public void marshall(Object o, TextWriter w, IBaseMarshaller baseMarshaller,int flags, int depth) { if(o is IDataReader) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( String.Format( "Expected IDataReader in DataReaderMarshaller but got {0}" ,o.GetType().ToString())); // Start the list of data sets w.Write("(:result "); // We have to close it when we are done. using(IDataReader dr = (IDataReader)o) { do { // First write out the fields w.Write("(:result-set (:columns #("); for(int i=0;i<dr.FieldCount;++i) w.Write("((:name {0})(:type {1}))",dr.GetName(i),dr.GetDataTypeName(i)); w.Write(")) "); // Write out the data as a list of vectors w.Write("(:rows "); // Each row... while(dr.Read()) { w.Write("#("); for(int i=0;i<dr.FieldCount;++i) baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(dr.GetValue(i),w,flags,depth); w.Write(") "); } w.Write("))"); } while(dr.NextResult()); } w.Write(")"); }
public void marshall(Object o, TextWriter w, IBaseMarshaller baseMarshaller, int flags, int depth) { if (o.GetType().IsArray) { baseMarshaller.marshallAsVector(o, w, flags, depth); } else if (baseMarshaller.canMarshallAsList(o)) { baseMarshaller.marshallAsVector(o, w, flags, depth); } else if (o is Type) { baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(o.ToString(), w, flags, depth); } else { try { w.Write(" ("); PropertyInfo[] props = o.GetType().GetProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++) { PropertyInfo prop = props[i]; //skip getClass generated property if (prop.Name.Equals("object")) { continue; } MethodInfo m = props[i].GetGetMethod(); //must be no-arg property getter if (m != null && m.GetParameters().Length == 0) { w.Write("(:"); //sent as keyword w.Write(prop.Name); w.Write(" . "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(m.Invoke(o, null), w, flags, depth); w.Write(')'); } } w.Write(')'); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException(ex.ToString()); } } }
String createRetString(Object o, IBaseMarshaller marshaller, int flags, int depth) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); sw.Write("(:ret"); marshaller.marshallAtom(o, sw, flags, depth); sw.Write(')'); return(sw.ToString()); }
public void marshall(Object o, TextWriter w, IBaseMarshaller baseMarshaller,int flags, int depth) { if(o.GetType().IsArray) baseMarshaller.marshallAsVector(o,w,flags,depth); else if(baseMarshaller.canMarshallAsList(o)) baseMarshaller.marshallAsVector(o,w,flags,depth); else if(o is Type) baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(o.ToString(),w,flags,depth); else { try { w.Write(" ("); PropertyInfo[] props = o.GetType().GetProperties(); for(int i=0;i<props.Length;i++) { PropertyInfo prop = props[i]; //skip getClass generated property if(prop.Name.Equals("object")) continue; MethodInfo m = props[i].GetGetMethod(); //must be no-arg property getter if(m != null && m.GetParameters().Length == 0) { w.Write("(:"); //sent as keyword w.Write(prop.Name); w.Write(" . "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(m.Invoke(o,null),w,flags,depth); w.Write(')'); } } w.Write(')'); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new IOException(ex.ToString()); } } }
public void marshall(Object o, TextWriter w, IBaseMarshaller baseMarshaller, int flags, int depth) { if (o is IDataReader) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( String.Format("Expected IDataReader in DataReaderMarshaller but got {0}" , o.GetType().ToString())); } // Start the list of data sets w.Write("(:result "); // We have to close it when we are done. using (IDataReader dr = (IDataReader)o) { do { // First write out the fields w.Write("(:result-set (:columns #("); for (int i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; ++i) { w.Write("((:name {0})(:type {1}))", dr.GetName(i), dr.GetDataTypeName(i)); } w.Write(")) "); // Write out the data as a list of vectors w.Write("(:rows "); // Each row... while (dr.Read()) { w.Write("#("); for (int i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; ++i) { baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(dr.GetValue(i), w, flags, depth); } w.Write(") "); } w.Write("))"); } while(dr.NextResult()); } w.Write(")"); }
String createRetString(Object o,IBaseMarshaller marshaller,int flags,int depth) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); sw.Write("(:ret"); marshaller.marshallAtom(o,sw,flags,depth); sw.Write(')'); return sw.ToString(); }
public void members(Type c, TextWriter w) { w.Write(" ("); ConstructorInfo[] ctors = c.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); if (ctors.Length > 0) { w.Write("(:ctors "); for (int i = 0; i < ctors.Length; ++i) { ConstructorInfo ctor = ctors[i]; baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(ctor.ToString(), w, 0, 0); //Type[] params_ = ctor.GetParameters(); //reflectParams(params_,w); } w.Write(')'); } MethodInfo[] methods = c.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); if (methods.Length > 0) { w.Write("(:methods "); for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { MethodInfo method = methods[i]; w.Write('('); //w.Write("(:mref "); //baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(method,w,IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID,0); //w.Write(')'); w.Write("(:name "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(method.Name, w, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 0); w.Write(')'); //if(method.IsStatic) { w.Write("(:static "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(method.IsStatic , w , IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID , 0); w.Write(')'); } //reflectMethodSignature(method,w); w.Write("(:doc "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(method.ToString() , w , IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID , 0); w.Write(')'); w.Write(')'); } w.Write(')'); } FieldInfo[] fields = c.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); if (fields.Length > 0) { w.Write("(:fields "); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { FieldInfo field = fields[i]; w.Write("("); w.Write("(:name "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(field.Name, w, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 0); w.Write(')'); //if(field.IsStatic) { w.Write("(:static "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(field.IsStatic , w , IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID , 0); w.Write(')'); } w.Write("(:doc "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(field.ToString(), w, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 1); w.Write(')'); w.Write(')'); } w.Write(')'); } PropertyInfo[] props = c.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); if (props.Length > 0) { w.Write("(:properties "); for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++) { PropertyInfo prop = props[i]; w.Write("("); w.Write("(:name "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(prop.Name, w, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 0); w.Write(')'); //only create this section if static //never true for Java w.Write("(:static "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(false, w, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 0); w.Write(')'); MethodInfo readm = prop.GetGetMethod(); if (readm != null) { w.Write("(:get-doc "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(readm.ToString(), w, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 0); w.Write(')'); } MethodInfo setm = prop.GetSetMethod(); if (setm != null) { w.Write("(:set-doc "); baseMarshaller.marshallAtom(setm.ToString(), w, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 0); w.Write(')'); } w.Write(')'); } w.Write(')'); } w.Write(')'); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.richhickey.foil.IRuntimeServer#processMessages() */ public Object processMessages(TextReader ins, TextWriter outs) { // lock(this) { proxyReader = ins; proxyWriter = outs; for (;;) { String resultMessage = null; String errorMesssage = null; String sin = null; ArrayList message = null; try { sin = slurpForm(ins); message = reader.readMessage(new StringReader(sin)); if (isMessage(":call", message)) //(:call cref marshall-flags marshall-value-depth-limit args ...) { ICallable c = (ICallable)message[1]; int marshallFlags = intArg(message[2]); int marshallDepth = intArg(message[3]); Object ret = c.invoke(message[4], message.GetRange(5, message.Count - 5)); resultMessage = createRetString(ret, marshaller, marshallFlags, marshallDepth); } else if (isMessage(":cref", message)) //(:cref member-type tref|"packageQualifiedTypeName" "memberName") { int memberType = intArg(message[1]); Type c = typeArg(message[2]); String memberName = stringArg(message[3]); ICallable ret = reflector.getCallable(memberType, c, memberName); resultMessage = createRetString(ret, marshaller, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 0); } else if (isMessage(":new", message)) //(:new tref marshall-flags marshall-value-depth-limit (args ...) property-inits ...) { Type c = typeArg(message[1]); int marshallFlags = intArg(message[2]); int marshallDepth = intArg(message[3]); ArrayList args = (ArrayList)message[4]; Object ret = reflector.createNew(c, args); //set props if (message.Count > 5) { reflector.setProps(ret, message.GetRange(5, message.Count - 5)); } resultMessage = createRetString(ret, marshaller, marshallFlags, marshallDepth); } else if (isMessage(":tref", message)) //(:tref "packageQualifiedTypeName") { Type c = typeArg(message[1]); resultMessage = createRetString(c, marshaller, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 1); } else if (isMessage(":free", message)) //(:free refid ...) { for (int i = 1; i < message.Count; i++) { Object id = message[i++]; int rev = intArg(message[i]);, rev); } resultMessage = createRetString(null, marshaller, 0, 0); } else if (isMessage(":ret", message)) //only on callback, note will break out of message loop { return(message[1]); } else if (isMessage(":str", message)) //(:str refid) { resultMessage = createRetString(message[1].ToString(), marshaller, 0, 0); } else if (isMessage(":equals", message)) //(:equals ref1 ref2) { Object o1 = message[1]; Object o2 = message[2]; Boolean ret = (o1 == null) ? (o2 == null) : o1.Equals(o2); resultMessage = createRetString(ret?true:false, marshaller, 0, 0); } else if (isMessage(":vector", message)) { //(:vector tref|"packageQualifiedTypeName" length value ...) { Type c = typeArg(message[1]); int length = intArg(message[2]); Object ret = reflector.createVector(c , length , message.GetRange(3, message.Count - 3) ); resultMessage = createRetString(ret, marshaller, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 0); } else if (isMessage(":vget", message)) //(:vget aref marshall-flags marshall-value-depth-limit index) { int marshallFlags = intArg(message[2]); int marshallDepth = intArg(message[3]); int index = intArg(message[4]); Object ret = reflector.vectorGet(message[1], index); resultMessage = createRetString(ret, marshaller, marshallFlags, marshallDepth); } else if (isMessage(":vset", message)) //(:vset aref index value) { int index = intArg(message[2]); reflector.vectorSet(message[1], index, message[3]); resultMessage = createRetString(null, marshaller, 0, 0); } //Eric - For .net indexers else if (isMessage(":iget", message)) //(:iget indexable-object-ref marshall-flags marshall-value-depth-limit indexes...) { int marshallFlags = intArg(message[2]); int marshallDepth = intArg(message[3]); Object ret = reflector.indexerGet(message[1], message.GetRange(4, message.Count - 4)); resultMessage = createRetString(ret, marshaller, marshallFlags, marshallDepth); } else if (isMessage(":iset", message)) //(:iset indexable-object-ref indexes... value) { reflector.indexerSet(message[1], message.GetRange(2, message.Count - 2)); resultMessage = createRetString(null, marshaller, 0, 0); } else if (isMessage(":vlen", message)) //(:vlen aref) { Object ret = reflector.vectorLength(message[1]); resultMessage = createRetString(ret, marshaller, 0, 0); } else if (isMessage(":bases", message)) //(:bases tref|"packageQualifiedTypeName") { Type c = typeArg(message[1]); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); sw.Write("(:ret"); marshaller.marshallAsList(reflector.bases(c), sw, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 1); sw.Write(')'); resultMessage = sw.ToString(); } else if (isMessage(":type-of", message)) //(:type-of ref) { Type c = message[1].GetType(); resultMessage = createRetString(c, marshaller, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 1); } else if (isMessage(":is-a", message)) //(:is-a ref tref|"packageQualifiedTypeName") { Object o = message[1]; Type c = typeArg(message[2]); resultMessage = createRetString(c.IsInstanceOfType(o)?true:false, marshaller, 0, 0); } else if (isMessage(":hash", message)) //(:hash refid) { resultMessage = createRetString(message[1].GetHashCode(), marshaller, 0, 0); } else if (isMessage(":members", message)) //(:members :tref|"packageQualifiedTypeName") { Type c = typeArg(message[1]); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); sw.Write("(:ret"); reflector.members(c, sw); sw.Write(')'); resultMessage = sw.ToString(); } else if (isMessage(":marshall", message)) //(:marshall ref marshall-flags marshall-value-depth-limit) { Object ret = message[1]; int marshallFlags = intArg(message[2]); int marshallDepth = intArg(message[3]); resultMessage = createRetString(ret, marshaller, marshallFlags, marshallDepth); } else if (isMessage(":proxy", message)) //(:proxy marshall-flags marshall-value-depth-limit interface-trefs ...) { int marshallFlags = intArg(message[1]); int marshallDepth = intArg(message[2]); resultMessage = createRetString(reflector.makeProxy(this, marshallFlags, marshallDepth , message.GetRange(3, message.Count - 3)) , marshaller, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 0); } else if (isMessage(":err", message)) //only on callback, note will break out of message loop { //there was an error on the Lisp side during a proxy callback //will turn into an exception below errorMesssage = (String)message[1]; } else if (isMessage(":cnames", message)) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); sw.Write("(:ret"); marshaller.marshallAsList( reflector.getClassNames(message[1], message.GetRange(2, message.Count - 2)) , sw, IBaseMarshallerFlags.MARSHALL_ID, 1); sw.Write(')'); resultMessage = sw.ToString(); } else { throw new Exception("unsupported message"); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is IOException) { throw (IOException)ex; } else if (ex is TargetInvocationException) { while (ex.InnerException != null && ex is TargetInvocationException) { ex = ex.InnerException; } } outs.Write("(:err"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(ex.Message); Exception ie = ex.InnerException; while (ie != null) { sb.AppendFormat(" {0}", ie.Message); ie = ie.InnerException; } Console.WriteLine("Thread:{0} - Exception:{1}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, sb.ToString()); marshaller.marshallAtom(sb.ToString(), outs, 0, 0); marshaller.marshallAtom(String.Format("{0}{1}", sb.ToString(), ex.StackTrace), outs, 0, 0); outs.Write(')'); outs.Write('\n'); outs.Flush(); } if (resultMessage != null) { outs.Write(resultMessage); outs.Write('\n'); outs.Flush(); } else if (errorMesssage != null) { //there was an error on the Lisp side during a proxy callback //throw an exception to the calling code throw new IOException(errorMesssage); } } } }