예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to find a registered part and then asks it to create a service action with the given initial serviceName parameter value.
        /// If the desired part cannot be found then the method returns null (if throwOnNotFound is false) or it throws a PartIDNotFoundException (if the throwOnNotFound is true).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="partID">Gives the part ID on which to create a service action.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">Gives the initial value of the service name to be performed, or null, or string.Empty if the name is not already known.</param>
        /// <param name="namedParamValues">Gives the initial value that the created action's NamedParamValues will be set to.</param>
        /// <param name="throwOnNotFound">When true this method will throw a PartIDNotFoundException if the given partID is not found.  When false the method will return null when the given partID is not found.</param>
        /// <exception cref="PartIDNotFoundException">Thrown when the partID is not found and throwOnNotFound is given as true.</exception>
        public IStringParamAction CreateServiceAction(string partID, string serviceName, INamedValueSet namedParamValues, bool throwOnNotFound)
            IActivePartBase part = FindPart(partID, throwOnNotFound);

            if (part == null)

            IStringParamAction action = part.CreateServiceAction(serviceName);

            action.NamedParamValues = namedParamValues;

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to register the given <paramref name="part"/> in this IPartsInterconnection table.
        /// If there is already a part that has been registered with the given PartID then this method uses the <paramref name="howToHandleDuplicates"/> parameter to select the desired behavior.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="DuplicatePartIDException">will be thrown if there is already a part registered with the partID registered and the <paramref name="howToHandleDuplicates"/> has been set to DuplicatePartBehavior.Throw</exception>
        public IActivePartBase RegisterPart(IActivePartBase part, DuplicatePartIDRegistrationBehavior howToHandleDuplicates = DuplicatePartIDRegistrationBehavior.Replace)
            string mesg = null;

            if (part == null)
                mesg = "{0} failed: given part parameter is null".CheckedFormat(Fcns.CurrentMethodName);
                string sanitizedPartID = part.PartID.Sanitize();

                lock (mutex)
                    IActivePartBase existingPart = partIDDictionary.SafeTryGetValue(sanitizedPartID);
                    if (existingPart == null)
                        partIDDictionary[sanitizedPartID] = part;
                        switch (howToHandleDuplicates)
                        case DuplicatePartIDRegistrationBehavior.None:
                            mesg = "Registration of PartID '{0}' did not replace previously registered part of the same name [by request, {1}]".CheckedFormat(sanitizedPartID, existingPart.GetType());

                        case DuplicatePartIDRegistrationBehavior.Replace:
                            partIDDictionary[sanitizedPartID] = part;
                            mesg = "Registration of PartID '{0}' replaced previously registered part of the same name [by request, {1}]".CheckedFormat(sanitizedPartID, existingPart.GetType());

                        case DuplicatePartIDRegistrationBehavior.Throw:
                            throw new DuplicatePartIDException("Registration of PartID '{0}' failed: by request cannot replace previously registered part with the same name [{1} {2}]".CheckedFormat(sanitizedPartID, Name, existingPart.GetType()));

            if (!mesg.IsNullOrEmpty())

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to find a registered part and return it.
        /// If the desired part cannot be found then the method returns null (if throwOnNotFound is false) or it throws a PartIDNotFoundException (if the throwOnNotFound is true).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="partID">Gives the part ID on which to create a service action.</param>
        /// <param name="throwOnNotFound">When true this method will throw a PartIDNotFoundException if the given partID is not found.  When false the method will return null when the given partID is not found.</param>
        /// <exception cref="PartIDNotFoundException">Thrown when the partID is not found and throwOnNotFound is given as true.</exception>
        public IActivePartBase FindPart(string partID, bool throwOnNotFound)
            IActivePartBase part = null;

            if (partID != null)
                lock (mutex)
                    partIDDictionary.TryGetValue(partID, out part);

            if (part == null && throwOnNotFound)
                throw new PartIDNotFoundException("PartID '{0}' was not found in Action Interconnection '{1}'".CheckedFormat(partID, Name));

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to register the given part as an available target for creation of Interconnected Actions
        /// </summary>
        public void RegisterPart(IActivePartBase part)
            IActivePartBase replacedPart = null;

            if (part != null && !part.PartID.IsNullOrEmpty())
                string partID = part.PartID;
                lock (mutex)
                    partIDDictionary.TryGetValue(partID, out replacedPart);
                    partIDDictionary[partID] = part;

            if (replacedPart != null)
                if (!object.ReferenceEquals(part, replacedPart))
                    Logger.Debug.Emit("Registration of PartID '{0}' replaced a previously registered part of the same name", part.PartID);
                    Logger.Debug.Emit("Redundant registration encountered for PartID '{0}'", part.PartID);