예제 #1
        protected override void PlaceObjects(IEnumerable <Dependency> dependencies)
            IEnumerable <Item> items      = dependencies.SelectMany(e => new[] { e.UsingItem, e.UsedItem }).Distinct();
            double             deltaAngle = 2 * Math.PI / items.Count();
            Func <int, double> r          =
                items.Any(i => i.Name.StartsWith("star")) ? i => 100.0 + (i % 2 == 0 ? 60 : 0)
                : items.Any(i => i.Name.StartsWith("spiral")) ? (Func <int, double>)(i => 80.0 + 20 * i)
                : /*circle*/ i => 100;

            int n     = 0;
            var boxes = new Dictionary <Item, IBox>();

            foreach (var i in items)
                int    k   = n++;
                double phi = k * deltaAngle;
                // Define position in polar coordinates with origin, radius (r) and angle (ohi).
                var pos = new VariableVector("pos_" + k, Solver, r(k) * Math.Sin(phi), r(k) * Math.Cos(phi));

                boxes[i] = Box(pos, i.Name, B(i.Name).Restrict(F(null, 15), F(null, 15)), borderWidth: 2);

            foreach (var d in dependencies)
                IBox from = boxes[d.UsingItem];
                IBox to   = boxes[d.UsedItem];

                if (d.Ct > 0 && !Equals(d.UsingItem, d.UsedItem))
                    Arrow(from.GetBestConnector(to.Center), to.GetBestConnector(from.Center), 1, text: "#=" + d.Ct, textLocation: 0.2);
예제 #2
 public void TestSingleAnchor()
     CreateAndRender(r => {
         IBox box = r.Box(r.F(100, 100), "B", r.F(70, 200),
                          borderWidth: 10, textFont: new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 20));
         VariableVector far = r.F(300, 400);
         r.Arrow(box.Center, far, width: 5, color: Color.Blue);                  // center to far point
         r.Arrow(box.Center, r.F(400, 400), width: 2, color: Color.Green);       // 45° diagonal from center
         r.Arrow(box.GetBestConnector(far), far, width: 10, color: Color.Brown); // anchor to far point
     }, new GlobalContext());
        private void ArrowToInterfaceBox(IBox fromBox, IBox toBox, VariableVector fromPos, Dependency d, string prefix)
            VariableVector toPos = toBox.GetBestConnector(fromPos).WithYOf(fromPos);

            fromPos = fromBox.GetBestConnector(toPos).WithYOf(fromPos);
            Arrow(fromPos, toPos, 1, color: d.NotOkCt > 0 ? Color.Red :
                  d.QuestionableCt > 0 ? Color.Blue : Color.Black, text: prefix + "#=" + d.Ct,
                  textLocation: -20, textFont: _lineFont, fixingOrder: 2, edgeInfo: d.ExampleInfo);

            toBox.UpperLeft.MinY(fromPos.Y + 5);
            toBox.LowerLeft.MaxY(fromPos.Y - toBox.TextBox.Y);