protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (this.lblErrorMessage.Text.Length != 0) { this.lblErrorMessage.Text = ""; } BoothInfoDTO dto = populate(); Facade facade = Facade.GetInstance(); IBoothInfoBL oBoothInfoBL = facade.createBoothInfoBL(); oBoothInfoBL.addNewBoothRecord(dto); this.lblErrorMessage.Text = "Data Save Successfully."; this.ddlBranchName.SelectedValue = ""; this.txtHideFieldPK.Value = ""; this.txtCashLimit.Text = ""; this.chkBoothStatus.Checked = true; this.btnSave.Text = "Save"; this.GridView1.DataBind(); } catch (Exception Exp) { lblErrorMessage.Text = cls.ErrorString(Exp); } }
protected void btnBoothReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int permanentDay = 0; int demoDay = 0; int ExpiresDate = 0; if ((chkPermanent.Checked == false) && (chkDemo.Checked == false)) { this.lblErrorMessage.Text = "You must be select Registration Type!"; return; } if ((chkPermanent.Checked == true) && (chkDemo.Checked == true)) { this.lblErrorMessage.Text = "You must be select one registration Type!"; return; } if ((chkPermanent.Checked == true) && (chkDemo.Checked == false)) { permanentDay = 356; } if ((chkPermanent.Checked == false) && (chkDemo.Checked == true)) { if (this.txtBoothExpiresDate.Text == "") { return; } demoDay = int.Parse(this.txtBoothExpiresDate.Text); } if (this.lblErrorMessage.Text.Length != 0) { this.lblErrorMessage.Text = ""; } BoothInfoDTO dto = populate(); Facade facade = Facade.GetInstance(); IBoothInfoBL oBoothInfoBL = facade.createBoothInfoBL(); oBoothInfoBL.addNewBoothRecord(dto); // Get values in text field string boothNo = this.ddlBoothNo.SelectedValue; if (permanentDay != 0) { ExpiresDate = permanentDay; } else { ExpiresDate = demoDay; } DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(0, ExpiresDate, 0, 0); //Create a custome coookies HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("DPOS"); //Keep data in cookies //myCookie["BoothNo"] = "ONE"; myCookie["BoothNo"] = boothNo; myCookie.Expires = dt.Add(ts); Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); this.lblErrorMessage.Text = "Booth Registration Successfully."; this.ddlBoothNo.SelectedValue = ""; //this.pnlDay.Visible = false; this.txtHideFieldPK.Value = ""; this.chkPermanent.Checked = false; this.chkDemo.Checked = false; }