private bool IsExpectedFromRedaction(IAbstractTextType tt) { if (tt == null) return true; int iChildCount = tt.GetChildCount(); ContentType contType = tt.GetContentType(); switch (tt.GetContentType()) { case ContentType.Header: case ContentType.Footer: case ContentType.Endnote: case ContentType.Footnote: case ContentType.Paragraph: case ContentType.WorkshareProperty: case ContentType.CellText: case ContentType.HiddenColumn: case ContentType.HiddenRow: return true; // we don't clean any of these case ContentType.TextBox: if (IsPowerPoint() || IsExcel()) return true; break; case ContentType.AttachedTemplate: if (IsThereASignificantAttachedTemplate(tt)) return false; return true ; case ContentType.Field: if (AreThereAnyNonQuoteFields(tt)) return false; return true; case ContentType.HiddenText: if (TypeHasNonWhitespaceContent(tt)) return false; return true; } if (tt.GetChildCount() > 0) return false; return true; }
static private List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> _typeList2Pair( string key, string value, IAbstractTextType textType) { List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> pairList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>(); try { for (int i = 0; i < textType.GetChildCount(); ++i) { IAbstractTextNode textNode = textType.GetChild(i); string keyStr = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, key); string valStr = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, value); pairList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(keyStr, valStr)); } } catch( System.Exception e ) { Logger.LogError(e); } return pairList; }
public static string DumpTextType(IAbstractTextType ttOrig) { StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < ttOrig.GetChildCount(); i++) { bld.Append(DumpNode(ttOrig.GetChild(i))); } return bld.ToString(); }
public static void CheckNode(IAbstractTextType ttype, string expectedName, string expectedValue) { for (int i = 0; i < ttype.GetChildCount(); i++) { IAbstractTextNode iAbstractTextNode = ttype.GetChild(i); Assert.IsNotNull(iAbstractTextNode); Assert.Greater(iAbstractTextNode.GetInfo("Name").Count, 0, "missing info for the property name"); if (expectedName == iAbstractTextNode.GetInfo("Name")[0].value) { Assert.Greater(iAbstractTextNode.GetInfo("Value").Count, 0, "missing info for the property value"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, iAbstractTextNode.GetInfo("Value")[0].value, "Built in property name incorrect"); return; } } Assert.Fail("Didn't find the property type expected - " + expectedName); }
static private List<string> _typeList2List(IAbstractTextType textType) { List<string> list = new List<string>(); try { for (int i = 0; i < textType.GetChildCount(); ++i) { IAbstractTextNode textNode = textType.GetChild(i); for (int j = 0; j < textNode.GetInfoCount(); ++j) { NodeInfo nodeInfo = textNode.GetInfo(j); string nodeValue = (nodeInfo != null) ? nodeInfo.value : ""; list.Add(EscapeXML(nodeValue)); } } } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e); } return list; }
private static void HyperLinks(IDocumentReader reader, string typeText, IAbstractTextType textType) { /* DOC textNode.GetInfo(0) name: "Content" type: String value: "HYPERLINK" XLS textNode.GetInfo(0) name: "Description" type: String value: "" textNode.GetInfo(1) name: "Path" type: String value: "" PPT textNode.GetInfo(0) name: "Content" type: String value: "HL 1" textNode.GetInfo(1) name: "Path" type: String value: "" */ /// List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> pairList = _typeList2Pair(textType); for (int i = 0; i < textType.GetChildCount(); ++i) { IAbstractTextNode textNode = textType.GetChild(i); string keyStr = textNode.GetInfo(0).name; string valStr = (textNode.GetInfoCount() > 1) ? textNode.GetInfo(1).value : textNode.GetInfo(0).value; string builtString = @""; builtString += @"<" + typeText; builtString += @" Type="""; builtString += keyStr; builtString += @""">"; builtString += _putCDataSection(valStr); builtString += @"</" + typeText + @">"; reader.OnContentData(typeText, builtString, ref MetadataProcessor._cancel); } }
static private List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> _typeList2Pair(IAbstractTextType textType) { List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> pairList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>(); try { for (int i = 0; i < textType.GetChildCount(); ++i) { IAbstractTextNode textNode = textType.GetChild(i); for (int j = 0; j < textNode.GetInfoCount(); ++j) { NodeInfo nodeInfo = textNode.GetInfo(j); pairList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(, EscapeXML(nodeInfo.value))); } } } catch( System.Exception e ) { Logger.LogError(e); } return pairList; }
private bool HadJustThisDocumentMacro(IAbstractTextType ttOrig) { if (ttOrig.GetChildCount() != 1) return false; return (ttOrig.GetChild(0).GetInfo("Name")[0].value == "ThisDocument"); }
private static void RoutingSlip(IDocumentReader reader, string typeText, IAbstractTextType textType) { for (int i = 0; i < textType.GetChildCount(); ++i) { IAbstractTextNode textNode = textType.GetChild(i); string message = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "Message"); string subject = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "Subject"); string builtString = @""; builtString += @"<" + typeText; builtString += @" Message="""; builtString += message; builtString += @""""; builtString += @" Subject="""; builtString += subject; builtString += @""">"; builtString += @"<Recipients>"; List<NodeInfo> nodeRecipients = textNode.GetInfo("Recipient"); List<string> recipients = new List<string>(); foreach (NodeInfo nodeRecipi in nodeRecipients) { builtString += @"<Recipient>"; builtString += nodeRecipi.value; builtString += @"</Recipient>"; } builtString += @"</Recipients>"; builtString += @"</" + typeText + @">"; reader.OnContentData(typeText, builtString, ref MetadataProcessor._cancel); } }
public static void HiddenTexts(IDocumentReader reader, string typeText, IAbstractTextType textType) { try { for (int loopi = 0; loopi < textType.GetChildCount(); ++loopi) { IAbstractTextNode textNode = textType.GetChild(loopi); string content = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "Content"); if (!_isCommentOrParagraphMarker(content)) { string builtString = @""; builtString += @"<" + typeText; for (int loopj = 0; loopj < textNode.GetInfoCount(); ++loopj) { NodeInfo nodeInfo = textNode.GetInfo(loopj); string nodeValue = (nodeInfo != null) ? nodeInfo.value : ""; string nodeKey = (nodeInfo != null) ? : ""; if (!nodeKey.Equals("Content")) { builtString += @" "; builtString += nodeKey; builtString += @"="""; builtString += nodeValue; builtString += @""""; } } builtString += @">"; builtString += _putCDataSection(content); builtString += @"</" + typeText + @">"; reader.OnContentData(typeText, builtString, ref MetadataProcessor._cancel); } } } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.LogError("Exception within MetadataProcessor::HiddenTexts for " + typeText + ", " + textType); Logger.LogError(e); } }
public static void TrackChanges(IDocumentReader reader, string typeText, IAbstractTextType textType) { int trackChangeLimit = MetadataProcessor._TrackChangeLimit; for (int i = 0; i < textType.GetChildCount() && i < trackChangeLimit; ++i) { IAbstractTextNode textNode = textType.GetChild(i); string content = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "Content"); string author = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "Author"); string type = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "Type"); if (!_isCommentOrParagraphMarker(content)) { string builtString = @""; builtString += @"<" + typeText; builtString += @" Author="""; builtString += author; builtString += @""""; builtString += @" Type="""; builtString += type; builtString += @""">"; builtString += _putCDataSection(content); builtString += @"</" + typeText + @">"; reader.OnContentData(typeText, builtString, ref MetadataProcessor._cancel); } } }
static private string _typeList2String(IAbstractTextType textType) { NodeInfo nodeInfo = null; if (textType.GetChildCount() > 0) { IAbstractTextNode textNode = textType.GetChild(0); if (textNode.GetInfoCount() > 0) { nodeInfo = textNode.GetInfo(0); } } string strValue = (nodeInfo == null) ? "" : nodeInfo.value; return EscapeXML(strValue); }
private static void AttachedTemplate(IDocumentReader reader, string typeText, IAbstractTextType textType) { if (textType.GetChildCount() > 0) { IAbstractTextNode textNode = textType.GetChild(0); string path = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "Path"); string name = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "Name"); string builtString = @""; builtString += @"<" + typeText; builtString += @" Name="""; builtString += name; builtString += @""""; builtString += @" Path="""; builtString += path; builtString += @""""; builtString += @" />"; reader.OnContentData(typeText, builtString, ref MetadataProcessor._cancel); } }
private static void RedactedText(IDocumentReader reader, string typeText, IAbstractTextType textType) { /* textNode.GetInfo(0) name: "Content" type: String value: "" textNode.GetInfo(1) name: "SheetName" type: String value: "Sheet1" textNode.GetInfo(2) name: "Row" type: Long value: "67" textNode.GetInfo(3) name: "Column" type: Long value: "1" */ for (int i = 0; i < textType.GetChildCount(); ++i) { IAbstractTextNode textNode = textType.GetChild(i); string content = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "Content"); string sheet = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "SheetName"); string row = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "Row"); string column = _nodeValueFromName(textNode, "Column"); StringBuilder builtString = new StringBuilder(@""); builtString.Append(@"<" + typeText); builtString.Append(@" Row="""); builtString.Append(row); builtString.Append(@""""); builtString.Append(@" Column="""); builtString.Append(column); builtString.Append(@""">"); builtString.Append(@"<Content>"); builtString.Append(content); builtString.Append(@"</Content>"); builtString.Append(@"<Sheet>"); builtString.Append(sheet); builtString.Append(@"</Sheet>"); builtString.Append(@"</" + typeText + @">"); reader.OnContentData(typeText, builtString.ToString(), ref MetadataProcessor._cancel); } }
private bool AreAllTextBoxesPictures(IAbstractTextType ttOrig) { for (int i = 0; i < ttOrig.GetChildCount(); i++) { if (!IsEmbeddingOrEmpty(ttOrig.GetChild(i))) return false; } return true; }
private void CheckContentNode(IAbstractTextType ttype, string expectedValue) { for (int i = 0; i < ttype.GetChildCount(); i++) { IAbstractTextNode iAbstractTextNode = ttype.GetChild(i); Assert.IsNotNull(iAbstractTextNode); Assert.Greater(iAbstractTextNode.GetInfo("Content").Count, 0, "missing info for the property name"); string thisValue = iAbstractTextNode.GetInfo("Content")[0].value; if (expectedValue == thisValue) return; } Assert.Fail("Didn't find the content expected - " + expectedValue); }
private bool IsThereASignificantAttachedTemplate(IAbstractTextType tt) { if (tt.GetChildCount() == 0) return false; for (int i = 0; i < tt.GetChildCount(); i++) { IAbstractTextNode node = tt.GetChild(i); for (int j = 0; j < node.GetInfoCount(); j++) { NodeInfo ni = node.GetInfo(j); if ( == "Content") { if (ni.value.Trim() != "") return true; } } } return false; }
private bool IsAllWhiteSpace(IAbstractTextType ttOrig) { for (int i = 0; i < ttOrig.GetChildCount(); i++) { if (!IsAllWhiteSpace(ttOrig.GetChild(i))) return false; } return true; }
private bool TypeHasNonWhitespaceContent(IAbstractTextType tt) { for (int i = 0; i < tt.GetChildCount(); i++) { IAbstractTextNode node = tt.GetChild(i); for (int j = 0; j < node.GetInfoCount(); j++) { NodeInfo ni = node.GetInfo(j); if ( == "Content") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ni.value.Trim())) return true; } } } return false; }
private bool AreThereAnyNonQuoteFields(IAbstractTextType tt) { for (int i = 0; i < tt.GetChildCount(); i++) { IAbstractTextNode node = tt.GetChild(i); for (int j = 0; j < node.GetInfoCount(); j++) { NodeInfo ni = node.GetInfo(j); if ( == "Content") { if (ni.value != "QUOTE") return true; } } } return false; }