private IEnumerator CheckAllPins(IAlignmentManager alignMgr)
            for (int i = 0; i < pinData.Length; ++i)
                alignMgr.AddAlignmentAnchor(pinData[i].name, pinData[i].virtualPose, pinData[i].lockedPose);

            for (int i = 0; i < pinData.Length; ++i)
                int nextIdx = (i + 1) % pinData.Length;
                CheckAlignment(alignMgr, pinData[i].virtualPose.position, pinData[i].lockedPose.position);
                               (pinData[i].virtualPose.position + pinData[nextIdx].virtualPose.position) * 0.5f,
                               (pinData[i].lockedPose.position + pinData[nextIdx].virtualPose.position) * 0.5f);

            for (int i = 0; i < pinData.Length - 3; ++i)
                int j = (i + 1) % pinData.Length;
                int k = (j + 1) % pinData.Length;
                               (pinData[i].virtualPose.position + pinData[j].virtualPose.position + pinData[k].virtualPose.position) / 3.0f,
                               (pinData[i].lockedPose.position + pinData[j].lockedPose.position + pinData[k].virtualPose.position) / 3.0f);


            yield return(null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Accept the rotation as computed by the IOrienter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mgr">The alignment manager which needs to receive the updated Pose.</param>
 /// <param name="lockedRotation">The new world locked rotation to adopt.</param>
 public void PushRotation(IAlignmentManager mgr, Quaternion lockedRotation)
     /// Append the modeling pose rotation. This will cancel out when computing the
     /// pinnedFromLocked transform, so that the computed rotation gets applied as is.
     LockedPose = new Pose(LockedPose.position, lockedRotation * ModelingPose.rotation);
        private WorldLockingManager()

            /// It might look nicer to pull these off into internal setup functions,
            /// but by leaving them in the constructor, these fields can be marked "readonly",
            /// which they conceptually are.
            if (Core.Plugin.HasEngine())
                Plugin = new Plugin();
                Plugin = new PluginNoop();

            headPoseTracker = new HeadPoseTrackerCamera();
            /// This should never fail. It's a null-manager.
            anchorManager = AnchorManagerNull.TryCreate(Plugin, headPoseTracker);
            Debug.Assert(anchorManager != null, "Null manager creation should never fail");

            var fm = new FragmentManager(Plugin);

            fragmentManager        = fm;
            attachmentPointManager = fm;
            /// Note the alignmentManager accesses the FragmentManager in its constructor
            /// to register for refit notifications. Either FragmentManager needs to be fully
            /// setup before constructing AlignmentManager, or that registration needs to be deferred.
            alignmentManager = new AlignmentManager(this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjust to refit operations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mainId">The new combined fragment.</param>
        /// <param name="absorbedIds">Id's of other fragments being merged into mainId.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This callback occurs *after* the refit operation. As part of the refit,
        /// positions of the managed SpacePinOrientables may have changed, and therefore
        /// their implied orientations must be re-calculated.
        /// Note that there is an apparent race condition, as there is no order guarantee on
        /// the order of refit notifications, and the AlignmentManager also relies on the
        /// refit notification to adjust after refit operations.
        /// However, both the Orienter and the AlignmentManager rely only on the positions
        /// having been set, which was accomplished during the refit and before the refit
        /// notification. So it really doesn't matter whether the Orienter.OnRefit or the
        /// AlignmentManager.OnRefit is called first.
        /// </remarks>
        private void OnRefit(FragmentId mainId, FragmentId[] absorbedIds)
            IAlignmentManager alignMgr = WorldLockingManager.GetInstance().AlignmentManager;

            Reorient(mainId, alignMgr);
예제 #5
        private void CheckAlignment(IAlignmentManager alignMgr, Pose virtualPose, Pose lockedPose)
            WorldLockingManager mgr = WorldLockingManager.GetInstance();

            alignMgr.ComputePinnedPose(new Pose(lockedPose.position, Quaternion.identity));
            Pose pinnedFromLocked  = alignMgr.PinnedFromLocked;
            Pose frozenFromLocked  = mgr.FrozenFromPinned.Multiply(pinnedFromLocked);
            Pose lockedFromFrozen  = frozenFromLocked.Inverse();
            Pose computedLocked    = lockedFromFrozen.Multiply(virtualPose);
            bool areEqualPositions = computedLocked.position == lockedPose.position;

            Assert.IsTrue(areEqualPositions, $"clp={computedLocked.position.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" lpp={lockedPose.position.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" vpp={virtualPose.position.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" FfP={mgr.FrozenFromPinned.position.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" PfL={pinnedFromLocked.position.ToString("F3")}"
            bool areEqualRotatons = computedLocked.rotation == lockedPose.rotation;

            Assert.IsTrue(areEqualRotatons, $"clr={computedLocked.rotation.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $"lpr={lockedPose.rotation.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" FfP={mgr.FrozenFromPinned.position.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" PfL={pinnedFromLocked.position.ToString("F3")}"
예제 #6
 private void VerifyAlignment(IAlignmentManager alignMgr, PinData[] pinData)
     for (int i = 0; i < pinData.Length; ++i)
         CheckAlignment(alignMgr, pinData[i].virtualPose, pinData[i].lockedPose);
        /// <summary>
        /// Notify the manager that all necessary updates have been submitted and
        /// are ready for processing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mgr"></param>
        protected void SendAlignmentData(IAlignmentManager mgr)


 /// <summary>
 /// Apply the computed rotations to the orientables.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mgr">The alignment manager.</param>
 /// <returns>True on success.</returns>
 private bool SetRotations(IAlignmentManager mgr)
     for (int i = 0; i < actives.Count; ++i)
         actives[i].orientable.PushRotation(mgr, actives[i].rotation);
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Communicate the data from this point to the alignment manager.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mgr"></param>
 protected void PushAlignmentData(IAlignmentManager mgr)
     if (PinActive)
     AnchorId = mgr.AddAlignmentAnchor(AnchorName, ModelingPoseGlobal, lockedPose);
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Accept the rotation as computed by the IOrienter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mgr">The alignment manager which needs to receive the updated Pose.</param>
 /// <param name="lockedRotation">The new world locked rotation to adopt.</param>
 public void PushRotation(IAlignmentManager mgr, Quaternion lockedRotation)
     //Debug.Log($"PushRotation {name}: mgr={(mgr == WorldLockingManager.GetInstance().AlignmentManager ? "global" : "local")}");
     /// Append the modeling pose rotation. This will cancel out when computing the
     /// pinnedFromLocked transform, so that the computed rotation gets applied as is.
     LockedPose = new Pose(LockedPose.position, lockedRotation * ModelingPoseGlobal.rotation);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Notify the manager that all necessary updates have been submitted and
        /// are ready for processing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mgr"></param>
        protected void SendAlignmentData(IAlignmentManager mgr)


예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Communicate the data from this point to the alignment manager.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mgr"></param>
 protected void PushAlignmentData(IAlignmentManager mgr)
     DebugLogExtra($"F{Time.frameCount} Push: {name}: MPG={ModelingPoseGlobal.ToString("F3")} GfP={GlobalFromParent.ToString("F3")} R={restorePoseLocal.ToString("F3")} MPP={WorldLockingManager.GetInstance().PinnedFromFrozen.Multiply(ModelingPoseGlobal)}");
     if (PinActive)
     AnchorId = mgr.AddAlignmentAnchor(AnchorName, ModelingPoseGlobal, lockedPose);
        /// <summary>
        /// Record the locked pose and push data to the manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lockedPose"></param>
        public virtual void SetLockedPose(Pose lockedPose)
            this.lockedPose = lockedPose;

            IAlignmentManager mgr = manager.AlignmentManager;


예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjust to refit operations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mainId">The new combined fragment.</param>
        /// <param name="absorbedIds">Id's of other fragments being merged into mainId.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This callback occurs *after* the refit operation. As part of the refit,
        /// positions of the managed SpacePinOrientables may have changed, and therefore
        /// their implied orientations must be re-calculated.
        /// Note that there is an apparent race condition, as there is no order guarantee on
        /// the order of refit notifications, and the AlignmentManager also relies on the
        /// refit notification to adjust after refit operations.
        /// However, both the Orienter and the AlignmentManager rely only on the positions
        /// having been set, which was accomplished during the refit and before the refit
        /// notification. So it really doesn't matter whether the Orienter.OnRefit or the
        /// AlignmentManager.OnRefit is called first.
        /// </remarks>
        private void OnRefit(FragmentId mainId, FragmentId[] absorbedIds)
            /// Use the last alignment manager used. If none, use the wlt manager's current alignment manager.
            IAlignmentManager alignMgr = cachedAlignmentManager;

            if (alignMgr == null)
                alignMgr = WorldLockingManager.GetInstance().AlignmentManager;
            Reorient(mainId, alignMgr);
        private void VerifyAlignment(IAlignmentManager alignMgr, PinData[] pinData)
            for (int i = 0; i < pinData.Length; ++i)
                          + $" vp={pinData[i].virtualPose.position.ToString("F3")}"
                          + $" lp={pinData[i].lockedPose.position.ToString("F3")}"

                CheckAlignment(alignMgr, pinData[i].virtualPose, pinData[i].lockedPose);
예제 #16
 private void VerifyAlignmentIdentity(IAlignmentManager alignMgr, PinData[] pinData)
     for (int i = 0; i < pinData.Length; ++i)
         alignMgr.ComputePinnedPose(new Pose(pinData[i].lockedPose.position, Quaternion.identity));
         Pose pinnedFromLocked   = alignMgr.PinnedFromLocked;
         bool isIdentityPosition = pinnedFromLocked.position ==;
         bool isIdentityRotation = pinnedFromLocked.rotation == Quaternion.identity;
예제 #17
 private void SetAlignmentManager(IAlignmentManager manager)
     if (alignmentManager != null)
         alignmentManager.OnTriangulationBuilt -= OnNewTriangulationWasBuilt;
     alignmentManager = manager;
     if (alignmentManager != null)
         alignmentManager.OnTriangulationBuilt += OnNewTriangulationWasBuilt;
        private void CheckAlignment(IAlignmentManager alignMgr, Vector3 virtualPos, Vector3 lockedPos)
            WorldLockingManager mgr = WorldLockingManager.GetInstance();

            alignMgr.ComputePinnedPose(new Pose(lockedPos, Quaternion.identity));
            Pose    pinnedFromLocked = alignMgr.PinnedFromLocked;
            Pose    frozenFromLocked = mgr.FrozenFromPinned.Multiply(pinnedFromLocked);
            Pose    lockedFromFrozen = frozenFromLocked.Inverse();
            Vector3 computedLocked   = lockedFromFrozen.Multiply(virtualPos);
            bool    areEqual         = computedLocked == lockedPos;

            Assert.IsTrue(areEqual, $"c={computedLocked.ToString("F3")} l={lockedPos.ToString("F3")}");
 /// <inheritdocs />
 public void Reorient(FragmentId fragmentId, IAlignmentManager mgr)
     if (!InitRotations(fragmentId))
     if (!ComputeRotations())
     if (!SetRotations(mgr))
        private IEnumerator CheckSinglePin(IAlignmentManager alignMgr, int pinIdx)
            var id0 = alignMgr.AddAlignmentAnchor(pinData[pinIdx].name, pinData[pinIdx].virtualPose, pinData[pinIdx].lockedPose);


            yield return(null);

            CheckAlignment(alignMgr, pinData[pinIdx].virtualPose.position, pinData[pinIdx].lockedPose.position);

            CheckAlignment(alignMgr, pinData[pinIdx].virtualPose.position + new Vector3(1.0f, 0, 0), pinData[pinIdx].lockedPose.position + new Vector3(1.0f, 0, 0));


            yield return(null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Override of base SetLockedPose to allow insertion of the computation of rotation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lockedPose">The new pose in world locked space.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Note that base class implementation is not invoked here, but rather this override
        /// performs the same steps but with additional computations (for the rotation)
        /// interleaved.
        /// </remarks>
        public override void SetLockedPose(Pose lockedPose)
            this.LockedPose = lockedPose;

            /// World locked space pose is meaningless outside the context of the current fragment.
            /// Record that fragment id now.
            /// Note that fragment id may change in the course of refit operations, but that's
            /// okay because the locked pose will be world locked then too.
            if (EnsureRegistered())
                IAlignmentManager mgr = Manager.AlignmentManager;

                Debug.Assert(Orienter != null, "Registration with orienter should not succeed with null orienter.");
                Orienter.Reorient(FragmentId, mgr);

예제 #22
        public IEnumerator SaveLoadTestSpacePinOrientable()
            GameObject rig = loadHelper.LoadBasicSceneRig();

            GameObject[]         gos  = new GameObject[pinData.Length];
            SpacePinOrientable[] spos = new SpacePinOrientable[pinData.Length];

            Quaternion rotThirty = Quaternion.AngleAxis(30.0f, new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

            GameObject orienterGO = new GameObject("Orienter");
            IOrienter  orienter   = orienterGO.AddComponent <Orienter>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pinData.Length; ++i)
                gos[i]           = new GameObject("GOs_" + i.ToString());
                spos[i]          = gos[i].AddComponent <SpacePinOrientable>();
                spos[i].Orienter = orienter;
            /// Wait for their Start's to be called.
            yield return(null);

            for (int i = 0; i < spos.Length; ++i)
                Vector3 rotPosition = rotThirty * pinData[i].virtualPose.position;
            yield return(null);

            IAlignmentManager alignMgr = WorldLockingManager.GetInstance().AlignmentManager;

            /// This is an arbitrary position, not actually one of the pinned positions currently.
            alignMgr.ComputePinnedPose(new Pose(pinData[0].lockedPose.position, Quaternion.identity));
            Quaternion rot      = Quaternion.Inverse(alignMgr.PinnedFromLocked.rotation);
            bool       isThirty = rot == rotThirty;



            yield return(null);
        private WorldLockingManager()

            /// It might look nicer to pull these off into internal setup functions,
            /// but by leaving them in the constructor, these fields can be marked "readonly",
            /// which they conceptually are.
            Plugin = new Plugin();
            var am = new AnchorManager(Plugin);

            anchorManager = am;
            var fm = new FragmentManager(Plugin);

            fragmentManager        = fm;
            attachmentPointManager = fm;
            /// Note the alignmentManager accesses the FragmentManager in its constructor
            /// to register for refit notifications. Either FragmentManager needs to be fully
            /// setup before constructing AlignmentManager, or that registration needs to be deferred.
            alignmentManager = new AlignmentManager(this);
        private IEnumerator CheckDualPins(IAlignmentManager alignMgr, int pinIdx0, int pinIdx1)
            alignMgr.AddAlignmentAnchor(pinData[pinIdx0].name, pinData[pinIdx0].virtualPose, pinData[pinIdx0].lockedPose);
            alignMgr.AddAlignmentAnchor(pinData[pinIdx1].name, pinData[pinIdx1].virtualPose, pinData[pinIdx1].lockedPose);

            yield return(null);

            CheckAlignment(alignMgr, pinData[pinIdx0].virtualPose.position, pinData[pinIdx0].lockedPose.position);

            CheckAlignment(alignMgr, pinData[pinIdx1].virtualPose.position, pinData[pinIdx1].lockedPose.position);

                           (pinData[pinIdx0].virtualPose.position + pinData[pinIdx1].virtualPose.position) * 0.5f,
                           (pinData[pinIdx0].lockedPose.position + pinData[pinIdx1].lockedPose.position) * 0.5f);


            yield return(null);
예제 #25
        public IEnumerator SaveLoadTestSaveThenLoad()
            GameObject          rig    = loadHelper.LoadBasicSceneRig();
            WorldLockingManager wltMgr = WorldLockingManager.GetInstance();
            var settings = wltMgr.Settings;

            settings.AutoLoad = false;
            settings.AutoSave = false;
            wltMgr.Settings   = settings;

            IAlignmentManager alignMgr = wltMgr.AlignmentManager;


            // Verify alignment is identity
            VerifyAlignmentIdentity(alignMgr, pinData);

            // Add pins
            for (int i = 0; i < pinData.Length; ++i)
                pinData[i].anchorId = alignMgr.AddAlignmentAnchor(pinData[i].name, pinData[i].virtualPose, pinData[i].lockedPose);

            yield return(null);

            // Verify alignment at pins
            VerifyAlignment(alignMgr, pinData);

            // Save

            yield return(null);

            // Verify alignment at pins, saving should be non-destructive.
            VerifyAlignment(alignMgr, pinData);

            // Clear

            yield return(null);

            // Verify alignment is identity
            VerifyAlignmentIdentity(alignMgr, pinData);

            // Load

            yield return(null);

            for (int i = 0; i < pinData.Length; ++i)
                pinData[i].anchorId = alignMgr.RestoreAlignmentAnchor(pinData[i].name, pinData[i].virtualPose);

            yield return(null);

            // Verify alignment at pins, load should have restored them.
            VerifyAlignment(alignMgr, pinData);


            yield return(null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Accept the rotation as computed by the IOrienter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mgr">The alignment manager which needs to receive the updated Pose.</param>
 /// <param name="lockedRotation">The new world locked rotation to adopt.</param>
 public void PushRotation(IAlignmentManager mgr, Quaternion lockedRotation)
     LockedPose = new Pose(LockedPose.position, lockedRotation);