         * Computes the Window NAF (non-adjacent Form) of an integer.
         * @param width The width <code>w</code> of the Window NAF. The width is
         * defined as the minimal number <code>w</code>, such that for any
         * <code>w</code> consecutive digits in the resulting representation, at
         * most one is non-zero.
         * @param k The integer of which the Window NAF is computed.
         * @return The Window NAF of the given width, such that the following holds:
         * <code>k = &#8722;<sub>i=0</sub><sup>l-1</sup> k<sub>i</sub>2<sup>i</sup>
         * </code>, where the <code>k<sub>i</sub></code> denote the elements of the
         * returned <code>sbyte[]</code>.
        public sbyte[] WindowNaf(sbyte width, IBigInteger k)
            // The window NAF is at most 1 element longer than the binary
            // representation of the integer k. sbyte can be used instead of short or
            // int unless the window width is larger than 8. For larger width use
            // short or int. However, a width of more than 8 is not efficient for
            // m = log2(q) smaller than 2305 Bits. Note: Values for m larger than
            // 1000 Bits are currently not used in practice.
            sbyte[] wnaf = new sbyte[k.BitLength + 1];

            // 2^width as short and BigInteger
            short       pow2wB  = (short)(1 << width);
            IBigInteger pow2wBI = BigInteger.ValueOf(pow2wB);

            int i = 0;

            // The actual length of the WNAF
            int length = 0;

            // while k >= 1
            while (k.SignValue > 0)
                // if k is odd
                if (k.TestBit(0))
                    // k Mod 2^width
                    IBigInteger remainder = k.Mod(pow2wBI);

                    // if remainder > 2^(width - 1) - 1
                    if (remainder.TestBit(width - 1))
                        wnaf[i] = (sbyte)(remainder.IntValue - pow2wB);
                        wnaf[i] = (sbyte)remainder.IntValue;
                    // wnaf[i] is now in [-2^(width-1), 2^(width-1)-1]

                    k      = k.Subtract(BigInteger.ValueOf(wnaf[i]));
                    length = i;
                    wnaf[i] = 0;

                // k = k/2
                k = k.ShiftRight(1);


            // Reduce the WNAF array to its actual length
            sbyte[] wnafShort = new sbyte[length];
            Array.Copy(wnaf, 0, wnafShort, 0, length);
         * Blind message with the blind factor.
        private IBigInteger BlindMessage(
            IBigInteger msg)
            IBigInteger blindMsg = blindingFactor;

            blindMsg = msg.Multiply(blindMsg.ModPow(key.Exponent, key.Modulus));
            blindMsg = blindMsg.Mod(key.Modulus);

        public static IBigInteger ValidatePublicValue(IBigInteger N, IBigInteger val)
            val = val.Mod(N);

            // Check that val % N != 0
            if (val.Equals(BigInteger.Zero))
                throw new CryptoException("Invalid public value: 0");

            return val;
예제 #4
        public static IBigInteger ValidatePublicValue(IBigInteger N, IBigInteger val)
            val = val.Mod(N);

            // Check that val % N != 0
            if (val.Equals(BigInteger.Zero))
                throw new CryptoException("Invalid public value: 0");

         * Unblind the message blinded with the blind factor.
        private IBigInteger UnblindMessage(
            IBigInteger blindedMsg)
            IBigInteger m   = key.Modulus;
            IBigInteger msg = blindedMsg;
            IBigInteger blindFactorInverse = blindingFactor.ModInverse(m);

            msg = msg.Multiply(blindFactorInverse);
            msg = msg.Mod(m);

예제 #6
         * Adds the contents of two encrypted blocks mod sigma
         * @param block1
         *            the first encrypted block
         * @param block2
         *            the second encrypted block
         * @return encrypt((block1 + block2) mod sigma)
         * @throws InvalidCipherTextException
        public byte[] AddCryptedBlocks(
            byte[] block1,
            byte[] block2)
            // check for correct blocksize
            if (forEncryption)
                if ((block1.Length > GetOutputBlockSize()) ||
                    (block2.Length > GetOutputBlockSize()))
                    throw new InvalidCipherTextException(
                              "BlockLength too large for simple addition.\n");
                if ((block1.Length > GetInputBlockSize()) ||
                    (block2.Length > GetInputBlockSize()))
                    throw new InvalidCipherTextException(
                              "BlockLength too large for simple addition.\n");

            // calculate resulting block
            IBigInteger m1Crypt   = new BigInteger(1, block1);
            IBigInteger m2Crypt   = new BigInteger(1, block2);
            IBigInteger m1m2Crypt = m1Crypt.Multiply(m2Crypt);

            m1m2Crypt = m1m2Crypt.Mod(key.Modulus);
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("c(m1) as BigInteger:....... " + m1Crypt);
                Console.WriteLine("c(m2) as BigInteger:....... " + m2Crypt);
                Console.WriteLine("c(m1)*c(m2)%n = c(m1+m2)%n: " + m1m2Crypt);

            //byte[] output = key.Modulus.ToByteArray();
            //Array.Clear(output, 0, output.Length);
            byte[] output = new byte[key.Modulus.BitLength / 8 + 1];

            byte[] m1m2CryptBytes = m1m2Crypt.ToByteArray();
            Array.Copy(m1m2CryptBytes, 0, output,
                       output.Length - m1m2CryptBytes.Length, m1m2CryptBytes.Length);

        public void TestMod()
            // TODO Basic tests

            for (int rep = 0; rep < 100; ++rep)
                int         diff = _random.Next(25);
                IBigInteger a    = new BigInteger(100 - diff, 0, _random);
                IBigInteger b    = new BigInteger(100 + diff, 0, _random);
                IBigInteger c    = new BigInteger(10 + diff, 0, _random);

                IBigInteger d = a.Multiply(b).Add(c);
                IBigInteger e = d.Mod(a);
                Assert.AreEqual(c, e);

                IBigInteger pow2 = one.ShiftLeft(_random.Next(128));
                Assert.AreEqual(b.And(pow2.Subtract(one)), b.Mod(pow2));
예제 #8
         * Computes the integer x that is expressed through the given primes and the
         * congruences with the chinese remainder theorem (CRT).
         * @param congruences
         *            the congruences c_i
         * @param primes
         *            the primes p_i
         * @return an integer x for that x % p_i == c_i
        private static IBigInteger chineseRemainder(IList congruences, IList primes)
            IBigInteger retval = BigInteger.Zero;
            IBigInteger all    = BigInteger.One;

            for (int i = 0; i < primes.Count; i++)
                all = all.Multiply((BigInteger)primes[i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < primes.Count; i++)
                IBigInteger a   = (BigInteger)primes[i];
                IBigInteger b   = all.Divide(a);
                IBigInteger b2  = b.ModInverse(a);
                IBigInteger tmp = b.Multiply(b2);
                tmp    = tmp.Multiply((BigInteger)congruences[i]);
                retval = retval.Add(tmp);

예제 #9
         * generate a signature for the given message using the key we were
         * initialised with. For conventional GOST3410 the message should be a GOST3411
         * hash of the message of interest.
         * @param message the message that will be verified later.
        public IBigInteger[] GenerateSignature(
            byte[] message)
            byte[] mRev = new byte[message.Length];             // conversion is little-endian
            for (int i = 0; i != mRev.Length; i++)
                mRev[i] = message[mRev.Length - 1 - i];

            IBigInteger e = new BigInteger(1, mRev);
            IBigInteger n = key.Parameters.N;

            IBigInteger r = null;
            IBigInteger s = null;

            do             // generate s
                IBigInteger k = null;

                do                 // generate r
                        k = new BigInteger(n.BitLength, random);
                    }while (k.SignValue == 0);

                    ECPoint p = key.Parameters.G.Multiply(k);

                    IBigInteger x = p.X.ToBigInteger();

                    r = x.Mod(n);
                }while (r.SignValue == 0);

                IBigInteger d = ((ECPrivateKeyParameters)key).D;

                s = (k.Multiply(e)).Add(d.Multiply(r)).Mod(n);
            }while (s.SignValue == 0);

            return(new IBigInteger[] { r, s });
        * Computes the Window NAF (non-adjacent Form) of an integer.
        * @param width The width <code>w</code> of the Window NAF. The width is
        * defined as the minimal number <code>w</code>, such that for any
        * <code>w</code> consecutive digits in the resulting representation, at
        * most one is non-zero.
        * @param k The integer of which the Window NAF is computed.
        * @return The Window NAF of the given width, such that the following holds:
        * <code>k = &#8722;<sub>i=0</sub><sup>l-1</sup> k<sub>i</sub>2<sup>i</sup>
        * </code>, where the <code>k<sub>i</sub></code> denote the elements of the
        * returned <code>sbyte[]</code>.
        public sbyte[] WindowNaf(sbyte width, IBigInteger k)
            // The window NAF is at most 1 element longer than the binary
            // representation of the integer k. sbyte can be used instead of short or
            // int unless the window width is larger than 8. For larger width use
            // short or int. However, a width of more than 8 is not efficient for
            // m = log2(q) smaller than 2305 Bits. Note: Values for m larger than
            // 1000 Bits are currently not used in practice.
            sbyte[] wnaf = new sbyte[k.BitLength + 1];

            // 2^width as short and BigInteger
            short pow2wB = (short)(1 << width);
            IBigInteger pow2wBI = BigInteger.ValueOf(pow2wB);

            int i = 0;

            // The actual length of the WNAF
            int length = 0;

            // while k >= 1
            while (k.SignValue > 0)
                // if k is odd
                if (k.TestBit(0))
                    // k Mod 2^width
                    IBigInteger remainder = k.Mod(pow2wBI);

                    // if remainder > 2^(width - 1) - 1
                    if (remainder.TestBit(width - 1))
                        wnaf[i] = (sbyte)(remainder.IntValue - pow2wB);
                        wnaf[i] = (sbyte)remainder.IntValue;
                    // wnaf[i] is now in [-2^(width-1), 2^(width-1)-1]

                    k = k.Subtract(BigInteger.ValueOf(wnaf[i]));
                    length = i;
                    wnaf[i] = 0;

                // k = k/2
                k = k.ShiftRight(1);


            // Reduce the WNAF array to its actual length
            sbyte[] wnafShort = new sbyte[length];
            Array.Copy(wnaf, 0, wnafShort, 0, length);
            return wnafShort;
         * generate suitable parameters for DSA, in line with
         * <i>FIPS 186-3 A.1 Generation of the FFC Primes p and q</i>.
        private DsaParameters GenerateParameters_FIPS186_3()
// A.1.1.2 Generation of the Probable Primes p and q Using an Approved Hash Function
            // FIXME This should be configurable (digest size in bits must be >= N)
            IDigest d      = new Sha256Digest();
            int     outlen = d.GetDigestSize() * 8;

// 1. Check that the (L, N) pair is in the list of acceptable (L, N pairs) (see Section 4.2). If
//    the pair is not in the list, then return INVALID.
            // Note: checked at initialisation

// 2. If (seedlen < N), then return INVALID.
            // FIXME This should be configurable (must be >= N)
            int seedlen = N;

            byte[] seed = new byte[seedlen / 8];

// 3. n = ceiling(L ⁄ outlen) – 1.
            int n = (L - 1) / outlen;

// 4. b = L – 1 – (n ∗ outlen).
            int b = (L - 1) % outlen;

            byte[] output = new byte[d.GetDigestSize()];
            for (;;)
// 5. Get an arbitrary sequence of seedlen bits as the domain_parameter_seed.

// 6. U = Hash (domain_parameter_seed) mod 2^(N–1).
                Hash(d, seed, output);
                IBigInteger U = new BigInteger(1, output).Mod(BigInteger.One.ShiftLeft(N - 1));

// 7. q = 2^(N–1) + U + 1 – ( U mod 2).
                IBigInteger q = BigInteger.One.ShiftLeft(N - 1).Add(U).Add(BigInteger.One).Subtract(

// 8. Test whether or not q is prime as specified in Appendix C.3.
                // TODO Review C.3 for primality checking
                if (!q.IsProbablePrime(certainty))
// 9. If q is not a prime, then go to step 5.

// 10. offset = 1.
                // Note: 'offset' value managed incrementally
                byte[] offset = Arrays.Clone(seed);

// 11. For counter = 0 to (4L – 1) do
                int counterLimit = 4 * L;
                for (int counter = 0; counter < counterLimit; ++counter)
// 11.1 For j = 0 to n do
//      Vj = Hash ((domain_parameter_seed + offset + j) mod 2^seedlen).
// 11.2 W = V0 + (V1 ∗ 2^outlen) + ... + (V^(n–1) ∗ 2^((n–1) ∗ outlen)) + ((Vn mod 2^b) ∗ 2^(n ∗ outlen)).
                    // TODO Assemble w as a byte array
                    IBigInteger W = BigInteger.Zero;
                    for (int j = 0, exp = 0; j <= n; ++j, exp += outlen)
                        Hash(d, offset, output);

                        IBigInteger Vj = new BigInteger(1, output);
                        if (j == n)
                            Vj = Vj.Mod(BigInteger.One.ShiftLeft(b));

                        W = W.Add(Vj.ShiftLeft(exp));

// 11.3 X = W + 2^(L–1). Comment: 0 ≤ W < 2L–1; hence, 2L–1 ≤ X < 2L.
                    IBigInteger X = W.Add(BigInteger.One.ShiftLeft(L - 1));

// 11.4 c = X mod 2q.
                    IBigInteger c = X.Mod(q.ShiftLeft(1));

// 11.5 p = X - (c - 1). Comment: p ≡ 1 (mod 2q).
                    IBigInteger p = X.Subtract(c.Subtract(BigInteger.One));

                    // 11.6 If (p < 2^(L - 1)), then go to step 11.9
                    if (p.BitLength != L)

// 11.7 Test whether or not p is prime as specified in Appendix C.3.
                    // TODO Review C.3 for primality checking
                    if (p.IsProbablePrime(certainty))
// 11.8 If p is determined to be prime, then return VALID and the values of p, q and
//      (optionally) the values of domain_parameter_seed and counter.
                        // TODO Make configurable (8-bit unsigned)?
//	                    int index = 1;
//	                    IBigInteger g = CalculateGenerator_FIPS186_3_Verifiable(d, p, q, seed, index);
//	                    if (g != null)
//	                    {
//	                        // TODO Should 'index' be a part of the validation parameters?
//	                        return new DsaParameters(p, q, g, new DsaValidationParameters(seed, counter));
//	                    }

                        IBigInteger g = CalculateGenerator_FIPS186_3_Unverifiable(p, q, random);
                        return(new DsaParameters(p, q, g, new DsaValidationParameters(seed, counter)));

// 11.9 offset = offset + n + 1.      Comment: Increment offset; then, as part of
//                                    the loop in step 11, increment counter; if
//                                    counter < 4L, repeat steps 11.1 through 11.8.
                    // Note: 'offset' value already incremented in inner loop
// 12. Go to step 5.