public async Task UpdateTimeZone(CommandContext context) { using IBotAccessProvider accessProvider = this.providerBuilder.Build(); if (accessProvider.GetUsersTimeZone(context.User.Id) == null) { await context.RespondAsync( $"{context.User.Mention}, you don't have a timezone set up. To initialize your timezone please type `time init`."); return; } await context.RespondAsync( "Please navigate to and select your timezone. After you do please hit the copy button and paste the contents into the chat."); InteractivityExtension interactivity = context.Client.GetInteractivity(); InteractivityResult <DiscordMessage> result = await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(msg => msg.Author.Equals(context.Message.Author)); if (!result.TimedOut) { DateTimeZone test = this.timeZoneProvider.GetZoneOrNull(result.Result.Content); if (test != null) { UserTimeZone updatedUserTimeZone = accessProvider.GetUsersTimeZone(context.Message.Author.Id); updatedUserTimeZone.TimeZoneId = result.Result.Content; accessProvider.UpdateUserTimeZone(updatedUserTimeZone); await context.RespondAsync( $"I updated your timezone to {result.Result.Content} in all guilds I am a member of."); } else { await context.RespondAsync("You provided me with an invalid timezone. Try again by typing `time update`."); } } else { await context.RespondAsync( "You either waited too long to respond. Try again by typing `time update`."); } }