private ChallengeSessionConfig(string journeyId) { Port = 8222; UseColours = true; RecordingSystemShouldBeOn = true; AuditStream = new ConsoleAuditStream(); JourneyId = journeyId; }
public TdlClient( string hostname, int port, string uniqueId, long timeToWaitForRequests, IAuditStream auditStream) { this.hostname = hostname; this.port = port; this.uniqueId = uniqueId; audit = new Audit(auditStream); TimeToWaitForRequests = timeToWaitForRequests; }
public static string SaveDescription(string label, string description, IAuditStream auditStream) { if (!Directory.Exists(ChallengesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ChallengesPath); } // Save description. var descriptionPath = Path.Combine(ChallengesPath, $"{label}.txt"); WriteAllTextWithFlush(descriptionPath, description.Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine)); var relativePath = descriptionPath.Replace(PathHelper.RepositoryPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, ""); auditStream.WriteLine($"Challenge description saved to file: {relativePath}."); // Save round label. WriteAllTextWithFlush(LastFetchedRoundPath, label); return("OK"); }
public Audit(IAuditStream auditStream) { this.auditStream = auditStream; lineBuilder = new StringBuilder(); }
public static void SaveDescription(IRoundChangesListener listener, string rawDescription, IAuditStream auditStream) { // DEBT - the first line of the response is the ID for the round, the rest of the responseMessage is the description var newlineIndex = rawDescription.IndexOf('\n'); if (newlineIndex <= 0) { return; } var roundId = rawDescription.Substring(0, newlineIndex); var lastFetchedRound = GetLastFetchedRound(); if (!roundId.Equals(lastFetchedRound)) { listener.OnNewRound(roundId); } SaveDescription(roundId, rawDescription, auditStream); }
public NoisyImplementationRunner(string deployMessage, IAuditStream auditStream) { this.deployMessage = deployMessage; this.auditStream = auditStream; }
public Builder SetAuditStream(IAuditStream auditStream) { this.auditStream = auditStream; return(this); }
public ImplementationRunnerConfig SetAuditStream(IAuditStream auditStream) { AuditStream = auditStream; return(this); }
public ImplementationRunnerConfig() { Port = 61616; RequestTimeoutMilliseconds = 500; AuditStream = new ConsoleAuditStream(); }
public LogAuditStream(IAuditStream originalStream) { this.originalStream = originalStream; }
public ChallengeSessionConfig WithAuditStream(IAuditStream auditStream) { AuditStream = auditStream; return(this); }