예제 #1
        public void Add(IssueSeverityType type, string text, object tag)
            if (type != IssueSeverityType.None)
                // Check if ParentNode has an Application, IssueObjectType and IssueObjectId defined or
                // it's not possible to add to the IssueList. Give an exception!
                if (ParentNode.Application == null ||
                    ParentNode.IssueObjectType == null ||
                    ParentNode.IssueObjectId == null)
                    throw new Exception("You may not create any Issues to a IssueNode that doesn't have Application, IssueObjectType and IssueObjectId set!");

                // Check if issue exist already
                Issue currentIssue = analyzeService.FindIssue(ParentNode.Application.Id, (IssueObjectType)ParentNode.IssueObjectType, ParentNode.IssueObjectId, GetTitle(), text);

                if (currentIssue != null)
                    // Set the tag and the severity type
                    currentIssue.Tag      = tag;
                    currentIssue.Severity = type;

                    // Save Issue
                    // Create the new Issue
                    currentIssue             = new Issue();
                    currentIssue.Application = ParentNode.Application;
                    currentIssue.ObjectType  = (IssueObjectType)ParentNode.IssueObjectType;
                    currentIssue.ObjectId    = ParentNode.IssueObjectId;
                    currentIssue.Severity    = type;
                    currentIssue.Tag         = tag;
                    currentIssue.Text        = text;
                    currentIssue.Title       = GetTitle();
                    currentIssue.Hidden      = false;

                    // Save the Issue

                // Add the found or created issue to the list.