HasFiles; this.SentToTdms = correctionAction.SentToTdms; }
private void FillTableWithKudanKulamNpps(TDMSAttribute table, ICa tca) { if (table == null) { return; } var kudanKulamGuids = new KudanKulamNppMaps().Select(nppMap => nppMap.Guid); var containsKudanKulam = tca.Npps.ToList().Intersect(kudanKulamGuids); if (!containsKudanKulam.Any()) { return; } var npps = app.GetObjectsByGUIDs(kudanKulamGuids.ToList()); table.Rows.RemoveAll(); AddRows(table, npps); }
private void ProcessItem(ICa eca) { var tdmsObjects = GetTdmsObjects(eca.Id).ToList(); var noObjectsFound = (tdmsObjects.Count == 0); if (noObjectsFound) { CreateTdmsObject(eca); return; } var oldItems = tdmsObjects.Select(t => t.ToRestoredTdmsCorrectionAction()).ToList(); var noObjectsRestored = (oldItems.Count == 0); if (noObjectsRestored) { CreateTdmsObject(eca); return; } var youthItems = new KudanTcaClient(new TcaClient(new McaClient(new List <ICa>() { eca }))).CreateItems(); var pairs = new IntersectIdMapItemsFamily(oldItems, youthItems).CreateItems(); var theVersion = this.GetMaxVersion(tdmsObjects) + 1; var itemsToUpdate = pairs.Select(p => p.youthItem); var itemsNew = youthItems.Except(itemsToUpdate, new CaIdAndSystemsEqualityComparer()); new CreateFromTcaItemsBehavior(client, itemsNew).ProcessItems(); foreach (var pair in pairs) { var behavior = new UpdateItemsFromTdmsCorrectionActionsBehavior(client, new List <ICa>() { pair.youthItem }, ((RestoredTdmsCorrectionAction)pair.oldItem).tdmsObject, theVersion); behavior.ProcessItems(); } }
public void InitializeCaFields(TDMSObject tdmsObject, ICa tca) { var attributes = tdmsObject.Attributes; // wtf ???????????? //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tca.Description)) { // descriptionValue = tca.Description; //} else { // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tca.LongDescription)) { // if (tca.LongDescription.Length < 128) { // descriptionValue = tca.LongDescription; // } else { // descriptionValue = tca.LongDescription.Substring(0, 127); // } // } else { // descriptionValue = string.Empty; // } //} InitializeAttribute(attributes, "A_Name", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tca.Description)) ? tca.LongDescription.Trim(127) : tca.Description ); InitializeAttribute(attributes, "A_JSON", tca.LongDescription); InitializeAttribute(attributes, "A_System_Code", tca.Systems); InitializeAttribute(attributes, "A_Building_Code", tca.Buildings); InitializeAttribute(attributes, "A_ObjectGUID", tca.Id); InitializeDateAttributeBycicleSilent(attributes, "A_Date", tca.Modified); InitializeDateAttributeSilent(attributes, "A_Date1", tca.Export); FillTableWithKudanKulamNpps( tdmsObject.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AttributeDefName.Equals("A_Obj_Ref_Tbl")), tca ); }
public CheckOutFileRequestFactory(ICa eca) { Eca = eca; }
public McaFactory(ICa eca, SystemsRelationship systemsRelationship) { this.eca = eca; this.systemsRelationship = systemsRelationship; }
public static string Print(ICa searchRootObject) { var result = $"Id: {searchRootObject.Id}\nАЭС: {searchRootObject.Npps}\nСистемы: {searchRootObject.Systems}\nЗдания: {searchRootObject.Buildings}"; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CaController" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="hremployee"></param> public CaController(ICa ca) { _ca = ca; }
public SystemsRelationships(ICa eca) : this(eca.Npps, eca.Systems, eca) { }
public TcaFactory(ICa cA) : this(cA, new NppMaps()) { }
public void InitializeCaFields(TDMSObject tdmsObject, ICa tdmsCorrectionAction, DateTime exportDateTime) { this.InitializeCaFields(tdmsObject, tdmsCorrectionAction); InitializeAttribute(tdmsObject.Attributes, "A_Date1", exportDateTime.ToString()); }
public void InitializeCaFields(TDMSObject tdmsObject, int versionName, ICa tdmsCorrectionAction) { InitializeCaFields(tdmsObject, tdmsCorrectionAction); tdmsObject.VersionName = versionName.ToString(); }
private void CreateTdmsObject(ICa enoviaCorrectionAction) { new CreateFromEnoviaCorrectionActionBehavior(this.client, enoviaCorrectionAction).ProcessItems(); }
public SystemsRelationship(string systems, string npps, ICa eca) { this.Systems = systems; this.Npps = npps; this.Eca = eca; }
public TcaFactory(ICa correctionAction, NppMaps NppMaps) { this.cA = correctionAction; this.NppMaps = NppMaps; }