예제 #1
            internal void Refine(IBooleanAlgebra <TPredicate> solver, TPredicate other)
                if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                    StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(Refine, solver, other);

                TPredicate thisAndOther = solver.And(_pred, other);

                if (solver.IsSatisfiable(thisAndOther))
                    // The predicates overlap, now check if this is contained in other
                    TPredicate thisMinusOther = solver.And(_pred, solver.Not(other));
                    if (solver.IsSatisfiable(thisMinusOther))
                        // This is not contained in other, minterms may need to be split
                        if (_left is null)
                            Debug.Assert(_right is null);
                            _left  = new PartitionTree(thisAndOther);
                            _right = new PartitionTree(thisMinusOther);
                            Debug.Assert(_right is not null);
                            _left.Refine(solver, other);
                            _right.Refine(solver, other);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  Constructs the automaton assuming the given list fvs of free variables.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alg">label algebra</param>
        /// <param name="nrOfLabelBits">nr of labels bits, only relevant if alg is not CharSetSolver but is BDDAlgebra</param>
        /// <param name="singletonSetSemantics">if true uses singleton-set-semantics for f-o variables else uses min-nonempty-set-semantics</param>
        /// <param name="fvs">free variables, if null uses this.FreeVariables</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Automaton <T> GetAutomaton(IBooleanAlgebra <T> alg, int nrOfLabelBits = 0, bool singletonSetSemantics = false, Variable[] fvs = null)
            if (fvs == null)
                fvs = this.FreeVariables;
            Automaton <T> res;
            var           A = alg as CharSetSolver;

            if (A != null)
                res = this.GetAutomatonBDD1(fvs, A, (int)A.Encoding, singletonSetSemantics) as Automaton <T>;
                var B = alg as BDDAlgebra;
                if (B != null)
                    if (nrOfLabelBits == 0 && this.ExistsSubformula(f => f.Kind == MSOFormulaKind.Predicate))
                        throw new ArgumentException("BDD predicates are not allowed without any reserved label bits");
                    res = this.GetAutomatonBDD1(fvs, B, nrOfLabelBits, singletonSetSemantics) as Automaton <T>;
                    //create temporary cartesian product algebra
                    var C = new CartesianAlgebraBDD <T>(alg);
                    //keep only the original algebra
                    res = Automaton <T> .ProjectSecond <BDD>(this.GetAutomatonX1(fvs, C, singletonSetSemantics)).Determinize().Minimize();
예제 #3
        Automaton<T> CreateAutomaton3<T>(Func<int, T> f, int bitWidth, IBooleanAlgebra<T> Z)

            Func<int, Variable, MSOPredicate<T>> pred = (i, s) => new MSOPredicate<T>(f(i), s);

            MSOFormula<T> phi = new MSOTrue<T>();

            // x1<x2<x3<x4...
            for (int index = 1; index < bitWidth; index++)
                MSOFormula<T> phi1 = new MSOLt<T>(V1("x" + (index - 1)), V1("x" + index));
                phi = new MSOAnd<T>(phi, phi1);

            // bi(xi)
            for (int index = 0; index < bitWidth; index++)
                MSOFormula<T> phi1 = pred(index, V1("x" + index));
                phi = new MSOAnd<T>(phi, phi1);

            // exists forall...
            for (int index = 0; index < bitWidth; index++)
                if (index % 2 == 0)
                    phi = new MSOExists<T>(V1("x" + index), phi);
                    phi = new MSOForall<T>(V1("x" + index), phi);
            var aut = phi.GetAutomaton(Z);
            return aut;
예제 #4
            internal void Refine(IBooleanAlgebra <S> solver, S newSet)
                var set_cap_newSet = solver.MkAnd(set, newSet);

                if (!solver.IsSatisfiable(set_cap_newSet))
                    return; //set is disjoint from newSet
                if (solver.AreEquivalent(set, set_cap_newSet))
                    return; //set is a subset of newSet
                var set_minus_newSet = solver.MkAnd(set, solver.MkNot(newSet));

                if (left == null) //leaf
                    left  = new PartTree(set_cap_newSet, null, null);
                    right = new PartTree(set_minus_newSet, null, null);
                    left.Refine(solver, newSet);
                    right.Refine(solver, newSet);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>Constructs a minterm generator for a given Boolean Algebra.</summary>
        /// <param name="algebra">given Boolean Algebra</param>
        public MintermGenerator(IBooleanAlgebra <TPredicate> algebra)
            // check that we can rely on equivalent predicates having the same hashcode, which EquivClass assumes

            _algebra = algebra;
예제 #6
 private PartitionTree(IBooleanAlgebra <TPredicate> solver, TPredicate pred, PartitionTree?left, PartitionTree?right)
     _solver = solver;
     _pred   = pred;
     _left   = left;
     _right  = right;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the approx of the min SFA accepting only the strings accepted by the 3SFA
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Automaton <S> GetApproxMinimalConsistentSFA(IBooleanAlgebra <S> solver, int numAttempts)
            var           min    = this.Minimize(solver);
            Automaton <S> minDfa = min.GetBiggestLanguageSFA().Minimize();
            var           minSt  = minDfa.StateCount;

            Automaton <S> tmp = min.GetSmallestLanguageSFA().Minimize();

            if (tmp.StateCount < minSt)
                minDfa = tmp;

            Random r = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < numAttempts; i++)
                var fin = new HashSet <int>(min.acceptingStateSet);
                foreach (var st in min.dontCareStateSet)
                    if (r.Next() % 2 == 0)
                tmp = Automaton <S> .Create(solver, min.initialState, fin, min.GetMoves());

                if (tmp.StateCount < minSt)
                    minDfa = tmp;
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Assumes that the automaton is clean: has no unsatisfiable moves, no dead states, and no unreachable states
 /// </summary>
 public PushdownAutomaton(IBooleanAlgebra <T> terminalAlgebra, Automaton <PushdownLabel <S, T> > automaton, List <S> stackSymbols, S initialStackSymbol)
     this.automaton          = automaton;
     this.stackSymbols       = stackSymbols;
     this.initialStackSymbol = initialStackSymbol;
     this.terminalAlgebra    = terminalAlgebra;
예제 #9
 internal StateDistinguisher_Moore(Automaton <T> aut, Func <T, char> concretize = null)
     this.aut        = aut;
     this.solver     = aut.Algebra;
     this.concretize = concretize;
예제 #10
 public bool IsComplete(Automaton <S> l1, Automaton <S> l2, IBooleanAlgebra <S> solver)
     if (!GetSmallestLanguageSFA().Minus(l1).IsEmpty)
예제 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a pair of Boolean algebras that itself is a Boolean algebra over the disjoint union of the domains.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="first">first algebra</param>
 /// <param name="second">second algebra</param>
 public DisjointUnionAlgebra(IBooleanAlgebra <S> first, IBooleanAlgebra <T> second)
     this.first            = first;
     this.second           = second;
     this.mintermgenerator = new MintermGenerator <Tuple <S, T> >(this);
     this.tt = new Tuple <S, T>(first.True, second.True);
     this.ff = new Tuple <S, T>(first.False, second.False);
예제 #12
            internal static TrieTree MkInitialTree(IBooleanAlgebra <T> algebra)
                var t0   = new TrieTree(1, algebra.False, null, null);
                var t1   = new TrieTree(1, algebra.True, null, null);
                var tree = new TrieTree(0, default(T), t0, t1);    // any element implies True and does not imply False

예제 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a pair of Boolean algebras that itself is a Boolean algebra over the disjoint union of the domains.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="first">first algebra</param>
 /// <param name="second">second algebra</param>
 public PairBoolAlg(IBooleanAlgebra <S> first, IBooleanAlgebra <T> second)
     this.first            = first;
     this.second           = second;
     this.mintermgenerator = new MintermGenerator <Pair <S, T> >(this);
     this.tt = new Pair <S, T>(first.True, second.True);
     this.ff = new Pair <S, T>(first.False, second.False);
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct the automata algebra for the character solver for the predicate automata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solver"></param>
        public AutomataAlgebra(IBooleanAlgebra <S> solver)
            this.solver = solver;
            mtg         = new MintermGenerator <Automaton <S> >(this);
            this.empty  = Automaton <S> .MkEmpty(solver);

            this.full = Automaton <S> .MkFull(solver);
예제 #15
 PartitonTree(IBooleanAlgebra <PRED> solver, int depth, PartitonTree <PRED> parent, PRED phi, PartitonTree <PRED> left, PartitonTree <PRED> right)
     this.solver = solver;
     this.parent = parent;
     this.nr     = depth;
     this.phi    = phi;
     this.left   = left;
     this.right  = right;
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates internally an empty trie of atoms to distinguish predicates. Throws AutomataException if algebra.IsAtomic is false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algebra">given atomic Boolean algebra</param>
        public PredicateTrie(IBooleanAlgebra <T> algebra)
            if (!algebra.IsAtomic)
                throw new AutomataException(AutomataExceptionKind.BooleanAlgebraIsNotAtomic);

            this.algebra = algebra;
예제 #17
 PartitonTree <PRED> right;  //complement
 internal PartitonTree(IBooleanAlgebra <PRED> solver)
     this.solver = solver;
     nr          = -1;
     parent      = null;
     this.phi    = solver.True;
     this.left   = null;
     this.right  = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new incremental automata builder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solver">Effective Boolean algebra over S.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">The callback function is assumed to map regex nodes to corresponding methods of this builder.</param>
        public RegexToAutomatonBuilder(IBooleanAlgebra <S> solver, Func <T, Automaton <S> > callback)
            this.nodeId   = 0;
            this.solver   = solver;
            this.Callback = callback;
            this.epsilon  = Automaton <S> .MkEpsilon(solver);

            this.empty = Automaton <S> .MkEmpty(solver);
예제 #19
 internal LazyProductAutomaton(IMinimalAutomaton <T>[] nfas)
     this.nfas              = nfas;
     this.solver            = nfas[0].Algebra;
     initialProductState    = 0;
     initialProductStateSeq = new Sequence <int>(Array.ConvertAll(nfas, nfa => nfa.InitialState));
     stateLookup[initialProductStateSeq] = initialProductState;
     K = nfas.Length;
예제 #20
        private S MkComplementCondition(IEnumerable <Move <S> > list, IBooleanAlgebra <S> solver)
            List <S> conds = new List <S>();

            foreach (var t in list)
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// All deadends and unreachable states are eliminated from the states and moves if cleanup is set to true
        /// </summary>
        public PushdownAutomaton(IBooleanAlgebra <T> terminalAlgebra, int initialState, List <int> states, List <int> finalstates,
                                 S initialStackSymbol, List <S> stackSymbols,
                                 List <Move <PushdownLabel <S, T> > > moves, bool cleanup = false) : base()
            this.automaton = Automaton <PushdownLabel <S, T> > .Create(null, initialState, finalstates, moves, cleanup, cleanup);

            this.stackSymbols       = new List <S>(stackSymbols);
            this.initialStackSymbol = initialStackSymbol;
            this.terminalAlgebra    = terminalAlgebra;
예제 #22
            /// <summary>Enumerates all the paths in this transition excluding paths to dead-ends (and unexplored states if any)</summary>
            internal IEnumerable <(S, SymbolicRegexNode <S>?, int)> EnumeratePaths(IBooleanAlgebra <S> solver, S pathCondition)
                switch (_kind)
                case TransitionRegexKind.Leaf:
                    // Omit any path that leads to a deadend or is unexplored
                    if (_leaf >= 0)
                        yield return(pathCondition, null, _leaf);

                case TransitionRegexKind.Union:
                case TransitionRegexKind.OrderedUnion:
                    Debug.Assert(_first is not null && _second is not null);
                    foreach ((S, SymbolicRegexNode <S>?, int)path in _first.EnumeratePaths(solver, pathCondition))
                        yield return(path);
                    foreach ((S, SymbolicRegexNode <S>?, int)path in _second.EnumeratePaths(solver, pathCondition))
                        yield return(path);

                case TransitionRegexKind.Conditional:
                    Debug.Assert(_test is not null && _first is not null && _second is not null);
                    foreach ((S, SymbolicRegexNode <S>?, int)path in _first.EnumeratePaths(solver, solver.And(pathCondition, _test)))
                        yield return(path);
                    foreach ((S, SymbolicRegexNode <S>?, int)path in _second.EnumeratePaths(solver, solver.And(pathCondition, solver.Not(_test))))
                        yield return(path);

                    Debug.Assert(_kind is TransitionRegexKind.Lookaround && _look is not null && _first is not null && _second is not null);
                    foreach ((S, SymbolicRegexNode <S>?, int)path in _first.EnumeratePaths(solver, pathCondition))
                        SymbolicRegexNode <S> nullabilityTest = path.Item2 is null ? _look : _look._builder.MkAnd(path.Item2, _look);
                        yield return(path.Item1, nullabilityTest, path.Item3);
                    foreach ((S, SymbolicRegexNode <S>?, int)path in _second.EnumeratePaths(solver, pathCondition))
                        // Complement the nullability test
                        SymbolicRegexNode <S> nullabilityTest = path.Item2 is null?_look._builder.MkNot(_look) : _look._builder.MkAnd(path.Item2, _look._builder.MkNot(_look));

                        yield return(path.Item1, nullabilityTest, path.Item3);
예제 #23
 public CsAlgebra(IBooleanAlgebra <T> leafAlgebra, ICounter[] counters)
     this.counters       = counters;
     this.LeafAlgebra    = leafAlgebra;
     this.NodeAlgebra    = new BDDAlgebra <T>(leafAlgebra);
     __false             = new CsPred <T>(this, (BDD <T>)NodeAlgebra.False);
     __true              = new CsPred <T>(this, (BDD <T>)NodeAlgebra.True);
     this.K              = counters.Length;
     TrueCsConditionSeq  = CsConditionSeq.MkTrue(counters.Length);
     FalseCsConditionSeq = CsConditionSeq.MkFalse(counters.Length);
예제 #24
 public IteBagBuilder(IBooleanAlgebra <T> algebra)
     this.algebra = algebra;
     leafCache[0] = new IteBag <T>(this, 0, default(T), null, null);
     leafCache[1] = new IteBag <T>(this, 1, default(T), null, null);
     foreach (BagOpertion op in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BagOpertion)))
         count[op]     = 0;
         stopwatch[op] = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
예제 #25
 private SymbolicNFA(IBooleanAlgebra <S> solver, Transition[] transitionFunction, HashSet <int> unexplored, SymbolicRegexNode <S>[] nodes)
     Debug.Assert(transitionFunction.Length > 0 && nodes.Length == transitionFunction.Length);
     _solver             = solver;
     _transitionFunction = transitionFunction;
     _finalCondition     = new SymbolicRegexNode <S> [nodes.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
         _finalCondition[i] = nodes[i].ExtractNullabilityTest();
     _unexplored = unexplored;
     _nodes      = nodes;
예제 #26
 public CartesianAlgebra(IBooleanAlgebra <T> leafAlg, IBooleanAlgebra <S> nodeAlg)
     this.leafAlgebra            = leafAlg;
     this.nodeAlgebra            = nodeAlg;
     this._True                  = new BDG <T, S>(this, default(S), leafAlg.True, null, null);
     this._False                 = new BDG <T, S>(this, default(S), leafAlg.False, null, null);
     MkLeafCache1[leafAlg.True]  = _True;
     MkLeafCache2[leafAlg.True]  = _True;
     MkLeafCache1[leafAlg.False] = _False;
     MkLeafCache2[leafAlg.False] = _False;
     MkNotCache[_True]           = _False;
     MkNotCache[_False]          = _True;
     this.mintermGenerator       = new MintermGenerator <IMonadicPredicate <T, S> >(this);
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of state distinguisher for the given dfa.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dfa">deterministic automaton</param>
 /// <param name="choice">choice function for selecting characters from satisfiable predicates</param>
 /// <param name="optimize">if true then optimizes the computed distinguishing sequences</param>
 public StateDistinguisher(Automaton <T> dfa, Func <T, char> choice = null, bool optimize = true, bool preferLongest = false)
     this.preferLongest = preferLongest;
     this.concretize    = choice;
     solver             = dfa.Algebra;
     this.autom         = dfa.MakeTotal();
     //this.sinkStateWasAdded = (this.autom.StateCount > dfa.StateCount);
     if (optimize)
예제 #28
파일: Rule.cs 프로젝트: teodorov/Automata-1
 protected TERM Not(IBooleanAlgebra <TERM> solver, TERM pred)
     if (pred.Equals(solver.True))
     else if (pred.Equals(solver.False))
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true iff this automaton and another automaton B are equivalent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="B">another autonmaton</param>
        public bool IsEquivalentWith(ThreeAutomaton <S> B, IBooleanAlgebra <S> solver)
            Automaton <S> accA = Automaton <S> .Create(algebra, this.initialState, this.acceptingStateSet, this.GetMoves());

            Automaton <S> accB = Automaton <S> .Create(algebra, B.initialState, B.acceptingStateSet, B.GetMoves());

            if (!accA.IsEquivalentWith(accB))

            Automaton <S> rejA = Automaton <S> .Create(algebra, this.initialState, this.rejectingStateSet, this.GetMoves());

            Automaton <S> rejB = Automaton <S> .Create(algebra, B.initialState, B.rejectingStateSet, B.GetMoves());

예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the automaton. The formula must be closed.
        /// </summary>
        public Automaton <T> GetAutomaton(IBooleanAlgebra <T> elementAlgebra)
            var css = elementAlgebra as CharSetSolver;

            if (css != null)
                var ws1s = this.ToWS1S();
                var aut  = ws1s.GetAutomatonBDD(css, (int)css.Encoding) as Automaton <T>;
                var ws1s = this.ToWS1S();
                var aut  = ws1s.GetAutomaton(new BDDAlgebra <T>(elementAlgebra));