예제 #1
        public SurveillanceQuery(
            IRefinitivTickPriceHistoryService refinitivTickPriceHistoryService,
            IFinancialInstrumentRepository financialInstrumentRepository,
            IOrderRepository orderRepository,
            IMarketRepository marketRepository,
            IBrokerRepository brokerRepository,
            IRuleBreachRepository ruleBreachRepository,
            ISystemProcessOperationRuleRunRepository ruleRunRepository,
            ISystemProcessOperationUploadFileRepository fileUploadRepository,
            ISystemProcessOperationDataSynchroniserRepository dataSynchroniserRepository,
            ISystemProcessOperationDistributeRuleRepository distributeRuleRepository,
            IActiveRulesService ruleService,
            IDataLoaderContextAccessor dataAccessor,
            IHttpContextAccessor ctx)
            this.Field <ListGraphType <FinancialInstrumentGraphType> >(
                "The financial instruments known to surveillance",
                new QueryArguments(new QueryArgument <IdGraphType> {
                Name = "id"
                context =>
                var id = context.GetArgument <int?>("id");

                IQueryable <IFinancialInstrument> IdQuery(IQueryable <IFinancialInstrument> i)
                    return(i.Where(x => id == null || x.Id == id));


            this.Field <ListGraphType <SystemProcessOperationRuleRunGraphType> >(
                "The rule runs executed by the system",
                new QueryArguments(new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <StringGraphType> > {
                Name = "correlationIds"
                context =>
                var correlationIds = context.GetArgument <List <string> >("correlationIds");

                IQueryable <ISystemProcessOperationRuleRun> filter(IQueryable <ISystemProcessOperationRuleRun> i)
                    return(i.Where(x => correlationIds == null || correlationIds.Contains(x.CorrelationId)));


            this.Field <ListGraphType <SystemProcessOperationUploadFileGraphType> >(
                "The files uploaded by the system",
                resolve: context =>
                var dataLoader = dataAccessor.Context.GetOrAddLoader(


            this.Field <ListGraphType <SystemProcessOperationDataSynchroniserRequestGraphType> >(
                "The data synchroniser requests logged by the system",
                resolve: context =>
                var dataLoader = dataAccessor.Context.GetOrAddLoader(


            this.Field <ListGraphType <SystemProcessOperationDistributeRuleGraphType> >(
                "The rules distributed by the schedule disassembler",
                resolve: context =>
                var dataLoader = dataAccessor.Context.GetOrAddLoader(


            this.Field <OrderLedgerGraphType>(
                "Consolidated company portfolio incorporating all funds",
                resolve: context =>
                var dataLoader = dataAccessor.Context.GetOrAddLoader(


            this.Field <ListGraphType <FundGraphType> >(
                "The list of funds under surveillance",
                new QueryArguments(new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "id"
                context =>
                var id = context.GetArgument <string>("id");

                IQueryable <IOrdersAllocation> IdQuery(IQueryable <IOrdersAllocation> i)
                    return(i.Where(x => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id) || x.Fund == id));


            this.Field <ListGraphType <StrategyGraphType> >(
                "The list of strategies employed by surveilled orders",
                new QueryArguments(new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "id"
                context =>
                var id = context.GetArgument <string>("id");

                IQueryable <IOrdersAllocation> IdQuery(IQueryable <IOrdersAllocation> i)
                    return(i.Where(x => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id) || x.Strategy == id));


            this.Field <ListGraphType <ClientAccountGraphType> >(
                "The list of client accounts allocated to by surveilled orders",
                new QueryArguments(new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "id"
                context =>
                var id = context.GetArgument <string>("id");

                IQueryable <IOrdersAllocation> IdQuery(IQueryable <IOrdersAllocation> i)
                    return(i.Where(x => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id) || x.ClientAccountId == id));


            this.Field <ListGraphType <MarketGraphType> >(
                "The list of markets that have surveilled orders have been issued against",
                new QueryArguments(new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "mic"
                context =>
                var id = context.GetArgument <string>("mic");

                IQueryable <IMarket> MicQuery(IQueryable <IMarket> i)
                    return(i.Where(x => id == null || x.MarketId == id));


            this.Field <ListGraphType <BrokerGraphType> >(
                "The list of brokers that  orders have been placed with",
                new QueryArguments(new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "id"
                context =>
                var id = context.GetArgument <int?>("id");

                IQueryable <IBroker> IdQuery(IQueryable <IBroker> i)
                    return(i.Where(x => id == null || x.Id == id));


            this.Field <ListGraphType <RuleBreachGraphType> >(
                "Policy rule violations detected by the surveillance engine",
                new QueryArguments(new QueryArgument <IdGraphType> {
                Name = "id"
                context =>
                var id = context.GetArgument <int?>("id");

                IQueryable <IRuleBreach> IdQuery(IQueryable <IRuleBreach> i)
                    return(i.Where(x => id == null || x.Id == id));


            this.Field <ListGraphType <TraderGraphType> >(
                "Traders that have been recorded in the orders file",
                new QueryArguments(new QueryArgument <IdGraphType> {
                Name = "id"
                context =>
                var id = context.GetArgument <string>("id");

                IQueryable <IOrder> IdQuery(IQueryable <IOrder> i)
                    return(i.Where(x => id == null || x.TraderId == id));


            this.Field <ListGraphType <OrderGraphType> >(
                "Orders uploaded by client",
                new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "ids"
                    new QueryArgument <IntGraphType> {
                Name = "take"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <StringGraphType> > {
                Name = "traderIds"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <StringGraphType> > {
                Name = "excludeTraderIds"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <StringGraphType> > {
                Name = "reddeerIds"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "statuses"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "directions"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "types"
                    new QueryArgument <DateTimeGraphType> {
                Name = "placedDateFrom"
                    new QueryArgument <DateTimeGraphType> {
                Name = "placedDateTo"
                context =>
                var options = new OrderQueryOptions
                    Ids              = context.GetArgument <List <int> >("ids"),
                    Take             = context.GetArgument <int?>("take"),
                    TraderIds        = context.GetArgument <List <string> >("traderIds")?.ToHashSet(),
                    ExcludeTraderIds =
                        context.GetArgument <List <string> >("excludeTraderIds")?.ToHashSet(),
                    ReddeerIds     = context.GetArgument <List <string> >("reddeerIds"),
                    Statuses       = context.GetArgument <List <int> >("statuses"),
                    Directions     = context.GetArgument <List <int> >("directions"),
                    Types          = context.GetArgument <List <int> >("types"),
                    PlacedDateFrom = context.GetArgument <DateTime?>("placedDateFrom"),
                    PlacedDateTo   = context.GetArgument <DateTime?>("placedDateTo")

            this.Field <ListGraphType <AggregationGraphType> >(
                "Aggregation of orders uploaded by client",
                new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "ids"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <StringGraphType> > {
                Name = "traderIds"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <StringGraphType> > {
                Name = "excludeTraderIds"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <StringGraphType> > {
                Name = "reddeerIds"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "statuses"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "directions"
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "types"
                    new QueryArgument <DateTimeGraphType> {
                Name = "placedDateFrom"
                    new QueryArgument <DateTimeGraphType> {
                Name = "placedDateTo"
                    new QueryArgument <StringGraphType> {
                Name = "tzName"
                context =>
                var options = new OrderQueryOptions
                    Ids              = context.GetArgument <List <int> >("ids"),
                    TraderIds        = context.GetArgument <List <string> >("traderIds")?.ToHashSet(),
                    ExcludeTraderIds =
                        context.GetArgument <List <string> >("excludeTraderIds")?.ToHashSet(),
                    ReddeerIds     = context.GetArgument <List <string> >("reddeerIds"),
                    Statuses       = context.GetArgument <List <int> >("statuses"),
                    Directions     = context.GetArgument <List <int> >("directions"),
                    Types          = context.GetArgument <List <int> >("types"),
                    PlacedDateFrom = context.GetArgument <DateTime?>("placedDateFrom"),
                    PlacedDateTo   = context.GetArgument <DateTime?>("placedDateTo"),
                    TzName         = context.GetArgument <string>("tzName")

            this.Field <ListGraphType <RulesTypeEnumGraphType> >(
                "The category of the rule",
                resolve: context => ruleService.EnabledRules());

            this.Field <ListGraphType <OrganisationTypeEnumGraphType> >(
                "The type of organisation factors",
                resolve: context => OrganisationalFactors.None.GetEnumPermutations());

            this.Field <ListGraphType <OrderTypeGraphType> >(
                "The type of the order given to market",
                resolve: context => OrderTypes.NONE.GetEnumPermutations());

            this.Field <ListGraphType <InstrumentTypeGraphType> >(
                "A primitive perspective on the asset class. To see further details use the CFI code",
                resolve: context => InstrumentTypes.None.GetEnumPermutations());

            this.Field <ListGraphType <TickPriceHistoryTimeBarGraphType> >(
                "Tick Price History TimeBar",
                new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <ListGraphType <StringGraphType> > {
                Name = "rics"
                    new QueryArgument <DateTimeGraphType> {
                Name = "startDateTime"
                    new QueryArgument <DateTimeGraphType> {
                Name = "endDateTime"
                context =>
                var rics          = context.GetArgument <List <string> >("rics");
                var startDateTime = context.GetArgument <DateTime?>("startDateTime");
                var endDateTime   = context.GetArgument <DateTime?>("endDateTime");

                return(refinitivTickPriceHistoryService.GetEndOfDayTimeBarsAsync(startDateTime, endDateTime, rics));