private void CreateDefaultUser() { var email = _configuration["DefaultUserEmail"]; using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (_accountManager.CreateUser(email) && _accountManager.CreateDefaultRoles() && _accountManager.SetUserRole( email, new SingleAccountEdit() { Permission = YearApPermissionLevels.Admin, VersionStamp = _accountManager.GetAccountInfoByEmail(email).LastUpdate })) { transaction.Commit(); _emailService.SendMessage(email, _configuration["WelcomeEmail:Subject"], _configuration["WelcomeEmail:Text"]); } else { transaction.Rollback(); } }catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); transaction.Rollback(); } } }
private void ThereIsUserWithRole(string userEmail, YearApPermissionLevels role) { using (var scope = WebHost.Services.CreateScope()) { var services = scope.ServiceProvider; manager = services.GetService <IAccountManagementService>(); manager.CreateUser(userEmail); var accountInfo = manager.GetAccountInfoByEmail(userEmail); manager.SetUserRole(userEmail, new SingleAccountEdit() { Permission = role, VersionStamp = accountInfo.LastUpdate }); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ExternalLoginCallback(string returnUrl = null, string remoteError = null) { if (remoteError != null) { _logger.LogError($"Error from external provider: {remoteError}"); return(Redirect(AccessDeniedPath)); } var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync(); if (info == null) { _logger.LogWarning("External provider returned no info"); return(Redirect(AccessDeniedPath)); } // Sign in the user with this external login provider if the user already has a login. var result = await _signInManager.ExternalLoginSignInAsync(info.LoginProvider, info.ProviderKey, isPersistent : false, bypassTwoFactor : true); var email = info.Principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Email); var user = _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email).Result; if (result.Succeeded) { _logger.LogInformation("User logged in with {Name} provider.", info.LoginProvider); user.LastLoginTime = DateTime.UtcNow; _userManager.UpdateAsync(user).Wait(); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } if (result.IsLockedOut) { _logger.LogWarning($"User {email} is locked out"); return(Redirect(AccessDeniedPath)); } // if the user doesn't exist but his email is, create the user var emailCreated = true; if (user == null && email.EndsWith(FeeEmailDomain)) { _logger.LogInformation($"Creating read-only user for email {email}"); emailCreated = _accountManager.CreateUser(email); user = _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email).Result; var editOperation = new SingleAccountEdit() { Permission = YearApPermissionLevels.ReadOnly, VersionStamp = user.LastUpdate, Flag = EditType.New, }; emailCreated = emailCreated && _accountManager.SetUserRole(email, editOperation); var emailSending = _emailService.SendMessage(email, _configuration.GetValue <string>("WelcomeEmail:Subject", ""), _configuration.GetValue <string>("WelcomeEmail:Text", "")); if (!emailSending.IsSuccessful) { _logger.LogError($"Tried to send an email to {email}, but it failed with {emailSending.ErrorMessage}"); } } // if the user exists but didn't succeed, associate his account to the new provider if (user != null && emailCreated) { _logger.LogInformation($"Associating {email} with external provider"); var associate = await _userManager.AddLoginAsync(user, info); if (associate.Succeeded) { await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false); _logger.LogInformation("User logged in with {Name} provider.", info.LoginProvider); user.LastLoginTime = DateTime.UtcNow; _userManager.UpdateAsync(user).Wait(); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } } _logger.LogWarning("User doesn't exist"); // if the user doesn't exist, his access is denied return(Redirect(AccessDeniedPath)); }