예제 #1
 public void GetAvailablePositions(HexBattale startingHex, int stepsLimit, IAdjacentFinder AdjFinder)
     for (step = 2; step <= stepsLimit; step++)
         initialHexes = GetNewInitialHexes();
         foreach (HexBattale hex in initialHexes)
             hex.isIncluded = true;
예제 #2
    List <BattleHex> initialHexes = new List <BattleHex>(); //collects neighbouring hexes for evaluated hex

    public void GetAvailablePositions(int stepsLimit,
                                      IAdjacentFinder AdjFinder, IInitialHexes getHexesToCheck)//looks for all positions available
        BattleHex startingHex = BattleController.currentAtacker.GetComponentInParent <BattleHex>();

        AdjFinder.GetAdjacentHexesExtended(startingHex);//looks for hexes adjacent to starting hex. Flying unit for now
        //runs iterations to find all positions available. steps=number of iterations
        for (step = 2; step <= stepsLimit; step++)
            initialHexes = getHexesToCheck.GetNewInitialHexes();//collects hexes ready for a new iteration
            foreach (BattleHex hex in initialHexes)
                AdjFinder.GetAdjacentHexesExtended(hex); // defines neighbouring hexes for each hex in the collection
                hex.isIncluded = true;                   //defines evaluated hex as available position
예제 #3
    List <BattleHex> initialHexes = new List <BattleHex>(); // recopila los hexes vecinos para el hex evaluado

    public void GetAvailablePositions(int stepsLimit,
                                      IAdjacentFinder AdjFinder, IInitialHexes getHexesToCheck)// busca todas las posiciones disponibles
        BattleHex startingHex = BattleController.currentAtacker.GetComponentInParent <BattleHex>();

        AdjFinder.GetAdjacentHexesExtended(startingHex);// busca hexágonos adyacentes al hex inicial. Unidad voladora por ahora
        // ejecuta iteraciones para encontrar todas las posiciones disponibles. pasos = número de iteraciones
        for (step = 2; step <= stepsLimit; step++)
            initialHexes = getHexesToCheck.GetNewInitialHexes();// recopila hexágonos listos para una nueva iteración
            foreach (BattleHex hex in initialHexes)
                AdjFinder.GetAdjacentHexesExtended(hex); // define los hexes vecinos para cada hex de la colección
                hex.isIncluded = true;                   // define el hexadecimal evaluado como posición disponible
예제 #4
    internal void MatchPath()
        targetHex = BattleController.targetToMove;

        int steps = targetHex.distanceText.distanceFromStartingPosition;

        for (int i = steps; i > 1;)
            targetHex = nextStep;
            i        -= nextStep.distanceText.MakeMePartOfOptimalPath();
    //collects hexes in optimal path list and highlights them
    internal void MatchPath()
        optimalPath.Clear();                       //clears the list before re-filling
        targetHex = BattleController.targetToMove; //first hex included in optimal path

        //defines the distance from target hex
        int steps = targetHex.distanceText.distanceFromStartingPoint;

        for (int i = steps; i > 1;)                                      // iterates to find out all hexes to be included in optimal path
            AdjacentOption.GetAdjacentHexesExtended(targetHex);          //finds out hexes adjacent to targethex
            targetHex = nextStep;                                        // when the hex is included in list it becomes a new target hex
            i        -= nextStep.distanceText.MakeMePartOfOptimalPath(); // decreases the i variably by stepsToGo value
예제 #6
    // recopila hexágonos en la lista de ruta óptima y los resalta
    internal void MatchPath()
        optimalPath.Clear();                       // borra la lista antes de volver a llenarla
        targetHex = BattleController.targetToMove; // primer hexadecimal incluido en la ruta óptima

        // define la distancia desde el hex objetivo
        int steps = targetHex.distanceText.distanceFromStartingPoint;

        for (int i = steps; i > 1;)                                      // itera para averiguar todos los hexes que se incluirán en la ruta óptima
            AdjacentOption.GetAdjacentHexesExtended(targetHex);          // descubre los hexes adyacentes al targethex
            targetHex = nextStep;                                        // cuando el hexadecimal se incluye en la lista, se convierte en un nuevo hexadecimal objetivo
            i        -= nextStep.distanceText.MakeMePartOfOptimalPath(); // disminuye la i de forma variable por el valor de stepsToGo