예제 #1
        public static double[] GetRICDifferenceAtTCA(string sat1Path, string sat2Path, string epochISOYMD)
            IAgStkObject primary, secondary;

                primary   = StkAssistant.Root.GetObjectFromPath(sat1Path);
                secondary = StkAssistant.Root.GetObjectFromPath(sat2Path);
            IAgDataProviderInfo dpInfo = primary.DataProviders["RIC Coordinates"];

            IAgDataProvider dataProvider = primary.DataProviders["RIC Coordinates"] as IAgDataProvider;

            dataProvider.PreData = secondary.Path.Replace(StkAssistant.Root.CurrentScenario.Path, "");
            IAgDataPrvTimeVar dpTimeVarying = dataProvider as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
            Array             elements      = new object[] { "Radial", "In-Track", "Cross-Track" };
            IAgDrResult       dpResult      = dpTimeVarying.ExecSingleElements(epochISOYMD, elements);

            double[] ric = new double[3];
            ric[0] = (double)dpResult.DataSets[0].GetValues().GetValue(0);
            ric[1] = (double)dpResult.DataSets[1].GetValues().GetValue(0);
            ric[2] = (double)dpResult.DataSets[2].GetValues().GetValue(0);

예제 #2
        public static double GetSatellitePerigee(string satPath, string dateISOYMD)
            IAgDataPrvTimeVar dpTimeVarying = GetClassicalElementsDP(satPath);
            Array             elements      = new object[] { "Perigee Radius" };
            IAgDrResult       dpResult      = dpTimeVarying.ExecSingleElements(dateISOYMD, elements);

            double perigee = (double)dpResult.DataSets.GetDataSetByName(elements.GetValue(0).ToString()).GetValues().GetValue(0);

예제 #3
        void Root_OnAnimUpdate(double timeEpSec)
            // Gather data and update the text boxes
            IAgDrResult result = m_accessProviderIntervals.ExecSingleElements(timeEpSec, ref m_dataProviderElements);

            if (result.Intervals.Count > 0)
                Array azimuth   = result.Intervals[0].DataSets.GetDataSetByName("Azimuth").GetValues();
                Array elevation = result.Intervals[0].DataSets.GetDataSetByName("Elevation").GetValues();

                SetResponseText(textBoxAzimuth, azimuth.GetValue(0).ToString());
                SetResponseText(textBoxElevation, elevation.GetValue(0).ToString());
                SetResponseText(textBoxAzimuth, "No Values");
                SetResponseText(textBoxElevation, "No Values");
예제 #4
        public void Orbit_generation()
            var format = new NumberFormatInfo();

            format.NegativeSign           = "-";
            format.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
            // planetodetic.Lat = Double.Parse(lat2[i], format);

            for (int i = 0; i < orbitmissioncount; i++)
                //debug infomation///////
                if (orbitdata[i].misnum == orbitdata[i].cod_id && orbitdata[i].used == 1 && orbitdata[i].efileused == false)
                    //generate the timeline file
                    TL_file_generator(orbitdata[i].name, orbitdata[i].name);

                    Console.Write("Misnum == cod_id\n");

                    Console.Write("Mission= " + orbitdata[i].name + "\n" + orbitdata[i].epoch + " " + orbitdata[i].epoch_time + " ");
                    Console.Write(orbitdata[i].sma + " " + orbitdata[i].ecc + " " + orbitdata[i].inc + " " + orbitdata[i].raan + " " + orbitdata[i].aop + " " + orbitdata[i].ma + "\n");

                    string centerbodyname;
                    if (orbitdata[i].centerbody == 1)
                        centerbodyname = "Earth";
                    else if (orbitdata[i].centerbody == 2)
                        centerbodyname = "Moon";
                        centerbodyname = "Earth";

                    // AGI.STKObjects.IAgSatellite sat = (IAgSatellite)m_oApplication.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AGI.STKObjects.AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, mission2[i]);

                        //create a new sat with the cod orbit details;
                        orbitdata[i].MisSat = (IAgSatellite)m_oApplication.CurrentScenario.Children.NewOnCentralBody(AGI.STKObjects.AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, orbitdata[i].name, centerbodyname);
                        //AGI.STKObjects.IAgSatellite sat = (IAgSatellite)m_oApplication.CurrentScenario.Children.NewOnCentralBody(AGI.STKObjects.AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, orbitdata[i].name, centerbodyname);
                        //sat already exists reset the scenario;
                    //disable the leading ground track
                    groundtrack_set(orbitdata[i].MisSat, groundtrack_displayed);

                    //set the propagator type to HPOP

                    //TODO update below code to use sat not hpop;
                    AGI.STKObjects.IAgVePropagatorHPOP hpop = (AGI.STKObjects.IAgVePropagatorHPOP)orbitdata[i].MisSat.Propagator;

                    IAgOrbitState orbit = hpop.InitialState.Representation;
                    //create the string to hold the missions epoch date & time
                    string cmb_epoch = orbitdata[i].epoch;
                    cmb_epoch += " ";
                    cmb_epoch += orbitdata[i].epoch_time;
                    DateTime epochDT = Convert.ToDateTime(orbitdata[i].epoch);
                    DateTime startDT = Convert.ToDateTime(orbitdata[i].start_date);
                    DateTime endDT;

                    if (orbitdata[i].endopt == 0)
                        endDT = startDT;
                        endDT = endDT.AddDays((double)orbitdata[i].duration);
                        orbitdata[i].end_time = orbitdata[i].start_time;
                        endDT = Convert.ToDateTime(orbitdata[i].end_date);

                    //hpop.ForceModel.EclipsingBodies.AssignEclipsingBody( centerbodyname);
                    //check the centerbody of the provided orbit data;
                    if (orbitdata[i].centerbody == 1)
                    {// centerbody == EARTH
                        Console.Write("centerbody2[i]) == 1 \n");
                        Console.Write("\n Centralbodyfile=" + hpop.ForceModel.CentralBodyGravity.File + "\n");

                        hpop.ForceModel.Drag.Use = false;
                        hpop.ForceModel.SolarRadiationPressure.Use = false;
                    else if (orbitdata[i].centerbody == 2)
                    {//CenterBody == Moon
                        Console.Write("centerbody2[i]) == 2 \n");
                        hpop.ForceModel.Drag.Use = false;
                        hpop.ForceModel.SolarRadiationPressure.Use = false;

                        Console.Write("\n Centralbodyfile=" + hpop.ForceModel.CentralBodyGravity.File + "\n");
                        //change gravity file for HPOP use with the moon
                        hpop.ForceModel.CentralBodyGravity.File = "STKData\\CentralBodies\\Moon\\LP100K.grv";
                    Console.Write("set epochtime = " + epochDT.ToString("dd MMM yyyy ") + orbitdata[i].epoch_time + "\n");
                    //set the epoch date/time from the orbit bin file
                    hpop.InitialState.Representation.Epoch = (epochDT.ToString("dd MMM yyyy ") + orbitdata[i].epoch_time);

                    Console.Write("set start/stop times = " + (startDT.ToString("dd MMM yyyy ") + orbitdata[i].start_time) + " / " + startDT.AddDays(1).ToString("dd MMM yyyy ") + "\n");
                    //only proagate the orbit 1 day from the start date/time to get the required data to convert to a Fixed coordnate system
                    hpop.EphemerisInterval.SetStartAndStopTimes((startDT.ToString("dd MMM yyyy ") + orbitdata[i].start_time), startDT.AddDays(1).ToString("dd MMM yyyy "));
                    //hpop.EphemerisInterval.SetStartAndStopTimes((startDT.ToString("dd MMM yyyy ") + orbitdata[i].start_time), (endDT.ToString("dd MMM yyyy ") + orbitdata[i].end_time));
                    hpop.InitialState.Representation.AssignClassical(AgECoordinateSystem.eCoordinateSystemJ2000, orbitdata[i].sma, orbitdata[i].ecc, orbitdata[i].inc, orbitdata[i].aop, orbitdata[i].raan, orbitdata[i].ma);

                    //check if the orbit is earth centered and that the
                    //     orbit start date is different from the Mission model date
                    if (orbitdata[i].centerbody == 1 && orbitdata[i].start_date != startdate)
                        Console.Write("Startdate != orbit_start date converting to Cartesian elements for fixed system" + "\n");

                        IAgStkObject sat = m_oApplication.CurrentScenario.Children[orbitdata[i].name];

                        // Get the satellite's ICRF cartesian position at 180 EpSec using the data provider interface
                        IAgDataProviderGroup dpGroup = sat.DataProviders["Cartesian Position"] as IAgDataProviderGroup;
                        Array elements = new object[] { "x", "y", "z" };
                        //***TODO*** find J2000 group instead of ICRF
                        IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = dpGroup.Group["ICRF"] as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

                        //get the elements at the start date/time of the orbit using in NPAS
                        IAgDrResult dpResult = dp.ExecSingleElements(hpop.StartTime, ref elements);

                        Console.Write("hpop.startTime=" + hpop.StartTime + "\n");

                        double xICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[0].GetValues().GetValue(0);
                        double yICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[1].GetValues().GetValue(0);
                        double zICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[2].GetValues().GetValue(0);

                        // Get the satellite's ICRF cartesian velocity at 180 EpSec using the data provider interface
                        dpGroup = sat.DataProviders["Cartesian Velocity"] as IAgDataProviderGroup;

                        //***TODO*** find J2000 group instead of ICRF
                        dp = dpGroup.Group["ICRF"] as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

                        //get the elements at the start date/time of the orbit using in NPAS
                        dpResult = dp.ExecSingleElements(hpop.StartTime, ref elements);

                        double xvelICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[0].GetValues().GetValue(0);
                        double yvelICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[1].GetValues().GetValue(0);
                        double zvelICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[2].GetValues().GetValue(0);

                        Console.Write("J2000 cartesian vectors\n");
                        Console.Write("X=" + xICRF + " Y=" + yICRF + " Z=" + zICRF + "\n");
                        Console.Write("Xd=" + xvelICRF + " Yd=" + yvelICRF + " Zd=" + zvelICRF + "\n");

                        // Create a position vector using the ICRF coordinates
                        IAgCrdnAxes         axesICRF   = sat.Vgt.WellKnownAxes.Earth.ICRF;
                        IAgCartesian3Vector vectorICRF = m_oApplication.ConversionUtility.NewCartesian3Vector();

                        vectorICRF.Set(xICRF, yICRF, zICRF);

                        // Create a velocity vector using the ICRF coordinates
                        IAgCartesian3Vector vectorvelICRF = m_oApplication.ConversionUtility.NewCartesian3Vector();
                        vectorvelICRF.Set(xvelICRF, yvelICRF, zvelICRF);

                        // Use the TransformWithRate method to transform ICRF to Fixed
                        IAgCrdnAxes axesFixed = sat.Vgt.WellKnownAxes.Earth.Fixed;
                        IAgCrdnAxesTransformWithRateResult result = axesICRF.TransformWithRate(hpop.StartTime, axesFixed, vectorICRF, vectorvelICRF);

                        // Get the Fixed position and velocity coordinates
                        double xFixed    = result.Vector.X;
                        double yFixed    = result.Vector.Y;
                        double zFixed    = result.Vector.Z;
                        double xvelFixed = result.Velocity.X;
                        double yvelFixed = result.Velocity.Y;
                        double zvelFixed = result.Velocity.Z;

                        Console.Write("converted cartesian vectors" + "\n");
                        Console.Write("X=" + xFixed + " Y=" + yFixed + " Z=" + zFixed + "\n");
                        Console.Write("Xd=" + xvelFixed + " Yd=" + yvelFixed + " Zd=" + zvelFixed + "\n");

                        DateTime start, stop;
                        start = Convert.ToDateTime(startdate);
                        stop  = Convert.ToDateTime(enddate);

                        //set the epoch and start date/time to the selected scenario date/time
                        hpop.InitialState.Representation.Epoch = (start.ToString("dd MMM yyyy "));
                        hpop.EphemerisInterval.SetStartAndStopTimes((start.ToString("dd MMM yyyy ")), (stop.ToString("dd MMM yyyy ")));

                        hpop.InitialState.Representation.AssignCartesian(AgECoordinateSystem.eCoordinateSystemFixed, xFixed, yFixed, zFixed, xvelFixed, yvelFixed, zvelFixed);

                        hpop.InitialState.Representation.Epoch = (start.ToString("dd MMM yyyy "));
                        hpop.EphemerisInterval.SetStartAndStopTimes((start.ToString("dd MMM yyyy ")), (stop.ToString("dd MMM yyyy ")));

                        //propagate new orbit

                    orbitdata[i].Missensor = generate_sensor(orbitdata[i].name, "Stations");
                    orbitdata[i].MisChain  = generate_chain(orbitdata[i].name, "Stations", orbitdata[i].name + "_sensor");
                else if (orbitdata[i].used == 1 && orbitdata[i].efileused == false)
                    //generate the missions timeline file inside the orignial cod mis name
                    //don't generate multiple orbits on top of each other;
                    TL_file_generator(orbitdata[i].name, missionindex[orbitdata[i].cod_id]);
                    orbitdata[i].MisChain = null;
                    Console.Write("Misnum != cod_id && orbitdata[i].used == 1 for " + orbitdata[i].name + "\n");
                else if (orbitdata[i].used == 1 && orbitdata[i].efileused == true)
                    TL_file_generator(orbitdata[i].name, missionindex[orbitdata[i].cod_id]);

                    orbitdata[i].MisSat = (IAgSatellite)m_oApplication.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AGI.STKObjects.AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, orbitdata[i].name);
                    //disable the leading ground track
                    groundtrack_set(orbitdata[i].MisSat, groundtrack_displayed);

                    //set the propagator type to STK E file

                    AGI.STKObjects.IAgVePropagatorStkExternal EFileProp = (AGI.STKObjects.IAgVePropagatorStkExternal)orbitdata[i].MisSat.Propagator;

                    //strip the file name from the entire director name;
                    EFileProp.Filename = (Efile_directory + orbitdata[i].efilename.Split('/').Last().ToString());
                    //propagate the efile orbit

                    //add new sensor to the current sat and change the sensor type to target
                    orbitdata[i].Missensor = generate_sensor(orbitdata[i].name, "Stations");

                    //add a new chain for the current sat
                    orbitdata[i].MisChain = generate_chain(orbitdata[i].name, "Stations", orbitdata[i].name + "_sensor");
                    orbitdata[i].MisChain = null;
                    Console.Write("Misnum != cod_id for " + orbitdata[i].name + "\n");