public BoundAggregatedValue(ValueSlot output, AggregateSymbol aggregate, IAggregatable aggregatable, BoundExpression argument) { Output = output; Aggregate = aggregate; Aggregatable = aggregatable; Argument = argument; }
public ExperimentalProteoform(string accession, IAggregatable root, bool is_target) : base(accession) { quant = new QuantitativeProteoformValues(this); this.root = root; this.is_target = is_target; }
public ExperimentalProteoform(string accession, ExperimentalProteoform temp, List <IAggregatable> candidate_observations, bool is_target, bool neucode_labeled) : base(accession) //this is for first mass of aggregate components. uses a temporary component { if (neucode_labeled) { NeuCodePair ncRoot = new NeuCodePair(); ncRoot.weighted_monoisotopic_mass = temp.agg_mass; ncRoot.intensity_sum = temp.agg_intensity; ncRoot.rt_apex = temp.agg_rt; ncRoot.lysine_count = temp.lysine_count; this.root = ncRoot; this.aggregated.AddRange(candidate_observations.Where(p => includes(p, this.root))); this.calculate_properties(); this.root = this.aggregated.OrderByDescending(a => a.intensity_sum).FirstOrDefault(); //reset root to component with max intensity } else { Component cRoot = new Component(); cRoot.weighted_monoisotopic_mass = temp.agg_mass; cRoot.intensity_sum = temp.agg_intensity; cRoot.rt_apex = temp.agg_rt; this.root = cRoot; this.aggregated.AddRange(candidate_observations.Where(p => includes(p, this.root))); calculate_properties(); this.root = this.aggregated.OrderByDescending(a => a.intensity_sum).FirstOrDefault(); //reset root to component with max intensity } }
public void AggregateTest() { IAggregatable duck = DuckTyping.Aggregate <IAggregatable>(new AggregateClass1(), new AggregateClass2()); Assert.IsNotNull(duck); Assert.AreEqual(1, duck.Method1()); Assert.AreEqual(2, duck.Method2()); // It is still possible to get access // to an interface of an underlying object. // IClass2 cls2 = DuckTyping.Implement <IClass2>(duck); Assert.IsNotNull(cls2); Assert.AreEqual(2, cls2.Method2()); // Even to switch from one aggregated object to another // IClass1 cls1 = DuckTyping.Implement <IClass1>(cls2); Assert.IsNotNull(cls1); Assert.AreEqual(1, cls1.Method1()); Assert.AreEqual(3, cls1.Method3()); }
public void aggregate() { ExperimentalProteoform temp_pf = new ExperimentalProteoform("tbd", root, new List <IAggregatable>(Sweet.lollipop.remaining_to_aggregate), true); //first pass returns temporary proteoform ExperimentalProteoform new_pf = new ExperimentalProteoform("tbd", temp_pf, new List <IAggregatable>(Sweet.lollipop.remaining_to_aggregate), true, Sweet.lollipop.neucode_labeled); //second pass uses temporary protoeform from first pass. copy_aggregate(new_pf); //doesn't copy quant on purpose root = temp_pf.root; //maintain the original component root }
public AvgAggregatable(IAggregatable sumAggregatable, IAggregatable countAggregatable, Expression <object> divisionExpression, VariableSymbol sumArgument, VariableSymbol countArgument) { _sumAggregatable = sumAggregatable; _countAggregatable = countAggregatable; _divisionExpression = divisionExpression; _sumArgument = sumArgument; _countArgument = countArgument; }
public ExperimentalProteoform(string accession, IAggregatable root, List <IAggregatable> candidate_observations, bool is_target) : base(accession) { quant = new QuantitativeProteoformValues(this); this.root = root; this.aggregated.AddRange(candidate_observations.Where(p => this.includes(p, this.root))); this.calculate_properties(); this.root = this.aggregated.OrderByDescending(a => a.intensity_sum).FirstOrDefault(); }
public BoundAggregateExpression Update(AggregateSymbol aggregate, IAggregatable aggregatable, BoundExpression argument) { if (aggregate == Symbol && aggregatable == Aggregatable && argument == Argument) { return(this); } return(new BoundAggregateExpression(aggregate, aggregatable, argument)); }
public void choose_next_agg_component() { Component c = new Component(); Component d = new Component(); Component e = new Component(); Component f = new Component(); c.weighted_monoisotopic_mass = 100; d.weighted_monoisotopic_mass = 119; e.weighted_monoisotopic_mass = 121; f.weighted_monoisotopic_mass = 122; c.intensity_sum = 1; d.intensity_sum = 2; e.intensity_sum = 3; f.intensity_sum = 4; List <IAggregatable> ordered = new List <IAggregatable> { c, d, e, f }.OrderByDescending(cc => cc.intensity_sum).ToList(); Component is_running = new Component(); is_running.weighted_monoisotopic_mass = 100; is_running.intensity_sum = 100; //Based on components List <IAggregatable> active = new List <IAggregatable> { is_running }; IAggregatable next = Sweet.lollipop.find_next_root(ordered, active); Assert.True(Math.Abs(next.weighted_monoisotopic_mass - is_running.weighted_monoisotopic_mass) > 2 * (double)Sweet.lollipop.maximum_missed_monos); Assert.AreEqual(4, next.intensity_sum); //Based on experimental proteoforms ExperimentalProteoform exp = ConstructorsForTesting.ExperimentalProteoform("E"); exp.root = is_running; List <ExperimentalProteoform> active2 = new List <ExperimentalProteoform> { exp }; IAggregatable next2 = Sweet.lollipop.find_next_root(ordered, active2); Assert.True(Math.Abs(next.weighted_monoisotopic_mass - is_running.weighted_monoisotopic_mass) > 2 * (double)Sweet.lollipop.maximum_missed_monos); Assert.AreEqual(4, next.intensity_sum); }
public string find_manual_inspection_component(IEnumerable <IAggregatable> components) { IAggregatable intense = components.OrderByDescending(c => c.intensity_sum).FirstOrDefault(); if (intense == null) { return(""); } ChargeState intense_cs = intense.charge_states.OrderByDescending(c => c.intensity).FirstOrDefault(); if (intense_cs == null) { return(""); } return("File: " + intense.input_file.filename + "; Scan Range: " + intense.min_scan + "-" + intense.max_scan + "; Charge State m/z (+" + intense_cs.charge_count.ToString() + "): " + intense_cs.mz_centroid + "; RT (min): " + intense.rt_apex); }
private void copy_aggregate(ExperimentalProteoform e) { root = e.root; //doesn't copy quant on purpose agg_intensity = e.agg_intensity; agg_mass = e.agg_mass; modified_mass = e.modified_mass; agg_rt = e.agg_rt; lysine_count = e.lysine_count; is_target = e.is_target; family =; aggregated = new List <IAggregatable>(e.aggregated); lt_quant_components = new List <Component>(e.lt_quant_components); lt_verification_components = new List <Component>(e.lt_verification_components); hv_quant_components = new List <Component>(e.hv_quant_components); hv_verification_components = new List <Component>(e.hv_verification_components); biorepIntensityList = new List <BiorepIntensity>(e.biorepIntensityList); manual_validation_id = e.manual_validation_id; manual_validation_verification = e.manual_validation_verification; manual_validation_quant = e.manual_validation_quant; }
public BoundAggregatedValue Update(ValueSlot output, AggregateSymbol aggregate, IAggregatable aggregatable, BoundExpression argument) { if (output == Output && aggregate == Aggregate && aggregatable == Aggregatable && argument == Argument) { return(this); } return(new BoundAggregatedValue(output, aggregate, aggregatable, argument)); }
private bool tolerable_rt(IAggregatable candidate, double rt_apex) { return(candidate.rt_apex >= rt_apex - Sweet.lollipop.retention_time_tolerance && candidate.rt_apex <= rt_apex + Sweet.lollipop.retention_time_tolerance); }
//This aggregates based on lysine count, mass, and retention time all at the same time. Note that in the past we aggregated based on //lysine count first, and then aggregated based on mass and retention time afterwards, which may give a slightly different root for the //experimental proteoform because the precursor aggregation may shuffle the intensity order slightly. We haven't observed any negative //impact of this difference as of 160812. -AC public bool includes(IAggregatable candidate, IAggregatable root) { return(tolerable_rt(candidate, root.rt_apex) && tolerable_mass(candidate.weighted_monoisotopic_mass, root.weighted_monoisotopic_mass) && (candidate as NeuCodePair == null || tolerable_lysCt(candidate as NeuCodePair, (root as NeuCodePair).lysine_count))); }
public static ExperimentalProteoform ExperimentalProteoform(string accession, IAggregatable root, List <IAggregatable> candidate_observations, List <Component> quantitative_observations, bool is_target) { ExperimentalProteoform e = new ExperimentalProteoform(accession, root, is_target); e.aggregated.AddRange(candidate_observations.Where(p => e.includes(p, e.root))); e.calculate_properties(); if (quantitative_observations.Count > 0) { e.lt_quant_components.AddRange(quantitative_observations.Where(r => e.includes_neucode_component(r, e, true))); if (Sweet.lollipop.neucode_labeled) { e.hv_quant_components.AddRange(quantitative_observations.Where(r => e.includes_neucode_component(r, e, false))); } } e.root = e.aggregated.OrderByDescending(a => a.intensity_sum).FirstOrDefault(); return(e); }
public BoundAggregateExpression(AggregateSymbol aggregate, IAggregatable aggregatable, BoundExpression argument) { Symbol = aggregate; Aggregatable = aggregatable; Argument = argument; }