public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMovieRole(MovieRole movieRole) { var userId = int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value); if (await appRepository.GetMovieRoleByParams(movieRole.MovieId, movieRole.ArtistId, movieRole.RoleTypeId) != null || await appRepository.GetMovieRoleByParams(movieRole.MovieId, movieRole.ArtistId, movieRole.RoleTypeId, userId) != null) { return(BadRequest("The movie role already exists")); } var artist = await appRepository.GetArtist(movieRole.ArtistId); if (artist == null) { artist = await appRepository.GetArtist(movieRole.ArtistId, userId); } if (artist == null) { return(BadRequest("The artist does not exist")); } movieRole.Artist = artist; movieRole.IsArtistApproved = artist.IsApproved; var movie = await appRepository.GetMovie(movieRole.MovieId); if (movie == null) { movie = await appRepository.GetMovie(movieRole.MovieId, userId); } if (movie == null) { return(BadRequest("The movie does not exist")); } movieRole.Movie = movie; movieRole.IsMovieApproved = movie.IsApproved; var roleType = await appRepository.GetRoleType(movieRole.RoleTypeId); if (roleType == null) { return(BadRequest("The role type does not exist")); } appRepository.Add(movieRole); if (await appRepository.SaveAll()) { var activity = new MovieRoleActivityLog(); activity.RoleDescription = movieRole.RoleDescription; activity.AddedByUserId = userId; activity.MovieRoleId = movieRole.Id; appRepository.Add(activity); if (await appRepository.SaveAll()) { return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMovieRole", new { id = movieRole.Id }, movieRole)); } return(BadRequest("Unable to Add Movie Role")); } return(BadRequest("Unable to Add Movie Role")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddGroup([FromForm] GroupModel model) { try { if (this.ValidRoleForAction(_context, _auth, new string[] { "Editor" })) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { PhotoUploadCloudinary upload = new PhotoUploadCloudinary(_cloudinaryConfig); Photo photo = upload.Upload(model.Photo); Group item = new Group { Name = model.Name, FacultyId = model.FacultyId, LessonEndDate = model.LessonEndDate, LessonStartDate = model.LessonStartDate, LessonHourId = model.LessonHourId, LessonStatusId = 1, Photo = photo, RoomId = model.RoomId }; Teacher teacher = await _context.GetByIdAsync <Teacher>(x => x.Id == model.TeacherId); if (teacher != null) { TeacherGroup teacherGroup = new TeacherGroup { Group = item, Teacher = teacher }; await _context.Add(teacherGroup); } await _context.Add(item); if (await _context.SaveAll()) { return(Ok(item)); } } return(BadRequest("Model is not valid")); } return(Forbid()); } catch (Exception ex) { var arguments = this.GetBaseData(_context, _auth); _logger.LogException(ex, arguments.Email, arguments.Path); return(BadRequest($"{ex.GetType().Name} was thrown.")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddArtistPhoto(int artistId, [FromForm] PhotoForUploadDTO photoForUploadDTO) { var artist = await appRepository.GetArtist(artistId); var userId = int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value); if (artist == null) { artist = await appRepository.GetArtist(artistId, userId); } if (artist == null) { return(BadRequest("Artist does not exist")); } if (photoForUploadDTO.File.Length > 10 * 1024 * 1024) { return(BadRequest("Max file size should be 10 MB.")); } using (var stream = photoForUploadDTO.File.OpenReadStream()) { if (!IsImage(stream)) { return(BadRequest("The file " + photoForUploadDTO.File.FileName + " is not an image!")); } } var photo = await UploadPhoto(photoForUploadDTO.File); if (photo == null) { return(BadRequest("Unable to upload photo")); } var artistPhoto = new ArtistPhoto(); if (artist.IsApproved) { artistPhoto.IsArtistApproved = true; } artistPhoto.Artist = artist; artistPhoto.ArtistId = artist.Id; artistPhoto.Photo = photo; artistPhoto.PhotoId = photo.Id; appRepository.Add(artistPhoto); if (await appRepository.SaveAll()) { return(CreatedAtRoute("GetArtistPhoto", new{ artistId = artist.Id, photoId = photo.Id }, artistPhoto)); } return(BadRequest("Unable to add photo")); }
public bool UpdateSysPreferences(SysPrefsModel updateSysPrefsModel) { bool updated = false; if (updateSysPrefsModel.SysPrefs.SysPrefsId > 0) { // it means that there was a record in the database. var recsUpdated = _SysPrefsRepo.Update(updateSysPrefsModel.SysPrefs); updated = (recsUpdated == 1); } else { // it means that there was a record in the database. var recIsUpdated = _SysPrefsRepo.Add(updateSysPrefsModel.SysPrefs) > 0; updated = recIsUpdated; } // run this update regardless if (updateSysPrefsModel.WooSettings.WooSettingsId > 0) { // it means that there was a record in the database. var recsUpdated = _WooSettingsRepo.Update(updateSysPrefsModel.WooSettings); updated = updated && (recsUpdated == 1); } else { // it means that there was a record in the database. var recIsUpdated = _WooSettingsRepo.Add(updateSysPrefsModel.WooSettings) > 0; updated = updated && recIsUpdated; } return(updated); }
public ActionResult AddCity([FromBody] City city) { _repository.Add(city); _repository.SaveAll(); return(Ok(city)); }
public Task <bool> Handle(RegistrarNovoAppCommand message, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { #region Basic Validation if (!message.IsValid()) { NotifyValidationErrors(message); return(Task.FromResult(false)); } #endregion #region Others Validations if (_appRepository.ObterPorNome(message.ClienteId, message.Nome) != null) { _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification(message.MessageType, "Já existe um app com este nome")); } #endregion var app = new App(message.Id, message.TipoAppId, message.ClienteId, message.Nome, message.DataCadastro, message.Descrição); _appRepository.Add(app); if (Commit()) { _bus.RaiseEvent(new RegistrarNovoAppEvent()); } return(Task.FromResult(true)); }
public IActionResult AddRecourse([FromBody] RecourseRequest req) { string profilePictureUrl = null; string result = Regex.Replace(req.url, "^data:image/[a-zA-Z]+;base64,", string.Empty); if (req.url != null) { profilePictureUrl = $"images/{req.studentId.ToString()}_{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}.jpg"; var profilePictureFilePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot", profilePictureUrl); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(profilePictureFilePath, Convert.FromBase64String(result)); } if (profilePictureUrl != null) { var addRecourse = new Recourse() { studentId = req.studentId, isApproved = 0, url = profilePictureUrl, date = DateTime.Now }; _appRepository.Add(addRecourse); return(Ok(_appRepository.SaveAll())); } return(StatusCode(400)); }
public ActionResult CompanyAdd([FromBody] CompanyRequest company) { string profilePictureUrl = null; string result = Regex.Replace(company.logoUrl, "^data:image/[a-zA-Z]+;base64,", string.Empty); if (company.logoUrl != null) { profilePictureUrl = $"images/{}_{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}.jpg"; var profilePictureFilePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot", profilePictureUrl); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(profilePictureFilePath, Convert.FromBase64String(result)); } var createCompany = new Company() { personelCount = company.personelCount, telephone = company.telephone, address = company.address, logoUrl = profilePictureUrl, mail = company.mail, name = }; _appRepository.Add(createCompany); _appRepository.SaveAll(); _appRepository.setCompanyId(company.userId,; _appRepository.SaveAll(); return(Ok(createCompany)); }
public async Task <HomeDto> Handle(Command request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if ((await _appRepo.Search(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == request.Name.ToUpper())) != null) { throw new RestException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new { Name = "Care Home exists." }); } var newHomeDto = new HomeDto() { Name = request.Name, City = request.City, Address = request.Address, Email = request.Email, Rating = request.Rating }; _appRepo.Add(_mapper.Map <Homes>(newHomeDto)); if (await _appRepo.SaveAllAsync()) { return(newHomeDto); } throw new Exception("Problem saving new Care Home"); }
public ActionResult Add([FromBody] City city) { //test _appRepository.Add(city); _appRepository.SaveAll(); return(Ok(city)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto) { var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId); if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value)) { return(Unauthorized()); } messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId; var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId); if (recipient == null) { return(BadRequest("Could not find user")); } var message = _mapper.Map <Message1>(messageForCreationDto); _repo.Add(message); if (await _repo.SaveAll()) { var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { userId, id = message.Id }, messageToReturn)); } throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateGroup([FromBody] GroupForCreateDto groupForCreateDto) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var groupToCreate = new Grupo { Cidade = groupForCreateDto.Cidade, Estado = groupForCreateDto.Estado, CodigoUsuarioLider = groupForCreateDto.CodigoUsuarioLider, Descricao = groupForCreateDto.Descricao, Nivel = groupForCreateDto.Nivel, Nome = groupForCreateDto.Nome, QuantidadeMembrosAtual = groupForCreateDto.QuantidadeMembrosAtual, QuantidadeMembrosMaxima = groupForCreateDto.QuantidadeMembrosMaxima, Fotos = groupForCreateDto.Fotos }; _repo.Add <Grupo>(groupToCreate); if (await _repo.SaveAll()) { return(StatusCode(201)); } return(BadRequest("Falha ao criar grupo")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> LikeUser(int id, int recipientId) { if (id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value)) { return(Unauthorized()); } var like = await _repo.GetLike(id, recipientId); if (like != null) { return(BadRequest("You already like this user")); } if (await _repo.GetUser(recipientId) == null) { return(NotFound()); } like = new Like { LikerId = id, LikeeId = recipientId }; _repo.Add <Like>(like); if (await _repo.SaveAll()) { return(Ok()); } return(BadRequest("Failed to like user")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Add([FromForm] LessonStatusModel model) { try { if (this.ValidRoleForAction(_context, _auth, new string[] { "Admin" })) { bool saved; if (ModelState.IsValid) { LessonStatus item = new LessonStatus { Name = model.Name, }; await _context.Add(item); saved = await _context.SaveAll(); if (saved == true) { return(Ok(item)); } } return(BadRequest("Model is not valid")); } return(Forbid()); } catch (Exception ex) { var arguments = this.GetBaseData(_context, _auth); _logger.LogException(ex, arguments.Email, arguments.Path); return(BadRequest($"{ex.GetType().Name} was thrown.")); } }
public ActionResult Add([FromBody] City city) { _appRepository.Add(city); //Unit of Work Desing Pattern _appRepository.SaveAll(); return(Ok(city)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateRoleType(RoleType roleType) { appRepository.Add(roleType); if (await appRepository.SaveAll()) { return(CreatedAtRoute("GetRoleType", new { id = roleType.Id }, roleType)); } return(BadRequest("Unable to Add Role Type")); }
private async Task AddGitHubAppsNotInRepository() { App[] newGitHubApps = _gitHubAppsByName.Values.Where(app => !_repositoryAppsByName.ContainsKey(app.Name)).ToArray(); foreach (App app in newGitHubApps) { await _appRepository.Add(app); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateOrder(Order orderToCreate) { _appRepo.Add(orderToCreate); if (await _appRepo.SaveAll()) { return(Ok("Order succsessfully created")); } return(BadRequest("Problem creating order")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddTool(Tool toolToCreate) { _appRepo.Add(toolToCreate); if (await _appRepo.SaveAll()) { return(Ok("Tool succsessfully added")); } return(BadRequest("Problem adding tool")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddWorkLog(InsertWorkLogDto workLogDto) { var WorkLog = _mapper.Map <Model.WorkLog>(workLogDto); _repo.Add(WorkLog); var result = await _repo.SaveAll(); return(Ok(result)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register([FromBody] MusteriRegisterDto musteriRegisterDto) { if (await _authRepository.UserExists(musteriRegisterDto.TCKN)) { ModelState.AddModelError("UserExist", "Username already exists"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } int myRandomNo; while (true) { Random rnd = new Random(); myRandomNo = rnd.Next(10000000, 99999999); if (!UniqueHesapNo(myRandomNo.ToString())) { break; } } Musteri musteri = new Musteri { Ad = musteriRegisterDto.Ad, Soyad = musteriRegisterDto.Soyad, TCKN = musteriRegisterDto.TCKN, Sifre = musteriRegisterDto.Sifre, Adres = musteriRegisterDto.Adres, EPosta = musteriRegisterDto.EPosta, TelNo = musteriRegisterDto.TelNo, }; var remusteri = await _authRepository.Register(musteri); if (remusteri == null) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } Hesap hesap = new Hesap { AktiflikDurumu = true, BakiyeBilgi = 0, EkNo = 1000, HesapNo = myRandomNo.ToString(), Musteri = musteri, TCKN = musteri.TCKN }; _appRepository.Add(hesap); if (!_appRepository.SaveAll()) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } return(StatusCode(201)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMovie(Movie movie) { var userId = int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value); appRepository.Add(movie); if (await appRepository.SaveAll()) { var activity = mapper.Map <MovieActivityLog>(movie); activity.MovieId = movie.Id; activity.AddedByUserId = userId; appRepository.Add(activity); if (await appRepository.SaveAll()) { return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMovie", new { id = movie.Id }, movie)); } return(BadRequest("Unable to Add Movie")); } return(BadRequest("Unable to Add Movie")); }
public void Add(App model) { var entity = AppFactory.Create(model); _appFileRepository.Add(entity.File); model.File.Id = entity.Id; _appRepository.Add(entity); model.Id = entity.Id; }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddProduct(ProductToAddDto productToAddDto) { var warehouse = await _warehouserepo.GetWarehouse(productToAddDto.WarehouseId); if (warehouse == null) { return(BadRequest("No warehouse by this Id")); } if (!await _warehouserepo.ZoneExists(warehouse.WarehouseId, productToAddDto.ZoneId)) { return(BadRequest("Provided zone does not exist in this warehouse")); } //здесь добавить проверку на то, осталось ли достаточно места на складе. //Если да - вернуть зону, в котрую пометсить продукт var user = await _authrepo.GetUser(productToAddDto.Username, UserTypes.Renter); if (user == null) { return(BadRequest("User does not exist")); } var productToCreate = _mapper.Map <Product>(productToAddDto); productToCreate.UserId = user.UserId; _apprepo.Add(productToCreate); if (!await _apprepo.SaveAll()) { return(BadRequest("Problem adding product")); } ProductInWarehouse piw = new ProductInWarehouse(warehouse.WarehouseId, productToCreate.ProductId, productToAddDto.ZoneId); _apprepo.Add(piw); if (await _apprepo.SaveAll()) { return(Ok(piw)); } return(BadRequest("Problem adding product")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateArtist(Artist artist) { var userId = int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value); appRepository.Add(artist); if (await appRepository.SaveAll()) { var activity = mapper.Map <ArtistActivityLog>(artist); activity.ArtistId = artist.Id; activity.AddedByUserId = userId; appRepository.Add(activity); if (await appRepository.SaveAll()) { return(CreatedAtRoute("GetArtist", new { id = artist.Id }, artist)); } return(BadRequest("Unable to Add Artist")); } return(BadRequest("Unable to Add Artist")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddQualification(QualDto qualDto) { var qual = _mapper.Map <Qualification>(qualDto); _appRepository.Add(qual); await _unitOfWork.SaveAll(); return(Ok(qual)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Add([FromForm] LeftNavItemModel model) { try { if (this.ValidRoleForAction(_context, _auth, new string[] { "Admin" })) { bool saved; if (ModelState.IsValid) { PhotoUploadCloudinary upload = new PhotoUploadCloudinary(_cloudinaryConfig); Photo photo = upload.Upload(model.Photo); LeftNavItem item = new LeftNavItem { Name = model.Name, RouterLink = model.RouterLink, IconClassname = model.IconClassname, IsVisible = model.IsVisible, Photo = photo }; await _context.Add(photo); await _context.Add(item); saved = await _context.SaveAll(); if (saved == true) { return(Ok(item)); } } return(BadRequest("Model is not valid")); } return(Forbid()); } catch (Exception ex) { var arguments = this.GetBaseData(_context, _auth); _logger.LogException(ex, arguments.Email, arguments.Path); return(BadRequest($"{ex.GetType().Name} was thrown.")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddStaff(StaffDto staffDto) { var staff = _mapper.Map <Staff>(staffDto); _appRepository.Add(staff); await _unitOfWork.SaveAll(); return(Ok(staff)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateEmpoyee(EmployeeToCreateDto EmployeeToCreate) { var EmployeeToCreateRepo = _mapper.Map <Model.Employee>(EmployeeToCreate); _repo.Add(EmployeeToCreateRepo); var result = await _repo.SaveAll(); return(Ok(result)); }
public ActionResult Add_Work([FromBody] Work work) { work.userId = 2;// TODO: İşlevsellik sağlanacak work.terminDate = Utils.GetTerminDate(work.coefficient); work.finishStatus = (int)helperEnum.finishStatus.notStart; work.workStatus = (int)helperEnum.workStatus.notStart; _appRepository.Add(work); _appRepository.SaveAll(); return(Ok(work)); }