public override void processEvent(Event @event)
                Video      video       = (Video);
                IAdContext adContext   = (IAdContext);
                IConstants adConstants = adContext.Constants;

                // This overrides what the plugin does by default for setVideoAsset() which is to pass in currentVideo.getId().
                adContext.setVideoAsset("3pqa_video", video.Duration / 1000, null, adConstants.VIDEO_ASSET_AUTO_PLAY_TYPE_ATTENDED(), (int)Math.Floor(new Random(1).NextDouble() * int.MaxValue), 0, adConstants.ID_TYPE_CUSTOM(), 0, adConstants.VIDEO_ASSET_DURATION_TYPE_EXACT());                 // duration type -  fallback ID -  type of video ID passed (customer created or FW issued) -  setting networkId for 0 as it's the default value for this method -  a random number -  auto play type -  location -  FW uses their duration as seconds; Android is in milliseconds -  video ID

                adContext.addSiteSectionNonTemporalSlot("300x250slot", null, 300, 250, null, true, null, null);

                // Add preroll
                Log.v(outerInstance.TAG, "Adding temporal slot for prerolls");
                adContext.addTemporalSlot("larry", "PREROLL", 0, null, 0, 0, null, null, 0);

                // Add midroll
                Log.v(outerInstance.TAG, "Adding temporal slot for midrolls");

                int midrollCount  = 1;
                int segmentLength = (video.Duration / 1000) / (midrollCount + 1);

                for (int i = 0; i < midrollCount; i++)
                    adContext.addTemporalSlot("moe" + i, "MIDROLL", segmentLength * (i + 1), null, 0, 0, null, null, 0);

                // Add postroll
                Log.v(outerInstance.TAG, "Adding temporal slot for postrolls");
                adContext.addTemporalSlot("curly", "POSTROLL", video.Duration / 1000, null, 0, 0, null, null, 0);

                // Add overlay
                Log.v(outerInstance.TAG, "Adding temporal slot for overlays");
                adContext.addTemporalSlot("shemp", "OVERLAY", 8, null, 0, 0, null, null, 0);