예제 #1
        protected override void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data)

            string coded = new Code128Coder().Code(data);

            coded = AppendChecksum(coded);

            BitArray encoded = Encoder.Encode(coded);

            float totalWidth = ModuleWidth * encoded.Count + GuardWidth + OffsetWidth * 2 + QuietZone * 2;

            // set the canvas size
            builder.Prepare(totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the background
            builder.DrawRectangle(BackColor, 0, 0, totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the barcode
            float x = 0, y = 0;
            float textX = x + totalWidth / 2;

            x += OffsetWidth + QuietZone;
            y += OffsetHeight + ExtraTopHeight;
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, encoded);
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, StopGuard);
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, EndGuard);

            DrawText(builder, true, new float[] { textX }, y - TextHeight, data);
예제 #2
파일: Base25.cs 프로젝트: zyj0021/nbarcodes
        protected override void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data)

            data = AppendChecksum(data);

            BitArray encoded = Encoder.Encode(data);

            float totalWidth = FixedWidth + SymbolWidth * data.Length;

            // set the canvas size
            builder.Prepare(totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the background
            builder.DrawRectangle(BackColor, 0, 0, totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the barcode
            float x = 0, y = 0;
            float textX = x + totalWidth / 2;

            x += OffsetWidth + QuietZone;
            y += OffsetHeight + ExtraTopHeight;
            x  = ModuleBarCode.DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, NarrowWidth, BarHeight, Start, BarColor);
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, encoded);
            x  = ModuleBarCode.DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, NarrowWidth, BarHeight, End, BarColor);

            // draw the text strings
            DrawText(builder, true, new float[] { textX }, y - TextHeight, new string[] { data });
예제 #3
        protected override void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data)

            // append the checksum - note: the checksum won't appear in the text string
            string dataWithCheck = data + Checksum.Calculate(data);

            // encode the data
            BitArray encoded = Encoder.Encode(dataWithCheck);

            // calculate total width
            float totalWidth = WideWidth * (encoded.Length + 2 /*frames*/) + NarrowWidth * (encoded.Length + 1 /*frames*/) + OffsetWidth * 2 + QuietZone * 2;

            // set the canvas size
            builder.Prepare(totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the background
            builder.DrawRectangle(BackColor, 0, 0, totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the barcode
            float x = 0, y = 0;
            float textX = x + totalWidth / 2;

            x += OffsetWidth + QuietZone;
            y += OffsetHeight + ExtraTopHeight;
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, Frame);
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, encoded);
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, Frame);

            // draw the text strings
            DrawText(builder, true, new float[] { textX }, y - TextHeight, data);
예제 #4
파일: Code39.cs 프로젝트: zyj0021/nbarcodes
        protected override float DrawSymbol(IBarCodeBuilder builder, float x, float y, float height, BitArray symbol)
            // the symbol for Wide is encoded as 1 and
            // the symbol for Narrow is encoded as 0
            // the symbols encode bars and spaces, starting with a bar

            bool drawBar = true; // start drawing a bar

            foreach (bool bit in symbol)
                float width = bit ? WideWidth : NarrowWidth;
                if (drawBar)
                    builder.DrawRectangle(BarColor, x, y, width, height);
                    // spaces must be wider
                    width += NarrowWidth;

                x      += width;    // skip element (bar or space)
                drawBar = !drawBar; // draw the other element next time

예제 #5
        internal static float DrawSymbol(IBarCodeBuilder builder, float x, float y, float moduleWidth, float height, BitArray symbol, Color barColor)
            float start    = x;
            bool  wasSpace = true;

            foreach (bool bit in symbol)
                if (bit)
                    if (wasSpace)
                        start    = x;
                        wasSpace = false;
                    if (!wasSpace)
                        builder.DrawRectangle(barColor, start, y, x - start, height);
                        wasSpace = true;
                x += moduleWidth;
            if (!wasSpace)
                builder.DrawRectangle(barColor, start, y, x - start, height);

예제 #6
파일: Code39.cs 프로젝트: tbayart/nbarcodes
        protected override void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data)

            // store the current data
            string oldData = data;

            // translate the extended characters
            data = Code39Translator.TranslateExtended(data);

            data = AppendChecksum(data);

            BitArray encoded = Encoder.Encode(data);
            BitArray guard   = Encoder.Encode("*");

            float totalWidth = SymbolWidth * data.Length + GuardWidth + OffsetWidth * 2 + QuietZone * 2 + CalculateExtraWidth(guard, guard, encoded);

            // set the canvas size
            builder.Prepare(totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the background
            builder.DrawRectangle(BackColor, 0, 0, totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the barcode
            float x = 0, y = 0;
            float textX = x + totalWidth / 2;

            x += OffsetWidth + QuietZone;
            y += OffsetHeight + ExtraTopHeight;
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, guard);
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, encoded);
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, guard);

            DrawText(builder, true, new float[] { textX }, y - TextHeight, new string[] { oldData });
예제 #7
        protected float DrawSymbols(IBarCodeBuilder builder, float x, float y, float height, BitArray[] symbols) // base class??
            foreach (BitArray arr in symbols)
                x = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, height, arr);

예제 #8
        public override void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data, float x, float y)
            // validate the supplement data
            Validate(data, 2);

            // calculate the parity
            string parity = (int.Parse(data) % 4).ToString();

            Draw(builder, data, parity, x, y);
예제 #9
        public override void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data, float x, float y)
            // validate the supplement data
            Validate(data, 5);

            // calculate checksum to use in parity
            string parity = Checksum.Calculate(data);

            Draw(builder, data, parity, x, y);
예제 #10
        protected override void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data)
            int count = data.Length + (UseChecksum ? 1 : 0);

            if (count % 2 != 0)
                throw new BarCodeFormatException("Interleaved 2 of 5 must encode an even number of elements.");

            base.Draw(builder, data);
예제 #11
파일: Upce.cs 프로젝트: zyj0021/nbarcodes
        public override void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data, string supplement)
            // resolve the supplement barcode
            EanUpcSupplement supp = ResolveSupplement(supplement);

            // the data is Upca data
            data = Validate(data, 12);

            if (data[0] != '0' && data[0] != '1')
                throw new BarCodeFormatException("Can't encode Upce for Upca Number System.");

            // Upce data to be encoded
            string upce = FromUpca(data);

            // encode the Upce symbol using the number system and check digit of the Upca data
            BitArray[] encoded = EncodeLeft(upce, ParityEncoder.Encode(data[0].ToString() + data[11]));

            // calculate total width
            float totalWidth = TotalWidth +
                               (supp == null ? 0 : SupplementOffset + supp.TotalWidth);

            // set the canvas size
            builder.Prepare(totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the background
            builder.DrawRectangle(BackColor, 0, 0, totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the barcode
            float x = 0, y = 0;

            float[] textX = new float[3];
            x       += OffsetWidth + QuietZone;
            y       += OffsetHeight;
            textX[0] = x;
            x       += TextWidth;
            x        = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight + GuardExtraHeight, LeftGuard);
            textX[1] = x;
            x        = DrawSymbols(builder, x, y, BarHeight, encoded);
            x        = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight + GuardExtraHeight, RightGuard);
            textX[2] = x;

            // draw the text strings
            DrawText(builder, textX, y - TextHeight, new string[] { data[0].ToString(), upce, data[11].ToString() });

            // draw the supplement barcode, if one is present
            if (supp != null)
                supp.Draw(builder, supplement, x + TextWidth + SupplementOffset, y - OffsetHeight);
예제 #12
파일: EanUpc.cs 프로젝트: zyj0021/nbarcodes
 protected void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data, int length)
     // TODO: BUG: account for digit! can have 6 different sizes:
     // (2 supplements + 1 non-supp) * 2 modes (with or without digit)
     if (data.Length > length)
         Draw(builder, data.Substring(0, length), data.Substring(length));
         Draw(builder, data, null);
예제 #13
        public override void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data, string supplement)
            // resolve the supplement barcode
            EanUpcSupplement supp = ResolveSupplement(supplement);

            // validate Ean13 data
            data = Validate(data, 13);

            // split the data in its sub components
            string[] text = new string[] { data.Substring(0, 1), data.Substring(1, 6), data.Substring(7, 6) };

            // encode the data
            BitArray[] left  = EncodeLeft(text[1], ParityEncoder.Encode(text[0]));
            BitArray[] right = EncodeRight(text[2]);

            // calculate total width
            float totalWidth = TotalWidth +
                               (supp == null ? 0 : SupplementOffset + supp.TotalWidth);

            // set the canvas size
            builder.Prepare(totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the background
            builder.DrawRectangle(BackColor, 0, 0, totalWidth, TotalHeight);

            // draw the barcode
            float x = 0, y = 0;

            float[] textX = new float[3];
            x       += OffsetWidth + QuietZone;
            y       += OffsetHeight;
            textX[0] = x;
            x       += TextWidth;
            x        = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight + GuardExtraHeight, LeftGuard);
            textX[1] = x;
            x        = DrawSymbols(builder, x, y, BarHeight, left);
            x        = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight + GuardExtraHeight, CenterGuard);
            textX[2] = x;
            x        = DrawSymbols(builder, x, y, BarHeight, right);
            x        = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight + GuardExtraHeight, RightGuard);

            // draw the text strings
            DrawText(builder, textX, y - TextHeight, text);

            // draw the supplement barcode, if one is present
            if (supp != null)
                supp.Draw(builder, supplement, x + SupplementOffset, y - OffsetHeight);
예제 #14
 protected void DrawText(IBarCodeBuilder builder, bool centered, float[] x, float y, params string[] data)
     if ((TextPosition & TextPosition.Top) != 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; ++i)
             builder.DrawString(Font, FontColor, centered, data[i], x[i], y);
     if ((TextPosition & TextPosition.Bottom) != 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; ++i)
             builder.DrawString(Font, FontColor, centered, data[i], x[i], y + TextHeight + BarHeight);
예제 #15
        protected override float DrawSymbol(IBarCodeBuilder builder, float x, float y, float height, BitArray symbol)
            // the symbol for Wide is encoded as 1 and
            // the symbol for Narrow is encoded as 0
            // a space lies between every symbol and
            // has the width of the Narrow bar
            // only bars are encoded in the symbols

            foreach (bool bit in symbol)
                // draw bar
                float width = bit ? WideWidth : NarrowWidth;
                builder.DrawRectangle(BarColor, x, y, width, height);
                x += width + NarrowWidth; // skip bar and white space

예제 #16
        protected void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data, string parity, float x, float y)
            // encode the symbol
            BitArray[] encoded = EanUpc.EncodeLeft(data, ParityEncoder.Encode(parity));

            // draw the bars; size and background have already been set by the base barcode
            float textX = x + TotalWidth / 2;

            y += OffsetHeight + TextHeight;
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, LeftGuard);
            x  = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, encoded[0]);
            for (int i = 1; i < encoded.Length; ++i)
                x = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, SeparatorBar);
                x = DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, BarHeight, encoded[i]);

            // draw the text string
            DrawText(builder, true, new float[] { textX }, y - TextHeight, new string[] { data });
예제 #17
        protected override float DrawSymbol(IBarCodeBuilder builder, float x, float y, float fullHeight, BitArray symbol)
            float shortHeight = fullHeight / 2f;

            foreach (bool bit in symbol)
                if (bit)
                    // tall bar
                    builder.DrawRectangle(BarColor, x, y, WideWidth, fullHeight);
                    // short bar
                    builder.DrawRectangle(BarColor, x, y + shortHeight, WideWidth, shortHeight);
                // skip bar and space
                x += WideWidth + NarrowWidth;
예제 #18
        protected override float DrawSymbol(IBarCodeBuilder builder, float x, float y, float height, BitArray symbol)
            // the symbol for Wide is encoded as 1 and
            // the symbol for Narrow is encoded as 0
            // five elements denote a symbol
            // symbols are interleaved with the next symbol
            // so one symbol represents the bars and the next, the spaces

            for (int i = 0; i < symbol.Count; i += 10)
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
                    // draw a bar
                    float width = symbol[i + j] ? WideWidth : NarrowWidth;
                    builder.DrawRectangle(BarColor, x, y, width, height);
                    x += width;
                    // skip a space
                    x += symbol[i + j + 5] ? WideWidth : NarrowWidth;

예제 #19
 protected override void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data)
     Draw(builder, data, 8);
예제 #20
 protected float DrawSymbol(IBarCodeBuilder builder, float x, float y, float height, BitArray symbol)
     return(DrawSymbol(builder, x, y, ModuleWidth, height, symbol, BarColor));
예제 #21
파일: EanUpc.cs 프로젝트: zyj0021/nbarcodes
 public abstract void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data, string supplement);
예제 #22
 protected override void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data) // never used
     Draw(builder, data, 0, 0);
예제 #23
 protected void DrawText(IBarCodeBuilder builder, float[] x, float y, params string[] data)
     DrawText(builder, false, x, y, data);
예제 #24
 protected abstract void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data);
예제 #25
 public virtual void Build(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data)
     builder.Dpi  = Dpi;
     builder.Unit = Unit;
     Draw(builder, data);
예제 #26
 public abstract void Draw(IBarCodeBuilder builder, string data, float x, float y);