// Token: 0x060008B4 RID: 2228 RVA: 0x00029BAC File Offset: 0x00027DAC internal static void FollowBestPractices(ITaskOutputHelper output, IAmCluster cluster) { if (string.Empty != cluster.CnoName) { using (IAmClusterGroup amClusterGroup = cluster.FindCoreClusterGroup()) { using (IAmClusterResource amClusterResource = amClusterGroup.FindResourceByTypeName("Network Name")) { output.AppendLogMessage("Setting the DNS TTL to 300", new object[0]); amClusterResource.SetPrivateProperty <int>("HostRecordTTL", 300); } } } }
// Token: 0x060008AD RID: 2221 RVA: 0x000296B0 File Offset: 0x000278B0 private static void SetFswSharePath(ITaskOutputHelper output, IAmCluster cluster, IAmClusterResource fsw, string fswShare) { try { fsw.OfflineResource(); fsw.SetPrivateProperty <string>("SharePath", fswShare); fsw.OnlineResource(); } catch (ClusterException ex) { Win32Exception ex2 = null; if (ex.TryGetTypedInnerException(out ex2)) { output.AppendLogMessage("SetFswSharePath() caught an AmClusterApiException with errorcode={0} and NativeErrorCode={1}. ex = {2}", new object[] { ex2.ErrorCode, ex2.NativeErrorCode, ex2 }); if (ex2.NativeErrorCode == 5) { string text = cluster.CnoName; if (text == string.Empty) { using (IAmClusterGroup amClusterGroup = cluster.FindCoreClusterGroup()) { if (amClusterGroup != null && amClusterGroup.OwnerNode != null) { text = amClusterGroup.OwnerNode.NetbiosName; } } } output.WriteErrorSimple(new DagTaskFswNeedsCnoPermissionException(fswShare, text)); } } throw; } }