public ElasticBulkIndexResponse BulkIndex <T>(IEnumerable <T> entities) where T : class { int retryCount = 0; Exception lastException = null; while (retryCount < MaxRetry) { try { IBulkResponse indexResponse = _client.IndexMany(entities); if (indexResponse != null && indexResponse.IsValid) { throw new ElasticSearchServerException(indexResponse.ServerError.Error); } ElasticBulkIndexResponse response = new ElasticBulkIndexResponse(); return(response); } catch (WebException wex) { lastException = wex; } catch (Exception ex) { lastException = ex; } retryCount++; Thread.Sleep(500); } throw new ElasticSearchException("There was an error occured while indexing", lastException); }
private void ScrollToCompletion(IObserver <IReindexResponse <T> > observer, string fromIndex, string toIndex, Time scroll, ISearchResponse <T> searchResult) { if (searchResult == null || !searchResult.IsValid) { throw Throw($"Reindexing to {toIndex} failed unexpectedly during searching index {fromIndex}.", searchResult?.ApiCall); } IBulkResponse indexResult = null; int page = 0; while (searchResult.IsValid && searchResult.Documents.HasAny()) { indexResult = this.IndexSearchResults(searchResult, observer, toIndex, page); if (indexResult == null || !indexResult.IsValid) { throw Throw($"Reindexing to {toIndex} failed unexpectedly during bulk indexing.", indexResult?.ApiCall); } observer.OnNext(new ReindexResponse <T>() { BulkResponse = indexResult, SearchResponse = searchResult, Scroll = page }); page++; searchResult = this._client.Scroll <T>(scroll, searchResult.ScrollId); if (searchResult == null || !searchResult.IsValid) { throw Throw($"Reindexing to {toIndex} failed unexpectedly during searching index {fromIndex}.", searchResult?.ApiCall); } } }
/// <summary> /// 添加房源到ES(新增或修改) /// </summary> /// <param name="listData">要添加的对象</param> /// <returns></returns> public void SaveHousesToES(List <BaseHouseInfo> houses) { var connSettings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(configuration.ESURL)) .BasicAuthentication(configuration.ESUserName, configuration.ESPassword); var elasticClient = new ElasticClient(connSettings); if (houses == null) { return; } foreach (var groupitem in houses.GroupBy(h => h.PubDate)) { var houseIndex = $"house-{groupitem.Key.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}"; var index = elasticClient.IndexExists(houseIndex); if (!index.Exists && index.IsValid)//判断索引是否存在和有效 { //创建索引 elasticClient.CreateIndex(houseIndex, i => i .Settings(s => s.NumberOfShards(2).NumberOfReplicas(0))// 2是常量,阿里云只买了两个片 .Mappings(m => m.Map <BaseHouseInfo>(mm => mm.AutoMap())) .Mappings(map => map.Map <BaseHouseInfo>(mm => mm))); } //批量创建索引和文档 IBulkResponse bulkRs = elasticClient.IndexMany(groupitem, houseIndex); if (bulkRs.Errors)//如果异常 { LogHelper.Info("SaveHouses finish,index:" + houseIndex + ",DebugInformation:" + bulkRs.DebugInformation); //TODO } } ; }
public void SaveHouses(List <DBHouse> houses) { LogHelper.RunActionTaskNotThrowEx(() => { var connSettings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(configuration.ESURL)); var elasticClient = new ElasticClient(connSettings); if (houses == null || !houses.Any()) { return; } var houseIndex = $"house-data-{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}"; var index = elasticClient.IndexExists(houseIndex); if (!index.Exists && index.IsValid)//判断索引是否存在和有效 { CreateIndex(houseIndex); CreateMapping(houseIndex); } //批量创建索引和文档 IBulkResponse bulkRs = elasticClient.IndexMany(houses, houseIndex); if (bulkRs.Errors)//如果异常 { LogHelper.Info("SaveHouses error,index:" + houseIndex + ",DebugInformation:" + bulkRs.DebugInformation); } }, "SaveHouses"); }
protected async Task PublishElasticSearch(IEnumerable <object> evts) { try { List <object> objectList = evts.ToList(); if (!objectList.Any()) { return; } string indexName = $"{_elasticSearchConfig.IndexNameBase}-{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MMddyyyy")}"; //string type = objectList.First().GetType().Name; string type = _elasticSearchConfig.TypeName; IBulkResponse rsp = await _elasticClient.IndexManyAsync(objectList, indexName, type); if (rsp.Errors) { _logger?.LogError("Bulk Errors {0}", rsp.Errors.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger?.LogError(0, e, "ElasticSearch PublishEvents error"); } _logger?.LogDebug("Published {ElasticSearchEventCount} events to ElasticSearch", evts.Count()); }
public void SaveHouses(List <DBHouse> houses) { LogHelper.RunActionTaskNotThrowEx(() => { if (houses == null || !houses.Any()) { return; } // Elasticsearch 跨index 无法插入自动去重更新,所以此处做按照发布时间分组 foreach (var group in houses.GroupBy(h => h.PubTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))) { var houseIndex = $"house-data-{group.Key}"; var index = _elasticClient.IndexExists(houseIndex); if (!index.Exists && index.IsValid)//判断索引是否存在和有效 { CreateIndex(houseIndex); CreateMapping(houseIndex); } //批量创建索引和文档 IBulkResponse bulkRs = _elasticClient.IndexMany(group.ToList(), houseIndex); if (bulkRs.Errors)//如果异常 { LogHelper.Info("SaveHouses error,index:" + houseIndex + ",DebugInformation:" + bulkRs.DebugInformation); } } }, "SaveHouses"); }
public async Task <bool> IndexAsync(List <Employee> employees, string langCode) { string indexName = $"employees_{langCode}"; IBulkResponse response = await _elasticClient.IndexManyAsync(employees, indexName); return(response.IsValid); }
public void InsertToElastic(List <MusicDocument> collection) { IBulkResponse bulkIdx = _elasticConn.Client .Bulk(b => b .Index("music") .IndexMany(collection) ); }
public async Task <bool> IndexAsync(List <Product> products, string langCode) { string indexName = $"products_{langCode}"; IBulkResponse response = await _elasticClient.IndexManyAsync(products, indexName); return(response.IsValid); }
private void Reindex(IObserver <IReindexResponse <T> > observer) { var fromIndex = this._reindexDescriptor._FromIndexName; var toIndex = this._reindexDescriptor._ToIndexName; var scroll = this._reindexDescriptor._Scroll ?? "2m"; fromIndex.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty("fromIndex"); toIndex.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty("toIndex"); var indexSettings = this.CurrentClient.GetIndexSettings(this._reindexDescriptor._FromIndexName); var createSettings = new CreateIndexDescriptor(this._connectionSettings) .InitializeUsing(indexSettings.Settings); var createIndexResponse = this.CurrentClient .CreateIndex(toIndex, (c) => { if (this._reindexDescriptor._CreateIndexSelector != null) { return(this._reindexDescriptor._CreateIndexSelector(createSettings)); } return(c); }); if (!createIndexResponse.IsValid) { throw new ReindexException(createIndexResponse.ConnectionStatus); } var page = 0; var searchResult = this.CurrentClient.Search <T>( s => s .Index(fromIndex) .AllTypes() .From(0) .Take(100) .Query(this._reindexDescriptor._QuerySelector ?? (q => q.MatchAll())) .SearchType(SearchType.Scan) .Scroll(scroll) ); if (searchResult.Total <= 0) { throw new ReindexException(searchResult.ConnectionStatus, "index " + fromIndex + " has no documents!"); } IBulkResponse indexResult = null; do { searchResult = this.CurrentClient.Scroll <T>(scroll, searchResult.ScrollId); if (searchResult.Documents.HasAny()) { indexResult = this.IndexSearchResults(searchResult, observer, toIndex, page); } page++; } while (searchResult.IsValid && indexResult != null && indexResult.IsValid && searchResult.Documents.HasAny()); observer.OnCompleted(); }
public async Task SendEventsAsync(IReadOnlyCollection <EventData> events, long transmissionSequenceNumber, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (this.connectionData == null || events == null || events.Count == 0) { return; } try { string currentIndexName = this.GetIndexName(this.connectionData); if (!string.Equals(currentIndexName, this.connectionData.LastIndexName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { await this.EnsureIndexExists(currentIndexName, this.connectionData.Client).ConfigureAwait(false); this.connectionData.LastIndexName = currentIndexName; } BulkRequest request = new BulkRequest(); List <IBulkOperation> operations = new List <IBulkOperation>(); string documentTypeName = this.connectionData.Configuration.EventDocumentTypeName; foreach (EventData eventData in events) { operations.AddRange(GetCreateOperationsForEvent(eventData, currentIndexName, documentTypeName)); } request.Operations = operations; if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } // Note: the NEST client is documented to be thread-safe so it should be OK to just reuse the this.esClient instance // between different SendEventsAsync callbacks. // Reference: IBulkResponse response = await this.connectionData.Client.BulkAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!response.IsValid) { this.ReportEsRequestError(response, "Bulk upload"); } else { this.healthReporter.ReportHealthy(); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorHandlingPolicies.HandleOutputTaskError(e, () => { string errorMessage = nameof(ElasticSearchOutput) + ": diagnostics data upload has failed." + Environment.NewLine + e.ToString(); this.healthReporter.ReportWarning(errorMessage, EventFlowContextIdentifiers.Output); }); } }
private void Reindex(IObserver <IReindexResponse <T> > observer) { var fromIndex = this._reindexRequest.From; var toIndex = this._reindexRequest.To; var scroll = this._reindexRequest.Scroll ?? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2); var size = this._reindexRequest.Size ?? 100; var resolvedFrom = fromIndex.Resolve(this._connectionSettings); resolvedFrom.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(nameof(fromIndex)); var resolvedTo = toIndex.Resolve(this._connectionSettings); resolvedTo.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(nameof(toIndex)); var indexSettings = this._client.GetIndexSettings(i => i.Index(fromIndex)); Func <CreateIndexDescriptor, ICreateIndexRequest> settings = (ci) => this._reindexRequest.CreateIndexRequest ?? ci; var createIndexResponse = this._client.CreateIndex( toIndex, (c) => settings(c.InitializeUsing(indexSettings.Indices[resolvedFrom]))); if (!createIndexResponse.IsValid) { throw new ElasticsearchClientException(PipelineFailure.BadResponse, $"Failed to create destination index {toIndex}.", createIndexResponse.ApiCall); } var page = 0; var searchResult = this._client.Search <T>( s => s .Index(fromIndex) .Type(Types.All) .From(0) .Size(size) .Query(q => this._reindexRequest.Query) .SearchType(SearchType.Scan) .Scroll(scroll.ToTimeSpan()) ); if (searchResult.Total <= 0) { throw new ElasticsearchClientException(PipelineFailure.BadResponse, $"Source index {fromIndex} doesn't contain any documents.", searchResult.ApiCall); } IBulkResponse indexResult = null; do { var result = searchResult; searchResult = this._client.Scroll <T>(scroll, result.ScrollId); if (searchResult.Documents.HasAny()) { indexResult = this.IndexSearchResults(searchResult, observer, toIndex, page); } page++; } while (searchResult.IsValid && indexResult != null && indexResult.IsValid && searchResult.Documents.HasAny()); observer.OnCompleted(); }
private void Reindex(IObserver <IReindexResponse <T> > observer) { var fromIndex = this._reindexRequest.From; var toIndex = this._reindexRequest.To; var scroll = this._reindexRequest.Scroll ?? "2m"; var size = this._reindexRequest.Size ?? 100; var resolvedFrom = fromIndex.Resolve(this._connectionSettings); resolvedFrom.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(nameof(fromIndex)); var resolvedTo = toIndex.Resolve(this._connectionSettings); resolvedTo.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(nameof(toIndex)); var indexSettings = this._client.GetIndexSettings(i => i.Index(fromIndex)); Func <CreateIndexDescriptor, ICreateIndexRequest> settings = (ci) => this._reindexRequest.CreateIndexRequest ?? ci; var createIndexResponse = this._client.CreateIndex( toIndex, (c) => settings(c.InitializeUsing(indexSettings.Indices[resolvedFrom]))); if (!createIndexResponse.IsValid) { throw new ReindexException(createIndexResponse.ApiCall); } var page = 0; var searchResult = this._client.Search <T>( s => s .Index(fromIndex) .Type(Types.All) .From(0) .Size(size) .Query(this._reindexRequest.Query) .SearchType(SearchType.Scan) .Scroll(scroll) ); if (searchResult.Total <= 0) { throw new ReindexException(searchResult.ApiCall, "index " + fromIndex + " has no documents!"); } IBulkResponse indexResult = null; do { var result = searchResult; searchResult = this._client.Scroll <T>(scroll, result.ScrollId); if (searchResult.Documents.HasAny()) { indexResult = this.IndexSearchResults(searchResult, observer, toIndex, page); } page++; } while (searchResult.IsValid && indexResult != null && indexResult.IsValid && searchResult.Documents.HasAny()); observer.OnCompleted(); }
private void ReportErrors(IBulkResponse result, string documentType) { foreach (var item in result.ItemsWithErrors) { var properties = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "DocumentType", documentType }, { "Index", item.Index }, { "Reason", item.Error.Reason }, { "Id", item.Id } }; Log.Warn($"Error indexing entry with id {item.Id}", properties); } }
public bool UpdateViaBulk(dynamic partial) { IBulkResponse response = Client.Bulk(b => b .Update <Load, dynamic>(u => u .Id(partial.Id) .Doc(partial) )); return(response.IsValid); }
public async Task UpdateAsync(IEnumerable <T> entities) { IBulkResponse result = await this._esClient.IndexManyAsync <T>(entities); if (!result.IsValid) { this._logger.LogError(result.OriginalException, $"Error in updating entities of type {this._entityType} to index {this._entityIndex}", new[] { result }); throw result.OriginalException; } this._logger.LogTrace($"Updated {result.Items.Count} entities of type {this._entityType} to index {this._entityIndex}", new[] { result }); }
public async Task AddAsync(List <T> entities) { IBulkResponse result = await this._esClient.IndexManyAsync <T>(entities, this._entityIndex, this._entityType); if (!result.IsValid) { this._logger.LogError(result.OriginalException, $"Error in adding entities of type {this._entityType} to index {this._entityIndex}", new[] { result }); throw result.OriginalException; } this._logger.LogTrace($"Added {result.Items.Count} entity of type {this._entityType} to index {this._entityIndex}. Time taken: {result.Took}", new[] { result }); }
private async Task SendEventsAsync(IEnumerable <EventData> events, long transmissionSequenceNumber, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (events == null) { return; } try { string currentIndexName = this.GetIndexName(this.connectionData); if (!string.Equals(currentIndexName, this.connectionData.LastIndexName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { await this.EnsureIndexExists(currentIndexName, this.connectionData.Client); this.connectionData.LastIndexName = currentIndexName; } BulkRequest request = new BulkRequest(); request.Refresh = true; List <IBulkOperation> operations = new List <IBulkOperation>(); foreach (EventData eventData in events) { BulkCreateOperation <EventData> operation = new BulkCreateOperation <EventData>(eventData); operation.Index = currentIndexName; operation.Type = EventDocumentTypeName; operations.Add(operation); } request.Operations = operations; if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } // Note: the NEST client is documented to be thread-safe so it should be OK to just reuse the this.esClient instance // between different SendEventsAsync callbacks. // Reference: IBulkResponse response = await this.connectionData.Client.BulkAsync(request); if (!response.IsValid) { this.ReportEsRequestError(response, "Bulk upload"); } this.ReportListenerHealthy(); } catch (Exception e) { this.ReportListenerProblem("Diagnostics data upload has failed." + Environment.NewLine + e.ToString()); } }
public IBulkResponse Bulk(List <IBulkOperation> operations) { var request = new BulkRequest() { Refresh = true, Consistency = Consistency.One, Operations = operations }; IBulkResponse response = GetClient().Bulk(request); return(response); }
/// <summary> /// 批量添加或者更新文档 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">文档类型</typeparam> /// <param name="documents">将要添加或者更新的文档集合</param> /// <param name="index">文档所在库</param> /// <returns>返回更新的条数</returns> public int IndexMany <T>(IEnumerable <T> documents, string index = null) where T : class { IBulkResponse response = _builder?.Client.IndexMany <T>(documents, index ?? _defaultIndex, typeof(T).SearchName()); if (response.Errors) { if (_logger != null) { _logger.LogInformation(response.DebugInformation); //_logger.Error(response.ItemsWithErrors) } } return(response.Items.Count); }
private static string BuildMessage(IBulkResponse response) { try { // DebugInformation can throw. ... ....... var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine(response.DebugInformation); foreach (var item in response.ItemsWithErrors) builder.AppendLine(item.Error.Reason); return builder.ToString(); } catch { } return ""; }
public static void Bulk_Index_Basic(string url) { var uri = new Uri(url); var config = new ConnectionSettings(uri); var client = new ElasticClient(config); Album a500 = new Album { Title = "Aquemini", Artist = "OutKast", Rank = 500, //... }; Album a499 = new Album { Title = "Live in Cook County Jail", Artist = "B. B. King", Rank = 499, //... }; Album a498 = new Album { Title = "The Stone Roses", Artist = "The Stone Roses", Rank = 498, //... }; IBulkResponse response = client.Bulk(bs => bs .Index <Album>(bis => bis .Index("rolling-stone-500") .Id(a500.Rank) .Document(a500) ) .Index <Album>(bis => bis .Index("rolling-stone-500") .Id(a499.Rank) .Document(a499) ) .Index <Album>(bis => bis .Index("rolling-stone-500") .Id(a498.Rank) .Document(a498) ) // ... etc ... ); ExamineResponse(response); }
public bool IngestCargos(IEnumerable <Cargo> cargoList, out IEnumerable <Cargo> failures) { failures = new List <Cargo>(); IBulkResponse response = client.Bulk(b => b.IndexMany(cargoList, (op, c) => op.Document(c))); if (response.Errors) { failures = response.Items .Select((Item, Index) => new { Item, Index }) .Where(e => !e.Item.IsValid) .Select(e => cargoList.ElementAt(e.Index)); } return(!response.Errors); }
private static string BuildMessage(IBulkResponse response) { try { // DebugInformation can throw. ... ....... var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine(response.DebugInformation); foreach (var item in response.ItemsWithErrors) { builder.AppendLine(item.Error.Reason); } return(builder.ToString()); } catch { } return(""); }
private static void ExamineResponse(IBulkResponse response) { Console.WriteLine("Errors: {0}", response.Errors); Console.WriteLine("ItemsWithErrors:"); foreach (BulkOperationResponseItem item in response.ItemsWithErrors) { Console.WriteLine("\tId: {0}", item.Id); Console.WriteLine("\t\tIndex: {0}", item.Index); Console.WriteLine("\t\tType: {0}", item.Type); Console.WriteLine("\t\tStatus: {0}", item.Status); Console.WriteLine("\t\tError: {0}", item.Error); } Console.WriteLine(); }
protected void StartPublishTimer() { int thirtySeconds = 1000 * 30; this.publishTimer = new Timer((g) => { BaseDocument document; IBulkRequest request = new BulkRequest("active-homeseer-index") { Operations = new List <IBulkOperation>() }; while (!this.cache.IsEmpty) { if (this.cache.TryTake(out document)) { request.Operations.Add(new BulkIndexOperation <BaseDocument>(document)); } } if (request.Operations.Count == 0) { pluginInstance.LogDebug("WriteToCluster: no documents to write"); this.publishTimer.Change(thirtySeconds, Timeout.Infinite); return; } try { pluginInstance.LogDebug(string.Format("Writing {0} documents to Elasticsearch...", request.Operations.Count)); ElasticClient client = GetESClient(Config); IBulkResponse r = client.Bulk(request); if (r.IsValid) { pluginInstance.LogDebug("Document publish Successful!"); } else { pluginInstance.LogError(string.Format("Document published failed: {0}", r.DebugInformation)); } } catch (Exception e) { pluginInstance.LogError(string.Format("Error writing documents to Elasticsearch: {0}", e.Message)); } this.publishTimer.Change(thirtySeconds, Timeout.Infinite); }, null, 0, Timeout.Infinite); }
/// <summary> /// 批量添加或者更新文档 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">文档类型</typeparam> /// <param name="documents">将要添加或者更新的文档集合</param> /// <param name="index">文档所在库</param> /// <returns>返回更新的条数</returns> public int Bulk <T>(IEnumerable <T> objects, string index = null) where T : class { BulkDescriptor descriptor = new BulkDescriptor(); descriptor.Index(index ?? _defaultIndex).Type(typeof(T).SearchName()).IndexMany(objects); IBulkResponse response = _builder?.Client.Bulk(descriptor); if (response.Errors) { if (_logger != null) { _logger.LogInformation(response.DebugInformation); //_logger.Error(response.ItemsWithErrors) } } return(response.Items.Count); }
private (bool success, bool retry) retryOnResponse(IBulkResponse response, DispatcherQueueItem <T> queued) { // Elasticsearch bulk thread pool is full. if (response.ItemsWithErrors.Any(item => item.Status == 429 || item.Error.Type == "es_rejected_execution_exception")) { Console.WriteLine($"Server returned 429, re-queued chunk with lastId {queued.ItemsToIndex.Last().CursorValue}"); return(success : false, retry : true); } // Index was closed, possibly because it was switched. Flag for bailout. if (response.ItemsWithErrors.Any(item => item.Error.Type == "index_closed_exception")) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"{index} was closed."); readBuffer.CompleteAdding(); // FIXME: should cancel instead. return(success : false, retry : false); } // TODO: other errors should do some kind of notification. return(success : true, retry : false); }
public virtual async Task UpsertAsync(IEnumerable <T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Validate parameters. if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } // The request. IBulkRequest request = new BulkDescriptor(). Index(Index.Name). Type <T>(). IndexMany(source, (d, t) => d.Document(t)); // Send the request. IBulkResponse response = await ElasticClient.BulkAsync(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); // Throw if there is an error. response.ThrowIfError(); }
private void SavePack(string index, Type type, string parentId, List <object> bulkPack) { IBulkResponse br = null; Exception exception = null; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { try { br = Client.Bulk(b => b.Index(index).Type(type).IndexMany(bulkPack, (a, o) => { var prntId = parentId ?? (o as IParent)?.getparentid(); if (prntId != null) { return(a.Parent(new Id(prntId))); } else { return(a); } }).Refresh(Refresh.False)); } catch (Exception e) { //произошла ошибка? попробуй еще раз .. возможно это интернет лагнул exception = e; continue; } break; } if (br == null) { throw exception ?? new Exception("не удалось получить ответ от сервера"); } if (br.Errors) { throw new Exception(br.DebugInformation.Substring(0, 10000)); } }
public async Task DeleteAsync(IList <long> ids) { var descriptor = new BulkDescriptor(); foreach (var id in ids) { descriptor.Delete <T>(x => x .Id(id)) .Refresh(Refresh.WaitFor); } IBulkResponse result = await this._esClient.BulkAsync(descriptor); if (!result.IsValid) { this._logger.LogError(result.OriginalException, $"Error deleting entities of type {this._entityType} from index {this._entityIndex}.", new[] { result }); throw result.OriginalException; } this._logger.LogTrace($"Deleted {result.Items.Count} entities of type {this._entityType} from index {this._entityIndex}.", new[] { result }); }
private ImportFileResult BuildFileResultFromClientResponse(string file, IBulkResponse response) { if (response.ConnectionStatus.Success) return new ImportFileResult(file, response.Items.Count()); return new ImportFileResult(file, response.ConnectionStatus.Error.ExceptionMessage); }
public void InitialiseImporter(IBulkResponse mockedBulkResponse = null) { _mockedFileSystem.Setup(fs => fs.DirectoryExists(TestSourceDirectory)).Returns(true); _mockedClientProvider.Setup(cp => cp.GetClient(_mockedConnectionSettings.Object)) .Returns(_mockedClient.Object); _mockedFileParser.Setup(fp => fp.GetTweets(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(_testTweets); if (mockedBulkResponse == null) _mockedClient.Setup(c => c.IndexMany(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Tweet>>())).Returns(_mockedClientSuccessResponse.Object); else _mockedClient.Setup(c => c.IndexMany(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Tweet>>())).Returns(mockedBulkResponse); _mockedClient.Setup(c => c.IsValid).Returns(true); _importer = new Importer(_mockedFileSystem.Object, _mockedFileParser.Object, _mockedClientProvider.Object, _mockedConnectionSettings.Object, TestSourceDirectory); }
public StorageException(IBulkResponse response) : base(BuildMessage(response)) { }