예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取IBE数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FromCode"></param>
        /// <param name="ToCode"></param>
        /// <param name="FlyDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AVHData GetAvh(string FromCode, string ToCode, DateTime FlyDate, string carrayCode)
            AVHData ibeData = new AVHData();
            StringBuilder sbLog = new StringBuilder();

            sbLog.Append("参数:\r\nFromCode=" + FromCode + "\r\n ToCode=" + ToCode + "\r\n FlyDate=" + FlyDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + (carrayCode != null ? carrayCode : ""));
                ibeData.IbeData    = new List <IBERow>();
                ibeData.QueryParam = new QueryParam()
                    FromCode = FromCode,
                    ToCode   = ToCode,
                    FlyDate  = FlyDate.ToString("yyy-MM-dd"),
                    FlyTime  = "00:00:00"
                string strData = string.Empty;
                if (useProxyQuery == 0)
                    IBEService.WebService1SoapClient ibe = new IBEService.WebService1SoapClient();
                    strData = ibe.getIBEAVData(ibeData.QueryParam.FromCode, ibeData.QueryParam.ToCode, ibeData.QueryParam.FlyDate, ibeData.QueryParam.FlyTime);
                else if (useProxyQuery == 1)
                    FlightService flightService = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <FlightService>();
                    strData = flightService.GetAV(this.QueryParam.Code, ibeData.QueryParam.FromCode, ibeData.QueryParam.ToCode, carrayCode, ibeData.QueryParam.FlyDate, "0000");
                ibeData.AVHString = strData;
                if (!strData.Contains("NoRoutingException"))
                    string[] IbeArray = strData.Split(new string[] { "^" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (IbeArray != null && IbeArray.Length > 0)
                        string[] strRow = null;
                        foreach (string row in IbeArray)
                            strRow = row.ToUpper().Split(',');
                            if (strRow.Length >= 15)
                                IBERow ibeRow = new IBERow();
                                    strRow[0] = ibeData.QueryParam.FlyDate;
                                ibeRow.FlyDate     = strRow[0];
                                ibeRow.StartTime   = strRow[1];
                                ibeRow.EndTime     = strRow[2];
                                ibeRow.CarrierCode = strRow[3].Trim(new char[] { '*' });
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(carrayCode))
                                    if (ibeRow.CarrierCode != carrayCode.ToUpper())
                                ibeRow.FlightNo = strRow[4].Trim(new char[] { '*' });
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strRow[5]) && strRow[5].Split('*')[0].Trim() != "")
                                    string          strSeat = strRow[5].Split('*')[0].Trim();
                                    string          pattern = "((?<Seat>[0-9A-Z])(?<SeatSymbol>[0-9A-Z]))";
                                    MatchCollection mchs    = Regex.Matches(strSeat, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                                    ibeRow.IBESeat = new List <IbeSeat>();
                                    foreach (Match item in mchs)
                                        if (item.Success)
                                            IbeSeat ibeseat = new IbeSeat();
                                            ibeseat.Seat       = item.Groups["Seat"].Value.Trim();
                                            ibeseat.SeatSymbol = item.Groups["SeatSymbol"].Value.Trim();
                                            if (ibeseat.SeatSymbol == "A")
                                                ibeseat.SeatCount = ">9";
                                            else if (char.IsNumber(ibeseat.SeatSymbol[0]))
                                                ibeseat.SeatCount = ibeseat.SeatSymbol;
                                                ibeseat.SeatCount = "0";
                                            int mSeatCount = 0;
                                            int.TryParse(ibeseat.SeatCount.Replace(">", ""), out mSeatCount);
                                            if (mSeatCount > 0)
                                                ibeseat = SetDefaultData(ibeseat);
                                                if (!ibeRow.IBESeat.Exists(p => p.Seat == ibeseat.Seat))
                                ibeRow.FromCode           = strRow[6];
                                ibeRow.ToCode             = strRow[7];
                                ibeRow.AirModel           = strRow[8];
                                ibeRow.IsStop             = strRow[9].Trim() == "1" ? true : false;
                                ibeRow.IsMeals            = strRow[10].Trim() == "1" ? true : false;
                                ibeRow.IsElectronicTicket = strRow[11].Trim() == "1" ? true : false;
                                ibeRow.IsShareFlight      = (strRow[12].Trim().ToLower() == "1" || strRow[12].Trim().ToLower() == "true") ? true : false;
                                ibeRow.ChildSeat = strRow[13].Trim();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ibeRow.ChildSeat))
                                    string          pattern = "((?<Seat>[0-9A-Z]1)(?<SeatSymbol>[0-9A-Z]))";
                                    MatchCollection mchs    = Regex.Matches(ibeRow.ChildSeat, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                                    if (ibeRow.IBESeat == null)
                                        ibeRow.IBESeat = new List <IbeSeat>();
                                    foreach (Match item in mchs)
                                        if (item.Success)
                                            IbeSeat ibeseat = new IbeSeat();
                                            ibeseat.Seat       = item.Groups["Seat"].Value.Trim();
                                            ibeseat.SeatSymbol = item.Groups["SeatSymbol"].Value.Trim();
                                            if (ibeseat.SeatSymbol == "A")
                                                ibeseat.SeatCount = ">9";
                                            else if (char.IsNumber(ibeseat.SeatSymbol[0]))
                                                ibeseat.SeatCount = ibeseat.SeatSymbol;
                                                ibeseat.SeatCount = "0";
                                            int mSeatCount = 0;
                                            int.TryParse(ibeseat.SeatCount.Replace(">", ""), out mSeatCount);
                                            if (mSeatCount > 0)
                                                ibeseat = SetDefaultData(ibeseat);
                                                if (!ibeRow.IBESeat.Exists(p => p.Seat == ibeseat.Seat))
                                string strFromCityT1 = strRow[14].Trim();
                                if (strFromCityT1.Length == 2)
                                    strFromCityT1 = strFromCityT1.Substring(0, 1);
                                else if (strFromCityT1.Length == 3)
                                    if (strFromCityT1.StartsWith("D"))
                                        strFromCityT1 = strFromCityT1.Substring(0, 1);
                                        strFromCityT1 = strFromCityT1.Substring(0, 2);
                                    if ((strFromCityT1.Length >= 2))
                                        strFromCityT1 = strFromCityT1.Substring(0, 2);
                                ibeRow.FromCityT1 = getHZL(ibeRow.FromCode, ibeRow.CarrierCode, strFromCityT1);

                                string strToCityT1 = strRow[14].Trim();
                                if (strToCityT1.Length == 2)
                                    strToCityT1 = strToCityT1.Substring(1, 1);
                                else if (strToCityT1.Length == 3)
                                    if (strToCityT1.StartsWith("D"))
                                        strToCityT1 = strToCityT1.Substring(1, 2);
                                        strToCityT1 = strToCityT1.Substring(2, 1);
                                    if ((strToCityT1.Length >= 4))
                                        strToCityT1 = strToCityT1.Substring(2, 2);
                                ibeRow.ToCityT1 = getHZL(ibeRow.ToCode, ibeRow.CarrierCode, strToCityT1);

                                if (ibeRow.IsShareFlight)
                                    if (IsOpenShareflght)//过滤共享航班
                    sbLog.Append("IBE异常信息:" + strData + "\r\n");
            catch (Exception ex)
                sbLog.Append("异常信息:" + ex.Message + "\r\n");
                log.WriteLog("GetAvh", sbLog.ToString());
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取FD数据 包括数据的补全
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FromCode"></param>
        /// <param name="ToCode"></param>
        /// <param name="FlyDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public FDData GetFD(string FromCode, string ToCode, DateTime FlyDate, string carrayCode)
            FDData        fd      = new FDData();
            List <string> execSQL = new List <string>();
            StringBuilder sbLog = new StringBuilder();

            sbLog.Append("参数:\r\nFromCode=" + FromCode + "\r\n ToCode=" + ToCode + "\r\n FlyDate=" + FlyDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + (carrayCode != null ? carrayCode : ""));
                fd.QueryParam = new QueryParam()
                    FromCode = FromCode,
                    ToCode   = ToCode,
                    FlyDate  = FlyDate.ToString("yyy-MM-dd"),
                    FlyTime  = "00:00:00"
                fd.FdRow = new List <FdRow>();

                List <BaseCabin> allBaseCabin = test.GetBaseCabin("");

                IBEService.WebService1SoapClient ibe = new IBEService.WebService1SoapClient();
                DataSet dsIBE = ibe.getIBEFDData(fd.QueryParam.FromCode, fd.QueryParam.ToCode, fd.QueryParam.FlyDate, fd.QueryParam.FlyTime);
                #region 数据条数
                int FltShopAVJourneyCount = dsIBE.Tables["FltShopAVJourney"].Rows.Count;
                int FltShopAVOptCount     = dsIBE.Tables["FltShopAVOpt"].Rows.Count;
                int CabinAllCount         = dsIBE.Tables["CabinAll"].Rows.Count;
                int TaxAllCount           = dsIBE.Tables["TaxAll"].Rows.Count;
                int FltShopAVFltCount     = dsIBE.Tables["FltShopAVFlt"].Rows.Count;
                int FltShopPSCount        = dsIBE.Tables["FltShopPS"].Rows.Count;
                int RouteAllCount         = dsIBE.Tables["RouteAll"].Rows.Count;
                int FltShopNFareCount     = dsIBE.Tables["FltShopNFare"].Rows.Count;
                int FltShopPFareCount     = dsIBE.Tables["FltShopPFare"].Rows.Count;
                int FltShopRuleCount      = dsIBE.Tables["FltShopRule"].Rows.Count;

                List <string>     AirCodeList   = new List <string>();
                List <AirCarrier> m_AirCideList = test.GetAirCarrier("");
                m_AirCideList.ForEach(p =>
                    if (!AirCodeList.Contains(p.Code))
                if (FltShopAVFltCount > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < FltShopAVFltCount; i++)
                        string tempC = dsIBE.Tables["FltShopAVFlt"].Rows[i]["A1"].ToString().ToUpper();
                        if (!AirCodeList.Contains(tempC))

                // var result = // mgHelper.All<CabinSeat>().Where(p => p.Airline.FromCode == FromCode && p.Airline.ToCode == ToCode);
                List <CabinSeat> CabinSeatList = test.GetCabinSeatList(string.Format(" FromCode='{0}' and  ToCode='{1}' ", FromCode, ToCode));// result.ToList();
                #region 获取燃油
                decimal ranyou = 0m;
                for (int i = 0; i < TaxAllCount; i++)
                    if (dsIBE.Tables["TaxAll"].Rows[i]["A1"].ToString().ToUpper() == "YQ")
                        ranyou = decimal.Parse((dsIBE.Tables["TaxAll"].Rows[i]["A2"] == DBNull.Value || dsIBE.Tables["TaxAll"].Rows[i]["A2"].ToString() == "") ? "0" : dsIBE.Tables["TaxAll"].Rows[i]["A2"].ToString());
                        if (ranyou > 0)
                #region 获取舱价格
                CabinSeat cabinSeat = CabinSeatList.Where(p => p.Airline.Mileage != 0).FirstOrDefault();
                Airline   airline   = cabinSeat != null ? cabinSeat.Airline : null;
                Dictionary <string, FdRow> dicY = new Dictionary <string, FdRow>();
                for (int i = 0; i < FltShopPFareCount; i++)
                    FdRow fdr = new FdRow();
                    fdr.Seat        = dsIBE.Tables["FltShopPFare"].Rows[i]["A2"].ToString().ToUpper();
                    fdr.CarrierCode = dsIBE.Tables["FltShopPFare"].Rows[i]["A1"].ToString().ToUpper();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(carrayCode))
                        if (fdr.CarrierCode != carrayCode.ToUpper())
                    if (fdr.Seat.Trim().Length == 1 || fdr.Seat.Trim().Length == 2)
                        decimal _SeatPrice = 0m;
                        if (decimal.TryParse(dsIBE.Tables["FltShopPFare"].Rows[i]["A3"].ToString(), out _SeatPrice))
                            fdr.SeatPrice = _SeatPrice;
                    fdr.Mileage = (airline == null || airline.Mileage == 0) ? (int)fdr.SeatPrice : airline.Mileage;
                    if (ranyou <= 0)
                        if (cabinSeat != null)
                            fdr.ADultFuleFee = cabinSeat.Fuel.AdultFuelFee;
                            fdr.ChildFuleFee = cabinSeat.Fuel.ChildFuelFee;
                        fdr.ADultFuleFee = ranyou;
                        fdr.ChildFuleFee = ranyou;
                        //List<CabinSeat> FuelList = CabinSeatList.Where(p => p.CarrierCode == fdr.CarrierCode).ToList();
                        //List<string> idsList = new List<string>();
                        //for (int j = 0; j < FuelList.Count; j++)
                        //    idsList.Add("'" + FuelList[j]._id + "'");
                        //if (idsList.Count > 0)
                        //    execSQL.Add(string.Format("update CabinSeat set AdultFuelFee={0},ChildFuelFee={1} where _id in({2}) ", ranyou, ranyou, string.Join(",", idsList.ToArray())));
                    if (fdr.Seat == "Y")
                        if (!dicY.ContainsKey(fdr.CarrierCode))
                            dicY.Add(fdr.CarrierCode, fdr);
                fd.YFdRow = dicY;
                foreach (string item in AirCodeList)
                    if (!dicY.ContainsKey(item))
                        //没有Y舱数据信息的航空公司 需要补全
                        CabinSeat lineResult = CabinSeatList.Where(p => p.CarrierCode == item).FirstOrDefault();
                        FdRow     fdr        = new FdRow()
                            ADultFuleFee = ranyou == 0 && lineResult != null ? lineResult.Fuel.AdultFuelFee : ranyou,
                            ChildFuleFee = ranyou == 0 && lineResult != null ? lineResult.Fuel.ChildFuelFee : ranyou,
                            CarrierCode  = item,
                            Mileage      = lineResult != null ? lineResult.Airline.Mileage : 0,
                            Rebate       = 100,
                            SeatPrice    = lineResult != null ? lineResult.Airline.SeatPrice : 0,
                            TaxFee       = 0m,
                            Seat         = "Y"
                        dicY.Add(item, fdr);
                        //List<CabinSeat> YMList = CabinSeatList.Where(p => p.CarrierCode == item).ToList();
                        //List<string> idslIst = new List<string>();
                        //for (int i = 0; i < YMList.Count; i++)
                        //    idslIst.Add("'" + YMList[i]._id + "'");
                        //if (idslIst.Count > 0)
                        //    execSQL.Add(string.Format("update CabinSeat set SeatPrice={0},Mileage={1} where _id in({2}) ", dicY[item].SeatPrice, dicY[item].Mileage, string.Join(",", idslIst.ToArray())));
                foreach (string aircode in AirCodeList)
                    if (dicY.ContainsKey(aircode))
                        CabinSeat lineResult = CabinSeatList.Where(p => p.CarrierCode == aircode).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (lineResult != null)
                            lineResult.SeatList.ForEach(p =>
                                FdRow frw = fd.FdRow.Where(p1 => p1.CarrierCode == lineResult.CarrierCode && p1.Seat == p.Code).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (frw == null)
                                    fd.FdRow.Add(new FdRow()
                                        ADultFuleFee = lineResult.Fuel.AdultFuelFee,
                                        ChildFuleFee = lineResult.Fuel.ChildFuelFee,
                                        CarrierCode  = aircode,
                                        Mileage      = lineResult != null ? lineResult.Airline.Mileage : 0,
                                        SeatPrice    = 0,
                                        Seat         = p.Code

                //IBE没有获取到价格的 用基本数据计算
                //List<FdRow> nfdr = fd.FdRow.Where(p => p.SeatPrice == 0m).ToList();
                //for (int i = 0; i < nfdr.Count; i++)
                //    FdRow fdr = nfdr[i];
                //    if (fdr.SeatPrice == 0 && dicY.ContainsKey(fdr.CarrierCode))
                //    {
                //        var seatResult = CabinSeatList.Where(p => p.CarrierCode == fdr.CarrierCode).FirstOrDefault();
                //        Seat seat = seatResult != null ? seatResult.SeatList.Where(p => p.Code == fdr.Seat).FirstOrDefault() : null;
                //        if (seat != null)
                //        {
                //            fdr.Rebate = seat.Rebate;
                //            fdr.SeatPrice = dataBill.CeilTen((seat.Rebate / 100) * dicY[fdr.CarrierCode].SeatPrice);
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            //去基础表查询
                //            List<BaseCabin> baseCabinList = allBaseCabin.Where(m => m.CarrierCode == fdr.CarrierCode && m.Code == fdr.Seat).ToList();
                //            if (baseCabinList != null && baseCabinList.Count > 0)
                //            {
                //                BaseCabin baseCabin = baseCabinList[0];
                //                fdr.Rebate = baseCabin.Rebate;
                //                fdr.SeatPrice = dataBill.CeilTen((baseCabin.Rebate / 100) * dicY[fdr.CarrierCode].SeatPrice);
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }


                #region 计算更新折扣
                Dictionary <string, List <Seat> > dicSeat = new Dictionary <string, List <Seat> >();
                for (int i = 0; i < fd.FdRow.Count; i++)
                    if (dicY.ContainsKey(fd.FdRow[i].CarrierCode))
                        if (dicY[fd.FdRow[i].CarrierCode].SeatPrice != 0)
                            fd.FdRow[i].Rebate = GetZk(fd.FdRow[i].SeatPrice, dicY[fd.FdRow[i].CarrierCode].SeatPrice);
                        if (!dicSeat.ContainsKey(fd.FdRow[i].CarrierCode))
                            List <Seat> ffdList = new List <Seat>();
                            ffdList.Add(new Seat()
                                Rebate = fd.FdRow[i].Rebate,
                                Code   = fd.FdRow[i].Seat
                            dicSeat.Add(fd.FdRow[i].CarrierCode, ffdList);
                            dicSeat[fd.FdRow[i].CarrierCode].Add(new Seat()
                                Rebate = fd.FdRow[i].Rebate,
                                Code   = fd.FdRow[i].Seat

                if (dicSeat.Count > 0)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Seat> > item in dicSeat)
                        List <CabinSeat> List = CabinSeatList.Where(p => p.CarrierCode == item.Key && (p.SeatList == null || p.SeatList.Count == 0)).ToList();
                        for (int i = 0; i < List.Count; i++)
                            if (item.Value != null && item.Value.Count > 0)
                                List[i].SeatList = item.Value;
                                List <Seat>      sbSeat        = new List <Seat>();
                                List <BaseCabin> baseCabinList = allBaseCabin.Where(m => m.CarrierCode == item.Key).ToList();
                                foreach (BaseCabin baseItem in baseCabinList)
                                    sbSeat.Add(new Seat()
                                        Code   = baseItem.Code,
                                        Rebate = baseItem.Rebate
                                List[i].SeatList = sbSeat;
                            StringBuilder sbSeatData = new StringBuilder();
                            foreach (Seat seat in List[i].SeatList)
                                sbSeatData.Append(seat.ToString() + "|");
                            //execSQL.Add(string.Format("update dbo.CabinSeat set SeatList='{0}' where _id='{1}' and (SeatList='' or SeatList is null)  ", sbSeatData, List[i]._id));

                //System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(p =>
                //    if (execSQL.Count > 0)
                //    {
                //        test.ExecuteSQLList(execSQL);
                //    }
            catch (Exception ex)
                sbLog.Append("异常信息:" + ex.Message + "\r\n");
                log.WriteLog("GetFD", sbLog.ToString());