예제 #1
        public virtual void Initialize(IAssetServer assetServer)
            m_log.InfoFormat("[ASSET CACHE]: Asset cache initialization [{0}/{1}]", Name, Version);

            m_assetServer = assetServer;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the asset cache. This supports legacy configuration values
        /// to ensure consistent operation, but values outside of that namespace
        /// are handled by the more generic resolution mechanism provided by
        /// the ResolveAssetServer virtual method. If extended resolution fails,
        /// then the normal default action is taken.
        /// Creation of the AssetCache is handled by ResolveAssetCache. This
        /// function accepts a reference to the instantiated AssetServer and
        /// returns an IAssetCache implementation, if possible. This is a virtual
        /// method.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void InitializeAssetCache()
            IAssetServer assetServer = null;
            string       mode        = m_configSettings.AssetStorage;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mode))
                throw new Exception("No asset server specified");

            AssetClientPluginInitializer linit = new AssetClientPluginInitializer(m_configSettings);

            //todo: hack to handle transition from whip
            if (mode.ToUpper() == "WHIP")
                mode = mode.ToUpper();

            assetServer = loadAssetServer(mode, linit);

            if (assetServer == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Asset server {0} could not be loaded", mode));

            // Initialize the asset cache, passing a reference to the selected
            // asset server interface.
            m_assetCache = ResolveAssetCache(assetServer);

예제 #3
        private IAssetServer LoadAssetDll(string dllName)
            Assembly     pluginAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(dllName);
            IAssetServer server         = null;

            foreach (Type pluginType in pluginAssembly.GetTypes())
                if (pluginType.IsPublic)
                    if (!pluginType.IsAbstract)
                        Type typeInterface = pluginType.GetInterface("IAssetPlugin", true);

                        if (typeInterface != null)
                            IAssetPlugin plug = (IAssetPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(pluginAssembly.GetType(pluginType.ToString()));
                            server = plug.GetAssetServer();

                        typeInterface = null;
            pluginAssembly = null;
예제 #4
 public virtual void Initialize(IAssetServer assetServer)
     m_log.InfoFormat("[ASSET CACHE]: Asset cache initialization [{0}/{1}]", Name, Version);
     m_assetServer = assetServer;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Attempt to instantiate an IAssetCache implementation, using the
        ///     provided IAssetServer reference.
        ///     An asset cache implementation must provide a constructor that
        ///     accepts two parameters;
        ///         [1] A ConfigSettings reference.
        ///         [2] An IAssetServer reference.
        ///     The AssetCache value is obtained from the 
        ///         [StartUp]/AssetCache value in the configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual IAssetCache ResolveAssetCache(IAssetServer assetServer)
            IAssetCache assetCache = null;

            if (m_configSettings.AssetCache != null && m_configSettings.AssetCache != String.Empty)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[OpenSim Base]: Attempting to load asset cache id = {0}", m_configSettings.AssetCache);
                    PluginInitialiserBase init = new AssetCachePluginInitialiser(m_configSettings, assetServer);
                    PluginLoader<IAssetCache> loader = new PluginLoader<IAssetCache>(init);
                    loader.AddFilter(PLUGIN_ASSET_CACHE, new PluginProviderFilter(m_configSettings.AssetCache));


                    if (loader.Plugins.Count > 0)
                        assetCache = (IAssetCache)loader.Plugins[0];

                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.Error("[OpenSim Base]: ResolveAssetCache failed");

            // If everything else fails, we force load the built-in asset cache
            return (IAssetCache) ((assetCache != null) ? assetCache : new AssetCache(assetServer));
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public AssetCache(IAssetServer assetServer)
     Console.WriteLine("Creating Asset cache");
     _assetServer = assetServer;
     Assets   = new Dictionary <libsecondlife.LLUUID, AssetInfo>();
     Textures = new Dictionary <libsecondlife.LLUUID, TextureImage>();
     this._assetCacheThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RunAssetManager));
     this._assetCacheThread.IsBackground = true;
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public AssetCache(IAssetServer assetServer)
     Console.WriteLine("Creating Asset cache");
     _assetServer = assetServer;
     Assets = new Dictionary<libsecondlife.LLUUID, AssetInfo>();
     Textures = new Dictionary<libsecondlife.LLUUID, TextureImage>();
     this._assetCacheThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RunAssetManager));
     this._assetCacheThread.IsBackground = true;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to retrieve the asset with the given id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetID"></param>
        /// <param name="server"></param>
        /// <param name="asset"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool TryRequestAsset(OpenMetaverse.UUID assetID, IAssetServer server, out AssetBase asset)
                asset = server.RequestAssetSync(assetID);
            catch (AssetServerException e)
                asset = null;
                m_log.ErrorFormat("[InWorldz.Stratus]: Unable to retrieve asset {0}: {1}", assetID, e);

            return(asset != null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to retrieve the asset with the given id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetID"></param>
        /// <param name="server"></param>
        /// <param name="asset"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool TryRequestAsset(OpenMetaverse.UUID assetID, IAssetServer server, out AssetBase asset)
                asset = server.RequestAssetSync(assetID);
            catch (AssetServerException e)
                asset = null;
                m_log.ErrorFormat("[InWorldz.Stratus]: Unable to retrieve asset {0}: {1}", assetID, e);

            return asset != null;
예제 #10
 public virtual void Initialise()
     //load the dlls
     this.AssetServer = this.LoadAssetDll(this.AssetDll);
     this.GridServer  = this.LoadGridDll(this.GridDll);
예제 #11
 public virtual void Initialize(ConfigSettings settings, IAssetServer assetServer)
     m_log.Debug("[ASSET CACHE]: Asset cache configured initialization");
예제 #12
 public virtual void Initialize(ConfigSettings settings, IAssetServer assetServer)
     m_log.Debug("[ASSET CACHE]: Asset cache configured initialization");
예제 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="assetServer"></param>
 public AssetCache(IAssetServer assetServer)
     _negativeCache = new LRUCache<UUID, DateTime>(NEGATIVE_CACHE_SIZE);
예제 #14
        public override void Initialise(IPlugin plugin)
            IAssetServer p = plugin as IAssetServer;

            p.Initialise(config, assetURL, currdir, test);
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to instantiate an IAssetCache implementation, using the
        /// provided IAssetServer reference.
        /// An asset cache implementation must provide a constructor that
        /// accepts two parameters;
        ///   [1] A ConfigSettings reference.
        ///   [2] An IAssetServer reference.
        /// The AssetCache value is obtained from the 
        /// [StartUp]/AssetCache value in the configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual IAssetCache ResolveAssetCache(IAssetServer assetServer)
            /*IAssetCache assetCache = null;
            if (m_configSettings.AssetCache != null && m_configSettings.AssetCache != String.Empty)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[OPENSIMBASE]: Attempting to load asset cache id = {0}", m_configSettings.AssetCache);
                    PluginInitialiserBase init = new AssetCachePluginInitialiser(m_configSettings, assetServer);
                    PluginLoader<IAssetCache> loader = new PluginLoader<IAssetCache>(init);
                    loader.AddFilter(PLUGIN_ASSET_CACHE, new PluginProviderFilter(m_configSettings.AssetCache));

                    if (loader.Plugins.Count > 0)
                        assetCache = (IAssetCache) loader.Plugins[0];
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.Error("[OPENSIMBASE]: ResolveAssetCache failed");

            // If everything else fails, we force load the built-in asset cache
            return (IAssetCache) ((assetCache != null) ? assetCache 
                : new Framework.Communications.Cache.AssetCache(assetServer));

            return new Framework.Communications.Cache.AssetCache(assetServer);
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:ChattelConfiguration"/> class.
 /// If the localStoragePath is null, empty, or references a folder that doesn't exist or doesn't have write access, the local storage of assets will be disabled.
 /// The assetServer parameter allows you to specify a single upstream server for assets to be set to or read from.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="localStoragePath">Local storage folder path. Folder must exist or caching will be disabled.</param>
 /// <param name="writeCachePath">Path to the write cache file.</param>
 /// <param name="writeCacheRecordCount">Number of entries in the write cache file to support.</param>
 /// <param name="assetServer">Singular upstream server.</param>
 public ChattelConfiguration(string localStoragePath, string writeCachePath, uint writeCacheRecordCount, IAssetServer assetServer)
     : this(localStoragePath, writeCachePath, writeCacheRecordCount, assetServer != null ? new List <List <IAssetServer> > {
     new List <IAssetServer> {
 } : null)
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Chattel.ChattelConfiguration"/> class with a singular upstream server.
 /// Use this when you don't want to cache any assets locally. However, bw warned: you'll have no automatic recovery if there's a process termination during or before the asset gets uploaded to the remote server.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="assetServer">Singular upstream server.</param>
 public ChattelConfiguration(IAssetServer assetServer)
     : this(null, null, 0, assetServer)
예제 #18
 public void Initialise(ConfigSettings cs, IAssetServer server)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #19
        public void Initialize(ConfigSettings settings)
            IConfig stratusConfig = settings.SettingsFile["InWorldz.Data.Assets.Stratus"];

            if (stratusConfig != null && stratusConfig.GetBoolean("enabled", true))
                Config.Settings.Instance.Enabled       = true;
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFSupport     = stratusConfig.GetBoolean("CFSupport", true);
                Config.Settings.Instance.LegacySupport = stratusConfig.GetBoolean("LegacySupport", false);
                Config.Settings.Instance.WhipURL       = stratusConfig.GetString("WhipURL", null);
                Config.Settings.Instance.UseAsyncStore = stratusConfig.GetBoolean("UseAsyncStore", false);

                if (Config.Settings.Instance.LegacySupport == true && Config.Settings.Instance.WhipURL == null)
                    //not allowed, we need a whip URL
                    throw new Exception("To enable stratus legacy asset support, you must include the WhipURL setting");

                //used for testing. should be disabled except for unit tests
                Config.Settings.Instance.UnitTest_ThrowTimeout = false;
                Config.Settings.Instance.UnitTest_DeleteOldCacheFilesImmediately = false;

                Config.Settings.Instance.CFDefaultRegion   = stratusConfig.GetString("CFDefaultRegion", null);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFUsername        = stratusConfig.GetString("CFUsername", null);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFApiKey          = stratusConfig.GetString("CFAPIKey", null);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFContainerPrefix = stratusConfig.GetString("CFContainerPrefix", null);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFWorkerThreads   = stratusConfig.GetInt("CFWorkerThreads", 8);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFUseInternalURL  = stratusConfig.GetBoolean("CFUseInternalURL", true);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFUseCache        = stratusConfig.GetBoolean("CFUseCache", true);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFCacheSize       = stratusConfig.GetInt("CFCacheSize", 20 * 1024 * 1024);

                if (Config.Settings.Instance.CFSupport == true &&
                    (Config.Settings.Instance.CFUsername == null || Config.Settings.Instance.CFApiKey == null ||
                     Config.Settings.Instance.CFContainerPrefix == null || Config.Settings.Instance.CFDefaultRegion == null))
                    //not allowed, we need the full cloudfiles auth information
                    throw new Exception("To enable stratus Cloud Files support, you must include the CFDefaultRegion, CFUsername, CFAPIKey, and CFContainerPrefix settings");

                Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget = stratusConfig.GetString("WriteTarget", null);
                if (Config.Settings.Instance.CFSupport && Config.Settings.Instance.LegacySupport && Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget == null)
                    throw new Exception("If both legacy and Cloud Files support is enabled, you must specify 'whip' or 'cf' in the WriteTarget setting");

                Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget = Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget.ToLower();

                m_log.InfoFormat("[InWorldz.Stratus] Plugin is enabled");

                if (Config.Settings.Instance.LegacySupport)
                    _whipAssetClient = new Whip.Client.AssetClient(Config.Settings.Instance.WhipURL);

                    if (Config.Settings.Instance.CFSupport)
                        //legacy and CF support.
                        _firstReadServer = _whipAssetClient; //whip is the first read server with legacy/cf since it has lower latency
                        if (Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget == "whip")
                            _writeServer = _whipAssetClient;
                        //just legacy
                        _firstReadServer = _whipAssetClient;
                        _writeServer     = _whipAssetClient;

                if (Config.Settings.Instance.CFSupport)
                    _cfAssetClient = new CloudFilesAssetClient();

                    if (Config.Settings.Instance.LegacySupport)
                        _secondReadServer = _cfAssetClient; //cf is the second read server when whip is enabled

                        //legacy and CF support
                        if (Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget == "cf")
                            _writeServer = _cfAssetClient;
                        _firstReadServer = _cfAssetClient; //first read server when only CF is enabled

                        //just CF
                        _writeServer = _cfAssetClient;

                if (_secondReadServer != null)
                Config.Settings.Instance.Enabled = false;
                m_log.InfoFormat("[InWorldz.Stratus] Plugin is disabled");
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempt to instantiate an IAssetCache implementation, using the
 /// provided IAssetServer reference.
 /// An asset cache implementation must provide a constructor that
 /// accepts two parameters;
 ///   [1] A ConfigSettings reference.
 ///   [2] An IAssetServer reference.
 /// The AssetCache value is obtained from the
 /// [StartUp]/AssetCache value in the configuration file.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual IAssetCache ResolveAssetCache(IAssetServer assetServer)
     return(new Framework.Communications.Cache.AssetCache(assetServer));
예제 #21
 public AssetCachePluginInitializer (ConfigSettings p_sv, IAssetServer p_as)
     config = p_sv;
     server = p_as;
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initialises the asset cache. This supports legacy configuration values
        ///     to ensure consistent operation, but values outside of that namespace
        ///     are handled by the more generic resolution mechanism provided by 
        ///     the ResolveAssetServer virtual method. If extended resolution fails, 
        ///     then the normal default action is taken.
        ///     Creation of the AssetCache is handled by ResolveAssetCache. This
        ///     function accepts a reference to the instantiated AssetServer and
        ///     returns an IAssetCache implementation, if possible. This is a virtual
        ///     method.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void InitialiseAssetCache()
            LegacyAssetClientPluginInitialiser linit = null;
            CryptoAssetClientPluginInitialiser cinit = null;
            AssetClientPluginInitialiser init = null;

            IAssetServer assetServer = null;
            string mode = m_configSettings.AssetStorage;

            if (mode == null | mode == String.Empty)
                mode = "default";

            // If "default" is specified, then the value is adjusted
            // according to whether or not the server is running in
            // standalone mode.
            if (mode.ToLower() == "default")
                if (m_configSettings.Standalone == false)
                    mode = "grid";
                    mode = "local";

            switch (mode.ToLower())
                // If grid is specified then the grid server is chose regardless 
                // of whether the server is standalone.
                case "grid":
                    linit = new LegacyAssetClientPluginInitialiser(m_configSettings, m_networkServersInfo.AssetURL);
                    assetServer = loadAssetServer("Grid", linit);

                // If cryptogrid is specified then the cryptogrid server is chose regardless 
                // of whether the server is standalone.
                case "cryptogrid":
                    cinit = new CryptoAssetClientPluginInitialiser(m_configSettings, m_networkServersInfo.AssetURL,                                                   Environment.CurrentDirectory, true);
                    assetServer = loadAssetServer("Crypto", cinit);

                // If cryptogrid_eou is specified then the cryptogrid_eou server is chose regardless 
                // of whether the server is standalone.
                case "cryptogrid_eou":
                    cinit = new CryptoAssetClientPluginInitialiser(m_configSettings, m_networkServersInfo.AssetURL,                                                   Environment.CurrentDirectory, false);
                    assetServer = loadAssetServer("Crypto", cinit);

                // If file is specified then the file server is chose regardless 
                // of whether the server is standalone.
                case "file":
                    linit = new LegacyAssetClientPluginInitialiser(m_configSettings, m_networkServersInfo.AssetURL);
                    assetServer = loadAssetServer("File", linit);

                // If local is specified then we're going to use the local SQL server
                // implementation. We drop through, because that will be the fallback
                // for the following default clause too.
                case "local":

                // If the asset_database value is none of the previously mentioned strings, then we
                // try to load a turnkey plugin that matches this value. If not we drop through to 
                // a local default.
                        init = new AssetClientPluginInitialiser(m_configSettings);
                        assetServer = loadAssetServer(m_configSettings.AssetStorage, init);

                    m_log.Info("[OpenSim Base]: Default assetserver will be used");                

            // Open the local SQL-based database asset server
            if (assetServer == null)
                init = new AssetClientPluginInitialiser(m_configSettings);
                SQLAssetServer sqlAssetServer = (SQLAssetServer) loadAssetServer("SQL", init);
                assetServer = sqlAssetServer;

            // Initialize the asset cache, passing a reference to the selected
            // asset server interface.
            m_assetCache = ResolveAssetCache(assetServer);
예제 #23
        public override void Initialize(IPlugin plugin)
            IAssetServer p = plugin as IAssetServer;

예제 #24
        public void Initialize(ConfigSettings settings)
            IConfig stratusConfig = settings.SettingsFile["InWorldz.Data.Assets.Stratus"];
            if (stratusConfig != null && stratusConfig.GetBoolean("enabled", true))
                Config.Settings.Instance.Enabled = true;
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFSupport = stratusConfig.GetBoolean("CFSupport", true);
                Config.Settings.Instance.LegacySupport = stratusConfig.GetBoolean("LegacySupport", false);
                Config.Settings.Instance.WhipURL = stratusConfig.GetString("WhipURL", null);

                if (Config.Settings.Instance.LegacySupport == true && Config.Settings.Instance.WhipURL == null)
                    //not allowed, we need a whip URL
                    throw new Exception("To enable stratus legacy asset support, you must include the WhipURL setting");

                //used for testing. should be disabled except for unit tests
                Config.Settings.Instance.UnitTest_ThrowTimeout = false;
                Config.Settings.Instance.UnitTest_DeleteOldCacheFilesImmediately = false;

                Config.Settings.Instance.CFDefaultRegion = stratusConfig.GetString("CFDefaultRegion", null);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFUsername = stratusConfig.GetString("CFUsername", null);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFApiKey = stratusConfig.GetString("CFAPIKey", null);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFContainerPrefix = stratusConfig.GetString("CFContainerPrefix", null);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFWorkerThreads = stratusConfig.GetInt("CFWorkerThreads", 8);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFUseInternalURL = stratusConfig.GetBoolean("CFUseInternalURL", true);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFUseCache = stratusConfig.GetBoolean("CFUseCache", true);
                Config.Settings.Instance.CFCacheSize = stratusConfig.GetInt("CFCacheSize", 20 * 1024 * 1024);

                if (Config.Settings.Instance.CFSupport == true && 
                    (Config.Settings.Instance.CFUsername == null || Config.Settings.Instance.CFApiKey == null || 
                    Config.Settings.Instance.CFContainerPrefix == null || Config.Settings.Instance.CFDefaultRegion == null))
                    //not allowed, we need the full cloudfiles auth information
                    throw new Exception("To enable stratus Cloud Files support, you must include the CFDefaultRegion, CFUsername, CFAPIKey, and CFContainerPrefix settings");

                Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget = stratusConfig.GetString("WriteTarget", null);
                if (Config.Settings.Instance.CFSupport && Config.Settings.Instance.LegacySupport && Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget == null)
                    throw new Exception("If both legacy and Cloud Files support is enabled, you must specify 'whip' or 'cf' in the WriteTarget setting");

                Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget = Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget.ToLower();

                m_log.InfoFormat("[InWorldz.Stratus] Plugin is enabled");

                if (Config.Settings.Instance.LegacySupport)
                    _whipAssetClient = new Whip.Client.AssetClient(Config.Settings.Instance.WhipURL);

                    if (Config.Settings.Instance.CFSupport)
                        //legacy and CF support.
                        _firstReadServer = _whipAssetClient; //whip is the first read server with legacy/cf since it has lower latency
                        if (Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget == "whip")
                            _writeServer = _whipAssetClient;
                        //just legacy
                        _firstReadServer = _whipAssetClient;
                        _writeServer = _whipAssetClient;

                if (Config.Settings.Instance.CFSupport)
                    _cfAssetClient = new CloudFilesAssetClient();
                    if (Config.Settings.Instance.LegacySupport)
                        _secondReadServer = _cfAssetClient; //cf is the second read server when whip is enabled

                        //legacy and CF support
                        if (Config.Settings.Instance.WriteTarget == "cf")
                            _writeServer = _cfAssetClient;
                        _firstReadServer = _cfAssetClient; //first read server when only CF is enabled

                        //just CF
                        _writeServer = _cfAssetClient;

                if (_secondReadServer != null) _secondReadServer.SetReceiver(this);
                Config.Settings.Instance.Enabled = false;
                m_log.InfoFormat("[InWorldz.Stratus] Plugin is disabled");
예제 #25
 public AssetCachePluginInitializer(ConfigSettings p_sv, IAssetServer p_as)
     config = p_sv;
     server = p_as;
예제 #26
 public void Initialise(ConfigSettings cs, IAssetServer server)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Chattel.ChattelConfiguration"/> class with both local storage and a singular upstream server.
 /// Not recommended: with no write cache file you'll have no automatic recovery if there's a process termination during or before the asset gets uploaded to the remote server.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="localStoragePath">Local storage path.</param>
 /// <param name="assetServer">Singular upstream server.</param>
 public ChattelConfiguration(string localStoragePath, IAssetServer assetServer)
     : this(localStoragePath, null, 0, assetServer)
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="assetServer"></param>
 public AssetCache(IAssetServer assetServer)
     _negativeCache = new LRUCache <UUID, DateTime>(NEGATIVE_CACHE_SIZE);
     ProviderRegistry.Instance.RegisterInterface <IAssetCache>(this);
예제 #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempt to instantiate an IAssetCache implementation, using the
 /// provided IAssetServer reference.
 /// An asset cache implementation must provide a constructor that
 /// accepts two parameters;
 ///   [1] A ConfigSettings reference.
 ///   [2] An IAssetServer reference.
 /// The AssetCache value is obtained from the 
 /// [StartUp]/AssetCache value in the configuration file.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual IAssetCache ResolveAssetCache(IAssetServer assetServer)
     return new Framework.Communications.Cache.AssetCache(assetServer);
예제 #30
 public virtual void Initialise()
     //load the dlls
     this.AssetServer = this.LoadAssetDll(this.AssetDll);
     this.GridServer = this.LoadGridDll(this.GridDll);