private async Task CopyDataFromTableToCollectionAsync(string tableSchema, string tableName, bool sampleData = false, SqlPipelines pipelines = null) { var collectionName = GetCollectionName(tableSchema, tableName); _logger.LogInformation($"Copying data from `{tableSchema}.{tableName}` table to {collectionName} collection..."); var counter = 0; ICouchbaseCollection collection; if (_config.UseSchemaForScope) { var scopeName = GetScopeName(tableSchema); var scope = await _bucket.ScopeAsync(scopeName); collection = await scope.CollectionAsync(collectionName); } else { var scope = await _bucket.DefaultScopeAsync(); collection = await scope.CollectionAsync(collectionName); } // lookup and use custom pipeline defined for this table SqlPipelineBase pipeline = new SqlPipelineDefault(tableSchema, tableName); if (sampleData) { pipeline = new SqlPipelineDefaultSample(tableSchema, tableName); } var customPipeline = pipelines?.Get(tableSchema, tableName); if (customPipeline != null) { pipeline = customPipeline; } // buffered false because this could be a very large amount of data // see: using (var outerConnection = new SqlConnection(_config.SourceSqlConnectionString)) { _logger.LogInformation($"Opening non-buffered connection to `{tableSchema}.{tableName}`"); var rows = outerConnection.Query(pipeline.Query, buffered: false); _logger.LogInformation("Writing row(s)..."); foreach (var row in rows) { if (!pipeline.IsIncluded(row)) { continue; } var transformedRow = pipeline.Transform(row); string documentKey = null; try { documentKey = await GetDocumentKeyFromPrimaryKeyValuesAsync(transformedRow, tableSchema, tableName); await collection.UpsertAsync(documentKey, transformedRow); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError($"Error writing."); _logger.LogError($"Row data: {transformedRow}"); _logger.LogError($"Document key: {documentKey}"); _logger.LogError($"Exception message: {ex.Message}"); _logger.LogError($"Exception stack trace: {ex.StackTrace}"); } counter++; if ((counter % 1000) == 0) { _logger.LogInformation(counter + "..."); } } } _logger.LogInformation($"Closing non-buffered connection to `{tableSchema}.{tableName}`"); _logger.LogInformation("Done"); }