예제 #1
        public async Task Subscribe(string endpointName, Action <IRoutableMessage> MessageHandler, Func <Exception, Task> ErrorHandler)
            // Get the subscription information from the endpointName setting in the configuration file
            IApplicationSecretsConnectionStrings subscriber = _applicationSecrets.Secret(endpointName);
            string connectionString = subscriber.Value;

            string topicName        = subscriber[Topic];
            string subscriptionName = subscriber[Subscription];

            string path     = EntityNameHelper.FormatSubscriptionPath(topicName, subscriptionName);
            var    receiver = new MessageReceiver(connectionString, path);

                async(message, cancellationToken) =>
                await receiver.CompleteAsync(message.SystemProperties.LockToken);
                string body          = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Body);
                IRoutableMessage msg = body.MessageFromBus();
                new MessageHandlerOptions(e => ErrorHandler(e.Exception))
                AutoComplete       = false,
                MaxConcurrentCalls = 2
예제 #2
        public static bool RefreshConfigurationFromCache(this IRedisCache cache, IApplicationSecrets secrets, IConfigurationRoot configuration)
            if (!Initialized)
                // Get the information about what cache values we need refreshed into configuration
                IApplicationSecretsConnectionStrings TimedCacheRefresh = secrets.Secret("TimedCacheRefresh");
                if (TimedCacheRefresh != null)
                    // Use the "TimedCacheRefresh" secret to get the list of cache keys that need to be auto-refreshed
                    // and placed into the contiguration. This allows the application to read cache values just like
                    // regular configuration settings in "appsettings.json". The "Value" for this secret contains
                    // an array of cache keys that must be refreshed periodically.
                    string[] keys = TimedCacheRefresh.Value.Split(',');

                    // The MetadataProperties "RefreshPeriodMinutes" contains the refresh period for the cache keys
                    string RefreshPeriodMinutes = TimedCacheRefresh["RefreshPeriodMinutes"];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RefreshPeriodMinutes))
                        int minutes = int.Parse(RefreshPeriodMinutes);

                        // Start the thread that will read the cache every N minutes
                        Task task = new Task(() => LaunchTimedRefresh(cache, keys, minutes, configuration));

                        // Wait for the thread to read all cache keys for the first time before continuing
                        Initialized = true;

        protected BlobContainerClient GetContainerClient()
            // Uses the IApplicationSecrets interface to retrieve all the data related to the secret "BlobStorage"  
            IApplicationSecretsConnectionStrings secret = _applicationSecrets.Secret("BlobStorage");
            string blobConnectionString = secret.Value;
            string containerName = secret[ContainerName];

            // Create a BlobServiceClient object which will be used to get a container 
            BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(blobConnectionString);

            // Get the container containing the blob
            BlobContainerClient containerClient = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(containerName);
            return (containerClient);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the application entry point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal async Task Run()
            $"Application Started at {DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}".TraceInformation();

            _InitialConfiguration.TraceInformation("Dumping InitialConfiguration");
            _ApplicationSecrets.TraceInformation("Dumping ApplicationSecrets");

            // Demonstrate how to get at any connection string
            string FileLoggerConnectionString = _ApplicationSecrets.ConnectionString("FileLogger");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileLoggerConnectionString))
                FileLoggerConnectionString.TraceInformation("FileLogger connection string value");

                // Demonstrate how to get ENTIRE secret, including description and metadata
                IApplicationSecretsConnectionStrings FileLoggerSecret = _ApplicationSecrets.Secret("FileLogger");
                if (FileLoggerSecret != null)
                    FileLoggerSecret.TraceInformation("FileLogger ENTIRE secret");

                    if (FileLoggerSecret.MetaDataProperties != null)
                        foreach (SecretMetaData metaData in FileLoggerSecret.MetaDataProperties)

            // Display the JWT token that was read from Redis Cache
            string JWT = _Configuration["ONIT_JWT"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(JWT))
                JWT.TraceInformation("JWT token from cache");
                "No JWT token was found".TraceInformation();

            $"Application Ended at {DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}".TraceInformation();

            Console.WriteLine("PRESS <ENTER> TO EXIT");
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// The appsettings section "ApplicationSecrets" contains all connection string and sensitive information.
        /// To hide this information from source control and to allow individual developers to have their own settings
        /// we copy the section "ApplicationSecrets" into the secrets.json file for local development.
        /// In production this value will come from KeyVault. This method reads the appropriate values
        /// can generates the final IApplicationSecrets that will be used at runtime.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">IConfigurationRoot</param>
        /// <param name="applicationSetupConfiguration">IApplicationSetupConfiguration</param>
        /// <returns>IApplicationSecrets containing contents of the "ApplicationSecrets" section of configuration</returns>
        public static IApplicationSecrets InitializeApplicationSecrets(IConfigurationRoot configuration, IApplicationSetupConfiguration applicationSetupConfiguration)
            ApplicationSecrets retVal = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationSetupConfiguration.KeyVaultKey))
                    string mySecret = configuration[applicationSetupConfiguration.KeyVaultKey];
                    string decoded  = Base64Decode(mySecret);

                    JObject jo  = JObject.Parse(decoded);
                    string  val = jo.Properties().First(x => x.Name == ApplicationSecretsSectionName).Value.ToString();
                    retVal = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ApplicationSecrets>(val);
            catch (Exception Err)

            // Bind the local configuration properties to the properties in the ApplicationSecrets object
            IConfigurationSection myConfiguration = configuration.GetSection(ApplicationSecretsSectionName);
            ApplicationSecrets    localSecrets    = new ApplicationSecrets();


            // If the local configuration contains secrets that were not present in KeyVault, then include them
            if (retVal != null)
                foreach (ApplicationSecretsConnectionStrings nextSecret in localSecrets.ConnectionStrings)
                    // Try to find the local secret name in the KeyVault version. If not found in KeyVault, then insert it
                    // into final merge.
                    IApplicationSecretsConnectionStrings found = retVal.Secret(nextSecret.Name);
                    if (found == null)
                retVal = localSecrets;

예제 #6
        public async Task Publish(IRoutableMessage message)
                // Get the connection string from the destination address in the message
                IApplicationSecretsConnectionStrings publisher = _applicationSecrets.Secret(message.Recipient);

                // Create a sender for the topic
                string  topicName         = publisher[Topic];
                string  connectionString  = publisher.Value;
                Message serviceBusMessage = new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message.ToString()));

                ISenderClient topicClient = new TopicClient(connectionString, topicName);
                await topicClient.SendAsync(serviceBusMessage);
            catch (Exception e)