예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ChartingInsightManagerExtension"/> class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance. This is only used for adding the charts
        /// to the algorithm. We purposefully do not save a reference to avoid potentially inconsistent reads</param>
        /// <param name="statisticsManager">Statistics manager used to access mean population scores for charting</param>
        public ChartingInsightManagerExtension(IAlgorithm algorithm, StatisticsInsightManagerExtension statisticsManager)
            _statisticsManager = statisticsManager;
            _liveMode          = algorithm.LiveMode;

            // chart for average scores over sample period
            var scoreChart = new Chart("Alpha");

            foreach (var scoreType in InsightManager.ScoreTypes)
                var series = new Series($"{scoreType} Score", SeriesType.Line, "%");
                _insightScoreSeriesByScoreType[scoreType] = series;

            // chart for insight count over sample period
            var insightCount = new Chart("Insight Count");


            // removing this for now, not sure best way to display this data
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes the manager at the end of the time step.
        /// Samples and plots insight counts and population score.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frontierTimeUtc">The current frontier time utc</param>
        public void Step(DateTime frontierTimeUtc)
            // Only add our charts to the algorithm when we actually have an insight
            // We will still update our internal charts anyways, but this keeps Alpha charts out of
            // algorithms that don't use the framework.
            if (!_chartsAdded && _dailyInsightCount > 0)

                _chartsAdded = true;

            // sample insight/symbol counts each utc day change
            if (frontierTimeUtc.Date > _lastInsightCountSampleDateUtc)
                _lastInsightCountSampleDateUtc = frontierTimeUtc.Date;

                // add sum of daily insight counts to the total insight count series
                _totalInsightCountSeries.AddPoint(frontierTimeUtc.Date, _dailyInsightCount);

                // Create the pie chart every minute or so
                PopulateChartWithSeriesPerSymbol(_totalInsightCountPerSymbol, _totalInsightCountPerSymbolChart, SeriesType.Treemap, frontierTimeUtc);

                // Resetting our storage
                _dailyInsightCount = 0;

            // sample average population scores
            if (frontierTimeUtc >= _nextChartSampleAlgorithmTimeUtc)
                    // verify these scores have been computed before taking the first sample
                    if (_statisticsManager.RollingAverageIsReady)
                        // sample the rolling averaged population scores
                        foreach (var scoreType in InsightManager.ScoreTypes)
                            var score = 100 * _statisticsManager.Statistics.RollingAveragedPopulationScore.GetScore(scoreType);
                            _insightScoreSeriesByScoreType[scoreType].AddPoint(frontierTimeUtc, score.SafeDecimalCast());
                        _nextChartSampleAlgorithmTimeUtc = frontierTimeUtc + SampleInterval;
                catch (Exception err)
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes this alpha handler to accept alphas from the specified algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job">The algorithm job</param>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="messagingHandler">Handler used for sending alphas</param>
        /// <param name="api">Api instance</param>
        public virtual void Initialize(AlgorithmNodePacket job, IAlgorithm algorithm, IMessagingHandler messagingHandler, IApi api)
            // initializing these properties just in case, doens't hurt to have them populated
            Job                      = job;
            Algorithm                = algorithm;
            _messagingHandler        = messagingHandler;
            _isNotFrameworkAlgorithm = !algorithm.IsFrameworkAlgorithm;
            if (_isNotFrameworkAlgorithm)

            AlphaManager      = CreateAlphaManager();
            RuntimeStatistics = new AlphaRuntimeStatistics();

            // wire events to update runtime statistics at key moments in alpha life cycle (new/period end/analysis end)
            AlphaManager.AlphaReceived          += (sender, context) => StatisticsUpdater.OnAlphaReceived(RuntimeStatistics, context);
            AlphaManager.AlphaClosed            += (sender, context) => StatisticsUpdater.OnAlphaClosed(RuntimeStatistics, context);
            AlphaManager.AlphaAnalysisCompleted += (sender, context) => StatisticsUpdater.OnAlphaAnalysisCompleted(RuntimeStatistics, context);

            algorithm.AlphasGenerated += (algo, collection) => OnAlphasGenerated(collection);

            // chart for average scores over sample period
            var scoreChart = new Chart("Alpha");

            foreach (var scoreType in ScoreTypes)
                var series = new Series($"{scoreType} Score", SeriesType.Line, "%");
                _alphaScoreSeriesByScoreType[scoreType] = series;

            // chart for prediction count over sample period
            var predictionCount = new Chart("Alpha Count");


            // removing this for now, not sure best way to display this data
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a Chart object to algorithm collection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chart">Chart object to add to collection.</param>
 public void AddChart(Chart chart) => _baseAlgorithm.AddChart(chart);