public virtual IActionResult SaveBlogEdit(EditItemViewModel model)
            // Get the blog that is for this controller instance
            if (Current != null)
                // Get the item that needs to be saved
                IBlogItem blogItem = (model.Id == "") ? new BlogItem() : Current.Get(new BlogHeader()
                    Id = Current.Parameters.Provider.DecodeId(model.Id)

                // Blog item valid?
                if (blogItem != null)
                    // Update the properties of the blog item from the incoming model

                    // (Re)Save the blog item back to the blog handler
                    blogItem = Current.Save(blogItem);
                    throw new ItemNotFoundBlogException("Item with id '{id}' not found");

            // Call the common view handler
        /// <summary>
        /// Save a blog item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item to be saved</param>
        /// <returns>The item once it has been saved</returns>
        public virtual IBlogItem Save(IBlogItem item)
            // Define the response
            IBlogItem response = null;

            // Check and see if the blog item exists in the local item list first
            IBlogItem foundItem = items.Headers.Where(x => x.Header.Id == item.Header.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (foundItem == null)
                item.Header.Id = NewId();          // Generate a new Id and assign it
                items.Headers.Add((BlogItem)item); // Add the item
                response = item;                   // Assign the data to the response
                foundItem.Copy(item); // Copy the data in (don't repoint the reference)
                response = foundItem; // Assign the data to the response

            // Return the item back to the caller