예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that assign properties to an atom given a particular atomType.
        /// An <see cref="ArgumentException"/> is thrown if the given <see cref="IAtomType"/>
        /// is null. <b>This method overwrites non-null values.</b>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="atom">Atom to configure</param>
        /// <param name="atomType">AtomType. Must not be null.</param>
        public static void Configure(IAtom atom, IAtomType atomType)
            if (atomType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(atomType));

            if (string.Equals("X", atomType.AtomTypeName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                atom.AtomTypeName = "X";

            // we set the atom type name, but nothing else
            atom.AtomTypeName = atomType.AtomTypeName;

            // configuring atom type information is not really valid
            // for pseudo atoms - first because they basically have no
            // type information and second because they may have information
            // associated with them from another context, which should not be
            // overwritten. So we only do the stuff below if we have a non pseudoatom
            // a side effect of this is that it is probably not valid to get the atom
            // type of a pseudo atom. I think this is OK, since you can always check
            // whether an atom is a pseudo atom without looking at its atom type
            if (!(atom is IPseudoAtom))
                atom.Symbol                 = atomType.Symbol;
                atom.MaxBondOrder           = atomType.MaxBondOrder;
                atom.BondOrderSum           = atomType.BondOrderSum;
                atom.CovalentRadius         = atomType.CovalentRadius;
                atom.Valency                = atomType.Valency;
                atom.FormalCharge           = atomType.FormalCharge;
                atom.Hybridization          = atomType.Hybridization;
                atom.FormalNeighbourCount   = atomType.FormalNeighbourCount;
                atom.IsHydrogenBondAcceptor = atomType.IsHydrogenBondAcceptor;
                atom.IsHydrogenBondDonor    = atomType.IsHydrogenBondDonor;
                var constant = atomType.GetProperty <int?>(CDKPropertyName.ChemicalGroupConstant);
                if (constant != null)
                    atom.SetProperty(CDKPropertyName.ChemicalGroupConstant, constant);
                if (atomType.IsAromatic)
                    atom.IsAromatic = atomType.IsAromatic;

                object color = atomType.GetProperty <object>(CDKPropertyName.Color);
                if (color != null)
                    atom.SetProperty(CDKPropertyName.Color, color);
                atom.AtomicNumber = atomType.AtomicNumber;
                if (atomType.ExactMass != null)
                    atom.ExactMass = atomType.ExactMass;
예제 #2
        void Main()
            IAtom atom = null;

            atom.SetProperty(MarkedElement.IdKey, "my_atm_id");
            atom.SetProperty(MarkedElement.ClassKey, "h_donor");
            atom.SetProperty(MarkedElement.ClassKey, "h_acceptor");
예제 #3
        public object Visit(ASTReaction node, object data)
            IAtomContainer query = new QueryAtomContainer(builder);

            for (int grpIdx = 0; grpIdx < node.JjtGetNumChildren(); grpIdx++)
                int rollback = query.Atoms.Count;

                ASTGroup group = (ASTGroup)node.JjtGetChild(grpIdx);
                group.JjtAccept(this, query);

                // fill in the roles for newly create atoms
                if (group.Role != ReactionRoles.Any)
                    IQueryAtom   roleQueryAtom = null;
                    ReactionRole?role          = null;

                    // use single instances
                    switch (group.Role)
                    case ReactionRoles.Reactant:
                        roleQueryAtom = ReactionRoleQueryAtom.RoleReactant;
                        role          = ReactionRole.Reactant;

                    case ReactionRoles.Agent:
                        roleQueryAtom = ReactionRoleQueryAtom.RoleAgent;
                        role          = ReactionRole.Agent;

                    case ReactionRoles.Product:
                        roleQueryAtom = ReactionRoleQueryAtom.RoleProduct;
                        role          = ReactionRole.Product;

                    if (roleQueryAtom != null)
                        while (rollback < query.Atoms.Count)
                            IAtom org = query.Atoms[rollback];
                            IAtom rep = LogicalOperatorAtom.And(roleQueryAtom, (IQueryAtom)org);
                            // ensure AAM is propagated
                            rep.SetProperty(CDKPropertyName.AtomAtomMapping, org.GetProperty <int?>(CDKPropertyName.AtomAtomMapping));
                            rep.SetProperty(CDKPropertyName.ReactionRole, role);
                            AtomContainerManipulator.ReplaceAtomByAtom(query, org, rep);
예제 #4
        public void TestAtomValueLine()
            IAtom carbon = builder.NewAtom("C");

            carbon.SetProperty(CDKPropertyName.Comment, "Carbon comment");
            IAtom oxygen = builder.NewAtom("O");

            oxygen.SetProperty(CDKPropertyName.Comment, "Oxygen comment");
            IBond bond = builder.NewBond(carbon, oxygen, BondOrder.Double);

            var molecule = builder.NewAtomContainer();


            StringWriter   writer    = new StringWriter();
            MDLV2000Writer mdlWriter = new MDLV2000Writer(writer);


            Assert.IsTrue(writer.ToString().IndexOf("V    1 Oxygen comment") != -1);
            Assert.IsTrue(writer.ToString().IndexOf("V    2 Carbon comment") != -1);
예제 #5
        private static void MakeReferencesExplicitForAtom(IAtom atom)
            int selfCounter = 0;

            atom.SetProperty(prefix + ":self:" + selfCounter++, "chemical:atom");

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        ///  Assigns an atom type to an atom
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="atom">The atom to be aasigned</param>
        /// <param name="ID">the atom type id</param>
        /// <exception cref="NoSuchAtomTypeException"> atomType is not known</exception>
        /// <returns>the assigned atom</returns>
        private IAtom SetAtom(IAtom atom, string ID)
            IAtomType at = GetAtomType(ID);

            if (atom.Symbol == null)
                atom.Symbol = at.Symbol;
            atom.AtomTypeName         = at.AtomTypeName;
            atom.FormalNeighbourCount = at.FormalNeighbourCount;
            string key   = "vdw" + ID;
            var    data  = (System.Collections.IList)parameterSet[key];
            double value = (double)data[0];

            key = "charge" + ID;
            if (parameterSet.ContainsKey(key))
                data        = (System.Collections.IList)parameterSet[key];
                value       = (double)data[0];
                atom.Charge = value;
            var color = at.GetProperty <object>(CDKPropertyName.Color);

            if (color != null)
                atom.SetProperty(CDKPropertyName.Color, color);
            if (at.AtomicNumber != 0)
                atom.AtomicNumber = at.AtomicNumber;
            if (at.ExactMass > 0.0)
                atom.ExactMass = at.ExactMass;
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Configures an atom. Finds the correct element type by looking at the Atom's
 /// atom type name, and if that fails, picks the first atom type matching
 /// the Atom's element symbol..
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="atom">The atom to be configured</param>
 /// <returns>The configured atom</returns>
 /// <exception cref="CDKException">when it could not recognize and configure the <see cref="IAtom"/></exception>
 public IAtom Configure(IAtom atom)
     if (atom is IPseudoAtom)
         // do not try to configure PseudoAtom's
         IAtomType atomType;
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(atom.AtomTypeName))
             atomType = GetAtomTypes(atom.Symbol).First();
             atomType = GetAtomType(atom.AtomTypeName);
         atom.Symbol         = atomType.Symbol;
         atom.MaxBondOrder   = atomType.MaxBondOrder;
         atom.BondOrderSum   = atomType.BondOrderSum;
         atom.CovalentRadius = atomType.CovalentRadius;
         atom.Hybridization  = atomType.Hybridization;
         atom.SetProperty(CDKPropertyName.Color, atomType.GetProperty <object>(CDKPropertyName.Color));
         atom.AtomicNumber = atomType.AtomicNumber;
         atom.ExactMass    = atomType.ExactMass;
     catch (CDKException)
     catch (Exception exception)
         throw new CDKException(exception.Message, exception);
예제 #8
 public static void SetCIPDescriptor(this IAtom o, string chirality)
 => o.SetProperty(CIPDescriptorPropertyKey, chirality);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        ///  Method assigns atom types to atoms (calculates sssr and aromaticity)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>sssrf set</returns>
        /// <exception cref="CDKException"> Problems detecting aromaticity or making hose codes.</exception>
        public IRingSet AssignAtomTyps(IAtomContainer molecule)
            IAtom             atom     = null;
            string            hoseCode = "";
            HOSECodeGenerator hcg      = new HOSECodeGenerator();
            int      NumberOfRingAtoms = 0;
            IRingSet ringSetMolecule   = Cycles.FindSSSR(molecule).ToRingSet();
            bool     isInHeteroRing    = false;

            catch (Exception cdk1)
                throw new CDKException("AROMATICITYError: Cannot determine aromaticity due to: " + cdk1.Message, cdk1);

            for (int i = 0; i < molecule.Atoms.Count; i++)
                atom = molecule.Atoms[i];
                if (ringSetMolecule.Contains(atom))
                    NumberOfRingAtoms = NumberOfRingAtoms + 1;
                    atom.IsInRing     = true;
                    atom.IsAliphatic  = false;
                    var ringSetA = ringSetMolecule.GetRings(atom).ToList();
                    IRing sring = (IRing)ringSetA[ringSetA.Count - 1];
                    atom.SetProperty("RING_SIZE", sring.RingSize);
                    foreach (var ring in ringSetA)
                        if (IsHeteroRingSystem(ring))
                    atom.IsAliphatic = true;
                    atom.IsInRing    = false;
                    isInHeteroRing   = false;
                atom.SetProperty("MAX_BOND_ORDER", molecule.GetMaximumBondOrder(atom).Numeric());

                    hoseCode = hcg.GetHOSECode(molecule, atom, 3);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("HOSECODE GENERATION: ATOM "+i+" HoseCode: "+hoseCode+" ");
                catch (CDKException ex1)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Could not build HOSECode from atom " + i + " due to " + ex1.ToString());
                    throw new CDKException("Could not build HOSECode from atom " + i + " due to " + ex1.ToString(), ex1);
                    ConfigureAtom(atom, hoseCode, isInHeteroRing);
                catch (CDKException ex2)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Could not final configure atom " + i + " due to " + ex2.ToString());
                    throw new CDKException("Could not final configure atom due to problems with force field", ex2);

            //        IBond[] bond = molecule.Bonds;
            string bondType;

            foreach (var bond in molecule.Bonds)
                //Debug.WriteLine("bond[" + i + "] properties : " + molecule.Bonds[i].GetProperties());
                bondType = "0";
                if (bond.Order == BondOrder.Single)
                    if ((bond.Begin.AtomTypeName.Equals("Csp2", StringComparison.Ordinal)) &&
                        ((bond.End.AtomTypeName.Equals("Csp2", StringComparison.Ordinal)) ||
                         (bond.End.AtomTypeName.Equals("C=", StringComparison.Ordinal))))
                        bondType = "1";

                    if ((bond.Begin.AtomTypeName.Equals("C=", StringComparison.Ordinal)) &&
                        ((bond.End.AtomTypeName.Equals("Csp2", StringComparison.Ordinal)) ||
                         (bond.End.AtomTypeName.Equals("C=", StringComparison.Ordinal))))
                        bondType = "1";

                    if ((bond.Begin.AtomTypeName.Equals("Csp", StringComparison.Ordinal)) &&
                        (bond.End.AtomTypeName.Equals("Csp", StringComparison.Ordinal)))
                        bondType = "1";
                //            molecule.Bonds[i].SetProperty("MMFF94 bond type", bondType);
                bond.SetProperty("MMFF94 bond type", bondType);
                //Debug.WriteLine("bond[" + i + "] properties : " + molecule.Bonds[i].GetProperties());

예제 #10
파일: InvPair.cs 프로젝트: roddickchen/NCDK
 public InvPair(long current, IAtom atom)
     Curr = current;
     Atom = atom;
     atom.SetProperty(InvariancePairPropertyKey, this);
예제 #11
파일: InvPair.cs 프로젝트: roddickchen/NCDK
 public void Commit()
     Atom.SetProperty(CanonicalLabelPropertyKey, Curr);