// TSG 800 // public GertecPrinter(Activity act) // { // this.mainActivity = act; // startGediTSG800(); // } public void startGediGPOS700() { new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { GEDI.Init(this.mainContext); this.iGedi = GEDI.GetInstance(this.mainContext); icl = iGedi.CL; this.iPrintr = iGedi.PRNTR; Thread.Sleep(100); })).Start(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Initialize the Interactive Command Line ICL.Initialize(); // Setup all the available commands ICL.AddCommand( "greet", new Action <Parsed>((parsed) => Console.WriteLine($"Hello {parsed.String("name")} and welcome to ICL!")), new Parameter[] { new StringParameter("name", "Your name", "", true) }, "Greets you by name", new string[] { "greet John" } ); ICL.AddCommand( "count", new Action <Parsed>((parsed) => { for (int i = 1; i <= parsed.Int("number"); i++) { Console.Write($"{i}, "); } Console.WriteLine(); }), new Parameter[] { new IntParameter("number", "The number to count to", "0", true, 0, 100) }, "Counts from 1 to your number", new string[] { "count 10" } ); ICL.AddCommand( "calc", new Action <Parsed>((parsed) => Calc(parsed.Int("first"), parsed.String("operation"), parsed.Int("second"))), new Parameter[] { new IntParameter("first", "The first number", "0", true), new EnumParameter("operation", new string[] { "+", "-", "*", "/" }, "The operation to execute", "", true), new IntParameter("second", "The second number", "0", true) }, "A simple calculator", new string[] { "calc 1 + 2", "calc 2 - 1", "calc 2 * 3", "calc 6 / 2" } ); ICL.AddCommand( "geo", new Action <Parsed>((parsed) => Geo(parsed.String("ip"), parsed.String("type"))), new Parameter[] { new StringParameter("ip", "The ip you want to geolocate", "", true), new EnumParameter("type", typeof(ResponseType), "The response type", "json") }, "Prints geolocation information for an IP address", new string[] { "geo", "geo --type json" } ); ICL.AddCommand( "quit", new Action <Parsed>((parsed) => Environment.Exit(0)), new Parameter[] { }, "Quits the program", new string[] { "quit" } ); // Begin the loop while (true) { Console.Write("> "); ICL.ReadAndExecute(); } }